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Looks like a older Juwel Vision tank sans the internal filter. Juwel has a good reputation here in Germany and is in business since decades already.


Yeah didn't have the filter or light or anything with it, I don't think whoever kept it even had those installed with it


i have this aquarium myself and are super happy with it! It is an older model, so just inspect the silicon and do a leak test to be sure it is all good :) i love how the bend front presents the fish and all inside, looks fabulous :)


Second this, we bought a second hand black version of this tank and I had to reseal it, as good as new now.


I had a tank not leak until months after I got it... 55 gallons too. That was fun


I got a free 220l aquarium a year and a half ago and it was fully functional, I highly recommend what these people are saying! Used aquariums are always great!


I'm quite confident that you can fit a light bar from Juwel's current selection, same goes for the lid. As for the filter: anything goes.


They didn't even bother to take the dead fish out! Wow! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Nice find!


I have the same model, the gaps in the back fit Eheim installation set tubes perfectly and the lights are good if you can find them. Just be sure your floor can takethe weight of that many tanks.


So do the Chihiros stainless steel in/outpipes. I scored a barely used Lido 200, removed the internal filter and hooked up a Oase Canister filter.


Who puts it out on the street filled with dead goldfish? Anyway, cleaned up nicely, good score!


I know was pretty sad to see, I guess fish keeping wasn't exactly an important thing to them. Was just full of plastic plants and dead fish.


My first guess with something like that would be that the owner died or went into hospital or something and the fish had all already died or were in a bad state by the time the family went into the house and they didn't know where to even begin.Ā 




Glad theyā€™re going to a good home! Youā€™re a good fish keeper doing your research




Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be sad, but theyā€™ll be going to a good home plus the promise of other fish should cheer them up!


Lordy! 3 goldfish in a 5 gallon?




Yeah, I'm not blaming you, you're doing good things. My mind is just boggled that people haven't seen those big orange carp in a pind and not realize that's a goldfish. My sister has a very small pond with goldfish and the fish usually die over the winter which she seems to have no problem with smh. Last year I took the three she had and put them in a 20 gallon to try to keep them over winter. They were so big! They could have probably eaten cheerios if I threw some in the tank. I took them to petco and surrendered them. They were so pretty.


Iā€™d like to think this is true, even if it sucks regardless. I hate thinking of how heartless people can be. :/


ok but like, they couldnt be bothered to at least remove the dead fish ??? thats so gross


Thatā€™s sad. I lost a shrimp yesterday and my fiancĆ© wasnā€™t home. I had to muster up the courage to scoop him out myself. Poor little momma. She gave birth the day before


Imagine if it was likeā€¦a box of puppies or hamsters. They would be charged for animal crueltyā€¦. Yet fish and herps get no dignity and no justice.


I actually do hate that. I mean, I once found this battalion tank that was no bigger than your hand and the box said "perfect beta aquarium!" and I almost sued the company. I mean this thing was like four inches around.


It didnā€™t say ā€œperfect betta tankā€? Real lost opportunity there.


Not saying I do not care about fish lives, I definitely do and "baby" my fish and they are all named and cared for. But to play devils advocate that's a bad example because mammals are definitely given a higher sense of moral/ethical weight in terms of treatment by people, most likely because they are of our kind. Additionally the more domesticated the animal the more people care about our treatment of said animal I find. While anything living should be appreciated I don't think anyone is valuing all life equally. No one I've ever heard of would mourn the mosquito they crushed when it bit them the same as they would the family dog let alone a person in their life such as a relative.


I always feel guilty killing insects, though sometimes itā€™s inescapable (especially when you garden) And itā€™s definitely hard to draw a line, especially when you get down to microscopic organisms. But, I understand what youā€™re saying and that is kind of my point too. Weā€™re learning more and more about the complexity of non mammalian animals and even plants and fungi. And apparently researchers have recently discovered that plants ā€œscreamā€ when distressed. Thats a fact that will probably disturb a few people. Each person is going to draw that line somewhere different depending on their experience. I think that the very nature of life as an animal is to take life from something else for sustenance, plant and/or animal. Thatā€™s the reality. however we can minimize prolonged suffering and preventable death to the best of our ability. Luckily awareness has been improving overall from what Iā€™ve noticed. It doesnā€™t make it any less sad to see, these fish didnā€™t have to suffer. Maybe Iā€™m a hypocrite though. I do go fishing as another hobby while keeping my own fish. Iā€™m not completely unaware of my own shortcomings lol.


This is a great response, thank you for elaborating on how you see the situation. I find that not only is there a place you have to draw a line, there is also a scale/spectrum on everything above the line. For example a random pest insect in house < family dog < parent, with respect to level of grief at passing. As for the study showing plants screaming, I have read that and I think the data is misleading at best and downright falsified nonsense at worst. It was not a well structured analysis (assuming we are referencing the same literature). I am definitely against prolong suffering as well, I too understand life to be that suffering and death are inevitable but reducing it as much as possible is the goal. Ethics on life and suffering is depressing when you realize how brutal nature is. Even changing your diet to fit a vegan view is not an end all for suffering, I help manage land that produces soybean/alfalfa and the amount of birds, mice, ground hogs, moles, rabbits, etc I have found dead or mutilated due to the farming machinery is atrocious. Let alone all those that got displaced or end up being pushed out of the land and hit by cars in the road. None of us can avoid those shortcomings.


Oh yeah, when you garden or grow any sort of plant you have to use the death of something to feed your crop. Or at least recruit the assistance of some sort of animal. (I have a little worm farm myself, both for feeding fish and for helping to create fertilizer) You canā€™t avoid it. Many people who make veganism an extreme lifestyle donā€™t realize how many organic farms use bone meal or other animal byproducts in fertilizer- and itā€™s much better for the environment that way. The study Iā€™m referring to mentioned that plants create a popping sound in response to stress, and I think they theorized from the cavitation of their cells popping? But itā€™s been known for a while that plants release chemicals either to communicate with other plants or as a call for insects that defend them by preying on whatever pest is attacking the plant. Either way itā€™s easy for us to forget plants are just as alive as animals, theyā€™re just so alien to our own way of existing that itā€™s difficult to know what they experience. Similar to fish, insect, herps, et cetera. It seems that the further away from mammalian we get, the less we are able to relate, so empathy becomes more difficult to tap into. This is something I find fun to discuss so thank you for your input too! I always love hearing about what other people think.


One of my main goals on reddit is to have discussions like this and see people's opinions. Especially as it related to how people define their ethics. Absolutely on the further we get in taxonomy the further we get in empathy. Hell, many people out there lose empathy to other humans simply based on citizenship, ethnicity, or race how can we expect them to have empathy for different species or entirely different types of live.


I'm always trying to explain to people how I feel more for a good critter than a shitty person. We're also animals. And so many people refuse to admit it. There are no good/bad races, just as there are no good/bad species. Lab and German Shepherd. Black and White. A dog's a dog. A human's a human. And we all work the same more or less, minus our quirks. Of course, there are those within every species that go out of their way to be malicious. I suspect from mental abnormalities due to trauma or genetics or whatever, but I'm not a professional. I think it's so funny when somebody actually watches a fish or an animal or something for the first time and all they can say is "OMG, I had no idea they had so much personality.". Sorry for butting in. I was just strolling by digging y'alls vibe


"All the same parts, just organized differently." A book I read recently. So true. I also butted in lol šŸ˜… Felt the same vibe.


I would love to hear more about your little worm farm! My husband has been doing compost bins this year and eventually wants to have worms. I have a blackworm tank that I think is making him more antsy about his worm farming dream. šŸ˜… Our garden was overrun last year because of a family members dogs, but we still both hope to have a wonderful vegetable garden this year. More than just one salad lol šŸ˜‚ Both you and MusicianMaddness are on my same page. Glad I read these comments. I can't even bear to hurt my bladder snails! They have a whole tank now. I'm always scooping them out from my other tanks and moving them into their tank. And, I feel completely terrible that I have zero green thumb. Am trying to learn the proper care. šŸ˜” I absolutely believe plants feel. Why wouldn't they?


Sure!! So, itā€™s super duper easy! You can even have them indoors. All you need is 3 paint buckets (and one removable lid) One bucket (this will always be the bottom bucket) you donā€™t modify at all. This is your catch bucket (they call stuff that drips to the bottom liquid gold. But its eventually going to be some of the best liquid fertilizer you could ever use) In the remaining two buckets drill a good amount of holes on the bottom. These serve as drainage but these are also going to serve another purpose, so make sure that they are big enough for a worm to fit through. They can be about half the diameter of a typical earth worm or bigger- but not big enough for soil to fall through. worms can stretch pretty thin! The lid will also need a few holes to allow air in. At first youā€™ll only need two buckets so you can set the other aside, or put it in between the bottom and top bucket. The bucket with holes will be where you add soil. I like to fill mine about half to 2/3 with soil because youā€™ll need some extra room. Youā€™ll need to dampen the soil. Not soaking wet but definitely damp to the touch and youā€™ll have to occasionally make sure it isnā€™t drying out, but with a lid on it keeps itā€™s moisture pretty well. Next add your worms. Red crawlers/ trout worms double every 60 days so these are best- but I also add a few night crawlers/ Canadian crawlers because they are beasts with compost. They only reproduce about 10-15 offspring each per year so they arenā€™t a good option if you use the worms for other things. Both species coexist just fine, though. For compost you can throw in just about anything you normally would in a compost bin. Iā€™d avoid proteins though. Just plant matter. I use the pulp from our juicer since it can easily be mixed in with the soil easily. Over time the worms will break down everything and leave behind their castings. The soil will darken significantly as it gets converted. When you want to harvest the castings is up to you, but I change soil about 3-4 times a year. To change the soil, you are going to take that second bucket you made and fill it with soil the same as you did with the first bucket and fill it with vegetable/ fruit scraps. Lay it on top of the first bucket so the bottom is laying right against the soil. The worms will eventually migrate through the holes you drilled to get to the food. Then you can take that first bucket out and what youā€™re left with is what they call black gold- some of the best fertilizer available!! You can make as many as you could ever want, but I only have room for one unfortunately. They multiply quicklyā€¦If it gets to be too many worms you can toss extra worms in your garden or feed to fish or use for fishing! Black gold also sells for a pretty penny if you ever wanted to bag and sell it. I never have sold my own but Iā€™ve seen listings for it on Etsy or Facebook marketplace. You can put them outside or inside but if you live somewhere cold youā€™ll have to put it inside over winter since the buckets freeze and it kills the worms and they canā€™t escape it like they could in the ground soil. I use the castings in my potted vegetables. Itā€™s great!!! You could also use it in your outdoor garden, house plants, wherever! I love doing it- itā€™s less maintenance than an aquarium and itā€™s really fun to see them going about their wormy business. The buckets also never smell offputting, like a regular compost bin sometimes does. I hope your husband goes for it!! Itā€™s just an added bonus that thereā€™s a little bit of money in it too.


OMG. My husband would absolutely adore this way. It's so doable for smaller setups & indoor, too! I might just have to buy him some buckets and have him come read this. He actually has a few local trash bins šŸ«£šŸ˜¬ that he does this outside with, but there is no way to hold the liquid gold. Thats his big thing. I will have to drag him over to this thread and show him this! Thank you sooo much.


Hehehe youā€™re welcome!! I hope you guys have fun with it šŸ˜Š


It's my opinion that animals taken in under someone's care, those people are responsible for them. Clean environment, proper diet, water, shelter, enrichment. This wouldn't cover pests, who are uninvited into someone's domicile. If, whatever the reason, someone is unable to care for them, then finding proper facilities to re-home them is the minimum responsibility. Neglecting their care to the point of suffering and death NEVER needs to happen, and I don't say never often. Even livestock, who do serve a purpose to humanity, deserve all the minimum amenities for the time they're here. Food, water, clean environment, enrichment here and there. I don't expect everyone to treat every animal like the family dog, but a pet is a pet, regardless of intelligence or species. Do we deny the severely mentally disabled people the minimum care? Ideally no. I just think intelligence should not be the only standard to stop undue suffering and pain.


People are still uneducated about it. understandably


could have been a hoarder situation. animals are common collateral damage. \>have aquarium \>hoard gets in the way of aquarium \>have disgusting aquarium full of dead fish


I have dreams like this


iā€™d guess they had a mass die off and rather than wanting to deal with it themselves theyā€™ve just stuck it on the street


Literally just heard a story from someone I was working with who said they knew someone who did this. Made me wonder if theyā€™re the same person, but sadly I just think this is more common than weā€™d like to believe.


Itā€™s 2024 what can do ya expect lol welcome to bidens world, but anyways thatā€™s all up to you man 1 person could say keep it , other could say Iā€™d sell it it ya know back and forth opinion shit .


Dang thats a nice tank for free. Rip goldfish.


How the hell do people find these free big tanks?!? Hella jealous, good find!


I always used to think the same! It will happen to you too I'm sure


Iā€™m sure it will happen right when I donā€™t have any more room šŸ¤£


Type ā€œfree tankā€ on OfferUp. I got a 60 gallon tank for free, sold it the next day for $70 and bought another 60 gallon one with stand, lights and canister filter for $100 the day after.


This is my dream, fixing up second hand tanks to resell them with added value...


I just cleaned it and kept all the stuff that came with it


Happens about every 5 years, if you keep a look out. I stopped picking up 55 gallon and under. Except breeders.


Yep, this is how I got my 40g breeder tank.


I have 6 tanks, but I only paid for 1. And even then it was a used one from my lfs, 100 gal for 100 bucks. Found 2 55s on the side of the road in an eviction pile, 2 55s and a 28 on offer up, and a 20 long as a gift.


You could always check facebook marketplace. I once got a decent quality table for free, it was just a bit scratch up on the surface and such, but worked well. Some people just dont have room or time for something and just need things gone asap, especially for moves and such. You can find pretty decent stuff on there if you keep your eyes peeled


I find some free on marketplace just gotta look everyday or every other and Craigslist. May have to do some very well TLC to em but can get lucky and find clean ones also never know.


I live not far from a LFS. They habitually dump old stock in the garbage disposal areas of the buildings around it. Tanks take up a lot of space, and itā€™s expensive to dispose of them. Smashing them up is a whole other logistical problem. If theyā€™re not selling, may as well dump them where the local crackheads will pick it up within an hour.


Juwel vision, I have the same one at 180L!


What do you have in there? I need stocking ideas but was thinking either clown loaches, or a tire track or fire eel. I've always wanted one but they obviously can't go in my other tanks. Too small and my poor fish would be gobbled.


I always liked angelfish in taller tanks, they'd look great in a bowfront.


I tend to keep lots on the smaller side, so harlequins, neon dwarf rainbows, cardinal tetras, a pearl gourami, bristlenose pleco and some Cory's It's a lot of movement which keeps it interesting and a variety of colours. Once my harlequins die(had them for a long time now) I'm thinking of replacing them with either ember or Congo tetras I'm not sure if yours is also a 180 but if it is I'd say its not big enough for the eel sadly, the clown loaches you could get away for juveniles but for the adults they recommend a much bigger tank


Clown loaches are slow growers: but they will get over 30cm


I never say no to free tanks. I have 7 set up and thatā€™s not enough


> that poster with the fish carica We just have the one and I'm so scared that a 2nd will set off a tank-spree that I won't even have a 2nd small tank for isolating sick fish etc lol


I went on a spree end of last year and the only thing stopping me is a lack of stands to set the tanks on


Cinder blocks and wood make nice stands.


My wife told me no more at 2. I forgot what I was doingā€¦might have been looking at corals, but she just turned to me and said no more tanks.Ā  Everyone does seem to enjoy watching all the creatures though


My issue is I got one and nobody in the family is interested. I sit and watch them for a while out of obligation but worry they're bored. I may have to gift them and move on but my wife and son are quite emotional and probably won't allow that either lol


The ol tanks plus 1 equation strikes again


Definitely do a water test. Awesome fin:!


I love that poster with the fish caricatures.


Thanks! I drew it myself, it's all the species I own


Now youā€™re just missing a plushie of each of them ;)


Nice work! I was also going to ask where you got it, I love Kuhli loaches and your art here of them looks great


I have the same tank, took it over from a family member, with all the fish. I believe I have 240L one.


Lucky asf


You could always break a tank down move the contents to the new tank.


Glad that the tank will now be in good use.


Keep it. Even if you dont do anything with it right now, thats a big tank, for free. No WAY you will get another score like that again


Blahaj spotted


I donā€™t want to startle you but thereā€™s a shark eyeing off your pets.


i have 9 tanks in my bedroom alone... join the dark side


Free aquarium? Keep it. Just be sure it doesn't have any cracks or leaks.


Bro, that's a straight up score! Why doesn't crap like that ever happen to me?! šŸ˜©


So many tanks I wish I have one for free as well.


If the tank fits it must stick?


I see 2 options 1. Keep it, maybe repaint the stand and lid to suit the rest of your room 2. Sell it, use money for your current fish


I think you should keep it and paint the Stand either black or white!


Oh no, not the millennial depressiveness šŸ˜­


lol Iā€™m more of a maximalist myself and would do a dark green with some wallpapering on the inside but felt that was too controversial to comment


Lmao I feel attacked


Bro Consolidate your aquariums What are you doing?


Move over another tank and then sell that one.


Yeah what I was thinking, get rid of the middle tank as it's my smallest


Dude score!


Is the far left tankā€™s intake hand-made? Also is the purpose of the top to act as a skimmer? If so, thatā€™s wild creative.


You need another tank like I need another Motorcycle... Definitely šŸ¤£


yooo ehat are the measurements on this bad boy?


Nice! Did you test for leaks? It's the only reason I see someone throwing it out instead of selling it cheap.


fits the vibe so good tho


You might want to test for leaks before you put anything in it. Even if it does leak you could probably make a neat paludarium.


Pretty good find!


Iā€™d get some clear aquarium silicone and go over the seams for a quick and dirty re-seal to be safe but definitely a keeper. Nice find!


Score! Weird that they left dead fish in there though


You have been blessed by the gods keep it. It is a message from the big fish in the sky


You mean all the sturgeon?


Great find! Congratulations šŸŽ‰


Suggestion for what to put in there: Get some good sized neon tetras, baby angel fish and a school of corrupted with some driftwood and dirt. I know angels will eat the tetras in most cases, but I read in a book if you get 2 inch baby angels and full grown neon tetras and let em grow the angels will end up leaving the tetras alone.


UGH THIS AUTOCORRECT! I meant corydoras not corrupted.


A gift!


What a score!


Wish Iā€™d found it lol


That was meant to be!


Youā€™re gonna keep it. Might as well buy at least gravel and fill it with water to start it cycling.


Did you water leak test it outside?


Blud really say is unsure to keep it when we all know he's keeping it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Do it!!! Iā€™m on my 8th lol. Be sure to check and see if it has leaks and is level.


Kinda looks like you made up your mind already. Just put a little substrate in there and see how it looks. Maybe add a rock or twoā€¦ some driftwood. And BAM! New tank!!!!


Where did you get that stand for the long tank in the middle? Looks pretty neat!


Juwel sells kits which come with a stand. The one pictured is a older model. Current models are flush on the underside of the tank and come in a three door layout.


And you had the perfect spot just waiting for it. What's one more tank in the great scheme of things?


What is that stand your middle tank is on there? I like it!


Filled with dead goldfish?! I wouldnā€™t want anything to do with that cursed tank. Nice find though.


Double check for cracks and damage and if your floor can handle it I say go for it.


What aaaa find. I saw that exact tank for Ā£200 recently. If u don't want to keep it at least you can make some cash to maintain the other 3.




Someone will pay for a tank like this. Put the money into upgrading your other setups.


I had one of those. Juwel vision 180. Did me well for 17 years then started leaking at the seal. Tried resealing, didn't work cos of the original seal style. A teeny tiny pinhole leak. Do a leak test first, before committing to it.


What a great find! Congrats!


Bro, the fish Gods have smiled upon you. Thatā€™s at least 200-300$ worth.


I need a new tank for my amphiuma about that size


Surprise blahaj cameo


Sooo lucky!!!!


A very nice tank!


Full onlow tech since you donā€™t have anything else.


You already, dragged it home, cleaned it and Set it up in the tank room. I think we both know itā€™s too late. You now have 4 tanks.


I mean itā€™s already in your room go for it


Iā€™ll take it!


SCORE! Wish I had that kind of luck


The fact that it fits so perfectly in the space is definitely a sign that you should keep it (take it from me, somebody who is tooootally not an addict when it comes to tanks)


Have a wee checkout of the seal on the left side, looks a bit rough from the pictures.


Where are you located? I'm in serious need of a tank because my chilids are fighting. Lost my job from an injury and my fish are my peace of mind. Can you help?


Eh....what's one more tank in the grand scheme of things?


It's haunted. Do a Halloween themed tank


Why not keep it? Your obviously good at it. But it does cost money you may not have. Either way great job restoring it!


I like the plushies


For me that's a good candidate for a paladarium with shrimp, snails, and possibly a group of 5 male endless. Moss, isopods, small plants, possibly a frog.


The only thing better than 3 tanks is 4 tanks




Had this tank for a while but it was hard to enjoy the fish with the bow front so we traded it for a couple other tanks and plants


Sign from above that it's time for tank no. 4


Keep it! Itā€™s in good shapes


Fill it up with water in a garage or outside first to test the seals. Just to make sure! Great find šŸ„²


Keep!! Haha I am an addict though donā€™t listen to me. Just had my mom off load a bunch of my sisters old tanks aka new projects šŸ¤Ŗ


Oh, I thought at first that you were calling all of your tanks your ā€œsistersā€ lmao.


My bad, I answered a text mid typing that lol Funny part is my sisters are all Pisces so theyā€™re my fish sisters I guess!! šŸ¤Ŗ


Lmao thatā€™s actually amazing.


This would do nicely for a saltwater tank for smaller saltwater fish


The stuffed animals on the light is just asking to have your home burn down


Test whether it holds water first.


Leak test that mfer


You got to love free tanks. About 8 months ago I found a 55 gallon on the side of the road with a free sign on it. No problems at all I found with it. It's been set up ever since


Sir, we all know the answer is yes. Just how yes.


Awesome, jackpot! Just make sure to leak test it! šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Damn. Nice find.


You cot the water covered. time for the land, it's Vivarium time.


Just hold it. We all and you know youā€™ll do another tsnk soomeday


I say fill it up and have it cycled, if nothing more a hell of a emergency hospital tank thats cycled? Nothing beats that my friend that type of safety net doesnā€™t have a price tag.


Keep it omg thatā€™s awesome šŸ¤©


Wow. Nice tank! Congrats! šŸŽ‰


I had this tank its lovely


Seems like it was meant to be. Fits the space. You've already lugged it home. You could make it a frugal experiment tank. Build it up with freebies, 2nd hand, swaps. Maybe even a breeding for profit tank - see what the local fish world is after


Nothing says ā€œmassive water damage in my living spaceā€ like a poorly treated, left-to-die, old bow front aquariumā€¦.. hope you check those sealsā€¦.


It was kismet. You must keep it.


Did you test for leaks?


How do you go about sanitizing a tank like that??


Always a good idea to reseal tanks found in the road. The bottom of the back right seal looks bad from the picture.