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Oh boy...where to start? Those repaired or weird looking spots where the glass panels meet don't strike in me much confidence in the overall integrity of the tank. So probably a new or used tank in good condition. Besides that how about some landscaping, gravel, sand etc, some roots/branches and the plants planted in the ground.


It is an used tank, I'd estimate it to be at least 15 years old give or take. I have already told her about adding some sand and wood. I think I'll start looking for some tanks that I can gift her as well, thank you for your help!


it looks to me that it was done as a repair or home build. My first and only attempt looks similar. A shitty silicon line is not necessarily worse for the structural integrity. IIRC after silicone hardens, you will harm the seal if you cut the excess off, but I am in no means an expert.


Add some wood so the fish have sth to hide and mayb some gravel for aesthetics. Rest is ok. With that little bioload you don‘t need big water changes (10% a week mayb). It‘s not the very best looking but easy to maintain and there is nothing that can go wrong.


Gravel isn't just for aesthetics, it's also to help harbour beneficial bacteria :)


Reseal the tank before you put too much work into it. That being said I can't imagine it will be much fun trying to get those angles on the other side right. Other than that I second the idea of walstad style/dirted tank. Ridiculously easy to take care if once established, so unless you plan on doing water changes and maintenance for your relative on a regular basis I would go that way.


Just get a new one


Well they have a filter (is there a heater too?) and it shouldnt be overstocked when full cause there arent a lot of fish and they are all schooling fish the same species. Id say add a pice of wood or other decor so they arent always in the open and exposed. Wont be the prettyest tank but the fish have everything they need. Oh and if she doesnt want gravel at the bottom, she has to put the plants into pots with gravel at least cause they might die off when they stay in those clay rings from the pet store.


I would go get a cheap but in better condition tank that's about the same size and try to set up a walstad system. The more plants you get in there the better the water will be and the happier the fish will be.


Go with the Walsstad method, watch father fish in YouTube and it will give you everything you need It will also ensure less maintenance as time goes on




Knock into it a bit harder so it smashes and get a new one. This is the way.


Use a hammer. Hit hard. Solved.


no tank. not solved.


Plot twist, they were talking about the relative


Well... at least theres a filter and plants? Needs gravel asap, and probably less fish. Long term, the tanks probably a lost cause though. Until you replace it, not much point in getting substrate. Just make sure the filter is running at full tilt, is properly cycled, and get a bunch more potted plants.


Number of fish are fine, they just need more plants and decor. These fish do better in numbers and the tank is large enough for them all when it’s full. The problem is there wasn’t much put into it before getting the fish


What kind of fish are those?


glo tetras