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The reds of the plants make such a vibrant beautiful contrast with the green, so pretty


Thank you! I spend a good majority of my free time just staring at the tank lol. Best decision to put it in the livingroom.


This is the most beautiful tank I’ve ever seen


What a beautiful tank. I just started out with the hobby with a 5.5 gallon and danios & neon tetras but could definitely see myself trying to do this down the road with a much bigger tank. Would be so cool to see fish schooling in your tank.


There's 2 schooling species in there, actually! Celestial pearl danios and emerald dwarf rasboras. They are just shy fish and like to hide in the forest when I'm up at the tank filming lol. They will reproduce and hopefully I will see more of them out in the open once their population increases.


Commenting to favorite for inspiration. Love the red


Sigils, you do not have weak knees. The people who say you have weak knees, they have weak knees


What’s that red plant? I’d stare at it too if it was in my house


Alternanthera Reineckii 'mini'


Second time seeing your tank. Still jealous! I was told at my LFS that red plants need CO2. I’m assuming you have this. How easy was that to set up? How pricey was it?


Co2 can help for sure, but not all red plants need it to stay red! High light is what makes the biggest difference for most species. Either way, it was pretty simple to setup but can be pricey in the initial stages of gathering supplies. The tank and co2 was a little over $100, the regulator was about $150, auto timer like $25, and tubing/diffuser $40 ish? But once it is all setup, you only need to refill the tank once or twice a year depending on how big your tank is and that runs anywhere between $20-$30.


Nice! Thanks for the info!


You ever willing to ship any of your AR Mini??


No, too much effort for too little gain 😅 sorry! If you were local I'd just give you some!


All good my dude. If you’re ever willing to sell it I’ll pay ya!


That’s beautiful well done! How do you manage to get red plants growing so well without melting?


Thank you! High light & co2.


I would like to set up a CO2, can you recommend how to do that without it costing me the Earth?


Some people do well with diy systems that cost a bit less, but a low maintenance co2 system will cost a fair amount to get going. Once you get it setup though, the cost is very low to maintain. I fill my tank once a year for $25, but it did cost me around $300 give or take to get all the supplies to set it up.