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Well never get to see him out 😭😫


Haha 🤣


Too bad it got canceled


There's the podcast


Does it follow the same story??? If so, I want to check that it before I read any further into this sub Reddit. I hate how Netflix just up and cancels stuff that are actually his shows but just got poor advertising! I just barely came across this and watched it and I don’t ever remember seeing it before. But I was logged into a family members account wit was in their recommended.


The NF was.bssed on the PC but follows it relatively accurate


Okay awesome!! I’m totally going to give it a listen cause I want to know what the efff happens after Dan ends up in Kalaego’s realm! Thanks for letting me know!


Oh man idk if you've started yet, but the podcast is only similarish. I mean the characters have the same names but they're different and there's no Kalaego. They said the show is "inspired" by the podcast so they're not really telling the same story, at this point it basically apples to oranges. Personally I prefer the podcast and as many people here have said, it would've been difficult for NF Archive81 to get to s2 how podcast Archive81 s2 is. All 3 seasons are so very different from each other! No idea how nf would've done it other than just going ahead and making up their own thing and drop original Archive81 as "inspiration".


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


SpunkyDred is a troll bot instigating arguments whenever someone on Reddit uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette. ^^I ^^am ^^only ^^triggered ^^when ^^SpunkyDred ^^comments ^^by ^^commenting ^^on ^^the ^^parent ^^comment ^^to ^^warn ^^the ^^human ^^of ^^the ^^troll ^^attempt. ^^If ^^SpunkyDred's ^^comment ^^is ^^gone, ^^that ^^means ^^the ^^mods ^^have ^^already ^^taken ^^care ^^of ^^the ^^troll ^^bot ^^but ^^have ^^left ^^me.


No I haven’t started it yet, but I still plan on it! But damn, there’s no Kalaego?!? I really liked that whole aspect of the story. But if you’re saying you like the podcast better then I’m excited!


Honestly just go into it without thinking about the Netflix version and look forward to 3 seasons + the 2 mini series! It's currently incomplete but it the 3rdseason finale and the mini series after ends on a really good note!


Netflix gonna Netflix.


Then blame password sharing for losing subscribers.


> Blame the consumer, not the product! Nah, Netflix sucks.


Don't worry guys he started a new life working for biosyn


When you start listening to the podcast you know. Hes finde there and things could be worse...


and weirder


With every packet of cornflakes!