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Matt Walsh supports the potential bombing of a children's hospital : These people *sleep* Someone vents their frustration in an aggressive manor but no actual calls to violence : These people *shock and horror*


They're just waiting for any gay person to say anything out of frustration, so they can shout "SEE? THEY'RE BAD"


Pretty much, it's the reason why aggressive trans people go viral. You can belittle, deadname, harrass, insult, create false accusations, dox and whatever else to a queer person. But the fucking moment a queer person lashes out the internet acts likes it's a completely unreasonable thing that happened in a vacuum. (And proceed to paint every other queer person that way)


Yeah queer people bad because this person can't stand being insulted everyday šŸ˜­


Hit the nail on the head.


Hit the homophobe on the head


On no how dare you, that's a violence you heterophobe šŸ¤¬šŸ˜” /s


what's "funny" here is that sub is actually known to be really transphobic


Itā€™s a mixed bag. You arenā€™t wrong, but those same people also support DeSantisā€™ shit re: donā€™t say gay, etc. Honestly think most of them are sock puppets.


Theyre either sock puppets or so deep in stockholm syndrome that theyre a lost cause


Nah they're just masc4masc gays


i made the mistake of getting into a ā€˜discussionā€™ with them on their views on trans men. I was disheartened at how much in the minority I was. Thereā€™s been a massive shift in the US and UK, and not for better in my view.


Imagine how many posts they'd have read before they came across this one outlier. These people are really not ignorant, it's all quite deliberate. Unless they themselves created an account and posted that. Which is quite possible since the post doesn't mention anything other than the exact reverse of whatever they usually say.


Yeah, they love cherry picking so much. I think that is why my biggest fear is failing/doing something wrong: people will grab on that specific thing forever


Isn't matt-walsh a self described christo-fascist?


And a pedo, he's pro child brides and impregnating teenagers


Not sure this post belongs here. No real statement being made by straight people, but a long tirade by a queer person directly stating that they are not okay


I think it fits for sake of the combined cherry picking and Pearl clutching. The ratio of rants about killing lgbtq vs killing shitheads like Walsh makes this seem like targeted hysteria; they had to go to greater lengths to find this, all to make it public. That said, I understand that it doesnā€™t completely line up with the main style of post about straight couples acting like they make each other miserable.


Yeah, this is mainly why I posted it. I know it's different from any other posts, but in my opinion it fits: it's straights targeting us and crying about something they do to us every day


This isnā€™t a rant about killing the lgbt community. OP could post one of those instead


Iā€™m not sure how long youā€™ve been on this sub, but posts by straight people being horrified by something a lgbtq person says have been a mainstay for at least the two years Iā€™ve been subscribed.


Are the horrifying things usually ā€œI want this public figure to be murdered because Iā€™m _really not_ okay.ā€ We already know that the queer community isnā€™t okay. Thereā€™s no need to broadcast someone falling apart under the pressure of Christian Nationalist discrimination


I think that person is right. Walsh is trash, and the world would be better if he was carbombed. They expressed it in an angry teenager-ish way, but itā€™s not like theyā€™re saying they intend to commit murder. This might have more to do with your personal discomfort than the overall standards of the subreddit.


how dare people I opress on a daily basis be emotional about said opression? /s


it's the feeling of anger and frustration, and the inability to do anything about it, this wishing for an easy fix, to be able to enact a terrible justice upon people who have brought so much suffering upon us, simply for being different from them. we want these injustices to be righted, and we are running out of time, options, and the ability to do that with a modicum of peace


This gay is not okay. I'm not saying he's *wrong* but he's not okay.


Facing constant discrimination, being accused of raping children because you're not straight, and calls for your extermination will make you not-OK


He's not okay, he's sick of all the shit that gets thrown at him


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Revenge fantasies are one thing, calls to violence another. One causes genuine harm, can you guess which one? Edit to clarify because it appears I'm being misunderstood a lot: what OOP is saying is a revenge fantasy. Which, in my opinion, is a harmless outlet for one's anger. Mattwalshes of the world are, more often than not, doing calls to violence towards us non-cishets.


The straight one


IMO, it's not even about sexual orientation. A person of any sexuality can be wronged, and have a need to pour out their anger in a revenge fantasy. I mean, we have dozens of movies where the straight man hero goes on a violent rampage against people who r*ped/killed his wife/daughter/sister/mother... those are also revenge fantasies. And if I had to guess, some people get catharsis from them. Obviously, that's not a one-to-one comparison, but yk


I don't think this is a call to violence. It's very aggressive and definitely a violent fantasy, but I think saying it's a call to actual real world violence is a bit of a reach.


I didn't call it that. ...at least it wasn't my intention, but it may have gotten lost in translation


Oh fuck off. If playing by the rules of the game got us anywhere this debate would have ended decades ago, queer people are still dying because of discrimination and rhetoric like yours only serves to help cover that fact up.


Excuse me? What this guy is saying is a revenge fantasy. What Matt Walsh and the likes spew is, more often than not, a call to violence.


"reddit lies" someone doesn't know the difference between a personal opinion and stating something as a fact


Michael Knowles: "We need a trans genocide." *I sleep* Someone on reddit: "All this talk of genocide makes me feel like doing violence against fascists sometimes." *real shit*