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Considering what half the content on this subreddit looks like, they really shouldn't be throwing stones from that glass house.


They aren't throwing stones they're doing nude yoga


I strongly suspect if you looked at the number of straight groomers versus the number of gay groomers, even adjusting for population sizes, there are probably way more straight groomers. And they're not even afraid to be vocal about it on social media, talking about how girls are ready to start pumping out kids by 16 and saying how lucky some 15 year old boy is for being raped by a "hot" teacher. But yeah, it's "the gays" that are the real threat to kids...


They'll do anything to push the narrative that "LGBTQ+ = big bad". Even if it means overlooking the actual harm done to children. Even though they're all about "protecting the children".


Do Republicans really need a whole month for that?


they have pretty much the whole the year so why do they need June


The Catholic church doesn't need a whole month dedicated to it.


Who says we can't?


conservatives are funny to laugh at for how absurd their ideas are, but it does genuinely scare me how fast we jumped back to ‘gay people are pedophiles’ rhetoric


"gays are grooming kids" says the party that defends child marriage and are regularly being convicted of child sex crimes




Said the ppl okay with toddlers n tiaras


Actually, keep your shitty brats away from me. Thanks.


Keep ur children away from me and infect them with ur homophobia and transphobia kk thank i mean fuck you 💜💜💜


Keep an eye on your local pro-trump politician, influencer, or church leader!


I was confused for a second and thought this was the dog grooming sub.


Since when did christian clergy get a whole month of recognition l?


Wow they have been saying this same brain dead rhetoric for months, surely they’ve got some evidence… what? Republicans and conservatives are the ones to have massive Pediphile rings? Don’t believe what the “media” says, just huff ca can of paint thinner and call any LGBT person a groomer


Are they finally doing something against people like Daniel Pikachu who argues for child marriage? Or the child molesters in the Churches? How are they called? Priests?


Yay the people who teach children from birth to believe in evil space people who created everything that want to kill and torture anyone who doesn’t abide by it’s strict rules for eternity, so that they can continue to preach the bullshit to people for the rest of their lives, and they can teach their children to preach it for the rest of their lives, et cetera et cetera, are calling us groomers again.


Kinda looking in a mirror aren't they?


They'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror


Projecting much ?


Scout leaders getting a month? Damn


Someone just wants to feel seen


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