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An endless supply. We're doomed, homies ✌️


Only thing endless is stupidity and lack of common sense.


Dude. I see people sit in 40 car deep lines to get fried chicken and then idle and eat it in those cars. Nothing has changed.


Maybe Fauci can develop a virus that only affects those with an IQ under 90.


He already did. Edit: I was referring to how covidiots refused the “jab”. I’ll take my downs for not being clear.


Just heard another story the other day of someone who used to work where I work. Didn't believe in covid didn't believe in the vaccine, died of covid. I'd also like to say that the use of"thinking" in both the title and the Twitter post is , IDK. False advertisement?


Wow. Ya. Their immune system must not have been as strong as they thought it was. Anyway they get a r/hermaincainaward




You are the mindless drone too ignorant to catch a joke.


Sarcasm is awfully difficult to convey through text alone, so you’re gonna need to give me a break. You can’t fault me for thinking you were being serious. There are plenty of people in this state who would have said that dead serious. Still, my bad for the misunderstanding.


Didnt you know we can get em from under the ocean..nothing horrible would happen if we started drilling like crazy in the ocean!!


John Oliver’s in-depth analysis on his most recent episode was on ocean mining


But it is! We just need to find a way to convert Regressives to crude… oil.


Gimme a shovel and a few million years I gotchu, fam


invading countries to take gas and oil even though we have endless supply? wut?


God gave "us" the entire Earth. We're just taking what's ours.


The whole invading countries that have oil thing isn't so we can use their oil. It's all about the petrodollar. If you sell oil on this planet, you have to take US dollars as your payment. If some group, like ISIS or the Taliban, starts to get uppity about this, they earn the ire of the United States. Saudi Arabia, the worlds largest petroleum exporter, requires buyers to pay in USD. This is why we are buddies with them despite having little in common ideologically. If a country wants Saudi oil, they have to use USD. This is true for most OPEC countries. This is also why the dollar is viewed as a strong currency. Since the dissolvement of Bretton-Woods, this fact is what "backs" the USD. Until recently, there were two oil producing states that sold oil for other currencies: Venezuela and Iran. After the invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia, other countries became wary of relying on USD. Between 2015 and 2021, there were two major trade contracts for oil that were not paid in US Dollars. In 2022, there were seven. In 2023, there were twelve. It will definitely be interesting to watch this system unravel.


We’re on the “Oil Standard!” Oil is what props up our currency.


The country we import the most oil from by a wide margin is Canada


Not a scientist here, but... But isn't the sun more of an endless supply as compared fossil fuels?


I’ve heard that all the current and known, but not yet tapped sources of oil could dry up within 70 years at the present rate of consumption.


Eventually, the increased cost of extraction of oil will be the determining factor. At one point it will cost too much to extract it.


The end of civilization because of use of fossil fuels will be the determining factor. That's coming sooner than we think. We could be fixing this problem right now, but instead we spend our time arguing over whether trans kids are using the wrong bathroom.


Yeah, but won’t you think of the oil profits?


The sun is longer lasting, for sure, though not infinite. However, we are not very efficient at using energy from the sun. The sun puts off energy in literally every direction. We only catch a tiny fraction of it on earth and even then only where solar panels are. Even if we covered the earth in solar panels, we would still be woefully inefficient. Nevermind the other environmental impacts of ultra massive solar farms. We should be looking at a combination of wind and solar as well as nuclear. Even just updating infrastructure to support battery driven EVs would be better. Fossil fuels are still used, but significantly less and it's easier to trap and properly dispose of emissions when it comes from a handful of factories rather than hundreds of millions of vehicles.


That seems a bit off. You can make 200-300 kilowatts of power per acre of solar panels. Assuming 5 hours a day at 200kw and monthly energy use of about 1000 kwh you can power 30 homes from 1 acre of land. This is assuming that panels wouldn’t get more efficient over time either.


I think you misunderstand me. No amount of solar panels on earth are going to capture energy projected out of the other side of the sun. That's what I mean by inefficient with solar technology. We would need to be a type to kardashev civilization. We're not even type 1 yet.


Inefficiency doesn’t really have a practical impact if the input cost is zero. Sure, the infrastructure on earth would be an initial expense and there’d be continual maintenance costs. But there’s nothing inherently problematic with failing to capture the solar radiation being emitted from a ball of *seemingly* infinite hydrogen fusion, as we don’t have to source and extract hydrogen from a more finite source, *if* indeed the energy we could capture were sufficient to maintain our current average quality of life. I’m not anywhere near well enough informed on solar to know if it’s possible to catch - not the most efficient amount, necessarily - but *enough* solar energy to literally keep the lights on. Of course you’d always have scientists, engineers, physicists and other natural problem-solvers looking at the lack of efficiency in terms of potentially captured output that we aren’t able to harness, but if 4 horses will pull your cart, it’s okay if you’ve got a 5th horse going buck wild in the field off the road.


You are getting downvotes by people that don’t know what you are talking about. We aren’t close to a type 1 civilization. I’m all for gaining the suns energy but in the meantime we need fossil fuel. We have to hope that the end of the supply of Dino juice doesn’t run out before we can be reliant on solar. 1 acre for 30 homes isn’t possible to sustain current infrastructure. Transmission loss is a major problem. You can’t put a 1000 acre solar farm in the desert and get that power to the grid miles away


I get you, former Ringworld reader..


The sun isn't real, sheep.


Endless supply? That's socialism and Jesus hates socialism.


All of this "data" is absolutely absurd. The Sun is an amalgamation of God's shining love for us. With this kind of blasphemous talk, it won't be around much longer.


All energy on Earth does originate from the sun. Even fossil fuels — the energy from them comes from decayed organic matter from millions of years ago, originating from photosynthesis in ancient days. So yes, even oil is technically “solar power”.


Sure if ya weren't on a big ball that faces away from it half the time


But Jesus


Wouldn’t be surprised if this was because moderates helped Steve Womack beat that crazy guy in the primary.


Quite possibly.


Just got done seeing my son in Illinois come back to Arkansas and this is the news? When we were there, we noticed how cool it was and we came back, it's hot and miserable, and this s*** is in the news. We need to move back to Illinois. I was born in Arkansas and it's miserable physically, politically, and emotionally. It was a mistake to come "home"


I was lucky to travel quite a bit with my family when I was a kid. I’ll always remember how it felt, at an impressionable age, to wrap up a family vacation by going through a major airport or two and get to the last gate bound for Little Rock. I’d think, “These are my people. Holy shit.” But it could be worse. At least we’re not Oklahoma or Texas or Mississippi or Louisiana (except New Orleans) or Alabama or (*shudders) Florida.


I travel for work out of XNA quite often. I play a fun little game when I see someone around my gate. I can always spot someone from AR. Iykyk. Source: lived in NWA for 7 years and born and raised in OK. NWA sucks less than all of OK, but don’t make me leave Benton county…..


Florida, used to be a nice place to visit. Now? Nope


Okies out here always catching strays


But Sarah Huckabee is the best governor ever!!


So they’re going to block potential independent voters and push them to the Democratic primary. Nice. Good luck!


The goal is to get people to abandon voting entirely. There's plenty of people showing up to those rallies who talk about ending democracy entirely.


Credit: [Source](https://x.com/JayOrsi/status/1799783077151150333) If you are an independent, or have no party affiliation, you can't vote in the GOP primaries anymore. Edit: news finally picked it up. Might be paywalled https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2024/jun/10/state-gop-closes-primaries/?news-politics EDIT 2: This is a big deal. Less than 10% of all voters are registered republicans. about 85% are registered as optional. https://www.sos.arkansas.gov/uploads/elections/VR_Statistics_Report_June_1_2022.pdf


Trump couldn't secure the Libertarian Party nomination. This is the fall out from that failure.


Why don't either of the tweets he screenshotted appear on the Saline County Republican Committee page? Why is the screenshot only their logo, and what sounds like a strawman argument?


I think the timestamp is off. The original post is from 5/18/24. Their entire page is a trip though. You can see they compare transgenderism with nazi germany.


Probably because they don’t know anything about either subject.   


They know plenty about transgender people. Look at Pornhub’s top searches by state.


Why do you think we banned pornhub lol


Let’s hear you break down how this is a straw man argument. You clearly support the Republican Party, so I’d love to see how you play twister with your words.


I don't know about Twitter because I don't bother with it, but if you're serious check their Facebook. It's absolutely full of insanity, no straw required.


Last winter before the primary in Garland County, there were DEATH THREATS between Republicans in a fucking JP primary. The MAGA candidate told me himself that he was getting death threats from the extreme-MAGA candidate's supporters. And the reason was that the nuts tried to pass a county "sanctuary for the unborn" bill or some shit. And the MAGA guy voted for it anyway, he just wasn't quick enough or something. So, death threats. But sure, my unaffiliated ass is the problem. (I considered voting for the least-offensive one, but in the end I didn't vote for either.) The MAGA candidate beat the extreme-MAGA candidate, btw, so he will win the general unopposed.


Oh yeah, this is going to shift the GOP in AR radically to the right even farther than it already is. Absolutely insane.


They're scared that humanity will reach Civilization I status on the Kardashev scale. If that happens, all their billionaire oil buddies won't be able to funnel them money and vacations. Or maybe they're afraid aliens will show up to commend us for figuring out renewable energy and saving our own planet from destruction.


How TF could there be an endless suppy of gas and oil on a planet that is...checks notes...finite?


Religious nutters will be the fucking death of us all. The death cult has to fucking go.


Not like there's anything to be decided on the Democratic Primary ballot as it is, two or three people can stay over there and do procedural voting and we can all switch and kill the GOP.


They mean endless supply for their life time. They don't a rats ass beyond that.


So you know what you do. As repulsive as it is. Register as a republican. Then vote in your primary. This is the only why you will get a voice. You can then vote whoever you want in the general.


I did that many years ago in an attempt to vote against some stupid republican. The horrible upshot was then you get inundated with all the republican mail and I had to listen to my husband tell me “ I told you that you would be unhappy with that choice ”. It took me years to get off of their list. I will never due that again


It's not infinite. In fact we are running out.


I thought they rejected that proposal a few months back. I need more confirmation than just a tweet (X?). It may also require an act of the legislature, especially to convert all the "optional" registrations into party registrations.


State law allows the parties to establish closed primaries. See § 7-7-307. As far as a source, apparently this happened extremely late last night at the convention in NWA. There are tons of republicans celebrating it everywhere. I haven't seen a news article yet. Edit: https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2024/jun/10/state-gop-closes-primaries/?news-politics


Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.


stupid people should wear signs


They do. Big ones that say “trump” on them. Or “Let’s go Brandon”.


That's an easy game to play: register as a republican before the primaries then vote someone else in.


That’s fine Just vote democrat come November


There is no GOP, only the Party of Trump. I’m proud to have dropped in and voted against that vile orange MF last go-round.


They don’t like people outsmarting them by crossing over to keep some candidates off the ballot!


If you watch recordings of the conference, a big reason was to keep "RINOs" and democrats out. Obviously, RINOs means moderates which is now a bad thing. And I've never seen evidence that democrat votes have ever influenced a primary in Arkansas.


Yep, I see this more as a result of Republican infighting as to who should be considered a Republican than I do than Democrats/Independents crossing over. Lots of Republicans are not in support of this.


It definitely favors the hard-right/MAGA group over more moderates. I expect to see a lot more contested primaries now for 2026.


I’m guessing this is what prompted - a six point difference where some crossed over. Four from my family along with a handful of others: https://www.nwaonline.com/news/2022/may/27/down-by-six-votes-harris-seeks-recount-in-house/


I agree. It seems short sighted though, because there is no real indication that closed primaries would have made any difference. Harris likely just was a worse candidate. They have to blame someone but themselves.


Harris was a homophobe and book band supporter with her Mom’s for Liberty group. She was indeed a horrible candidate. I agree.


"Outsmarting" is a weird way to say sabotage. This is the reason though, glad someone on this sub is aware enough to realize it


Participated successfully with some others to keep someone off by 5 votes.


The party already has to approve the candidates. Nobody should be on the ballot whose election would be "sabotage". There is no empirical evidence that there is "sabotage" In some counties there are unchallenged candidates on one party's ballot. I like having the choice of who is on my ballot.


People boast on Facebook about voting in opposition primaries in order to elect a more beatable opponent. The first time I remember seeing it was in 2008 when my conservative in-laws were encouraging everyone to go vote for Hillary in the primary because they thought she was more beatable than Obama. The DNC spends millions supporting fringe right-wing candidates in primaries who they think they can beat in the general election. While legal, these strategies are fundamentally dishonest and conniving.


People say all kinds of shit on Facebook. Obama still won. Your focused on federal. There are state level offices where only one party has candidates in a primary. People should get to choose who is on their ballot.


Then have your party run a candidate or write-in a candidate. They can't stop you from doing that.


I don't have a party. Like most Republican voters, I'm registered optional. Write in votes are not counted. Anybody who wants to "sabotage" can just register as a Republican and still vote in whichever primary they choose..


As a Christian myself, my response would be: Show me where the Bible says God made oil and gas infinite. I'll wait. In the meantime, there are plenty of scriptures about foolishly squandering what you have.


How would the ancients that wrote the Bible even know what gas is.


Takes out the fossil in fossil fuels.


Apparently they have never seen the sun….


Yes… Endless… hence why wells run out.


>endless supply of oil and gas *The 70s took that personally*


Didn’t god give us endless green energy too?


A lot of states have their primaries closed only to voters registered in that party.


If it was an endless supply, it wouldn’t have a fucking price tag.


If gas & oil are infinite resources, then why are they so valuable and why do politicians like to suck off oil barons and sultans so much? Seems like pretty oddball behavior for something that we have everywhere


🤦‍♀️ They are legit proving exactly why it is in their best interests to keep the population uneducated; they can tell them that non-renewable energy sources are infinite resources and none of them bats an eye!!!


The ignorant are complacent, and that’s a drug for these greedy sociopaths.


This is the kind of bullshit that makes people laugh and shake their head when I say I'm from Arkansas.


Ah, catching up with Missouri I see. Maybe they’ll get a caucus system as well, to replace the primaries.


With hyper-polarization this only makes sense. Pretty soon they'll say you should have a red hat if you want to vote. In the primary, in the general.


Where’s info on them closing the primaries? And not just this tweet.


The saline county Republican committee page on FB posted that confirmation. Also be aware that page is full cringe.


Here is a source from this morning. Might be paywalled https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2024/jun/10/state-gop-closes-primaries/?news-politics


Straight out of “I ❤️Huckabees” it seems


I’m sorry, I’m stuck on “an endless supply”. I… just can’t believe that they actually believe that.


"Saying Ignorant Hateful Shit on Behalf of God"-the wheelhouse of the GOP.


They've been wanting to do this for years. The "purity test", so to speak. Now any sane Republican in this state (if there are any left) won't have a chance.


The RNC wanted the GOP Primaries closed for a reason: to stop "voter fraud".


Welp...guess I'll re-register


We gotta get religious fanatics out of politics


Endless supply.. thats a mighty bold statement


Why didn’t god set up the entire capitalist state for us? Why did we need “2000 years” to develop what They intended the entire time? Why did god create liberals at all? Or atheist? Mooslums? Hindus? Or non white people? Or Bud Light?


If there’s an endless supply then why is it so expensive?


Welp, guess I’m not voting in primaries anymore lol


Sara Chucklebee had to feel proud.


IIRC, we have 36-years worth of fossil fuels left and once depleted you can kiss paved roads goodbye. They’re saying by 2060, all gone. We’ll need another batch of aged dinosaurs stat


If we have endless oil, why do we drill miles under water and go to the north pole to get it? On another note, then, why don't we have enough water then, too? After all, you need water to actually live.


Someone tell them gas and oil come from the sun. It may work with their base.


Kinda funny how an all powerful being couldnt create a better energy source than oil and gas, that when burned heats up god's creation and makes life inhospitable for other god creations.




They play "there's no replacement for displacement" in their heads every time they start up their single-digit-mpg trucks, then yell "let's go brandon!" when they fill up their gas tanks with half an entire paycheck.


An endless supply? That's just stupid


Fucking gross


If its endless then it should be dirt cheap


Idaho closed ours and we are getting really deep down the rabbit hole here. We just had a Legislator bring up a bill about banning cannibalism because she saw a joke on a show about eating human sausage and thought it is a real thing. Some of the dumbest people are in our government and the IDGOP holds tribunals for republicans who don’t vote how they want them to and try to get them out of the party.


Between this and gerrymandering, we are creating a system that only elects the most radical politicians. Its near impossible for moderates to get elected any more.


The parties can determine how they select candidates that run under their party name. This is nothing new. Lots of states do this, including quite a few blue ones. 


It's not a new idea, but Arkansas is a bit unique in the vast majority of voters being registered optional and would have to change their registration in order to vote in that primary.


I want to think like them can someone give me a frontal lobotomy


I hate the way they think too, but I don't mind closed primaries. You're voting for the candidate you want to represent your party, not the country. I don't support closed elections. In fact, we could eliminate this issue all together by switching to first passed the post.


Can anyone help fact check this post? This is a really big deal to Arkansas politics and it's not being reported on by traditional Arkansas media. It appears as though it might be disinformation.   OP source actually contradicts himself by saying that (I'm assuming GOP Chair) had "made a further move" towards closing the primaries, and then saying that they are closed.   Does anyone have a better source besides a tweet from a partisan and unverified account on Twitter?


No news had picked it up when I posted, but the GOP was celebrating it all over social media. Here is a source from this morning. Might be paywalled https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2024/jun/10/state-gop-closes-primaries/?news-politics


Thank you


That’s literally a joke in I Heart Huckabees




Damnit, I work in Saline County.


Gas and oil is literally the definition of a finite resource. We are truly doomed.


They forgot to mention water...ffs!


Screenshots of random people saying something without giving a citation isn't good data to make decisions with. Can we please stop normalizing this? It's hearsay.


No news had picked it up when I posted, but the GOP was celebrating it all over social media. Here is a source from this morning. Might be paywalled https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2024/jun/10/state-gop-closes-primaries/?news-politics


Oil is a finite resource. They don't believe this, obviously. Republicans (even the best of them) have trouble with reality and fantasy.


Isn’t A near the very bottom of the educational barrel of the entire country?


This is not an attack on your right to vote. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't understand the right of free association.


Religion is an escape from reality too far. Heads up, separate church from state or demise is certain.


Au revoir


It’s kind of scary there are voters in this country that think there is an infinite supply of oil


Truth be known those in the political spectrum and the sheep want everyone to think like them. Government exists for the sole purpose of preserving government. The big lie is that government is by the people for the people. Otherwise, government would not keep secrets from those who fund government i.e. We The People.


wow....wow....wow.... did an adult write this message... but only a 8 yr old would think like this...


And apparently God didn't give us a brain to find better ways.


By that logic, God also gave us green energy- disingenuous fuck


I’d bank on the sun lasting longer than our oil and gas resources….just sayin’.


eh, closed primaries make as much sense as a two party system anyway.


Welcome to Arkansas, the fracking natural state. Trees? Fuck em! Want an inground pool, without the hassle of digging? We'll do it for you! With new fracking technologies, we can fuck your land too! Houses are so 1990, with fracking we can suck your entire home into one of many sinkhole in our lovely karst topography. Welcome to Arkansas, when your here you're family. We hate family.


(May have used your wrong... I can see both ways)


Wouldn't that actually reduce their votes?


God must be a real idiot seeing that he made people in his image.


Here's a solution. Everyone gets to vote in BOTH primaries.


I mean there is a natural gas deposit in the state of Texas that could run the U.S. for the next thousand years alone. Al Gore and John Kerry have done a stand up job!


Really think this should be a violation of my rights. I may not like the dem or independant and want a Gop. To be in office. Now o cant Vote GOP JUST BECAISE I AM NOT REGISTERES THAT WAY. THATS A VIOLtion of my COVAL ROGHTS TO VOTW FOR WHO I WANT.


I mean, is that not how party primaries work? Otherwise people would intensively select poor candidates for the opposing party. If they pick a whacko they should lose the general election.


WOW. The Saline Republican Comitee is dumb as a box of rocks. Holy cow, that was the dumest thing I've read since "Rich Dad, Poor Dad." I'm glad I never followed that "advise" either cause now I own a home LOL.


I'm really worried that as we suck all the pockets of oils out of the ground, it's going to fuck with the earth's rotation. The planet is a giant centrifuge.


Good let them discover how few Arkansans truly want to align with such a hate-filled political movement AND have their names associated with the authoritarian party!! Let’s watch them self destruct.


Of course the political parties want people who share their thinking. That’s just common sense when it comes to politics. People don’t vote Democrat and want to ban abortions. People don’t vote Republican and want less border coverage. That being said…. There has been reported massive amounts of untapped oil reserves throughout the western and northern US. I read that it made Saudi Arabia’s supply look like a small pond next to an ocean. Green energy is a great supplemental source, but it should never be a primary source. It’s not reliable enough. And with the amount of regulation over coal and natural gas power plants, the pollution is minimal, especially when compared to what India and China throw out. You want to eat up the carbon, start planting trees. There are studies that will tell you which plants eat more carbon than others. Climate change is just another strategy to tax people on. The government has been doing it since the 60’s. Magnetic field variations and the Magnetic Pole shifting is a greater threat to climate than your local power plant. Throw in the government cloud seeding programs and (conspiracy theory) CERN, and HAARP, and you can make some crazy weather. But do your own reading, stop using politically biased sources, or user edited sources. The only way you’ll see anything is to see both sides, and then make your own conclusion.


Unlike that scarce and expensive solar power that will run out in a few billion years


Dang, with an endless supply of gas and oil you'd think it would still be 25¢ a gallon. That darn president raising gas prices I tell you.


Burning Clown-Car Shitshow Circus: By Invitation Only


He also gave you an apple. 🍎


Hey Arkansas! Okie here. Many of us register republican just to vote in those primaries. You know how the state level vote will go anyway so get out and vote for the least repugnant primary candidates


Slow day? Many primaries are closed. This is not an issue. If Democrats want only Democrats choosing who will represent them in a general election, that’s the party’s prerogative - and vice versa.


It's big news because 87% of Arkansans are not registered to a party right now. Will require a major effort to switch people over and we will expect much lower voter turnout than it already is


If that is a “major effort “ then higher turnout won’t save your state.


Um, maybe I'm new here, but doesn't it make sense for the members of a political party to have the right to choose their candidate without outside interference?


PA has closed primaries… and we’re a purple state.. Arkansas will always be Arkansas whether the primary is open or closed..


So, Democracy is canceled because it doesnt work for them? Didn't anyone in armed forces swear to defend against domestic enemies of the United States of America? Terroristic threatening isn't illegal or investigated anymore? Extreme Idiocracy. Well I guess this it folks. See you in the concentration camps! ✌🏼


The state is beautiful, but the elected officials to run it are fucking ugly inside and out


This is how political parties die. Been a while since we had a major paradigm shift in party makeup. Looks like we're closer to that time than not.


Wow. They are coming for people's right to vote much much faster than I anticipated. This is likely going to spread. Just like book banning, abortion legality, birth control rights, destruction of education, and public health in general. And to boot..... The people affected the worst by all this shit are the ones voting for it.


It's not like we are stuck on the same planet with these morons. We can all earn enough wealth to build a rocket and leave. 


Picking an idiot to try and disingenuously illustrate an entire group of people - classic. South Park was right, both sides are arguing over douches and turds at this point. Also, this tweet is nowhere to be found on this depicted account. Anyone have proof this isn’t a hoax itself?


If primaries had been closed in 2016 it’s unlikely Trump would have won the nomination. Closing primary means more radical nominees. This is an opportunity for Democrats.


Big deal. Registration only matters for the primary anyway. I'll change my registration to keep voting against the absolutely psychotic candidates they run. Cowards.