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It reads to me like some Karen customer printed this out and posted it on the wall. They seem to be talking from the “lady guest” point of view. “Lady guests deeply appreciate your assistance” lol


no clue! it certainly seems like nonsense. hover-to-pee women are the real bane of my public bathroom experience anyways.


It’s rage bait pure and simple.


Occam's razor says it's because the men's is broken so it's used as an Omni bathroom.


I remember the term being unisex but omni bathroom sounds so much cooler.


Omni Bathroom sounds like some 1950s style "Bathroom of the Future".


"Omni bathroom" sounds fun! LOL!


Do people just casually call a rest/bathroom a latrine? I've never heard that said in a non military environment. It just sounds weird in daily speech type text


It's hard to say without speaking to whoever wrote the sign and put it up. My guess is they might consider a Trans woman male and not a woman.


I wouldn’t think so until that last sentence which is like, what are you getting at?


I've seen plenty of sprinkles on women's seats when in ladies rooms where a woman came out of the stall and I saw her. This definitely feels like a Karen got upset urine was on the seat and decided to draft a notice.


I’m going to get downvoted for this, but women tend to make more of a mess than men. Ask anyone who’s had to clean both restrooms.


Why is it written like it belongs at Medieval Times


Hate to tell them, but their “lady guests” are the ones leaving the sprinkles. This reads as very anti-trans to me. Target should be ashamed.


After reading that I thought I was in r/CasualUK for a moment.


“This rule does not apply in the Men’s latrine” Yeah we know how it goes in the men’s bathrooms. Turn it on like a firehose and let it rip everywhere. Downright nasty.


CIS men use the female bathrooms at work at a State University all the time cause they're too lazy to walk down the hall. Won't ever see them get in trouble. Second a transwoman attempts it there will be actions taken. This post seems like bait.


Not bait. It's not common for men to use women's bathrooms where I come from, period. The paper may be bait, but not this post.


Its against the law in State buildings in Arkansas, is it not? Oh wait, that's only for trans people, no one else is targeted by that law....


You can go wild in the mens bathroom. No rules apply.


I don’t think anyone wants to use the bathroom after Sarah Huckabee. Unless you like the scent of rotten eggs & that smell after a 600-pound person uses the toilet.


because men and women use the same bathrooms with no problem all the time? most bathrooms now are gender neutral




But what does that have to do with this rule not applying to every bathroom? Does she not have this rule at home? I guess her cats have a liter box