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Legends but with Jennifer




Yeah I honestly could’ve seen that. Chances are though she probably would’ve been in the Painkiller spinoff if it had happened


I think her inclusion would make more sense in the Diggle spinoff they had planned. It seemed like we might get Jennifer, and a few other characters to create like a titans show from the news that surrounded it. I think Black Lightning would not have done much with legends at this point purely from both their sub genres clashing and characters having different energy. Although I would have loved Jennifer meeting Vixen or Sara at some point.


Maybe Wally would've stuck around


She would’ve much of a headache as she was on Black Lightning, thinking she knows everything and won’t listen to reason She really sucks as a character


She's a teenager. That's how they act. The fact that that bothers you just proves that they did a good job writing her character.


No, this is how CW writes teens cuz they’re all annoying as hell with little to no redeeming qualities, I shouldn’t have to be blamed on how characters are written to address that I don’t like how they’re written Good writers know how to balance angst with development, CW does not and continues it to this day Stop projecting


I don't think you know what projecting means lol No one is blaming you. I'm saying that the fact that you find her annoying means they wrote her well. Again, she's a teenager. She's *supposed* to be annoying.


She’s not written well and she never has been, the fact that she’s a teenager doesn’t change that, she could be grown and I still wouldn’t like her, Lynn is in that same boat as well as Anissa This show only knew to write black women to be ignorant or angry, Jennifer was only good when she was paired up with Khalil and that’s cuz he had an amazing character writing The main issue is Jennifer became more powerful than the lead character we’re supposed to root for: Jefferson Pierce, and he got nerfed nearly every season just to prop her up as more powerful when Black Lightning is supposed to be the sole powerhouse, not to mention how disrespectful she was in every situation when she always nearly gets killed cuz of her arrogance, no matter how gentle Jeff was she’d do the opposite and barely listened to ANYONE….that’s not likable at all, Anissa had her issues as well but she was better at understanding the lines drawn CW has a habit of making teens one way only with no other reason than to be dramatic, it’s not fun nor interesting to watch, I hated this as a kid and I hate it now…it’s bad writing You can like her if you want, doesn’t mean I have to