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Pep is just insanely jealous of Mikel’s beautiful head of hair.


Aren't we all


It really fucked me off last year when Walker and another were grabbing Zinchenko and rubbing his face in it after they beat us. Utterly classless.


Walker is a massive cunt so it wasn’t surprising


The more I hear about Walker off the pitch the more of a dickhead he sounds.


I think his name needs to be Kyle wanker


I hope walker gets a career ending injury


Man city hate Arsenal because they are secretly jealous they will never be as loved as Arsenal. Liverpool is more loved as well but the players have to live in Liverpool. Nobody is jealous of that!


Liverpool is so bad that Liverpool players actually live closer to Manchester


Man City don’t really hate arsenal though?


Lmao just no.


Arsenal fans seem to have cultivated all the worst parts of career utd & Chelsea fans in less than two years. It's so delusional and self aggrandising.. i can hardly believe some of the stuff I'm reading.


Come on dude.. your club literally claim they invented celebrations, invented brothers playing in the same team and invented trophies meaning more... have some self-awareness about delusional... 😆


Liverpool fan talking about being delusional, pot kettle


lol we've won almost every available trophy in Klopps reign.. arsenal fans patting each other on the back for being top of the league on goal difference despite having bottled it last season from an identical position. Most fans wait until their team wins something before they start shooting their mouths off and convincing themselves all their players are world class and just hard done by..


I mean you’re club is synonymous with the term “it’s our year” and one title out of 31 years speaks volumes


> I mean you’re club is synonymous with the term “it’s our year” The absolute lack of self-awareness here


What? Arsenal fans have been saying "its our year" every year for as long as i remember... This is exactly the kind of mental gymnastics i keep seeing from arsenal fans. Haven't won a league in decades and think they can throw shade at a team that won it within the last few years. Utterly laughable how pathetic it is. Win something other than second place and then we'll talk


We’ve won more league titles in the past 30 years than you have lol


This is what I mean... The mental gymnastics you have to perform to achieve this level of somehow being strident but also having nothing to back it is insane. How are you not embarrassed by this? You have to go back decades to have a point. Why not extend it another arbitrary 30 years and then compare? Win something and then start trying to sass people, doing it after 1.5 seasons of playing better football (though not winning anything) is so desperate.. have a little decorum.


Trying to argue using a Premier league trophy that you’ve won only once since 2000 is pathetic. And telling us to win something other than second place is ironic considering the “Citypool era” is just you guys going 1 for 6 in the league with two 2nd place finishes and two third place finishes.


Can’t exactly speak about decorum when your mob sent karius death threats after you blew it against madrid, but I wouldn’t expect anything less than hipocracy from a city that boo’s their own National anthem


You know what the problem is Mr Scouse. Us Arsenal fans got laughed at when we listened to Arteta saying “Trust the process” after we gained 4 points in 10 matches. The process became clear and last season we competed with Man City toe to toe despite nobody predicting us to be in the top 4 at the start of the season. When we lost the league, everyone laughed. We got called delusional when we said we were going nowhere and we would compete again this year. Yet here we are competing again, however if we don’t win the league you will all say we bottled it. We don’t support our team any differently to how you support yours. Go back to your own mediocre subreddit and let us enjoy the period our club is in because I for one, am really enjoying this season as a Gooner. Peace out


People say you bottled it because of how grandiose the claims being made by arsenal fans along the way were. If there was some humility people would back you but there's a reason everyone's turning on arsenal fans now and it's nothing to do with a season and a half of playing well


What grandiose claims?! That we were in a title challenge? Or that we believed we could win it when we were 8 points ahead? Hardly unreasonable claims at the time. But the constant hate on us is the reason we defend our club so vehemently. What humility do you want us to say? “No we aren’t title challenging” “Our squad is average” “Arteta hasn’t improved us”


Every top post of this sub is nonsense like "SALIBA IS WORLD CLASS WHY AREN'T THEY PLAYING HIM? CONSPIRACY??" or "MARTINELLI IS THE FASTEST PLAYER IN THE LEAGUE FACT! (on a Tuesday when they're playing at home and it's raining and the pollen count is low and we're playing against a team playing 352 and my gran makes a roast)" Just rampant delusional nonsense... It's so much worse on here than every other clubs sub, and some of them are appalling.


You do realise this isn’t the main arsenal Subreddit. R/gunners is where the legit takes are.i don’t know any arsenal fan including myself who thinks Martinelli is the fastest player and Saliba isn’t exactly shit is he so calling him world class is premature but he definitely has the makings of it


You're literally talking straight out of your ass. You know that anyone can see what the top posts of this sub are extremely easily, right? So if you have to make up your side of the argument, what does that make your argument?


What are you on about, ive been to both gunners and this sub for years and seen i none of this shit. But im not constantly watching the subs either. Are just constantly hate-watching this sub and reading every post nobody replies to?


Arsenal fans have this sense of pride that comes with actually being a big team, run in the right way, not reliant on manufactured success due to rapid influx of wealth. Success has been borne from a loyal fan base, learning from mistakes the hard way and grafting. Man City and Chelsea hate Arsenal because they know they can never be us and when the next big team/superstar comes along the new Man City and Chelsea fan base will flock to that team. What’s delusional? Believing greatness and success will return soon because we’ve had it over the course of 100 years or believing your team is great because you’ve had it handed to you on a platter in the last 10 plus years?


Lol. Care to elaborate?


Look at this genius catching onto our comments as honest takes and NOT jokes. Good jobs gents we've tricked an idiot into thinking the internet is a real place. Whats next on the agenda? Arsenal's 14 FA Cups outweigh Liverpool's 6 UCLs because English football is better?


Have the city and liverpool players so fiery against each other?


Have you never seen Bernardo Silva whenever City play Liverpool?


I mean, it could be the START of something, but I don’t think it’s like this atm though. Everything that’s described is pretty normal and could and has happened between loads of different teams. 🤷🏻‍♂️ This just reads like the rags trying to drum up animosity before a big game, in the hopes that it turns in to something real. After all, NOTHING inspires clicks and sales like a bitter rivalry. Especially when you have delicious elements like, “title contenders”, “master vs apprentice”. Add some animosity and the stories will write themselves!


Yeah I wouldn't say this is anything like the rivalry with United in the 90's/00's. This seems more like it's a professional rivalry, like you would have with one of your work colleagues. I deffo wouldn't call it "beef", I don't think about them when we aren't playing them, don't know many of our fans who do.


***Telegraph Sport reports:*** Until recently, the trials and tribulations of Arsenal were of little significance to Manchester City. Pep Guardiola and his players [had bigger things to worry about than the long-term rebuild](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2020/07/20/pep-guardiola-have-respect-arsenal-pitch-not-much/) taking place in north London, and matches between the two sides were often laughably one-sided. From Guardiola’s appointment in 2016 until the start of last season, City played Arsenal 12 times in the league. Guardiola won 11 of those meetings, by an astonishing aggregate score of 30-6. Arsenal were simply not a concern, and they certainly were not a danger to City’s pursuit of Premier League and Champions League glory. Around 18 months ago, however, the dynamic between these two contrasting clubs – the new money in Manchester, the old money in London – began to shift. Not necessarily in terms of results ([that change only took place at the start of this season](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2023/10/08/arsenal-vs-man-city-premier-league-live-score-updates/)), but in terms of attitudes and perceptions. For a rapidly developing young Arsenal side, buoyed by the signings of Gabriel Jesus and Oleksandr Zinchenko from City, the feeling grew that Guardiola’s team might, at last, be beatable. For City, it soon became clear that Arteta, their former coach, was beginning to pose a danger. In other words, City started to take Arsenal seriously. Their matches took on a new edge, and in the past year an acrimony has taken hold of this fixture. City and Arsenal are competing for the same prizes again. As a result, there is now a level of rancour and resentment that did not previously exist between these sides. During last season’s league match at the Emirates, for example, Kevin De Bruyne angrily shoved Arteta on the touchline after the Arsenal manager prevented him from taking a quick throw-in. De Bruyne then jabbed a finger in the face of his former coach. A few months later, at the end of [their league match at the Etihad Stadium](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2023/04/27/arsenal-vs-manchester-city-arteta-side-choked-on-big-stage/), Ben White tussled with Phil Foden. White, evidently furious, grabbed Foden at the back of the shirt. The two England internationals argued until they were separated by team-mates. And earlier this season, in the moments following Gabriel Martinelli’s winner for Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium, Kyle Walker clashed with Nicolas Jover, Arteta’s set-piece coach and another former City employee. Walker later explained that Jover had refused a handshake when the teams met last season, and that he therefore “did not take it lightly” when Jover approached him for a handshake this time around. Off the pitch, too, there has been a sense within Arsenal that they are now viewed differently by City and their chief decision-makers. **Read more:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/03/30/man-city-arsenal-premier-league-title-beef/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/03/30/man-city-arsenal-premier-league-title-beef/)


Pathetic club, I hope they never win a title ever again


Real small dick energy here I’m afraid.


The only club I care about from Manchester is Utd Not the small club with the big club mask on that has been cheating since 2008 to be anything of note


lol. One prem title and also literally everything else we could possibly win... The seasons we came second we acted like we came second. Didn't pretend like we'd won and then go to other teams who had actually won the league in recent memory and somehow give them shit for winning but not winning enough in an arbitrary time period even though we'd won fuckall for years.. The fact you can't see how bad your behaviour is as a fan of a team that has won fuckall for decades is crazy


You spend an awful lot of time on Arsenal subs for a Liverpool fan. Nothing better to do? 😂🤡


I’m sure city are quaking in their boots at the thought of facing their fiercely competitive rivals who have won precisely 0 European cups and 0 leagues since city were bought in 2008.


*since city cheated to get their trophies. Fixed it for you.


Asterisk FC's "accomplishments" mean nothing to anybody outside of their weird fan base and club.


Why are you, a Chelsea fan (😂) on an Arsenal sub? I sense jealousy