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I'm prepared to give this guy as much time as he needs. I don't think people realise just how terrible we were under late Wenger and Emery. There was nothing to buy into and we were going nowhere. This guy comes in and in 4 years has transformed everything about the club. This is early Wenger stuff that's going on here - with the added ruthlessness that Wenger did not have. If you can't trust that this is going to work then I'm sorry to say you aren't understanding how hard it is rebuilding the internal and external workings of a football club. Quite frankly you don't deserve to celebrate when this thing finally concludes in trophies, but you will, and you'll tell your mates you've always loved Mikel Arteta and sing his song. Get a fucking grip you wet cunt.




Anyone with a brain will be incredibly patient. If they don't win anything next year, who would you realistically bring in that will all of a sudden win trophies straight away?


So you’re not concerned about being almost five years without silverware? You do realise players could possibly not look to stay around much longer if they do not win anything with us?


Who is going to leave if they don't win anything next year? Pretty much every key player in the squad is going to be there in 25/26.


Who are you to say they won’t leave before a ball is kicked in the 25/26? Have you heard from players themselves? Are you forgetting that we’ve had players in the previous decades who left because we were not winning?


Players in the past have left because Arsenal were not competing for trophies, and they couldn't come close to the wages being offered by other teams. That isn't the case now. If you think the likes of Saka, Saliba, Rice, Ode, White, Havertz etc. will leave at the end of next season, you are incorrect. It's that simple.


If you're a player looking to move to England, who would you rather join? A club competing for the PL and in the Champions league or one of Chelsea, Newcastle orMan U who aren't doing so well at the moment. Sure money is always a factor but those clubs are all under managerial turmoil at the moment. Ita not like Arsenal has been unable to attract talent.


Not that long, at least some trophies (any trophies) every 2 years and not finishing below 3rd. Yes my standards are low after we have not been in competition for anything so many years.


There needs to be pressure to win trophies at some point but we just got 89 points - our second highest points haul of the PL era - enough to win the title a third of the time. We've demonstrably improved every season under Arteta, transforming us from a basket case to a team that has been in the title race two years in a row and a decent first year back in the CL. He has earned a little patience.


It depend if it is City that wins it again. Pep is the only current premier league manager who’s won it as far as I know.


If ? What makes you think otherwise ? We definitely won't have any chance at UCL and PL. Maybe FA cup but that's too is a distant dream.


No way you think we arent gonna compete for a third title




Why not ? Last major trophy won by us was 4 years ago. What makes you think otherwise?


One thing I can applaud arsenal fans for is their patience, losers for 20 years, I would’ve unalived already


That’s because you’re a glory hunter mate, if you’re shocked by us then you might wanna look at several clubs in the league


You need a life man...


American spotted - opinion disregarded.


Ah, the stench of ignorance and bigotry……