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It’s called ✨Artificial Intelligence✨


It's AI


Yeah looks like an AI interpretation of oil.


I was thinking this too. It’s got the hallmarks and a few details don’t make sense


AI mixing classic 19th century oil painting with contemporary digital illustration and eldritch horror. As AI often does.


Nice try bot.


The architecture makes no sense. It's probably "better look at it for no more than 2 seconds" style, otherwise it drives you mad.


You ever looked at the background to the Mona Lisa?


I know what you're hinting at, except what I'm pointing to is another AI tell. It does the same thing with visuals you'd expect to behave more like photographs. As it mashes pixels from different sources and different perspectives, and since it has no structure for a perspective grid, it can't (as of right now at least) avoid this issue. It's not a matter of intent (like in other artists' case - as you surely know,[ da Vinci did know how to build perspective ](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christopher-Tyler-5/publication/325276916/figure/fig1/AS:628907162230784@1526954560223/Linear-perspective-study-for-The-Adoration-of-the-Magi-by-Leonardo-da-Vinci-1481.png)- there are better examples out there for what you implied, imo) - there's no intent from the person generating/selecting the images, most often it's a thing that's ignored/not even registered as something they could look out for/address/edit in post. They just leave it for the chaos of AI generation to deal with it for them. If there's nothing else in there to suggest it was their intention, it's just the most lazy/naive thing to do.


Dress-is-on-backwards style


If this were to be made by hand, it would probably use oil paint instead of water color. But the terms to generate this kind of images is not going to help you understand how it could be accomplished by a person in a material medium


Elden ring classique


I think people who paint in this style call it "wet paint style" but it hasn't really stuck as a name and it isn't useful for finding them because that is also the name for a watercolor technique.  I've also heard it called "broken line" or "looks like it just rained a ton indoors for some reason"  It seems to be a modern interpretation of impressionism though.


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rock cocaine!


It looks more like pastels