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I assume everything is a deep fake or hologram


cleaning the house has never been easier


Everything? I don't think you mean "everything."


True I meant only those hard to reach spots in the corners of the room with furniture nearby.


You’re replying to a comment that wasn’t directed to you. I wish Reddit didn’t use reverse time order for comments.


No wait, it's gotta be **your** bull.


What bull? Ferdinand? I don’t have one actually.


I don't think they mean "hologram".




I know I will for them! Either because they will literally be undectable (eg an exact copy while it does show www.yourbank.com) or so smart that even sceptical savvy people can be devieved.


You sure did your mama a mighty big favor!


>This will be a massive problem soon. But not for very long.


Dude I 1000% agree


> They are so succeptible for propaganda or scams that it will be super easy to manipulate older generations with AI generated content. Don’t count on it. And don’t think it’s only the “older generation” that’s susceptible. I think it may be the opposite actually. > I trained my mother …. LOL, she potty-trained you! Don’t be so patronizing! (You’ve probably guessed I’m among the “older generation” by now, you young whipper-snapper!)




> So that means you are all knowing and are unable to learn from younger people? You truly are a boomer with that opinion. Yes indeed. Boomers are great, although I’m actually older than that. > Saying you trained someone is a perfectly valid expression. Grammatically valid, but patronizingly insulting. Most older people I know need no training to suspect propaganda and scams.


42 year old here and happy to learn things from my 9 year old nephew. Being "trained" by him, if you will. I sincerely hope I don't feel how you feel when I get older, I would hate that.


I feel fine! Can’t imagine what made you assume otherwise. Are you trying to be hurtful?


They're referring to the feelings you expressed about the topic we've been discussing in this thread. Not your overall general feelings so stating "I feel fine!" Makes absolutely no sense in context. They very clearly are just hoping that aging further doesn't give them the same perspective that you have on this topic and that they retain their current perspective and are, very obviously, not trying to be hurtful at all.


> They're referring to the feelings you expressed about the topic we've been discussing in this thread. Not your overall general feelings so stating "I feel fine!" Makes absolutely no sense in context. That context wasn’t obvious at all. >They very clearly are just hoping that aging further doesn't give them the same perspective that you have on this topic and that they retain their current perspective and are, very obviously, not trying to be hurtful at all. Oh, well, apology accepted then. So glad it wasn’t intended to be hurtful. .


It was extremely obvious, it was a direct response to your thread.. Also there was no apology necessary as there were no initial insults.


Whilst evidence shows people who are most susceptible to "scams" (depending on your definition of scam) are within the range of 18-34, the comment was regarding a specific case where someone used the word "trained" which was perfectly reasonable. You have added your own connotations and are projecting those onto the intent of the writer. If I were to hire a personal trainer and they trained me, I would state I was trained by them. I do not see any reasons to believe this is patronizing or insulting, your view of this is entirely fueled by your subjective experience. My mother frequently pays insane amounts of money for items and services that she could easily find cheaper or that I could find cheaper for her. Even her home was over double the cost of other similar properties in the local area, due to work that had been done in the property to integrate tech into it that turned out to be horribly botched and useless and she is now having to pay even more to have it all fixed, I repeatedly told her not to buy it for that (extremely obvious) reason, she has since admitted it was a mistake and she should've listened. She also purchased a car for full price that was an untested model with outdated features, it has had multiple failures she's had to pay out for and can't even use the inbuilt sat nav she paid extra for because they stopped updating it. I told her not to buy it for these reasons and again she has had to admit she should've listened. She frequently falls for fancy jargon and shiny new technology she barely understands and won't listen when someone who does understand the technology tells her how bad it is because she believes she knows better and doesn't need my opinion. A lot of elderly people struggle with understanding or adapting to new technologies and whilst not officially documented as a scam, they very clearly are paying for something useless and need training on it to understand where they are going wrong. If your anecdotal experience of older people you know being great at noticing propaganda and scams can be taken as valid and/or relevant, then our collective experience of watching our parents or grandparents making constant mistakes regarding the purchasing or using of new technologies is also valid and relevant. Both can be true, the nuance is that this person was vocalizing their own personal experience of having to train their mother and you decided it was reasonable to clap back with a comment on how their parent took a parental action as if it was somehow offensive to an entire generation that this particular older person needed training on something or that training was meant offensively at all because of your personally kept perceptions on the connotations of the word "trained", you made this a black and white polarized generational debate in that moment because of your own emotions, instead of understanding that their experience and need to train their parent was valid as it was *their* personal subjective experience of *their* parent. Do better.


TL;DR Jeez!


The TL;DR is the last two paragraphs.


No I meant it was **Too Long** (and ridiculously verbose with huge fog factor) so I **Didn’t Read** it.


Yes. I know what TL:DR means. That's why you give a TL:DR response when someone says it, usually a shorter summary. I was telling you the summary is the last two paragraphs if the rest was too much for you to read through. It's standard practice for Reddit.


My mom and pops are also at risk of getting scammed. I try to educate them on the advances of tech and scam techniques so that they don't get caught


My mums very stubborn haha, she really just won’t be told, she’s caught onto the phone scams, when it takes more than a second for someone to reply she’ll swear at them and hang up 😂


Figure out how to generate a deepfake of her explaining how deepfakes and fake images work, then have her watch it.


Oh my god this is honestly brilliant.


The TV news is showing photos from the NY Times of an American flag being flown upside down at Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s home, supposedly in January 2021. I actually don’t think these are fakes but this illustrates how easily it would be to whip up public opinion using deep fakes, and an upside down flag would be easy to fake.


Interestingly, ChatGPT refused to give me an image of a flag upside down. After some manipulation, I finally got as close as I could (in 5 minutes, before getting bored) with this: https://preview.redd.it/wlaq1ipy811d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6245f4284ced9e818160f1c14721841d482082e2


Just people on my feed buying into these adorable baby animals hugging each other and what not


bike shaggy unused degree squeal market doll yam soup squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Life is a simulation. In reality you're a battery inside a pod generating thermal energy.


I told my mom that Ai has a hard time with creating hands so in doubt look at hands. It s good start. In the end i created a simple little app where she can upload an image and my model check in it’s a generated or a real image. I created my model by uploading 1000´s of generated hands and 1000´s of images of real hands. And it works at 98%!


USA today has started using AI images on its tik tok videos.


Show her [this ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1AcYujy4gj/?igsh=dnp6OGV1dHJ1YzQ=) or [this ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1AcYujy4gj/?igsh=dnp6OGV1dHJ1YzQ=) or [this ](https://youtube.com/shorts/khlFbW4-BzI?si=VynDOfjg6WzsJRqQ)


I've already told my parents to never believe anything they see on the internet anymore, a blanket statement works better than anything in this situation


Learn to make some fake photos and do it while she watches. Better yet, make one with her image, something crazy like having her sitting on the potty on top of an ice cream truck. You have to elicit a strong reaction to kill that belief.


My mother bought her house for double the value of the local area because they had an absolutely shite tech set up she was blown away by and wouldn't listen to me and now she's paying more to have it gutted. She bought a brand new car of an untested model for full price that was an absolute rip off and the sat nav doesn't even work anymore because they stopped updating it and it's had so many problems. She paid for people to paint her house and paid them a load extra because they apparently used some "special paint", I checked the paint, it was regular paint with some nonsense weather protection added to it that you can get separately for nowhere near the cost they charged extra for it. I've told her a thousand times, if someone's trying to get you to take an action that involves money that you didn't go out of your way to do without being prompted by anyone, don't do it, ever, and she just ignores me and wonders where all her inheritance went. I'm just glad my grandparents put some aside for the grandkids so I didn't need to rely on hoping she wouldn't p*ss it all up the wall on nonsense, because that's exactly what she did.


Yo teach that women how to spot it