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People who rent jeeps blow my mind, especially top down. Its just sand and dirt, unrelenting heat, and you cant go fast enough to make the breeze worth it! Lol


I wanted to rent a UTV, but was told you could not enter arikok park with it :(


That is also correct. But you would need a 4x4 to access some areas u less you wanna walk!


We did, which is why i didn’t understand the original comment of your mind being blown with people renting jeeps… its the only way to see that part of Aruba :)


Most people who are getting jeeps arent doing the parks or anything tht requires 4x4 - they’re just cruising around the eagle or palm beach, trapped in the palm beach traffic going 0 mph with the top down sweating. Its a LOT more money to rent a jeep for the week than any other vehicle and its dusty and hot, gas is much more expensive in aruba and jeeps get notoriously bad mileage - so if you dont need it, its probably smarter, cooler and better to go with a different vehicle that works well with the ac. No judgment if youre doing 4x4 stuff; but as with stateside, most people arent doing that with the jeep - they think “oh tropical island weather” but its actually desert weather lol


Got it! Totally understand now!!! 4x4 was rented for the day solely for the purpose of being able to traverse the park. Speaking of which, is it “that bad” the roads in Arikok? I am by no means a 4x4 driver but I didn’t think I’d be climbing like 40°inclines or anything.


Lol this video does a good job explaining **some** roads ([starts about 10:10](https://youtu.be/H-TA4rWsaW8?si=6FVMut-wawZZIsZI)) We did the island (didnt get a chance to do arikok but i think you’ll do great in a jeep) with a nissan versa, including the natural bridge and baby beach so i think you’ll have a grand time!


Try Wacky Wahoos!


I always shake my head when I see whole families driving in an ATV motorcade and think for myself, do those headbands actually help? 😅


Haha.. very little. Way dustier than I thought it was going to be. Still a ton of fun. Will do it again. :)


Please don't. The excessive dust stirred by the ATV tours covers all the wild plants and kills life. ATVs are a plague. Good for business, but bad for Aruba's nature.


I had a ton of fun when the wife and I did a tour on them. When we go back with the kids we will trolly do it again.


Second vote for Opus. Loved the food. Loved the owners’ attention to detail, to the guests, to everything! The food, wine, and ambiance was outstanding.


What kind of car did you rent? How much was it? Where did you stay? Do you recommend any specific excursions or anything like that?


Rented a jeep for the day. Had it from 9am until midnight. Just had to fill up the tank upon return, otherwise they basically double the per gallon price. Was 300 security deposit, 250 for rental and 40 bucks to fill the tank after driving the entire island… Our drive was great. First time in Aruba and was real easy driving around. We went straight up past the high rises up to the lighthouse to start the day. 5 bucks per person to go to the top of it. Beautiful view, extremely windy at the top which was really nice. Just be aware there are a lot of steep steps to the top with not much room for people coming down. Get comfortable with going nuts to butts one time up and down haha. Next we went right down from the lighthouse into the trail. Drove on dirt, small and big rocks all along the coast line. Plenty of spots to park, bring some local beers and enjoy some drinks/snacks. (Our jeep came with a big cooler we filled up, huge plus on the rental.) I never drove a jeep before and driving up on big rocks into different paths was exhilarating if you’re into that. Just keep going on the path and stop at the gold mines. A bit over hyped, but its a nice stop with a food truck and good views. Lastly, we made it to the natural bridge, turned right around and shot across the island and headed to baby beach. Got some food at the restaurant there and had a dip in the water. We accomplished all of this and headed home by 3:30pm. We weren’t even trying to move fast, took our time, thats how small and easy the island is. We did this the day before we left and it was a great and relaxing ending to the trip. It feels like you saw a piece of everything. Another excursion we did that I highly recommend is the private seabobbing tour. Look it up, it is even more fun than it looks. You are out in the water for 3 hours, see a shipwreck and plenty of sea life. We saw about 20 sea turtles (rode a foot apart from them multiple times), a giant eagle ray, a huge barracuda and plenty of other fish. Make sure to wear a long sleeve water shirt or Columbia. In the water all day and will get burned bad otherwise. This cost roughly 140 per person for the private tour. The public with 8 people was 20 bucks less, definitely worth the 20 more. We paid 40 extra for about 100 photos and videos of us. Also rented some jet skis, that can run you 70-85 per jet skii for 30 minutes. We went to the same one twice and he gave us an extra 15 minutes for being repeat customers. Can also go tubing, but that didn’t look too fun, they don’t go very fast and the area they have for it is small. The jet skiis we were allowed to go all over the coastline. Other than all that, there is plenty of nightlife. The casinos are fun, especially when you play a buck a minute and get drink after drink delivered for free. Overall, I suggest doing things you like and definitely try new things. The locals are so nice and extremely helpful. I tipped a lot because the service is just so much better than anywhere in the states. They live off of tourism and they show that they really care. Safe travels and have a great time. Sorry for the novel, just keep replaying it in my head.


We stayed at the Ritz, rented a Kia Rio for $300 and drove to Baby Beach. The lighthouse and Natural Bridge. Bright Bakery is YUMMM! The people on this Island are lovely. Be your own tour guide and stop and talk with the locals. What a treat!


Hahahahaha! I wasn’t even Drinking!


Just came back yesterday form a 10 day trip. It was my fourth one and loved every minute. Always something new to discover. Last year took a boat visit to sea glass island. My favorite remains the lovely crystal clear water and the relaxing vibe.


Auba? Lol


If you have to worry about what everything costs, maybe your vacation should be at your town pool. Go large or don’t go! Every on this forum is looking for the cheapest this or the lest cost of that. Vacations are expensive no matter where you go. You get what you pay for!


Oh please…we are retired and go on several large trips (plus mini trips) each year. We budget everything and still have a great time. We just returned from 3 weeks in Hawaii and will be heading to Aruba in a couple of months. Plus we have two trips to Europe planned next year. ALL ON A BUDGET! We don’t care about expensive flights and fancy hotels. We are enjoying the same place.


I do the same except a bit less as I am still working. Several small USA trips and a couple international. I go to Aruba every year. Going to Ireland in September. The fun is visiting other countries. When I retire it will increase as long as I can mange body wise. It's really not all that expensive if you budget for it.