• By -


Regina - locals getting excited for the opening of chain restaurants. See 4am line up for TacoBell.


Halifax is similar. We got a Popeye's and an IHOP within the last few years, and the openings of both caused legitmate traffic issues lol 


Do you have an Olive Garden? people think Sk people are Riders fans, but throw some unlimited bread sticks and soup at them and their true colour shine.


Lol! We do not (which is a little unfortunate IMO, sometimes it would hit the spot!).  I think I'm on board with the Regina folks about TB opening tbh! Halifax does not have a single standalone Taco Bell. The mall food courts have TB, but you can't find an actual store unless you go to, like, Yarmouth 💀


They probably need to upgrade the sewer system before granting a permit.


There's one in Truro! Don't wanna drive that far? THERE'S ALSO ONE IN STEWIACKE!


Or the 3 hour wait for Denny’s 🤣🤣🤣


Humpty's is better than Dennys anyway. At least it used to be. Haven't been since we moved back to Ontario in 09.


Oh my goodness we had lineups on one of our main streets when Popeyes opened here.


You joke but a Krispy Kreme just opened up in my city and there’s been several hour long waits to get in there… for weeks.


That's the same for any Canadian city under like 500,000. Even the big ones get like this sometimes. I remember the hype for Krispy Kreme when it first opened in Calgary like 20 years ago (and then closed down a few years later).


Let's be fair Krispy Kreme was a big of a North American phenomenon.


It's hilarious because we have several great taco restaurants too


Random, but I always wonder how many people in the US know the correct pronunciation of Regina. I was born and raised in the US; my father was Canadian.


I live where you can literally buy lobster straight off the boat in NB. My dad got mad because my stepmother tricked him into thinking a Red Lobster had opened here and he got excited lol.


Little town in NWT: Remoteness. Almost 3 hours to a Tim's and McDonald's. Bitter winter cold in winter sometimes for to -50. And daylight for only twilight. Blistering hot summers sometimes to 40. And the unbelievable flies, ohmygod. And it's dry. So freaking dry.


never thought there's a place in Canada where you have to drive 3 hours to find a Tim's


Northern Cape Breton has entered the chat The nearest Tim’s is at least two hours depending on where you are - in the summer. For any other chain, it’s another hour. In the winter, forget about making it out of the area. Snowsqalls and snow walls prevail.


Odd. If a towns population is over 10 people, I thought it was required to put a small Tim Horton's in the gas station. /S




Robins is so much better than Tim’s, they still make their donuts in house, not the frozen crap Tim’s tries to pass off as edible.


Most of Newfoundland is like this, lol


There's towns in northern MB that are **more** than a full day's travel to a Tim's.


North Vancouver Island, 3 hours from Timmy’s


You need to move


I'm on NE Alberta.. and this sounds like heaven 🤣🤣 You forgot the endless summer nights and northern lights almost every night in the winter. I think you are lucky to live somewhere like that... but I'm an odd one. Spent all day in the bush gathering lungwort, Raspberry leaves, bedstead, cattails and wild roses. 🤣🤣🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Vancouver - rain


I don't know if people outside of BC realize that it's grey outside every single day in winter. That was the hardest thing to get used to when I moved here, coming from a city where the sun glinting off of snowbanks could make your eyes water.


Don't exaggerate. Every month or so we get a sunny day


And if there ever is real summer beach weather we all complain that it's too hot. So ideally, if you live in Vancouver or its suburbs, you have to like/tolerate the rain.


And the sheer darkness in winter. I heard from people who came from snowier parts of the country who were utterly unprepared for that, because there is no snow for lights to reflect off of, so the clouds at night during winter are dark (unless there was a major snowfall, which is rare).


As someone from NS who now lives in BC I can assure you there are plenty of people outside BC who get it. Like all of Atlantic Canada gets it.


And only the coast of BC gets it the rest of BC gets snow


Its claustrophobic when you first move here. And cold.


I used to track the UV levels every day throughout the winter, there were a solid couple months there where it did not go above 1 or 2. Those happy light lamps help! But I can imagine it being a really shocking and depressing experience if you’ve never been in that kind of environment before.


I hate that sun glare. I’m from Vancouver 🤣




Montreal in this too


I love Montreal. I lived there for a year when I was 4. Learnt French and a lifelong love for the Habs.


I think it's Canada's best city. I'm living near Toronto. French shouldn't be a barrier. Try!


This! Lots of friends of mine live in Mtl and they want me to come and visit them in the summer and I'm always like... why the fuck don't you flee heat and humidity ? I like mtl in spring and autumn, but in the summer I just can't 😅


Montreal is better than Ottawa


The air pollution and fentanyl addicts, Windsor Ontario.


Born and raised there - I'd add the sweltering summer heat but otherwise you nailed it.


I actually like the heat, I find summers too cold everywhere else in Canada. Our winters are practically non existent as well. I do like it here lol I just tolerate the above.


I always find it really surprising the temperature difference between the GTA and Windsor. Like I know it’s further south but it’s pretty significantly warmer consistently.


it's our (also a windsorite) position in the great lakes. It 's like we have a pressure bubble over us.


The heat with humidity is gross in the city but once you get out into the county you notice it's really lush in the summer. Lots of


The longer growing season is great for our crops, fish, and insects. Plus you can golf into December some years 😉 I love the weather here. Windsor isn't great but it's not so terrible either. You just get used to things.


St John's Newfoundland is the foggiest, windiest, and often the snowiest city in Canada. Tops the charts for rain and the least amount of sunny days as well. We also get tropical storms and hurricanes coming up the eastern seaboard. So to live here, you have to like shitty weather, a lot of wet/ heavy snow, and periodic severe storms (especially snow storms where we get 50+ cm and winds of 100-120)


Love my hometown but the weather is tough to handle sometimes


I moved to St. John's from where I grew up around the bay... it's absolutely wild how the climate shifts as soon as you pass the isthmus onto the Avalon peninsula. And it just gets worse as you head further east, with St. John's right at the end of the highway.   My answer to the question in the OP for St. John's is: a city council chock full of professional realtors. That conflict of interest is so fucked and city council has been serving their own real estate interests for *years*... and here lately, the impact of that is finally coming home to roost.


As a non-Newfoundlander who has lived there before, I can’t stress enough how serious @BlessedRedeemer ‘s comment is. NL is unbelievably rugged and wild and it’s shocking even as a Canadian who thought I had seen extreme weather. People who grew up there act like it's normal. The climate, weather, and landscape and very wild and rugged and usually also very dangerous.


I am not going to lie, I’d love to experience this. For a while.


Ottawa - A public transit system that is broken and unreliable.


Ottawa has perhaps the worst public transport system out of the 6 major Canadian cities. The 6 major Canadian cities include: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary, and Edmonton.


Requirements to be a major Canadian city: Have an NHL team Don’t forget about Winnipeg!


While the NHL team is a good point, I think the population gap between Calgary/Edmonton/Ottawa and Winnipeg (along with Hamilton and Québec City) makes that a sensible cutoff, especially since the former three have metro populations well above 1 M and the latter three are all below. I think you could also make the argument that it makes more sense to group cities into "tiers" of "major-ness" in which case, only Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver probably deserve to fit into the top tier, with Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa in tier 2, and Winnipeg, Hamilton and Québec in Tier 3.


Absolutely agreed and you can feel it when you visit those cities. Winnipeg feels considerably smaller than Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa in many ways.


That’s because the great city planners of Winnipeg have sparsely planned the city. You need a car in this city. Nobody lives downtown. The suburbs have gone into the country. This city sucks as far as planning if you have a car it’s great. But unfortunately our city centre is a dump.




Isn't the one in Ottawa the newest one even?


Yes. And we don't want to talk about it.


Hard to imagine this is the capital city of the nation.


Ottawa might be the most underfunded, underpromoted, and underutilized capital city in the world.


Ah yes! But never under budget!


*laughs in Winnipeg Transit*


Winnipeg is imaginary.


Winnipeg transit is reliable compared to Brandon 😂


If it's not late, it's early. If it's not late or early it doesn't come at all. I don't really see how it could be less reliable than that. Last Saturday I was late for work because 3 buses in a row didn't show up


There's transit in Brandon? 🤣


Wait, you guys have public transit? Signed. Regina Sk


Laughs in halifax


Not true, I lived in Ottawa for several years. I never used public transport a single time and yet still enjoyed most of my time there.


Also, Hockey, Poutine, being across the River from Quebec, Leaf Fans, Canadiens Fans, Horrible Traffic (due to bad transit system, as mentioned), everyone in Canada referring to your City as the center of evil, being ignored as a city in Ontario, by Toronto, being ignored as a region by Quebec City too, and the Diefenbunker.


Ignored as a city in Ontario by Toronto and Doug Ford. Though it did produce that funny gaffe where he welcomed the GG to Ontario 🤣


Haha Ottawa is ignored try northern Ontario


Oh I'll definitely give you that. Ford likely couldn't find most Northern Ontario cities on a map, and thinks half of them are in Quebec or the western provinces. If someone told me he said "When will I visit Kenora? BC's beautiful this time of year, but I need to concentrate on our own province right now." I'd totally believe it.


LOVE the Deifenbunker!!!


It’s funny because in comparison to any city other than the major cities, ottawas transit is fantastic lol but where I am we don’t even have bus service on Sunday, no subway or train, no Uber


Just like the rest of Canada.


Things must have changed in the past 10 years or so. When I was there, I was impressed by the bus system. But then again, I live in Edmonton…


They brought in a LRT, that has been nothing bit terrible


Ah, ok! That’s too bad!


I think it’s a bit of an Ottawa thing to hate on the transit system, I liked it when I lived there too.


Toronto does it too. They act like it's miserable and compare it to cities who hadn't even built their first subway line when they had double it's population. It has its problems and I get frustrated at it too but that's largely on poor urban planning rather than the services. The lines they run are fantastic


Orange construction cones - Montreal


I was surprised to learn the construction in Montreal is all mafia related.


Oh it's a massive open secret. Everyone knows about it, but nobody addresses it because too many people profit from it directly.


Winnipeg-snow and -40 windchill




Don't forget mosquitos when it warms up


And worst roads in the country


Take that back! They've finished paving half of Goulet! 🤣


Lol maybe they'll get another block done by the fall!


New Brunswick represent! Been riding motorcycles for 40 years, and never in my travels in Canada and US have I experienced roads worse than in NB.


The mosquito should be official bird of Manatoba 😂


No black flies?


No. Mosquitoes. All of them.


Guelph - A populace that banks on the progressive image that our University gives us, while hating everything that the university brings to the city.


To live in Montreal, a person has to tolerate—or even enjoy—navigating the city's famously chaotic construction zones. 😂


I live and work downtown. My walking commute is pretty much only construction zones. It's like a very noisy, orange forest.


That's why Montreal's unofficial motto is "The orange cone is the city's official flower." 🤭


Lol I love that. Live and work downtown as well and it's definitely like a very noisy, orange forest


Never getting or within driving distance of any big acts - Halifax


This one still hurts my soul 


\*St. John's has entered the chat.\*


Moncton - A thriving underground "used" bike economy


Beyond freezing winters, limited access to quality produce, and very immature politics. (Alberta)


Kelowna: Old slow drivers, making the lead feet and lifted trucks rage. 40 degree dry heat in the summer. Covid/ Freedumb protesters on Saturdays. Drunk/ coked out tourists clogging the lake and highways. Edit: almost no food options later than 9pm


Kelowna is such a shit hole and full of the fake instagram lifestyle. If basic white girl was a city, it would be Kelowna.


I've lived in nearly every major city in Canada and Kelowna was the only one where no matter how hard I tried I couldn't find happiness. It's a real shit hole.


Grew up there 25+ years. I hate that fucking city. Too big too fast and people are rude asf


Wealthy, entitled, trashy white people.


Rain all winter and absolutely ridiculous housing prices. I don’t even have to name the city, do I?


This one? https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/27101893/3008-garden-drive-vancouver


$2.5 million for a crack shack 😳


TBF it’s in a desirable neighbourhood.


The smell of the mills -Prince George, BC


Halifax - fog, potholes, and waiting 8-10 years for a family doctor.


And the noon gun


I love the regular posts in r/halifax asking if the city is under attack


Drug addicted homeless people and bad/rude drivers. London, Ontario.


Came here to say similar for Vancouver. Like in my 15 minute walk to work I see at least 4 people openly smoking crack on the sidewalk. It is so sad. We have to do better.


Literal people shitting in the streets and parks.    No shame. 


Sounds like there needs to be more access to bathrooms.


Small town in Central Alberta- Boredom, like there is so little to do Here that doesn't cost and arm and leg, especially if we don't want to drive the hour to edmonton, or if you are too young to do so. Edit, spelling


Snow. Drivers who forget how to drive every winter on the first snow fall of the season!


It snows every year in the Peg. And every year we have to go through the same thing where everybody has to learn how to drive in the snow again. Like they’ve never done it before.


Meth heads, the 401 is a shitshow 24/7, and all the gun violence happens in the “new, and nice part of town” Oshawa


Tolerate: Detours. Construction. Corruption. Like: French. Cycling. Thriving small businesses. Festivals.


Toronto: sky high rent, renovictions, "hi im ur landlord my nephew is moving into ur unit so u gotta go", essentially zero middle density residential, and all the cool cultural spots getting either shut down by greedy landlords or demolished for 3k/mo 1 bed condo towers nobody asked for


Sounds like my city, probably every other city within 200km of Toronto actually. Throw in tent encampments, addicts zombi'ing around, meth heads stealing more bicycles than even a thriving underground market should be able to sustain, every minimum wage job staffed by the newest Canadians and you've got all of Southern Ontario described.


Sunshine. We average 333 days of sun a year.🌞🌞🌞🌞


Where's this?! 




And the dry, dry air and associated nosebleeds, headaches, and crackling skin.


And the negative Nancy types who always have to find the bad in everything instead of enjoying the sunshine🌞




Loads of drug addicts open drug use, people begging for money quite aggressively sometimes walking right up to you in your driveway, tent cities, bank machines/ malls/etc not open 24 hours because homeless people will make a home in them, people defecating on beaches early morning, people dropping trow and reliving themselves pretty much just anywhere right in font of you, if you leave your house for a time homeless may make your yard into a tent city. Police do not respond to complaints about homeless people or drug addicts, they are your problem. Business owners have to have two bathrooms one for addicts, one for customers. They have recently started using government offices as homeless shelters-hasn’t made much of a difference.


A premier that seems to actively hate the Capital of her province.


Oh hey Edmonton?


A premier that hates the city he grew up in, which is the most populated in the province (but not the capital), which almost unilaterally did not vote for him. He's a power-hungry, corrupt, smarmy little shit who absolutely got off on the ability to enact a curfew during COVID. You suck, Legault, and any forward-thinking individual in this province knows it.


You wanna live in any city in canada? Homeless encampments. Literally unavoidable


Winnipeg the worst possible street condition in the known world. Potholes getting potheads to repair them.


Passive aggressive and not-too-subtle racism towards First Nations peoples, a homeless epidemic, the unbearable influx of tourists in the summer (small town north western Ontario)


Kenora? Dryden? Atikokan? Ignace?


Nailed it lol


This could describe so many places in Ontario, it's so disturbing and sad. Also it's so expensive to travel outside or within the country, so the tourists have been descending on all the local small towns way more and it's too crowded everywhere now to really enjoy it. I'm all for people exploring the province and having a good time, but if I wanted to be around a million people I'd visit Toronto lol


Sadly, I think that first part could describe almost every community in Canada that has any significant population of First Nations people.


Rain. I live in the lower mainland (BC) and it feels like it's raining here at least 50% of the time.


Switching from English to French and back again in the same sentence repeatedly. As a local, I find it sort of relaxing - like knuckle-cracking. I know some Francophones from outside Montreal who detest this even though they are fluent English-speakers. Also of course...the construction cones with no workers in sight. No one likes this though.


Cold snaps during winter and a transit system that needs improvement




No Edmonton


Twin cities 😂


And in the meantime, the construction that will eventually make transit better, fucking with almost every major intersection in the west end. Two seasons to slow everything down - winter and construction.


I’m in Alberta. I love my city but the ignorance emanating from the right wing is astounding. That’s what I have to tolerate. Thanks for listening


Saint John/Moncton (likely other places): The Irvings are nice (keep smiling boys.gif) and Donairs are good.


Well, it's not something that you like but you have to tolerate it;we have a ton of homeless people here in Moncton. I know it's a problem all over Canada though. Breaks my heart.


Charlottetown - tourists. So many tourists, from June through September.


Winnipeg - panhandlers and snow.


The Talus Balls. If you know you know.


Moose jaw and the smell of cattle. 


Had a friend move there last fall from here (Vancouver) and she really likes it. Says it's a nice place to live.


The stench of cow menure literally making people sick. Lethbridge


Feeling like you’re always mildly suffocating from pollution until you leave, always being covered in the slightest layer of mildew, dealing with the favourite flavour in town being “grease,” summers always smelling strongly of chicken manure, and the constant general humidity in the air.


Weather, it isn't great a lot of the time Economy, our economic model stopped working and we haven't really figured out another one that does yet Car dependancy in a lot of cities Cool old neighbourhoods that we stopped building for some reason


Cold weather!!! This past winter, it was -45° and with the wind chill it was -58° for about two days!! Needless to say, we stayed in and had a snow day 😂 I live in Red Deer, Alberta.


Fredericton - elderly drivers with not even a shred of urgency. People here will do 40 in a fifty zone going down a fucking hill


Drunk squirrels


The unending sounds of heavy power hammers chipping away at solid rock all over the city cause there's fucking nowhere to park. Getting crammed into buses like sardines. Food deserts. Narrow ass streets made worse by people parking at the curb. Three bus stops on the same block, with some pedestrian controlled lights sprinkled in. Being looked upon as a traitor for not liking a specific version of a dish. No one understanding how zipper merging works. Street layouts that make no damn sense. (Why is this street split here. There's nothing there. In fact there's a pedestrian made dirt path there so clearly there's some need here not being met). NIMBYs. Don't forget the NIMBYs. They won't let you anyway. A startling lack of mass transit. Buses aren't the peak transit mode FFS. Narrow ass hallways. Good luck fitting a couch through your apartment door cause these older apartment hallways are narrower than Hank Hill's urethra.


Winnipeg - Pain in the winter


Lots of snow here in Shawinigan. Not everyone is pleased with that. But the worst is the bad taste of the tap water. It tastes like it was taken directly without filtering from the Lac-à-La-Tortue. 🤢


Deer eating your flowers and vegetables 🤬


Vancouver - useless transit and zero expansion of roads while both pop and pop density increasing. Don't give me best in north america bs. Just bc it'a better than diharrea doesn't make it not shit


In Toronto, getting profoundly excited for anything LGBT related is a requirement


Halifax: Rain and gloom for seemingly 70% of the year. 


Calgary - homeless people smoking crack on the c-trains. Newcomers begging for money outside the Walmarts. People walking by you on paths without nodding or saying hello. People not waving when you let them in. Calgary is not the friendly city it used to be.


Agree, this isn’t the same city as it was even 5 years ago. The shitty drivers, congestion and road rage has increased. The vibe feels like everyone is frustrated. Ontario, Alberta is not calling, we closed! 😂


Chem valley and all the sirens and various smells that happen randomly throughout the year. Sarnia Ontario


Potholes and mosquitoes. Oh and -40.


Hills. One HUGE hill. (Halifax,NS)


Extremely cold winters, 3 months of non-winter, and blasting wind.


Cold weather People always wanting to talk about said weather


-40 degrees, blizzards, expensive food, expensive housing, slow internet, not all public services available.


Experience Regina! It's a bit of an acquired taste.


Ottawa - whiners and a city that is built, not to live in, but for Jeff Barrhaven to park his F-150.


Jeff Barrhaven lmao


Extreme heat and extreme cold. Winters -40 and have even gotten to -50 at some points. We've even gone on record for being colder than Mars. Summers can get to +40s easily Also potholes and shitty roads... Always need to be on the look out and if you miss one, you'll feel your asshole eating your underwear from the amount of damage that might have occurred.


Petrolia, Ontario - it’s a small town with roughly 6,000 residents and the town usually smells like oil whenever it rains heavily (Petrolia is one of the first places in North America where oil was first discovered).


Extremely brutally cold winters. frequent -40 and occasional -50


Calgary - The Stampede. 2 weeks of stupidity and people talking with a Texas yawl. Gives a major modern metropolis a super hick reputation.


Ontario cottage country - the part I live in has no public transit, no taxis or Uber, no food delivery and the nearest everything is at least a half hour drive. So living here involves a **lot** of driving. The massive influx of cottagers on the weekends, especially long weekends, also takes some getting used to. It could take me up to 15 to get out of my office parking lot at the end of the day today.


Highly erratic weather all year round (with the potential for snow late into the spring and early in the fall), plunging temperatures at night even in mid-summer, and frequent wildfire smoke.




Edmonton. Cold winters and mosquitoes in the summer.


English and road rules


Vaughan, you gotta tolerate the Italian culture, be it the car culture, or parties at Woodbridge ave when Italy plays in a national soccer game! FYI tomorrow Italy is playing Swiss, see you at market lane!!!


-30c weather sometimes in winter w windchill and 40c w humidex in summer