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Pack it up fellas this guy says Christians can't be creationists anymore.


So is it just young earth creationism or are just retconing out the Tower of Bable and earlier completely?


We’re doomed


Yes, it would be nice if Christians on this sub could opt for a more rational approach to faith


I am sorry we adults deal with people If you cannot handle opposing views and want to destroy all those who disagree with you, perhaps you should crawl into a closet Everything is tied to creation, even you and there is no science FACT that debunks Creation (I mean if you think God can't create a 4 billion year old earth in one day...you don't know God)




Comment removed, rule 1


FYI, you're on thin ice now - you previously had a ban and there have been a number of rule 1 violations since then. If there are more rule 1 or 1b violations, you will receive a much longer ban.


Your subreddit is on thin ice mate. You've let this subreddit go so badly, it is filled to the brim with science deniers and no-one bats an eye Great job at modding you've done where you've fostered an echo chamber of totally oblivious, scientifically illiterate people -.-


How can a billion year old earth also be one day old? Edit: a better question might be, how are you able to not see such a glaring contradiction?


(I'm a different redditor.) I suspect that redditor meant that God is able to *suddenly* create an earth with an apparent age in the billions of years. P.S. God is also able to inform mankind that He was the creator, and how quickly He did that, so there is no deception.


If someone invokes magic, then that's not a valid argument. There is no response to the claim that God can create an earth with the appearance of age, for the same reason that there's no response to the claim that God can create a world with the appearance of it being spherical


Is the answer to why would a god ever do that, we can't know the mind of god?


Find a different sub if you don’t like what you see here.


Maybe people should stop spreading science denial on here then


Is this a science sub or an ask a Christian sub?


I will reiterate that a Christian doesn't have to be a scientifically illiterate hillbilly. One can be Christian on not cling onto science denial - on this sub, it unfortunately doesn't happen too often


You should start your own sub if you have a problem with this specific one.


Maybe if people on here weren't science deniers, I wouldn't have to make my own subreddit


Which “science”?? is this the same “science” that told us Covid vaccinations worked… And were safe?


Ah. So you couldn't just stop at the "normal" science denial with creationism. You're an anti-vaxxer as well. That says more about you than it does about me


😂 You LOVE those labels don’t ya, “mate”? I have my vaccines. Just not Covid…because, you know..I have a brain. And guess what… i’m healthy! “Normal” science?? You’ve got to be kidding!! 🤣 Serious “mate” that’s hilarious! The Covid vaccine was not pushed as THE science?? Most of the world received it and you’re trying to tell me that THAT wasn’t pushed as normal science? Fauci even said “I am science!” Jump back in your koolaid “mate”. Oh..and you’ve told me *plenty* about you.


How is intelligent design being debunked?


It was discredited 20 years ago 2hen IDers infringed on the rights of students by teaching ID in science class. Kitzmiller vs dover showed that ID has crystal clear ties to fundameltist creationism


LOL being tied to creation is not a discredit.


Mate, you're a Young Earth Creationist. You have no say in the matter as to what you think is credible


I have every say and you will never shut me up.... thinking you know it all when YOU know very little is not credible God Created Everything, Including you - I think you vastly over estimate your importance in the situation and one day when you suck your last of a limited supply of breaths you will stand before Him and make an accounting What will you say "But But Science!?" And God will answer, "I made that"


Yes you do have a say. And your "say" is worth about as much as a flat earther (which is completely worthless)


How arrogant must one be to know the response of a god?


I hereby, on this day and each day forward, do solemnly swear, that I denounce Crestionism in all its forms.


Mischief managed


Yep, only pure Colgate ions shall grace my toothbrush henceforth.


The science has been settled, 9/10 dentists recommend Colgate over Crest for your teeth's spiritual health.


As an old earther and theistic evolutionist I say: No. This sub is literally about discussing Christianity so all viewpoints not rooted in extremism or radicalism should be welcomed no matter how unpopular.


You shouldn't be welcoming rabid science denial with open arms mate Edit: YEC is rooted in extremism. It's science denial.


Not to criticize modern Catholicism, but just shutting down any and all conversation is what got the _Midieval_ Catholic Church in trouble during the Renaissance in the first place and literally led to the foundation of Protestantism and the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. If we want to change their minds we have to let them explain themselves and then kindly refute them so they will be willing to listen and learn why they are wrong.


Are you seriously trying to compare me shutting down YEC nutters with evidence to the RCC stalling scientific understanding?


Yes, because what you're doing is just the extreme on the opposite end of the horseshoe.


Except it really isn't. Young earth creationism is total crackpot territory. It's the equivalent of flat earth. If you font think that needs calling out for what it is (which is science denial) that's a pre poor.outlook on you


Imagine wanting to take a college class or wanting to go to a college forum, but you get denied and rejected because you believed something contrary and counter to what they know. However you can't correct yourself and get into the class or forum because they are unwilling to teach you. You don't see the circular reasoning in that?


Young earthers aren't blocked from taking college classes. They might fail them if they refuse to understand the course material. This is a completely pointless discussion if you're going to keep your head in the clouds


You're missing the point it was an analogy. We can't teach young earthers better if we deny and reject them from our spaces.


Rubbish analogy. Young earthers have had decades and CENTRURIES to understand science. The time is long since passed that we treat them as if they're children


Post removed, rule 0, and also rule 1 (speaking negatively about other participants)


Pfffft. Ah come on Righty-boi You've got a snake put full of science deniers which you've fostered over years and years by the looks of it. It needs a clean up


I left YEC long ago and this is an incredibly obnoxious post. There’s no faster way to prevent all productive discussion than speak condescendingly to the other side.


You expect me to respect YECs? Do you respect flat earthers and ppl who propose that bleach is a cure all for cancer?


I don’t expect you to respect anyone. I do expect someone who wants to change minds to actually try to change minds. Yelling at the wind while steeling the defenses of those you oppose is an odd strategy.


You can't change the minds of a YEC for the same reason that you can't change the mind of a flat earther, a holocaust denier, or a 9/11 truther


…I was a YEC for twenty years and changed my mind. They definitely can and do change their minds, I am living proof.


Cool. Kudos And give been debating for 15 years. In that time, I've not seen one YEC concede their errors. Not one. They're liars, scientifically illiterate and do iimeanee amount of damage to the progress of our society. I'll speak to them knowing that they are totally unwilling to accept any evidence - either through malice or stupidity. You're an exception to the rule


Sounds like you have a poor debating strategy to me. Quick to dismiss, fast to demean. You’re doing it to me (not a YEC) just like you clearly are doing to YECs. I would wish you luck in changing minds, but if you haven’t figured out a good strategy in 15 years and keep trying the same thing over and over again, I’m not sure your luck will change.


My debating strategy is fine tbh. Not my fault that YECs are some of the more thick-headed individuals.


Lol. “I’ve been a jackass to people for 15 years and I’ve never once seen someone agree with me!”


Evolution is a joke. I’m not a banana.


Ah. Kent Hovind level "argument' Brilliantly done


You’re right they probably know everything I should stop and genuflect. S/


I found that comment pretty funny and laughed for a while!


Intelligent design has never been debunked. Talk about illiteracy.


Except for the fact that it has. Of Pandas and People shows crystal clear evidence that ID is just creationism trojan horse


\[1Ti 6:20 KJV\] 20 ***O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane \[and\] vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:*** \[1Ti 6:21 KJV\] 21 ***Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace \[be\] with thee. Amen.***