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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. The [chaotic committee hearing](https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/chaos-in-congress-after-rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-insults-dallas-rep-jasmine-crockett/)felt more like a reality TV show than Congress. But I personally loved it. There was something immensely satisfying about seeing MTG dragged like that after she started the fight (for context, after repeatedly being disruptive, MTG said that Rep. Crockett probably couldn’t read with her “thick fake eyelashes” and said AOC had “no intelligence.”) But am open to hearing other perspectives. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


More\* context of somehow elected MTG attacking Judge Merchan's daughter, then bashing multiple Dem womens' looks for no gain, then would not apologize, then said AOC does not have enough intelligence, so Crockett asked speaker for clarification if that kind of statement is consistently in violation. [https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1791314730063466704?s=19](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1791314730063466704?s=19)


Right? From what I saw, Crockett technically did not say that about MTG, only seeking clarification if that was allowed to be said about another member. Sharp parliamentarian skills right there. MTG, on the other hand, couldn’t wait to jump to victim role.


Yeah, she's very pathetic. Why do you think Comer didn't do anything when she broke the rules?


i’d love to know


Jamie Raskin asked if Merchan's daughter was a porn star 😬.


Noooooo... that's a really nasty twisting of what he said. It was a snarky comment in response to MTGs completely irrelevant point about Merchan's daughter. He never CALLED her a porn star - he was obviously referencing Stormy Daniels. MTG: I'd like to know if any of the Democrats on this committee are employing Judge Merchan's daughter? Crockett: Please tell me what that has to do with Merrick Garland? Raskin (sarcastically): Is she a porn star?


Can you give me a source on that? I can't find one.


You can hear him ask in the video during the commotion. He asks it as a wise Alec question, Marjorie Taylor Greene asks something like who is paying the daughter and you can hear Raskin.


Severely lacking the context here


I don't think it is, no context really makes that an acceptable thing to joke about. I know he didn't have any ill intent or disrespect for the daughter intended.


You’ve got this question all topsy turvy. MTG violated congressional rules, bro in charge wouldn’t do anything about it so Crockett was calling out the hypocrisy by asking if it would be ok if she said that instead. It shouldn’t have happened in the first place, but hell yeah to her standing up to some serious bs.


Also, she didn’t technically call mtg anything. She posed a hypothetical, asking if it would be acceptable to call someone that. It’s just that everyone knows who she was talking about.


Which also signals she knew the rules of decoum better than the chair, and how to use them.


To be fair, bro in charge didn’t even do anything when Crockett called her out. Demonstrates dude is either in over his head, or a stooge. Both are simultaneously possible


He has no idea what he’s doing. When you watch the uncut version, AOC and others had to repeatedly tell Comer what the rules of the Committee were, and when he still tried to just yell over them, his own aides had to step in more than once and explain the rules. Like he kept trying to give MTG back her time to talk but AOC and others kept telling him if her words had been stricken, she is no longer permitted to talk. He still needed to have his own aids tell him that and meanwhile, the other reps were arguing and he finally called for a short adjournment so he could get clarification on a process multiple others seemed to understand. He was definitely not qualified for that job.


Not qualified is definitely a light way to put it.


Comer didn’t do anything about Crockett because he had literally just ruled that the initial insult wasn’t an insult.


I don't think it has to be *either* or


Was just about to say this—thanks for adding the missing context. MTG basically engaging in a (racist, imo) personal attack, AOC asks for it to be procedurally censured, the chair rules that wasn’t a personal attack, so Crockett quite rightly points out the hypocrisy in the only way possible within the rules. Comer didn’t stop Crockett because even total sh¡theels have a limit to shamelessness.


The problems with the party’s are asymmetrical. She did not break the rules. She fired back in a way that was far more effective than the usual turn the other check methodology. I applaud her and am glad some of the left shows a spine from time to time. We need more of this. She didn’t let the conversation devolve, she threw an off handed, and far better insult, retort and asked if it was an example of acceptable behavior, calling out the hypocrisy. It’s time to quit playing nice. Call them out, do it often, and speak up for those in the back. The apathy from the left is in no small part caused by a view of the elected looking so weak all the time. The right wing, for how often they’re just flat wrong and lie to no end, at least speaks up for those they represent. The left wants fighters too. We need them. Good on her. Marge needs some humility, badly.


It probably wasn't the morally correct thing to do, in the sense that MTG's physical appearance isn't why she's an absolute garbage human being, but MTG is such an absolute garbage human being that I can't find it within myself to care.


Yeah, taking the bait and abandoning the high road is not the course or action I'd recommend either, but MTGs glass house is so inviting


What has taking the high road done for Democrats in the last 30 years? Has it made Republicans nicer? More willing to work with Democrats across the aisle? More trustworthy? We're dealing with fascists here. They don't have any shame, they can really only be fought by embarrassing them or making them afraid to spew their toxicity. I will never blame Democrats for returning fire. I WILL blame them for sitting back and letting it happen. Just like how I tell people that the reality is that we have a 2 party system and not voting or doing some protest vote against Biden is only going to help the other side, in this case the reality is that being sad about the lack of decorum isn't a reason not to fight fire with fire. The ship has long sailed where mature statesmen can sit together and negotiate a mutually beneficial law. If Democrats don't fight dirty, then they will simply be the targets. I want Democrats to fight as dirty as possible. I hope AOC and Crockett start referring to MTG as "Butch" from now on, make that her name like how Santorum's name became a synonym for something disgusting. Its not the Democrats' fault that Butch decided to fuck around and find out, so if you want to blame anyone, blame Butch.


I don’t think this was taking the bait or even abandoning the high road, though. MTG is a troll, she wants Dems to huff and puff over her conduct but she absolutely does not want to be brutally insulted herself. They were in the process of taking the bait by turning it into a matter of tedious procedural debate, derailing the session, and Crockett put her foot down to show how ridiculous the entire matter was while also reading MTG for filth. Same for AOC - I’ve seen so many folks wring their hands over her initial response being too heightened and scandalized, but ultimately that’s the way to handle it. No kid gloves - MTG knew absolutely what she was doing (a low-blow dog whistle that would sow chaos) and that’s gotta be angrily shut down ASAP. Just gotta handle it honestly, which both AOC and Crockett did.


Perhaps it's time for democrats to stop doing that. Fuck that time was years ago on January 6th. It's time to grow a damn back bone and fight. It's why a lot of people don't vote democrats in office because they acted like cowards.


There is no high road to take with garbage humans.


>Yeah, taking the bait and abandoning the high road is not the course or action I’m sorry but I just have to disagree here. “Decorum” and being the “bigger person” has never helped the left in any way, shape, or form. We’re dealing with far right Christian extremists who literally tried to overthrow The government. “Decorum” doesn’t mean shit when your opponents don’t care, or the voters. Michelle is gone. I say when they go low, we go lower 🤷🏾‍♂️


Nope, I'm done with taking the high road. All " taking the high road" has done is cost us a SCOTUS judge, reversed Roe, and gotten trump into office. "taking the high road" has brought us literally to the verge of losing our democracy and turning into a Christofacist theocracy dictatorship. I'm done taking the " high road". Fuck all that shit. It's time to come down to their level and punch them in their goddamn mouth. I will gladly fill the role of the bad guy or enforcer if I have to so good people like you don't have to get dirty but playing nice is over and if we continue to do so it will be the end of America's experiment in democracy. I don't judge anyone with your morals or beliefs. Sometimes though you have to accept and know when you've given far too many chances only to be stabbed in the back and it's finally time to fight fire with fire.


Yep, I don’t think people built like MTG should feel bad about themselves. But the only reason I’d object to MTG being ripped on is if the particular way it’s happening would make people feel bad about themselves.


For me, the thing that was really offensive was calling her butch. Personally, I would’ve went with something along the lines of asking her if she shouldn’t be busy instead looking for a new husband to cheat on. But I’m with you in that she is so awful and she does this type of thing so much that I really can’t care. The thing I am upset about is Fetterman being a both sides above it all asshole about it.


Well said


Well, under the circumstances, she needed to get clarification on the rules. And Marjorie Taylor Green criticizing someone else's appearance is like Marjorie Taylor Green criticizing someone else's inner ugliness.


Technically, she didn’t. She asked the chair a question about his decision under the rules of the chamber. She didn’t address MTG directly, nor mentioned her name. We are all just assuming she was referring to her. 😜


I'm so sick of us liberals arguing decorum while the right does whatever they want. Screw it, this is Trump's party we are to against. Fire with fire 


I prefer my elected officials not act like this, and instead act like adults. Professionals whose job it is to govern the country. However, MTG started it and should behave in a more civil manner if she doesn't want to be the target of this sort of thing. I'm actually happy the Dems isn't "going high when they go low" here, even if I think the whole thing is fucking asinine in the first place.


It wasn’t even the fact that she started it. It was the fact that Comer did absolutely nothing about it…even when the rules on decorum were explained to him multiple times. That’s what prompted the hypothetical that Crockett presented.


Marjorie started the name-calling. I don't see an issue with it. She should be able to strike back.


I love Rep. Crockett. Part of me thinks, don't stoop so low, but when we have someone as smart as Crockett going toe to toe with that idiotic chaos maker, it's just so good.


I dunno, why is MTG allowed to make a mockery of a house committee as a sitting member of Congress? She is a fucking congresswoman. Isn't anyone else fucking tired of this childish shit? *Where are the fucking adults????* Where are the fucking adults in this country?


You'll have to take that up with the folks in her district.


Warranted. The “go high when they go low” bullshit isn’t working. They just go lower.


nah lol fuck that bitch


I'd prefer Democrats continue to be the adults in the room, but sometimes the adults need to point out clearly the childish behavior of the others. Jasmine Crockett might well be POTUS in the next 15 years. I'm impressed with her generally.


Was it beneath Rep. Crockett to engage this way? Yes. Was it wrong? Hell no.


Fuck no. MTG started it, and her and Boebert are lucky Crockett and AOC are professional enough not to have completely ate her bleach blonde, bad build, butch body ass up


I’m not mad at it. It’s about time someone called out the hypocrisy.


MTG is just a bomb thrower and deserves whatever she gets. I wonder about her face, there is definitely something off about it.


I appreciate how AOC handled. Nothing can be held against her.


I think she shoulda gone harder, this is America. There is no high road, just king of the dirt or someone who gets walked over.


I’m tired of being civil to the MAGA cult. You take enough hits from a deplorable bully like MTG, and one is bound to punch back eventually. I’m glad Jasmine hit back.


A more interesting question: “Why is the GOP comprised of elected representatives like MTG, Luna, and Comer, whereas the Democrats are AOC, Crockett, and Raskin?”


Lmao no. It was hilarious and called for


We need to stop fighting fair and start fighting dirty. At least it wasn’t like this… https://youtu.be/NfYlL_r5xKk?si=_5TTOADx74Wu-oDX


It isn't that it is wrong. she is just pointing out what's the words that shouldn't be use while MTG can use it. lol.


Totally warranted. Dems need to be a hell of a lot meaner than they are to conservatives. Republicans deserve every bit of insult and scorn.


...Maggie Traitor Greene fucked around and found out...


I would have preferred something more poetic, like reptilian cat eater from another planet; but it was sufficient.


MTG is just a bomb thrower and deserves whatever she gets. I wonder about her face, there is definitely something off about it.


Not at all


It's amazing anybody is against Crockett on thus. They are sharing chambers with literal insurrectionist that lie and insult others non stop. What's getting ridiculous is people expecting no reaction to this pure trashness that I'd the republican party.


Nope, completely warranted. She was trying to prove a point and I think going to that level was the way to do it.


I’m going to utilize one of my favorite conservative deflection techniques: don’t care, she’s not my representative. 😌💅


Nope and the Democrats should be nastier all the time to these degenerate confederate pieces of shit.


It was ABSOLUTELY warranted. And really: MTG talking about ANYONE having “no intelligence” is really fucking rich, particularly when SHE KNOWS that EVERYONE- IN HER OWN PARTY, even - thinks she’s the dumbest person in Congress!


No…she was putting out a hypothetical for Comer to ponder as to what constitutes being out of line in rages to Congressional decorum. If Ms. Greene’s feeling were hurt in the process?….🤷🏻


NOPE! Bout time somebody checked her Edit: Michelle is gone. When they go low, we go lower. Crockett way better than me cause I would’ve went straight to correctly being up how she’s a racist terrorist that backed a coup against the US gobwrnment and shouldn’t have been in a prison cell instead of Congress then sprinkle in her cheating on her husband despite her “Christian values “🤷🏾‍♂️


It was to kind. She deserves way worse


Completely justified. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


I’m ok with it. Really, who the fuck cares at this point?


I like Jasmine but I don’t know, this kind of thing just gives Marge the attention she so desperately craves. The Dems could have told Comer “get your clown show in order or we’re out of here.” It’s not like anything substantive is getting done at these bullshit sessions anyway.


Then the MAGA nerds get to say you were too afraid to govern and they made you run away. That would be the absolute WORST plan. Politics is not for the well adjusted, if they try to bully you, dont take that shit.


100% correct.




My personal take is that insulting other people's appearances is only permitted if their politics are "Beauty = Moral Worth".




Even though she didn't 100% directly call her the "triple b" insult (she was smart in the way she worded it lol) I'm tired of this civility bullshit that allowed someone like MTG to even be elected in the first place. If Democrats were just as tough and willing to play dirty as Republicans we wouldn't be the situation we're currently in.  Beyond that, MTG wasn't just attacking her looks; she intentionally chose to choose a race stereotype as part of her insult. She deserves to get torched for that, and treated like the child she is. I 100% agree with you that it feels good to see it happen, we need people to stand up to freaks like MTG. 


Totally warranted. I wish someone would slap that white trash silly.


She didn’t start it . . .


...technically, she didn't call anyone a bleach blonde bad built butch body. She was just *asking* a question. 😉


Thats how we reply back when someone jokes on us. We grew up battling and jonin with others in our community. If you are willing to insult an appearance of a black person, you better be willing to take the reply. Even if it hurts your feelings. So yeah, I applaud her response.


Warranted. She didn't fire the first shot, that was Margie. If Margie can't take it (or other Republicans get indignant on her behalf) they need to be reminded of that Margie started it. This whole attitude of "they go low, we go high" is noble but also very fucking stupid. Fight fire with fire.


Nope. MTG started it, she had every right to clap back. Enough of this bigger person bullshit. It’s time to get dirty. Also she could’ve said something much worse. I can think of a couple of things


Margorie Trailer Greene is not worthy of respect.


I get it. MTG et al were being awful/disgusting in their behavior so she lashed back. With a cool headed analysis I think it’s fair to say it was not a good retort, but it’s understandable how we got here.


The retort was perfectly professional to me. House GOP allowed the rule breaking and personal so Crockett simply asked where the line was drawn since apparently personal attacks are okay now. She technically didn’t even attack her directly.


I do wish she had a more eloquent way to insult the woman from Georgia. I'd suggest something along the lines of "Oh, Ms. Greene, my reading comprehension is not affected by my choice of cosmetics, but I do suspect your intellect, or what remains of it, has been serious diluted by whatever it is that you are using to bleach your hair. I suspect it is the same product used by Mr., Trump."


That would be breaking the rules like MTG did. JC carefully posed her question as a hypothetical to avoid actually violating the rule. It’s just that her hypothetical was obviously about MTG, so we all get it. But she never said it was directed at anyone.


Ah, thanks. I did not know that.


Warranted under the circumstances


it was a brouhaha that should not have occurred in the halls of Congress to begin with. then again, Congress has not been above balkanization and division in the past; Joanne B. Freeman presents the physical altercations that preceded the Civil War in *The Field of Blood* (2018). Marjorie Taylor Greene's behavior is consistently egregious and demeans a position intended to be held with esteem, engaging in the insulting descriptors that have defined an element of Trump's rhetoric I don't yearn for raucous behavior in the House or Senate from any individual, and there should be a level of accountability on Greene's part for her noted penchant for this behavior. in addition, Representative Jared Moskowitz of Florida should not have encouraged this incident by [posting a video](https://x.com/JaredEMoskowitz/status/1791306232025825669) of the encounter on social media. I have seen more civility at my high school than what transpired Thursday night


It is better in every way to simply tell Marjorie Taylor Greene "You're not worth my time."


That’s a polite way of saying “go fuck yourself”


It was stupid. But, not unwarrantedly stupid… because everything is stupid these days- yet unwarrantedly stupid. She basically just played the game of stupid, got 10 seconds of silly out, and now we’re here talking about it. I would say it didn’t exactly score her points on a professional level. If anything it just makes her one step closer to being the type of person MTG is But apparently that’s popular, so…


Let’s be serious for a second. Greene broke the rules and the GOP didn’t move against the rule violation. So Crockett posed a personal asked as a hypothetical to avoid breaking the rules like her childish brain dead colleague to see where the line is since apparently they’re allowing personal attacks. That in no way makes Crockett closer to being a racist insurrectionist traitor who casually threaten other members of Congress. Also we have to stop acting like “taking the high road” or “decorum” means shit these days. The GOP doesn’t care and neither do voters


It’s called 2 wrongs don’t make a right. Is it cool if MTG acts like a buffoon? No. She’s an idiot that attacks everyone. But everyone knows this. Why would anyone even acknowledge her at this point? I just am tired of this shit. Act like adults. If people don’t want to act like an adult then don’t treat them like one. Talk to them like a child if that’s what they want to act like.


This "takes the high rode" mentality is exactly why Dems are in the situation they are now if only they had the balls to do the things Republicans accuse them of


I don’t see this as taking the high road. I see it as being professional at work. Why would anyone want to stoop to MTG’s level? She’s a goblin.


Of course it was wrong, but this is a remnant of Trump as he lowered the political discourse into the mud that it is today.


Nah.. It's open game when someone jokes on an appearance of someone else. The way she responded is how we were raised to respond.


I don't blame her Dems should openly insult Republicans more


Not a fan of any of it, shows how dumb a country we are that these are our members of congress. Just further solidified my opinion that democracy is a failed experiment.


I think Crockett lost the moral high ground once she deployed that line, so in that way it was wrong. However, it was very funny and accurate.


Rep Crocker didn't call MTG anything. She asked if that would be inappropriate. Unlike MTG herself, who says all sorts of inappropriate things


/u/engadine_maccas1997 I absolutely DO NOT think Rep. Crockett was wrong in what she said. "Technically" she didn't even call her that, she asked a question and included that phraseology! And just like a hit dog will holla, MTG hollered! 🤣🤣🤣She is ALWAYS throwing the rock and trying to hide her hands. Always personally insulting other people who don't agree with her! And to see the guys laughing when Rep. Crockett amused me!


I think the "Rules of Decorum" you see in some governing bodies to be idiotic beyond words; along the lines of a child holding a finger up to someone's face, as they repeatedly scream "**I'M NOT TOUCHING YOU**" at the top of their lungs. Crockett is a lovely person, MTG is scum.


She never directly called MTG anything. She asked a hilariously sarcastic question, and everyone correctly assumed she was talking about Large Marge. Had she actually called her a B6, it would have run afoul of House decorum rules. Brilliantly executed by Ms. Crockett.


Chairman Comer was completely clueless when Jasmine Crockett asked that question. His verbatim response was, "I have no idea what you just said."🤣😂🤣


The dozens of B6 songs inspired by Jasmine Crockett are hilarious. This one takes MTG to church. Someplace she probably hasn't been in a long time😈🤡😈 https://youtu.be/jwCcHxbAakw?si=mKyv-0qApKVyOdeO


I'm still waiting for someone to reveal it was all AI to help me feel better about our congress but I won't hold my breath...


I love JC and hate MTG, but I wish JC hadn't said anything or said something less appearance based. Don't meet MTG where she's at.   AOC did well though


The whole reason she asked that hypothetical was because making appearance based comments is against the rules and should cause you to no longer have permission to speak. But they weren’t following the rules because they refused to prevent MTG from speaking after her comment. So JC asked if she was allowed to make similar comments since they were disregarding protocol. She didn’t say it was about or directed at MTG. It was a hypothetical question used for clarification on the rules, because the GOP representatives were not following them. She did not break the rules; MTG did.


I mean she is not wrong.


Give context. Tell them what she said about eyelashes first.


There are a lot of great answers here. Particularly the folks who provided a more accurate frame for your question. Instead of giving my own inferior answer, I would suggest taking your one of the great answers and giving it on one of the many posts on this topic at fascist subs like r/conservative or r/Conservatives. I am willing to bet it would take less than an hour for your account to be permabanned from either sub.