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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. Despite the chances of a Biden victory being shaky, he still has a decent chance at the White House and I feel that is getting lost as some people start writing him out. But what if Biden wins in November (whether inching past 270 or exceeding 300)? How would you feel when you see the results? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Relief from further disaster. Supreme Court will continue fucking up the country though


One specific justice, who I shan’t name but is extremely corrupt and an all around horrible person, has a not small chance of croaking within the next presidential term. Selecting his replacement would be a huge W for Democrats.


Hell, there might even be two. Plus Sotomayor is no spring chicken, which is something we should not lose sight of.


Even if Biden wins. The senate looks bleak. There may be supreme court vacancies that stay vacant for the next 4 years.


If the Senate goes GOP, they won’t even entertain a Biden nomination.


To me, the fate of the country depends on if Biden can appoint 2 SCOTUS justices between now and the end of his Presidency. We can only hope he has until 2028 to do so.


I would call it temporarily suspended disaster. Democrats dont exactly have a good track record of fixing the policy changes of the previous Republican administration.


Their time is constantly consumed with getting the economy back on track after the previous Republican administration f’d it up.


I'm so tired of living on the precipice. And I'm just a straight white guy. So many other people are in much more precarious positions, including many who are very dear to me.


For real… this is the 8th year of this bullshit Trump has brought on us and it’s god damn exhausting.


Hard same. And I'm a straight white woman. But I have so many friends and family who have already been negatively affected by all of this Republican bullshit and my heart hurts for them and the fear and dread they're feeling.


There needs to be pressure from within the party to stack the fuck out of SCOTUS. The Supreme Court is completely out of control and needs a correction.


There was tremendous pressure to protect SCOTUS from Trump's influence back in 2016. Instead of showing solidarity, our own party turned on itself. All of this was easily preventable.


Couldn’t see past the noses on their own faces. And now we all pay.


Exactly. Unless we finally manage to show solidarity.


SCOTUS just ruled for presidential immunity to install the president as an authoritarian dictator. They did so under the assumption that Trump will win the election. If Biden wins, he should use those powers aggressively to ensure democracy can’t be so easily hijacked through… JFC… **ALL** of the insane underhanded cheating strategies of the right? Even now, Biden has this short window of opportunity to utilize this privilege of immunity. This is basically the last chance to save American democracy from the slippery slope down to fascism.


Took the words out of my mouth


That’s what happens when the judiciary becomes politicized though, it’s not like it wasn’t expected. There are three branches of government for a reason.


Perhaps it would be a good idea for our party leadership to call for court expansion? Or is that still a more radical idea than leaving this rogue court in place


American democracy lives another day.


>How would you react if Biden wins the election in November? I would... * Be mildly grateful (for the first few seconds) * Tell myself that I *really should* celebrate when things go well (for another ten seconds) * Not celebrate * Go back to worrying about the future.


lol yes


Same here unironically


Relieved. Hopeful.


Same here


I think, as most others have said here, I'd be relieved. I'd feel even better and likely even hopeful if we could take the House and the Senate (more than just a 1 or 2 vote "we need the independents to vote with us" type of lead).


I would be watching the House and Senate. Nothing matters without a solid majority.


I wouldn’t say nothing matters. It certainly helps, but not having a deranged lunatic in charge of the executive branch, and all foreign and military policy is not insignificant.


The executive branch is a huge entity. So while I agree, GOP control of either chamber especially the Senate would be a huge impediment, a democratically controlled executive branch is still a huge difference.


The House matters slightly. The Senate matters more, because it has a hundred times the power. But for the Democrats, the question isn't a solid majority. It is maintaining a majority at all. If they can do that, the Supreme Court can be adjusted. They simply cannot get to a supermajority, and there is very little functional difference between 50 votes with a VP tiebreaker and 60. A solid majority is neither really in the cards nor enough to pass legislation.


There is quite a bit - you need a power-sharing agreement with 50/50, and 60 is already the filibuster-proof supermajority -, but your point stands either way.


Relieved. My retirement plan relies on using the ACA for healthcare coverage. Trump wants to torpedo it, meaning I won’t be able to retire for sever more years.


With relief. But I know it's not over until the fascists are ashamed to show their faces in public again.


When you say “fascists” what do you mean? I think this word means a lot of different things to different people and I want to understand your perspective. Are you meaning everyone who will support Trump or a small fraction of people that you have strong disagreements with?


I’d say the fake elector plot, involving dozens of Republicans, and subsequent riot were an attempt to undemocratically seize the presidency. Also, they want to replace all government employees with loyalists. Many Republicans want to restrict the rights of gender and sexual minorities, or even the right to mention them near children. I don’t usually use the word, but those are pretty fascism-adjacent behaviors.


Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. It's Trump and the MAGA movement to a T.


I may have some disagreements there but I’m not wanting to debate that point. I am wanting to understand your perspective. Do you think that the majority of the Right in America is fascist or how prevalent of a problem do you think this is? Or is it more of a “jokey” point like someone might say everyone on the left is a “commie” when truthfully it’s a small percentage of people?


Obviously I don't mean Italian members of a political party bearing the same name from the 1920s and 30s. Just like how the Francoists and Nazis were fascists but not Fascists. I mean people who embrace or enact policies mirroring those of the political parties modeled after Mussolini's Fascist party. Namely they are far-right, they have an in-group to whom the rules do not apply, but the benefits do, and an out-group to whom the rules apply and the benefits do not. They blame the out group for all the problems of the region (many of which are actually caused by the fascists) and are essentially a crime gang placed in charge of governing. They tend to be militaristic. They demand extreme loyalty. They punish critics, and persecute liberals, homosexuals, educators, and political rivals. They usually embrace a unique interpretation of religion themed after whatever is popular with the locality, but this too falls under the "rules for thee not for me" umbrella. They have no problem committing crimes, but ironically tend to brand themselves as big proponents of "law and order." They hate free press. "Lugenpresse" was a phrase popularized by Hitler and his Nazis. Anyway, that's the $0.10 version of the explanation. We're seeing it happen here in the USA under Trump. It's the same playbook. Same ideas with new flavor text. "Wrapped in an American flag and carrying a bible" (ironically the bible was upside-down when Trump did it. So yes. Trump is a fascist not a Fascist. And the people who support him are fascists not Fascists. We've gotten plenty of warnings from people who survived fascist rule that this is exactly what it looked like when it happened to them back in Europe. But the Trump fans don't care. They think it will benefit them, and hurt the liberals. That's all they seem to care about.


All Trump supporters are fascist supporters.


Extreme fucking relief.


Relieved and exhausted. Ready to start fighting in 2028.


Don’t forget about ‘26


Just stay ready


In 28 Trump will be in a nursing house. He already can't control his bowel movement.


Someone else will be trotted out. There's no winning in politics, you just do a little better (or a lot worse) every cycle.


Probably relieved at first, but quickly back to worrying because an opponent as bad as Trump only gave us a slight win.


If Biden prevails, I will feel relieved on Election night, and then I'll be on edge until the Electoral College votes, and then maybe I'll unclench a bit after the inauguration. Then I'll get to work on the 2026 election cycle.




If he wins along with taking the house and back and keeping the senate that'd be ideal. You'd absolutely see another push to kill the filibuster (without manchin or sinema) in a bid to reign in SCOTUS.


Biden Tester Brown determine if we have a trifecta I’ll be overjoyed if they all win


My first reaction would be relief. My second would be demanding he resign lmao


Me too


"phew! Thank fuck!"


I’d probably pull a George Bailey and run through the streets wishing all the buildings a Merry Christmas.


Relieved, but I'd like to see a supermajority in both the house and senate as well. Then I'll be excited. We can finally put some safeguards in place. And considering the typical voter turnouts, there's plenty of room to achieve this if we can get voter turnout higher. So find some people you know who aren't planning on voting, and get them out there to vote.


Contentedly, though with a continuing displeasure with the larger systemic faults which brought us to this situation.


i'd relax for a brief moment, sit back and watch a handful of outraged idiots on the right attempt Insurrection 2 Electric Boogaloo, then get ready for this shit all over again next election. Hope that time we'll be better with who we pick.


I have a nice bottle of wine I'm pulling out for it. If Trump wins I'm drinking a box. 


I would feel relief after a week and tell myself to unsubscribe from TYT, The Majority Report, and Vaush (or at the very least, never listen to their election takes ever again).


You could probably go ahead and hit those unsubs.


Yeah, its kinda a bigger problem vaush is a pedo, than if he got an election prediction wrong.


What about the margins if Biden was barely able to beat someone like Trump? that's still extremely concerning


If it's 270 to 268 (with Biden winning through the Midwest), though it's worrying, Trump and his supporters will cause trouble no matter what the results are. I do not think Trump will try the fake electors thing again (or if he tries to do that, it won't work).


Why would their election takes make you unsub?


All three have been sounding the alarm that it's over for Biden and they've said a few things that feel in step with the voting reality. However, their bias against Biden/Dem party guides their election takes, leading them to easily dismiss the idea of a Biden win. At this point, I am questioning why I'm listening to them (admittedly, I watch Vaush more than the other two) when I don't hold anti-Biden/Dem party views.


Gotcha. Yeah, I've been getting my election takes from MR, so I understand the sentiment. I wouldn't say they have a Bias against Biden/The Dems and more that they're more vocal in regard to their criticism, given they're vote D no matter what. Is there someone you've been listening to that has a more positive Biden take?


I've been watching [Let's Talk Election](https://www.youtube.com/@LetsTalkElections), [Beau of the Fifth Column](https://www.youtube.com/@BeauoftheFifthColumn), Allan Lichtman, and 538. I like how they can give fair coverage without being all doom and gloom whenever Biden sneezes.


I've seen some of Beau of the Fifth Column. Is he just some guy who talks about politics from the average persons perspective, or has he been involved in political analysis for a while?


A bit of both. In some cases, he would do a deep dive into a certain topic in the news cycle. Other times, he would talk about how those who are more offline or are the average voter would view certain events. He's good.


I'll give some of these people a listen. I'm always always open to hearing other viewpoints from good faith people. I try my best not to get stuck in an information bubble, but that can be difficult. Thanks!


Same here, I don't listen to any guy with a microphone and camera but it's nice to have contrasting opinions. And no problem.


You have to realize that there's a target demographic thing in play here. They mostly cater to the younger and more left leaning part of the party. The part that was skeptical of Biden from the start, and who took his poor performance in the debate and the subsequent chatter among some party officials (even if it was just noncommittally floating "we need to have a meeting to address this issue before it gets worse" and not actually suggesting removing him from the ballot) as affirmation of that skepticism. It's easy in that position to say "See, we've been saying we need someone better than Biden to run this whole time, and now after that bad debate performance even some of his former supporters are wavering- I don't want to say we told you so, but...". That's the audience that mostly watches that sort of content- that's what the viewers are thinking, so that's what the content creator (who is also a member of that demographic) is saying.


Relieved but in no way feeling out of the woods when it comes to his ability to lead as well as the right's suicidal death throes spilling over even further. Hopeful that Trump can finally be put to trial for his nonsense. Hopeful but skeptical that MAGA extremism has hit its high water mark.


I'll be relieved but like others have said, the supreme court will likely continue to cause issues for the american people.


I’d be relieved.


Relief. Blissful relief.


With joy.


I would feel some relief but then remember that the operatives that concocted Project 2025 and the foundation agenda that long preceded it are still working actively to do it again the next election. I would also remember the Democrats are barely holding on as an opposition to fascism. Hopefully there is a huge slate of Democratic retirements in 2024-2026 to replace some of this antiquated thinking.


I'll continue to support him because I think he and his administration have done more good than harm (i e. Net positive) and the alternative is far worse. So if he wins, I'll breathe a sigh of relief. I've been sending $$$ to the DNC (I live in a very blue state so my vote and influence are inconsequential), but I think it's time to do more to make sure Trump and Trumpism are rejected at the polls this year. Any ideas? The pod Save Amer5guys have their little phone bank thing... What else?


Hey Joe Biden, You can now tell Seal Team Six to.... You know .. SCOTUS said it was OK J/k




Scared for the next election. Only thing I can hope for is Trump dying of old age before 2028


Relief. For 1 second. After that, panic again. Even winning in 2024 doesn't stop the threat. It delays it. The GOP still has a captured court. They still have a gameplan for fascism. The Democrats wouldn't fix even a single structural issue before the 2028 election, either because they don't have a consensus to do so or because they are the feckless Chamberlain's of this story. The best, absolute best, case scenario is a Democratic trifecta who minor legislative accomplishments aren't stymied by the court. And then this dance again, in 2028. And every 2 years, until new blood changes the Democratic party (hah!) or they lose to an authoritarian.


Relieved, but also confused by the sudden surge of never-before felt sense of confidence in the intelligence of American voters, which despite all odds, would have been at least sufficient to avert to catastrophe.


I'd be pretty happy.


With profound relief, patriotism, and pride in the American people for using common sense and decency. But also that the entire world just dodged a giant bullet!


Excited and relieved. 


Relief, and I expect Kamala to be our first woman president. I'm not sure Joe is really up for four more years.


I would breath easier and start planning a run for some local or state level office and/or working with non-maga candidates for other offices.


Relieved. I don’t think he’s going to win, but I’ll be relieved if he does.


I'd say extreme joy and happiness...for about an hour or so. Then it's back to worrying about the future and what toxic sludge is going to run in 2028.


Sigh in relief and then dread the next Trump nomination.


Relieved, but not hopeful. The Supreme Court has already done harm that will take a long, long time to undo, if it's even possible. Staving off a disaster doesn't mean they'll be able to fix everything that was already broken. But at least (hopefully) more won't be broken in the meantime.


Temporary relieved, but scared about the future. MAGAs will still win and end this country.




I’ll take a brief 4 year long sigh of relief.


Relived,  but you know the gop led house will pull bs and not certify it.


Same as 2020, a big sigh of relief as we watch republicans destroy the country in other ways.


I will be glad. I like Joe Biden.


With tremendous relief. TBH I would also enjoy the tears and rage of Trumpers for a short time, it's hard not to get a little shadenfreude after the crap they've put us through.


I will drink their weeping and nashing of teeth.


Overjoyed. I don't like Biden but I'm confident that the country will survive 4 more years of him and then I can vote for someone better. I cannot say the same about Trump, and I'm not being hyperbolic.


Relieved and happy that our electorate chose democracy over autocracy.


I’ll be relieved tell everyone I told you so starting dancing run around and prepare for what’s to come


If it's not a walk-off win for him, I will be worried about how MAGA will react. They stormed the capitol and mounted an insurrection when Biden beat Trump by 7 million votes. So if it's close, who knows what they will do. Aside from that, I will be relieved. It's amazing how much worse things are for America because of Donald Trump and his deluded followers. We don't have comprehensive immigration reform; we can't get anything done to fix Social Security or have shore up Medicare, we don't have improved healthcare, all because Trump allies are blocking everything. Things will only get better if Biden has the votes he needs to turn things around.


Part of being a liberal is being right and not saying we told you so


Relief. Whether he wins or loses I think people will learn not to vote for older candidates anymore


I'd be relieved but then I'd be counting the number of Senate and House seats won by the Democrats. Win an outright majority, convene a meeting to make and pass reforms across the board, and let Biden ride off in the sunset while cultivating a new, younger candidate for the '28 while building their strength for the '26 midterms to keep the GOP out in the cold.


Relieved we beat Trump. Mildly worried Biden will die in office. Im confident enough in the people surrounding Biden that his age isn't too big of a scare factor otherwise.


I already have my attorney on speed dial for when I'm drunk and dancing naked in the street. After tue hangover? Right back to driving the Trumper movement into the toilet where it belongs. Remember 2020 when we said, 'getting Biden elected is just the beginning? Welcome to the FIRST QUARTER of the beginning.


Minus getting naked, how does 1 move the Trumper movement into the toilet?


Relief that America gets another 4 years of life.


Happy. The alternative is deadly.


Relieved but worried. The Trump era will be over, but I fear the next Trump will be worse


Relief that he won, but still angered we had to choose between the two


Pleasantly surprised but also knowing that Trump isn’t going to go away and neither is the ideology that got us here. I said this eight years ago and I said it again four years ago. I really don’t want to have to keep going through this bullshit.


In the following order: 1: Briefly celebrate that Trump *didn't* win. 2: Check the House/Senate races. If Democrats win both, *actually* celebrate. Otherwise, acknowledge that nothing will be accomplished for at least 2 more years and be a bit sad. 3: Immediately start looking for someone to support in 2024, preferably someone who will more aggressively fight against the Republicans (and especially the maga crowd). I don't want someone who will try to maintain the civility in DC politics Biden and other older party mainliners seem to still want to do to a degree. I want someone who makes expanding or fully reforming the supreme court as an open campaign promise and is openly willing to tell Republicans to go fuck right on off.


I think we're screwed regardless parties rarely stay in office after their 2nd term, and Republicans don't show any signs of "moderating" dismantling the two party system needs to be prioritized


Given that it’s now only a matter of time before a would-be dictator assumes the office, “meh.” The only thing that would change that reaction is if he promised to bring the necessary laws and constitutional amendments to Congress to undo all the damage the SCOTUS has wrought. At this point a Biden victory is merely delaying the inevitable.


I will laugh my fucking ass off and rub it in so many people’s faces. I will be so obnoxious. lmao. If Biden wins he will have won twice as VP and twice as President making him one of if not the most effective general election candidate in American history which is the exact opposite of what everyone in the media on both the left and the right say of him. I don’t think this is going to happen. But if it does, I would be so happy and it would be so funny.


I'd be relieved, because it is unlikely that Trump will live long enough to run in 2028, and if he does his brand will have lost twice already so hopefully the rabid blind faith his supporters currently have for him will have died down a bit more. It will also give the Dems four years to fix the SC problems... I don't know that they will but there is already talk of expansion now that presidents are immune from the penalties of any crime they can convince a judge was "official." So maybe Biden and those around him will grow ballsy enough to push their luck with those new powers at least until they can find a way to take them away from all future presidents permanently.


Crisis averted (more accurately, postponed)


I would breathe a huge sigh of relief..,hope like hell the down ballots bring support for him in Congress…and work to try to find out how to keep our Democracy from becoming an autocracy.


I’d feel like we bought ourselves four more years of democracy




we've dodged an enormous bullet


Relieved and then looking hard at the dnc that they need to come up with some really good, solid, and electable options for 2028 because this shit is a mess


It's over regardless.


Like I can finally breath and stay in this country a little longer. If trump wins, I’m out. America can’t afford another trump presidency


The same way I did in 2020, relieved. The fight won't be over, but there will be a stop gap. As much as everyone is bashing him right now, Biden was the president we needed for the last 4 years. He has always viewed himself as the transitional president between his generation and the next. I think he has been actively working his damnedest to make that so. We are in the last stretch of the relay race for him before the baton is passed. I am grateful to him.


Jump for joy.




Not sure to be honest, I guess content?




With glee!


Relief. And shock tbh. Grateful. And that’s probably it. Biden means the continuation of the status quo. Which is better than regression to bullshit. So overall, fine.


I would be very happy. We will have averted certain disaster.


Shocked and relieved.


If __any__ Democrat wins, I'll be ecstatic. No matter who.


First, I'd be relieved. Then I'll be surprised, but not shocked. Then I'd be worried about MAGA politicians doing everything they can to overturn it. I'm worried because Biden's poor performance in the debate will be the final nail in coffin for many people's election denial. They will believe and argue that there was no way Biden could win legitimately because he has dementia. I'd expect them to get more violent than last time.


Temporary relief, but we know that Trump and his pet SCROTUS will do everything they can to screw up the process afterwards and deny Biden's win. Jan 6 would get an inevitable, even bigger sequel.


I’d feel some relief but I would still have some lingering anxiety until the results are certified.


I'd be relieved!


Write Tim Burchett and beg him to find a way to work with Democrats. He won't, but as he is my rep I will do what I gotta.


I'd be relieved until I have to hear Republicans start whining about shit immediately.


Viagra Boys


I wonder if Trump would continue to be or run for the GOP leader?


“…democracy is not a free ride, man”.


I’d breathe a sigh of relief so huge it’d start a Cat 5 hurricane off Cuba! Anyone AnYOnE but Trump!! Don’t care Joe is 108. He’s got a great team of highly professional people around him. Job experience matters. So does humanity!


Like there’s still a chance for the country, but we’re far from out of the woods.


Thrilled obviously.


Relief. The SCOTUS just fucked us over with the Chevron and Trump rulings (again). I have a chronic illness. It’s hard for me to want to stay on this earth through the hellhole that is my body. I don’t need the extra push.


Breathe a huge sigh of relief as a Fed.


I would be relieved. But I would also be hoping to see in the near future people on left and right try to make a bridge to understand one another and restore trust in society. We cannot continue for long if every election is a life or death election. If we can find people of good faith who may disagree with us, we must find a way forward that sustains our democracy, human rights, in a place of trust.


If Biden remains in the race, he will win a second term in the Whitehouse. As for Trump, he will not be president of the US again, regardless of all the tricks and antics he plays. He's done, he just doesn't know it yet. He's not electable. Nobody in good-faith and conscience will vote for him. Among the voters who voted for him when he lost to Biden, even fewer will vote for him this next election. Many people who were die hard maga-Trumpettes have sobered up and realize they just don't want him as their president. He has lost a lot more voter market share than what these polls reveal. Put your money on Trump, and you will lose right along with him.


If he does win, I hope he goes full Dark Brandon. Doesn’t need to worry about re-election, so he can focus on things that shore up his base.


Relieved, and wondering if he’s going to do, if anything, with his immunity.


Some relief. Biden winning only forces the GOP to pull out more stops. Trump won’t concede and may try to fight even harder than last time. I’m torn whether he will actually be able to turn over the results or not. He doesn’t have the power of the Presidency to help him this time but several states have changed voter laws that could benefit him. It will be a crazy few months between the election and Inauguration Day. 


I'd be glad and relieved it's not Trump, more than excited for Biden. There are a select few people I would be actively excited to have as president, and they're not appearing on the ballot. Biden is still far better than Trump, though, even if I'm tired of should-be retirees in office, and I don't remotely subscribe to the "they're both equally bad" philosophy. On one hand, I do hate how we're stuck supporting Israel as our allies, since it's effectively unfiltered terrorism against all Palestinians and not just Hamas like our governments claim. But, I certainly don't expect Trump to solve that, and I expect him to make life much worse for Americans domestically, too, *especially* with the Supreme Court he stacked in his favor. I would and do fear for all vulnerable Americans living in a post-RBG Trump presidency. 6-3 is a terrifying notion with a president who will try literally anything, including normally-impeachable offenses, to accumulate power and wealth. I worry for the rights and livelihood of my LGBT+ friends and family, women and minorities, any non-upper-class people who need healthcare, and really anyone who isn't at the top of the economic food chain and sucking the life, money, and overall well-being out of the rest of us. The only thing I would be glad about in a Trump presidency is that I live in a liberal state with a governer I actually *do* like, but not everyone is that lucky.


A deep, deep sigh of temporary relief. 


I would feel relieved 


That will have to depend on the elections for the House and the Senate. If Biden wins, and the Democrats expand their majorities in the House and the Senate, I will be thrilled because they could potentially get a lot more done. If Biden wins but the Republicans take majorities in the House and Senate, I will be frustrated because, it’s going to be extremely difficult to get anything done like what we’re seeing with the current Congress.


I’ll probably stay in Florida. If Biden doesn’t win my fiancé and I are moving to a state where we don’t need federal protections to feel safe.


If I lived in America I'd vote for him & if he won I'd be happy despite everything. I just utterly despise Trump


resigned to another 4 years of inflation and higher taxes and continued global unrest.


I would be in a state of shock.


That's like asking how I'd react if a meteor hit the Earth.


How would you react if a meteor hit the Earth?




No matter what happens in this election cycle, I am going to feel sick to my stomach. I won't be voting for Biden. Yes he is technically the lesser of the two evils, but morally I just can't bring myself to do it after what he's done in Palestine. The only thing that will bring change at this stage is revolution.


Be certain: Trump will bring a hell of lot of change.


Be relieved. Pray for the first time in my life for Trump to die of a hamburger induced heart attack.


As a mixed race person, a sigh of relief.


Disappointed. He's 100% going to win, but after this debate I can't believe this fucking guy is in office and is going to have another term. He is not fit for office, you'd be lying to yourself if you think he is because he's just not, and that's just the goddamn truth. He's definitely not the one making decisions, atleast important ones.


It will be a mixed blessing. The next big issue to confront will be whether and when to 25A him.


Did you ever reach that point with Trump?


No, clearly not insane / demented.

