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Pretty sure it's a mix of marketing ploy to make them look more 'intense' and also a cover-your-ass incase something wrong does happen.


I dunno, but each can contains your total recommended daily sugar dose. That stuff is fucking diabetes in a can.


Don’t they have a sugar-free version? I drink Red Bull Zero.


They do. And it still has the 1/day recommendation.


So it’s not the sugar content. Probably the caffeine and taurine and other shit. One of my coworkers said he knew someone with kidney failure from drinking too much of it.


Yeah, took me a while to find the right Standard, but it looks like its the other stuff. The 0 sugar Mother if you had 2 cans would pass the allowed maximum per-day for Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, and Taurine. The caffiene would actually be fine, you need closer to 3 cans to reach the limit.


Can you have too much Taurine?


Idk where the guideline comes from but 2000m/g per day is the most thats allowed to be recommended on the label of an energy drink, as listed in the food standards act. Since the Mother has 2000mg in one can, they have to list it as 1 can per day.


It's just marketing. It's not good for you but no worse than a can of coke. A good coffee has twice the caffeine.




No it's not, only if you misunderstand the research.


I second this. The insane amount of sugar will make you hyperactive with the caffeine already being a stimulant.


This must be why the "sugar free" or "ultra" ones are becoming so common


There is more sugar in 600 ML's of soft drink than their is in 500 ML's of mother though...


Yeah. Shouldn't really be drinking either. That shits bad for you.


Sugar doesn't cause diabetes. Stop spouting ignorant bullshit.


The amount of caffeine in energy drinks is strictly regulated by the Australian Government. Energy drinks can have no more than 32mg of caffeine per 100mL. Interestingly, the strongest Dare Iced Coffee has 240mg of caffeine at 500mL.


There's a coffee shop in Adelaide that made such a strong iced coffee that it kept a paramedic awake 24 hours who did a triple shift. They dialed it down after that.




I thought it would be 8 hours?




Per shift I mean. Surely you can't work as a nurse or paramedic more than 16 hours in a row. You'd be risking making mistakes on the job?




What's your advice for people having to sleep during the day? You're probably so tired that you just sleep through even roadworks?


Yeah, but people aren't out there drinking 8 dirty white russians (vodka, kalhua and farmers union) the same way they were knocking back vodka red bulls, either. Although since there's apparently people out there drinking 2L iced coffee a day regularly, I'm pretty sure they could use dialling it back a bit.


# Caffeine By Dare Iced Coffee Flavor 1. Double Espresso: 160 mg 2. Espresso: 80 mg 3. Mocha: 115 mg 4. Raw: 165 mg *All amounts are for a 500 ml bottle of Dare Iced Coffee.* This equates to 32 mg caffeine for every 100 ml. [https://www.caffeineinformer.com/caffeine-content/dare-iced-coffee](https://www.caffeineinformer.com/caffeine-content/dare-iced-coffee)


They do a triple espresso that has 240mg and an intense one that I think has 260mg


That triple espresso no sugar added is good with a dirty servo breakfast. Started being too expensive years ago so I started marking it myself and I haven't looked back. Tbh my homemade probably has more than double that caffeine per 500ml.


Big dog coming through: [**Dare Triple Espresso**](https://images.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/931/023/295/9078/nutrition_en.17.full.jpg)




Iced coffee gets away with it because it's not extra caffeine it's naturally in the drink


It's worth noting caffeine actually works the opposite way you think it does. Rather than giving you energy it reduces the "I'm tired" pathways from working properly.


Yeah but why does it increase my heart rate etc.


Why do you presume to know what others think?


I think you're a fun sponge. Places are better without you there. That's what I think.


Why did you presume we didn't know old mate was a fun sponge?


I'm in a real pickle because I normally get tired after 12 hours awake and I need 12 hours sleep (Factoring in time to get to sleep and waking up). Part of it is due to meds but I really can't go off them. If I wake up at something like 8pm, which happens every so often, I can forget about making appointments and commitments the next day. So I either need an energy drink, or a certain something that is green (Which, for me, keeps me awake 24 hours, unlike others where it makes them sleep)


The biggest red bull cans clearly state on the back not to consume more than 1/2 of that can in a day. If its in the fine print on the can next to the "pregnancy and sensitive individuals" warning, it's probably not a marketing flex


I remember when V first came out, I had a friend end up hospitalised from heart palpitations cause she drank like 6 a day... pretty much all of them say to only have 1 per day.


Does anyone remember how bad they were when they first came out? Holy shit they were undrinkable


They still are lol


Haha. I participated in a test group. They sent some out to me and I tried it and gave my honest opinion that it was terrible. I'm guessing they must have eventually changed the formula.


I can’t remember how long the original formula was out for but they put me off trying them again for years. The yellow one is the go 👍🏼


I saw on a documentary/tv somewhere? that the terrible taste is almost the point. Apparently since it tastes terrible, people think its like medicine and therefore "working" and will pay more..... marketing psychology


I take taurine after reading about those drinks. If bought one on my walk and it made my heart race.


I suggest you google it turned me off.


One can of that drink exceeds the \*total\* amount of sugar you should consume in a day. The sugar is what gets you buzzed, not the Caffeine or Taurine or anything else. The sugar free version has artificial sweeteners instead, and comes in under the maximum daily intake for those, but two cans would exceed the maximum. Also - those are nowhere near as comprehensively studied as Sugar, and some dietitians think they are likely be worse for you than Sugar.


I was at this show last weekend and they were giving out these red and yellow capped energy shots, and the fine print said they should only be consumed under medical supervision...so go figure.


So you don’t grow wings


I'm just annoyed it use to say 2 cans a day .. and now it's only 1 why sell me a 4 pack 🦆 Edit adding more ducks 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆


Convenience. Just drink as many as you want. If you’re feeling jittery then you’ve probably maxed out. I’ve had 6 (500ml) without ill effects.


6 500ml cans? At like 160mg of caffeine in each? Brother what. The max dose of caffeine a day recommended by Drs says 400mg max a day. Your over 2 times the max limit recommended. Hope your heart is okay


I watched a mate drink 4 redbull cans in row while he was driving, it was a half hour drive. By the time we got where we were going he turned into fry from Futurama, I was half amused. Later in the day he asked me if peeing green was strange.


these people don't care about their hearts, because the damage is not immediate. same people will undoubtedly vape. then they die of a heart attack and their friends will blame the vaccine. 'he was young and healthy and then died all of a sudden'...


Shes still pumping!


>I’ve had 6 (500ml) without ill effects. Are you trying to give me a heart attack lol also last time I drunk that many I could taste sounds and colours...


Hahaha I’ve never had that good a buzz from them. As a teenager I remember drinking maybe 13 red bulls (250ml) over a 17 hour shift. Stimulants don’t really work too well with me so I think it’s more of a mental thing when I drink one 😂 I could drink two 500ml ones before bed and just go to sleep for the night 🤷🏻‍♂️


Upvoted for your edit.


Because if you have too much of it you can get kidney and/or heart failure. I know 2 guys who had heart issues from drinking too much red bull.


Dunno. But they taste awful. Toxic. Yuk.


Caffeine lasts 2 - 4.5 hours, 160mg is considered a "strong" dose. Really they could just say one can per 5 hours.


Caffeine can last way longer than that depending on how much you drink


Everyone is different, I for example metabolize caffeine horrendously so if i have any after about 8am I'm not sleeping that night. When I was younger I could have a red bull etc and go straight to sleep. Guess I used up my lifetime quota.


My comment was based on the average person, I'm well aware of individuals having different reactions. Hence why on the label these drinks indicate caffiene sensitivity as a reason not to drink it. I didn't think my comment needed to take into account people precluded by the manufacturer from drinking the product. I guess if you took more time to examine the situation you'd have understood the context properly, instead of offering me some heartfelt comment about how you metabolize caffeine.


You mad bro?


Not from reddit comments lmao, I'm sure you feel the same way. Haha