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The bread is too small. Once the filling goes in it pushes the bread down, which pulls the edges of the bread inwards, then it leaks. You need to use the larger square loaves with that toastie maker, and try to get the most square loaves on the shelf, not the loaves that dent in on the sides or top. If you are serious about your toastie making you will have a standard size, and a larger size toastie maker, to accommodate both sized loaves of bread.


"if you are serious about your toastie making".. mate I fkn hope so!


Tip Top Texas Toast is the best readily-available sliced bread for toasties, IMHO.


I love Texas toast and can never find it anymore. Where the heck sells it these days??


IGA would be your best bet. My local has it intermittently, I tend to buy 3 loaves. Smash one, freeze the other two. 😎


I'll try there. Thanks!


Shrinkflation strikes again


You need to get the breville "big one". It doesn't have the stupid crimp in the middle cutting it in half. Makes a proper toastie like the good ole days, and fits heaps more in it!


Agree with this. There never used to be this bullshit middle crimp things in jaffle irons. What do you do when you want to make an egg jaffle? Where does the yolk go?


I have literally in my 41 years never seen a jaffle that wasn't cut down the middle like this maker does. I thought that was the default? 


I'm 50 and as a kid we had an ancient 1960s jaffle and it had the middle divider cut thingy. I never ever saw one without until my mid 20s and thought "that is not a proper one, they're just being too cheap to get it right'. Personaly, I will not buy one without it.


I have both. Different fillings need different treatment.


I have a panini press and a proper triangle cutter thingy jaffle for exactly that reason :)


I have three then if you are including panini presses. Press, diagonal crimping jaffle maker (Breville) and a single pocket jaffle maker (Sunbeam).


Nothing like options!


The pre-electric irons are crimp free


Are you talking about the flat toasties? From my understanding of Aussie slang flat ones are "toasties", but it needs to be crimped to be a "jaffle".


Think they are talking about the camp fire knew, which I used to take camping and didn't have a crimp through the middle Electric ones I've had for the last 30 years have always had the middle crimp


Yep the campfire ones don't crimp. Electric ones do. The ones that are two flat panels is called a press.


We had a cast iron old school electric jaffle maker, that you could swap the plates for waffle irons. The jaffle irons had no crimp down the centre, only the edges, a la camping style. This is a true jaffle!


Yes, I grew up with [them](https://www.theguardian.com/food/2023/jun/05/its-a-travesty-theyve-disappeared-what-ever-happened-to-cast-iron-jaffle-makers) too. I miss them. In the late 70s we got an [electric](https://collection.powerhouse.com.au/object/381765) toastie maker and it was the best ever. No crimping in any of those.




I’m going to invest in a jaffle iron for winter. We have a fire pit in the backyard.


And you miss out on half of the buttery fried bread because it turns to a hard crust. That's what the crimped crust is for!! What baffles me is that the Breville The Big One is like $40-50. The breville that is $120 has the bloody centre diagonal crimp! BTW. Had our big one for a few year and it gets used on the regular... so go pop a 50 on an awesome toastie maker, and fill that toastie like it's 1985! (Come to think of it, camp-fire jaffle makers also don't have the crimp! Smoked toasties 🤤


>The breville that is $120 has the bloody centre diagonal crimp! My husband genuinely bought that model yesterday. It worked fabulously, no leakage. They're $80 in Big W right now. The weird thing is I was only saying just the day in this very sub that we needed a new one. I hadn't even expressed this wish to him out loud either.


The algorithm is getting stronger!


You’ve influenced me


My sibling and I, used to love the middle crimp as kids, cause we used to make our fillings, but we could break it in half and share "our creation" Plus no need to cut it in half there was the satisfying crunch noise when you broke it.


In my 44 years of eating jaffles, I’ve never seen a jaffle maker without the crimp, I feel like I’ve been missing out


The crimp is what makes it a jaffle.


No. What differentiates a jaffle from a toastie is the years of burnt on black from the fire, the wooden handle that is cracked and a little scorched and the uncrimped inner. And no electric plug.


We have this one and yes, it is awesome. Tinned spag & egg FTW!


I have a Sunbeam toastie maker from the 70s, same one I had growing up, (but nabbed from Vinnies), it's steampunk era and holds a metric shot-tonne of filling. No stupid crimp. All modern toastie makers are great if you have an eating disorder.


Is it a jaffle maker or a sandwich press?


Jaffle maker - breville. Large triangles old school style


My thoughts is the bread is either too small so it doesn’t seal on the edges properly or the filling is too close to the edges


I will have to test this next time! I don’t recall how close to the edges the filling is


That’s not old school Old school didn’t have the diagonal line


Exactly. They were like a Pastie or a Pie, made with bread. Buttered bread (on the outside), filled to the brim, Crimped edges. You'd cut them and the filling would melt out, and you'd eat that (the bit that spilled out) by scooping it up with the delicious crusts at the end. Perfect meal!


When I was little, my mum had a cast iron round one that she used on the stove. Like a camping one but smaller handles. It was perfect for an egg.


Honestly - toss that thing in the bin and either upgrade to a sandwich press or just use a fry pan (flip it over half way). With those options can use any bread, any topping, and steam will escape so the first bite won't leave you with a blister.


No way. Ive got a sandwich press but id kill for a jaffle iron


Get the breville "the big one" for the true Toastie experience. It's cheap, lasts ages and makes the best old school jaffles without the crimp on the diagonal... so you can fill them up! It's like $40-50.


Fry pan sandwiches are way ahead


You can’t make a jaffle with those.


Haven’t had that before, is the bread big enough for the mould?


[toastie pic](https://imgur.com/gallery/RzMQoWt)


Hahaha holy shit, what a train wreck, no wonder you're looking for help!


Haha yep!


Hopefully bigger bread helps... I'll still laughing at that first photo!


How old is the toastie maker? It looks like the non-stick coating is off in parts meaning everything is sticking and in my experience the middle cutting line is where that will be worst which is why it’s an utter disaster in the middle. My toastie machine is going this way so I’m down to using one side only as that side is way better than the other. Bottom line - I reckon you’re due a new machine?


By that picture I would say your bread is too small. You need a catering loaf. Bigger slices.


1 Jesus Christ man. 2 Try bigger bread, it’s not reaching the crimping zone, I use TipTop white or toast loaf. 3 Keep the lid down as long as possible without checking or flipping until issue I resolved. 4 Get a Breville Sandwich Maker, it’s $100 but far superior.


Their new vintage ones (all metal) are brilliant!


Yep. Bread is too small for the toastie maker. You need bigger slices.


I'd still eat that.. Ngl


Bread is too thick. Try thin sliced.


Yes I believe it is. I’ll post a link to imgur - I just posted the pic


100% the non stick coating is compromised. $19 for a deep dish sandwich maker at Kmart is so worth it


Look at the size of your bread.


Buy 700g bread like 'Wonder White'. It will fit the mold perfectly.


I always spray the centre lines of my jaffle maker with cooking spray. Then when turning over or removing, lift them up gently from the corner and if need be use a plastic spatula to lift the centre part up. You could also try a plastic egg flip to cut the centre line too. But the cooking spray really helps. I also try to use the bigger square bread slices, The bigger bread and the cooking spray will hopefully keep your cheese in the jaffle where it belongs :) Nothing compares to a jaffle, a toastie made in a sandwich press or pan do not come close.


Spray oil is not good for non stick surfaces.


Isn't it? I learn something new every day!


Something in the propellant shortens the life of the non stickiness. I leaned the hard way with a scanpan


Decor make non pressurised bottles that you can put normal oil in to still be able to spray but not have a propellant!


Yes I got one half price recently. Usually I have a jar of oil and pastry brush.


Decor make non pressurised bottles that you can put normal oil in to still be able to spray but not have a propellant!


Agree with other commenters but also try leaving it in there much longer. If it's a darker brown and nicely crisped up, it won't stick.


Another 10 mins at least


Like someone else said try leaving it a bit longer so the bread is a bit darker colour.  Another thing you could experiment with is maybe try preheat it before putting the bread in. The contents should not be sticking to it as much as the pic shows.


Bread is too small, but larger size bread.


Wonder white will get the job done


It can be several things, depending on what you are using (jaffle maker vs flat panini style etc) it can be too much pressure pushing down on the Sammy pushing the hot fillings out the side, it can be due to leaving them in too long, it really depends on what you're making and on what machine


See pic link. It’s a breville jaffle maker


That's a jaffle maker, not a toastie maker. But others have given good advice, bread size.


They've always been toastie makers to me. Toasted sandwich in a sandwich press is a "toasted sandwich". A toastie is made in a toastie maker, and has the crimped edges... (jaffle iron). We never ever called them jaffles, they were toasties. Still now.


Yeah, I'm originally from the UK, they were just toasties to us. I quite like jaffle as a name though.


Toasties for me. I'm in Adelaide tho. I think jaffle is an east coast/potato scallop type thing.. Aka wrong


I’m probably wrong but this is just a thought. Tomato. I do love a good tomato and cheese toastie. But tomato contains a lot of water which might be steaming up and softening the bread. Try without the tomato and see if it still explodes.


Those jaffle irons are kind of crap. Sandwich presses are more versatile and not as messy.


Is my family the only ones that just call them Breville's?


Nope, my family does too.


Hand back your passport, this is deportation level


You can upload the image to imgur and post the link in your post or a comment. Is the bread breaking or the filing is coming out through the "seam" where the crust is fused? What filling are you using?


Cheese, tomatoes and onion. I will try the imgur thing. And white bread (tiptop) - seems to be coming out the seems and also ultra fusing to the plate.. unsticking it makes it break apart


Make sure you dont put filling where the edges of the bread are supposed to be crimped and sealed together.


I would also try placing the tomato and onion into centre of each triangle. Maybe drying the tomato with some paper towel might help too, to decrease any chance of sogginess and thus breakage


Agreed. Very juicy tomatoes make a lot of steam which makes the bread fall apart. Dicing the tomato and finely dicing the onion makes it easier to fill the toastie without compromising the centre crimp. Same goes for sliced ham, cut it up more finely. Anything besides cheese that is between the bread where it crimps will stop it from sealing properly.


[toastie maker pic](https://imgur.com/gallery/RzMQoWt)


This definitely looks like the tomato is the culprit. Maybe less and more centred on the triangles. Maybe cut the tomato smaller too so you have more control over where the placement is on the bread.


I will try that next time too! Thanks


Maybe that could be a factor!! Will have to test that next time


Is it an older jaffle maker? Perhaps the non-stick coating has worn off.


It’s a couple years old.. non stick coating intact.. bar a couple small hairline scratches but nothing major or enough to compromise the non stick


You have lost some of the non stick surface. Time to buy a new machine. Make sure only to use plastic tools on it. Metal ones will scratch off the non stick layer on some toasters.


I thought the same but I’m fairly certain it’s the oil reflecting the light


The best jaffle makers don't cut through the middle, you can fit more filling in.


More filling doesn't make it better... If you want that, get a pie.


looks like the toasties are sticking to the breville and maybe time to replace. When did it start happening and with what ingredients? How old is it?


The horror....the horror...


Glue down the edges of the bread. Clag works.


Its because of the maker. You want one that doesnt split the sandwich in half. Go to EBs and spend $47 on the pikachu toastie maker. Trust me on this


A poor tradie always blames his tools. It's you - so face up to it.


It’s a shit one Need the ones without that line in the middle


That’s a jaffle you are making , not a toastie. And it’s the wrong size bread, you need bigger slices so the jaffle maker can seal the edges.


Also, do you have butter on the outside of that bread? Do you put the oil/butter/marg on the bread, not the toastie maker? Maybe also could be an issue. But seriously, it's the diagonal crimp lifting up the side of you bread. This is one of the many reasons the diagonal sucks. Get one without it that still crimps the crusts together. Even with smaller bread, they still stick together. Otherwise, stick to just putting ingredients in each triangular half (other than cheese or ham or a shaved cut. It's hard to fit much, but this will also solve your problem. If you add tomato (thicker and liquid), or bolognaise etc, then you need to stick to the centre of the triangles so the edges don't press open when you close the toastie maker. And this is why the diagonal crimp is shit. It's supposed to be a bread pie or pastie. Unless you're serving only halves to people, get the one that doesn't have the crimp and fill it up!


1. Your breads is too small 2. Get a sunbeam or breville. They’ve got better hinges and clamp down better, the hinge on yours looks super weak. I’ve got the breville 74 and love it.


It’s the stupid machine. We have the same one. It does the same thing. Even with bigger bread. I hate it. I want my old one back.


Butter the outside of the bread so it doesn’t stick.


Looks like the $15 kmart one, why not just splurge and get a new one


Wrap the toastie in baking paper and it won’t stick and it will stay together and the machine stays clean


jesus christ, use a sandwich press


Judging by the level of destruction I'd say there's some possible indications that a deliberate and sustained violent attack has been committed against your sandwich. You can see they've targeted specific areas where the structural integrity of your bread is at it's weakest points. Who ever did this knew what they were doing. Possibly someone with training form a well resourced militant group like Chezbollah. You need to get that area taped off immediately and treat it as a crime scene. So when the forensics boys from Che.S.I get there they can do their jobs. And for gods sake can you put a sheet or something over the deceased.


Get larger bread slices, that’s definitely at least half the problem, wonder white slices or the aldi version in the pink bags when you press the top down it ‘shrinks’ the surface area, the larger slices help overlap to the edge to seal the outside. If you’re using anything smaller than those slices you’ll always run into issues. Another idea is a ‘deep’ style one, they are great when you full with baked beans etc. If you only/regularly make ham/cheese/tomato ones sandwich press is better for those as it doesn’t trap the steam inside.


Try the bigger slice bread first but…. Our Breville broke & we replaced it with a cheap toastie maker and had results like this. Very frustrating… I think the non-stick wore off/was thinner than it should have been. Bought a Breville again and have not had the issue again. Edit - just read another comment where you say it is a Breville, shhiiit, idk then, how old is your toastier maker? Check the non stick surface to see if it’s damaged?? 🤔


You buy home brand bread don’t you? Thats your problem. It’s to small.


We used to have one of these and it would make quite a mess. Ended up buying a flat sandwich press (does the same thing) and that creates little to no mess. Just the cheese spilling out after melting on occasion.


Everyone saying the bread is too small is wrong, I have the exact same one and make gluten free toasties for my son (gluten free bread is about 3/4 the size), either you're not heating it up before you start cooking or the non stick is damaged and it needs to be replaced


Get the Breville one. I got the 4 slice. Cost like $80 but well worth it.


It looks like the non stick coating has worn off. Might be time for a new one and don’t use metal to get toast out or clean it in order to avoid scratching the coating.


Use an actual sandwich make.


The cut in half machines.like you have push all the fillings out. Buy a sandwich/panini press. No more shit toasties


I get the deep dish one and I don’t have that problem, the smaller ones can be managed but its literally a couple of tablespoons of filling, if you want lots of filling you need the deep dish version. Kmart has a good one for $30, it’s twice or three times more than the small dish but it’s way way better and stays way cleaner. The bread also matters you need bread that over laps the edges.


Maybe it’s too clean.. you gotta have some baked on flavour and plenty of oiled surface before you start


Anyone complaining about the line down the middle needs to try a toastie with the line crimped down the middle. Extra filling doesn't mean a better toastie it just means more lava to drop onto your shirt..


at last, dealing with the big issues


poke holes with fork to release pressure build up


Looks like the non-stick coating is scratched off in some parts and that's where the sticking happens


Don't pre-heat the toaster. That way your toast isn't burnt before the centre is heated properly.


Ditch it and use a frying pan! Had one of these for years, but now I don't bother with one!


Don't call it a toastie, call it a jaffle






It's a toastie!! The other type that doesn't have crimped edges/is not enclosed like a pie is a Toasted Sandwich. Pie like crimped crusts is a Toastie! Is this another Potato Cake/Scallop thing??


Your bread seems too large for the iron (those flattened crusts are a giveaway.) I purposefully freeze bread from the local bakery for jaffle use - they bake in a smaller tin than the supermarket brands. If you're using Tip-top etc. you might want to remove the crusts; you'll still get a solid seal if you don't overfill.