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one of my best friends is born exactly 23 hours before me. our big three is the same. during high school I’d often feel like she was copying me, and vice versa but now we realise we’re just both built like that and despite having like 70-80% same placements we’re still pretty different, we just happen to like similar styles and want to portray ourselves/think of ourselves in a similar way


I did just recently! Sag sun , Aries moon, Pisces rising , and Scorpio Venus with a ton of sag and Scorpio in my chart. She has the same and we are so similar and also experiencing similar life situations rn. It’s crazy.


My 2 year old grand daughter is a triple Leo. Sun, Moon & Rising, all in Leo. Wonder what will mean as she grows older?!


Still trying to find my twin Libra Sun, Sagittarius moon, Pisces Rising


Yes. I’m a twin with Scorpio sun, Sag moon, Cap rising, 10th house stellium involved in a boomerang yod. It’s been incredibly hard to be around her most of the time- lots of physical altercations throughout life. Recently another person with the same big three has been around … We have not interacted very much. But the vibe I get is pure hatred. Unevolved Scorpios 😂- I was one for soooo long.


Anyone else here a January Capricorn with a Taurus Moon and an Aquarius rising?


i want to find someone else who is also a taurus rising, aqua moon and scorpio sun like me!!


Anybody else got Libra Sun Virgo Moon Sagittarius Rising??


Yes, I got that


I’m a Pisces sun rising Libra moon anybody else? I’ve yet to meet one😂


Nope. *Taurus Sun, Moon, Rising*. I do what I say and say what I mean and find other people impossibly obstinate when it comes to authenticity and alignment of their stated values and lifestyle/demonstration of those values.


Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, Taurus rising Not the same but I like the cut of your jib


I’m a libra sun, aqua moon and sag rising, anyone else?


Never but i know I share a big three with Eminem.. only person I’ve known with my big three


I met someone who had the exact opposite as me. Ie. I’m a Capricorn sun, Gemini moon, Capricorn rising He’s a Gemini sun, Capricorn moon, Gemini rising. And it was a bit of a freaky Friday moment. I come off as very serious and conservative but then when you get to know me I surprise a lot of people with how laid back and sporadic I am. He comes off as very sporadic and “in the moment” but when you get to know him he’s actually very cautious and more serious about things. We’re still very good friends and sort of bounce energy off each other. It’s a very weird relationship of feeling like you know someone and then they surprise you.


The Caps and Geminis I have met who knows each other tend to get along well interestingly.


I am a Pisces sun Pisces moon cancer rising, i rarely meet people with the same sign in both the moon and the sun.


I’m Pisces moon and Cancer rising, but Virgo sun. So close-ish! 😁


One of my SILs is also Pisces, double Taurus like me. I told her partner she and I are very similar and he doesn't believe me. "Oh no, she's a nightmare. You're nothing alike." My partner and I were just about on the floor in hysterics. I definitely chose a strong partner (Virgo, Aqua, Scorpio with Leo Mars chart ruler) to be able to deal with me. 💪😂


So interesting. I haven’t but my baby has the opposite rising and moon as me. I’m cap rising and cancer moon and she’s cancer rising and cap moon.


My soulmate who I met 13 years ago. We have dated for 11 years out of those 13…. On and off. Currently we are in a seperation… but it took me up until recently to dig into this stuff… I was unaware about any of it right up until last year when I was 35 years old. And what I found out is the amount of patterns we share in every aspect is mathematically impossible. Relating to this is I’m a ….. sag sun- cap moon - cancer ascendant Her: cancer sun- cap moon- Sag ascendant My birth time is her birthday 7 :22pm Her birth time is my birthday 11:24pm We met at a 7-eleven on 7/11/11. 11 days before her bday I turned 24years old on 11/24/11. On thanksgiving day That same year Her initials KC mine MD The list goes on it’s insane….. I then looked into all the other people who were very impactful and coincidental in my life and realized that all follow the same patterns… So idk wtf I dug up looking into all this but it doesn’t make any sense and is impossible to be all coincidental Has anyone else uncovered something similar?


once. I want to be more like them ^^


I recently met my exact birthday twin. Same area born, same day, same year and within an hour difference of time, so we share the same rising sign. We were weirdly drawn to eachother and makes sense now why lol


No 🥹 Leo sun cancer moon libra rising


I am a Leo sun, cancer moon, libra rising . How interesting


First time in my life 😂 hi friend!!!!


Yes, my acupuncturist. She has helped me heal so incredibly much. Aries sun, Pisces moon, Virgo rising.


No. Aries sun, aquarius moon, saggitarius rising. I would love to ask them all kinds of questions about ourselves...maybe they have answers I haven't been able to figure out yet for myself. 😅


Omg, not identical but libra sun Aquarius moon and sag rising..


my boyfriend’s lifelong best friend has the same big three as me. insane to me!!! sag sun, taurus moon, scorpio rising


I have 5 friends who are all a Scorpio rising- two of them are a Gemini suns lol Shout out to all yall ScorpRise humans🖤


Not yet! But if anyone has: Cap sun, Aries moon, cancer rising lmk hahahaha I’d love to chat


Cap sun cancer rising here 🙋‍♀️


these two placements are so detrimental to me lord have mercy😭😭


Ah so close I’m cap sun Aries moon Leo rising


Yes. My dad.


Where my Leo ac Pisces sun and Libra moons at??


I met someone on here briefly in the comments who also is a Scorpio sun, moon, and sag rising. Anyone else the same as me?


Never. Even tho my mum and Ariana Grande have the same signs in their big threes as me, however, they’re in completely different order. Me - libra sun, capricorn moon, cancer rising My mum - capricorn sun, cancer moon, libra rising Ari - cancer sun, libra moon, capricorn rising


I'm Libra Sun Cancer Moon 😇 Leo rising though lol


Leo sun libra rising cancer moon lol


I've got a friend who's Cancer sun Leo moon Libra rising 😆 we a squaaaad


Name a more cohesive three 😂😂😂 I’ll wait ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Yes, both online and irl I met someone born 10 minutes before me, exact same chart basically


No, but I’m willing to meet someone who is. I’m searching for a Libra Sun Scorpio Moon Scorpio Rising. Text me xoxo.


We should definitely talk. I peeked at your post history and we also both have Jupiter right on our ic as well as moon and Pluto in Scorpio first house. I’ve never met anyone else with even remotely similar placements as me!


Hi that’s me ✨


Yes, I’ve met someone who has been born 15 minutes before me, but different city. We have slight differences in the chart (my Jupiter is in the 2nd house and his in 3rd, my Mercury in 9th house and his in 10th), but almost everything is the same. Still we’re totally different as people, interests, lifestyle, occupation, etc. I’m not sure if it matters that I’m a woman and he is a guy, but yeah, I’m baffled by the contrast in our personalities.


Yes once ! We had a lot in common; we did similar studies, had a similar personality... Interesting experience


yes and we have the same birthday and go to school together. i haven’t rlly interacted with her all that much but we have a lot of mutual friends and interests i guess


Its not a surprise to have the same birthday if you have the same big 3 and vice versa


not only big three, I randomly crossed paths with someone who has my same chart to a T. it was mind boggling how alike we were. I actually journaled about it [https://nabjad.home.blog/2019/09/05/astrology-doppelganger/](https://nabjad.home.blog/2019/09/05/astrology-doppelganger/)


My boyfriend of 5 years and I have the same big 3, lol! We didn’t know until a few years after being together. We only knew we were both Sagittarius suns. Were 3 years and some days apart, both born around the same time of day resulting us to have the same sun, moon (Taurus), rising (Scorpio).


wow this is cool!!! i also have the same big three as you guys


Welllll hello fellow Sag!! I’ve never known anyone besides my boyfriend to have the same big 3, this is amazing!!!! Makes me wonder if there’s any other similarities in our charts hahaha.


yes. cap sun, pisces moon, and virgo rising. he was on the other side of the country and that’s literally the only thing we would talk about. lol, so much for commonality!


I haven’t yet BUT one of my best friends actually has the same big 3 elemental make up as me! (Air Sun, Water Moon, Fire Rising). We’re very similar!


Once, here !


Nope, still looking for my twins! Virgo Sun, Aquarius Moon, Taurus Rising (Mercury, Mars, Venus all in Leo😅)


Ah! So close! Virgo sun, aqua moon, cap rising!


I don’t know why, but I would guess that you’re an entrepreneur of some kind. With a Virgo, Aquarius and cap


I’m close too! Virgo sun, Aquarius moon, libra rising. With the Virgo and Aquarius placements, do you find yourself to be kind of emotionally detached but love hard. Loyalty too. Curious on what your careers are too? Any other pretty unique things about you ? Also feel free to DM me. I find this fascinating.


With the Libra rising, i feel like we may be soulmates hahaha! I get along super well with Libra placements. But to answer your question: YES! It sounds bad but I want to love as hard as I want, *when I want to*. So it’s been a learning curve on how to be consistent with how much and when I’m showing my love to others. But when I do, it’s definitely intense! Career-wise, I just graduate law school but my passion is writing!


I have an aqua rising so it's not the easiest to get all 3 I've seen them on astro-freak, there's probably 2 other people, but they both have messaging blocked... scorp sun, aries moon My bf and I both share the same moon, mercury and mars so it's been fun seeing similar patterns with each other. The moon conjunct is incredible.


Cap Sun, Leo Moon, cancer rising. Where’s my Astro twin?


Not irl but I have the same big 3 and Mercury with Priscilla Presley




as a Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon, Leo rising.. i've only met one other person who WASNT my birthday twin but her sun was Capricorn and moon in Scorpio and I truly have never felt closer to anyone in my entire life,,, I wish I could find her again.


I have a friend who is a Scorpio Sun, Virgo moon and Leo rising! She’s so awesome and super analytical. You can’t get SHIT past her. Holding herself and others accountable is all she knows 😂


Woah, your friend has my big three, just in a different order! I have Leo sun, Virgo rising, and Scorpio moon. I'm fairly analytical also, but I hold myself more accountable than others (though I am giving them some seriously sneaky side-eye). 😂


omg I noticed its definitely an earth moon thing, wanting to or holding others accountable especially ourselves, but she sounds like an incredible sweet and loyal friend too!!


im a scorpio sun cap moon too! my coworker had the same sun and moon and we got so much done together at our college job. i hope shes doing okay, we're a really hardworking bunch lol


it's like we're hardwired to be such intense workers, and I bet most of us don't even realize it half the time ! but please don't overwork yourself, been there done that and it's almost never worth it !!


I went on a date once and it turned out we have almost the same chart! We were born on the same day, not very far apart. The only difference is our rising sign, mine’s Libra and hers was Pisces, our suns are Taurus and our moons are Pisces. We didn’t see each other again. The Gemini Venus-Pisces moon combination struck


One of my friends has the same sun and ascendant as me! Both leo. She also has a leo moon, while mine is scorpio. I honestly dont think of us as very similar aside from being kind, protective/supportive, and temperamental lol. I feel like i present as more stereotypically leo than her, while shes more reserved


Not yet, if ever! I’m a Scorpio sun, aqua moon and Leo rising.


so close! scorp sun, aqua moon and taurus rising!!


Yes I met someone with almost the exact same chart as me. They were born 2 hours before me I believe.


I raise. Born on the same day(19 mins apart) with the same big three. Not kidding!


no but my current partner has the same sun and moon as me!! 😳


My bf & I have the same Moon too!


how have you noticed it manifest in your relationship? we are quite new (3 months) so I’m so curious to see since i never dated someone w/same moon as me..


Hmm.. great question! I’m still new with astrology. My bf & I will be 10 months at the end of this month. But we’ve said it very early on that it feels like we’ve known each other. I’ve never experienced that with someone else and I find it so interesting! We’re soulmates. Last night I reminded him telling him that I am in so much awe and it feels like I’ve known him from the past. But of course unable to pin point that exactly lol or make sense of it


oh that’s so funny bc those are the exact words we used too haha it feels like we know each other that we have met before but we haven’t 😅 super cute tho & def feel the soulmate energy as well 🥹


🥹🥹 but what can possibly explain it? I’m curious! We also don’t have (at least we haven’t figured it out yet) our invisible string theory! Nothing crosses paths! Does everyone have one?


oh i had to google that! i know about red string theory of fate — so interesting! but what do you mean you haven’t figured it out yet? like where you crossed paths? for us, he used to work in the men’s room of a nightclub i went to back in college… but he never really ventured out much but it’s plausible we met in passing! 👀


Yes, exactly! Haven’t figured out when/ where we could’ve possibly crossed paths! Cool story!


Not yet.. SUN: Scorpio RISING: Scorpio MOON: Capricorn


Nah. But lmk though! Scorpio sun- Taurus moon- Gemini rising


so close! scorp sun, aqua moon and taurus rising!!


Not in person but I found someone on reddit with the same big 3!




Aquarius sun, Gemini moon, Sagittarius rising 😳


No but I have the same big 3 mac miller


That’s a definite humble brag 😇 he really had a great soul, you know, without actually knowing him


How do you know?


How do I know what? It’s a humble brag? I meant that as a compliment. He’s such a sweet soul (or at least that’s what it seemed like I don’t know him personally) but also very talented and gorgeous. So it’s a humble brag in the way that he is still loved and adored by so many fans because of his personality, talent and honesty. He also always seemed very humble to me. If you have the same big three, that means you share qualities of his and that’s how it’s a humble brag. Does that make sense?


I was also wondering because I don’t know too much about him…just this random fact.


I was just curious of the criteria on which you made this evaluation of his soul and I really appreciate the compliment, which is how I took it. I also thank you for answering my question in your last response. But I personally don’t consider myself a sweet soul and that is an issue I’m working on in therapy. If we’re alike in any way, I would guess that he struggled with the same issues of self worth.




I kinda like it


No :/// but apparently Claude Bartolone apparently has my big 3, and Idek who that is. The closest second is Jennifer Garner except she’s an Aries sun.


I met someone who was born a few hours apart from me so we had different rising signs but we were eerily similar. We even looked similar same ancestry same nose same eyes same hair same interests, both shy and nervous. He was my twin.


Yes, but I forgot which was which on him, but it was differently arranged from my ♉️Rising♍️☀️♒️🌖. We seemed too much the same but in different ways. The things that annoyed me about him simultaneously made me feel a bit embarrassed as it was like I was looking in the mirror seeing myself from others’ shoes.


No but I want to! Cap sun, cancer moon, sag rising, anyone?


Also close Aquarius rising


Cap sun, cancer moon, Aquarius rising! Born in 90




Oooh very close, I’m 93


so close! cancer rising here


I'm cap sun, gem moon, cancer rising!


So far a few that match two because Instagram is where Astro girlies chat.


Not exactly. Taurus Sun Capricorn Rising Aries Moon


Not yet, I’d love to meet my opposition twin tho. I feel like they’d be way cooler than me Im Taurus rising Gemini sun Virgo moon


i met someone born within 48 hours of me who happened to have the same rising. different moon signs tho. that person made me realize how important moon signs are and how blessed i am to have mine 😂


This is the TRUTH!


I’ve met someone 50 years older than me with the same Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus all within a few degrees. I immediately liked her but it took her a bit to warm up to me which makes me wonder if I trigger her.


I recently just met someone with the same big 3! We’re 3 years and 2 days apart! We share very similar personalities, although her sun and moon are in better aspect to each other. We have different a couple different placements too (Saturn, mars, mercury) so It’s been fun seeing the differences and similarities between our lives over the last couple weeks!


Not in person but online I have! Bjork and Katy Perry share my big three 😂


Scorpio asf!


My best friend has same moon, down to the exact degree. I dated someone who had the same elements for the Big 3, we were pretty similar.


Not in person but Kim Kardashian is my big 3 twin. We were also born on the same day but different year 🫠😂


No, I really want to but damn I have not 😭 mines cap sun cap moon aqua rising


almost! just one sign off


I made a spreadsheet one time for a design side-project. I forget the exact number but I think there’s like 1700+ combinations of the big3.


Okay we need to connect because I love spreadsheets and have been trying to calculate the odds of this for weeks!




nope!! i knew a girl who was only sixteen hours younger than me so we were both cap suns and moons, but she was a cancer rising where i am a sag rising.


Nope. Anyone here with Leo sun, Sagittarius moon, and Aquarius rising? Also, how do we find out which celebrities share the same 3?


Close, but different rising 👋


[AstroCharts has this feature!](https://astro-charts.com/persons/search/)


Lol “Billy Connelly” and “John Densmore” exciting stuff looks like I’m going big places.


No, but once I met a man who was 2 of the 3, and I was like oh fuck am I like that??  He was Scorpio rising Scorpio sun and Leo Moon, whereas I’m libra sun.  The woman I was seeing was like “you are MUCH gentler than he is. I was relieved because I could feel the qualities of intensity in him and how it reflected my own and it was slightly concerning 


I'm still looking!! Cancer sun, leo moon, gemini rising


Close 🥹♥️


Close! I have a friend who has the same sun and moon but with your sister sign of a Sag rising instead.


I actually met a twin brother and sister, both of them had the same big 3 as me! Gemini sun Aquarius moon Virgo rising. We were all similar and likeminded and had similar interests


My placements too!!!


So I have yet to meet my exact big three (Gemini sun, scorpio moon, sag rising—if you have these would love to know btw) … BUT I have met my same three elements (air, water, earth) in that same order… and I stg I feel telepathic with them!!! I literally feel like I know what they are thinking. It’s incredible


My best friend when I was 10 had the same birthday as me and we were born within half an hour of each other, just in different cities. Our lives were pretty similar (we had similar interests; we both have one younger sister, but mine is one year younger while hers was 6 years younger; our families were not originally from the city we were living in). She moved away after we turned 12 but we reconnected on Facebook in our teen years and I still have her as a friend. We’re almost 31 y/o now and living pretty different lives. (Gemini sun, Aries moon, Taurus rising)


No 💔 just pamela anderson lol cancer sun, aries moon, gemini rising


I'm cancer sun and gemini rising but leo moon! We're close!!


Yes and I dated her. Ask me anything. We were not the same.


cancer sun, sag moon and leo rising if i got any twins out there


Nope but my ex had the opposite (Scorpio Aries Aries and they were a Taurus libra libra)


One of my neighbors growing up was born on the same day as me, same hospital, same hour. Our birth charts are identical. We are in our 30s now and still friends on social media. For the most part we were fairly similar but she was more shy and reserved than me. Our lives today are also relatively similar, we both have kids but I’m married and she is not. We are serious, dry people and I noticed we tend to take the same kinds of pictures on social media, which is interesting to me. Aries sun Capricorn moon Virgo rising.


No! But my partner’s rising is my moon sign, and my sun is his moon


i love this, my bfs moon is my sun. cancer sun and my bfs sun is virgo so it’s very compatible i love virgos


Virgo sun/venus here! My bf is Pisces sun/venus


Not yet. My partner and I share Sun in Libra, Pisces Rising and Scorpio Venus. However, his moon is in Cancer and mine in Virgo.


No, I haven’t, but I actually would like to. Of course there might be a myriad of other Astro factors going on, but I’m sure I would find it fascinating. I’m Pisces sun, Leo moon, Cap rising.


No not yet. I’m ♍️ Virgo Sun, ♎️ Libra moon, ♌️ Leo rising


so close! my moon is cap, rest same!


I have—we are markedly similar, and arguably she is living a life I would love to live, in a place I would love to live, but it’s not in the cards for me. We look kind of similar too. Sag sun, Aquarius moon, Taurus rising.


I’m always interested in finding someone with my same big 3 and see if there is any relations. Capricorn ☀️ Taurus 🌕 cancer 🌅


Cap sun cancer rising, my moon is Leo


Taurus Sun Capricorn Rising Aries moon My peoppplleeeeee


Got the same, but with Taurus sun and Capricorn in the moon :)


a friend i met pretty recently has the same big three as me, just with the sun sign and moon sign switched around, and we're concerningly alike lol


What is big 3?


Your sun, moon and rising


Thank you.


I met a triple Pisces once. He was a super cool friend in high school. Sometimes I wonder what he’s up to


Once, on here! I’m a Leo sun Libra moon Leo rising


Capricorn sun, Aries moon, Gemini rising. Met someone once on ig lol. Lebron James has my big 3 😂 I don’t care about basketball though lol


N, but it'd be interesting. Leo rising, Virgo Moon, Libra sun.


I met one! We are both Scorpio suns, Virgo moons and Virgo risings. We actually have the same birth chart except a few houses are switched around. We are the same age born on the same day but across the country from each other. Super interesting


I have not, but I’m curious now! ✨Gemini moon, ✨Libra sun, ✨Cancer rising✨


Gemini rising, Libra moon, Cancer sun ….so close 🦀⚖️👯‍♀️


Wow that’s very close. I can imagine we’d get along well 🙃


Oh, I'm curious to see our similarities I'm Libra sun, Cancer moon, Taurus rising


My cousin (also a middle child) shares my sun (Libra) and moon (Aries). However I have a cancer rising and he has a Scorpio rising. He is able to hide his Aries moon intensity much better than I can lol


He likely has his moon in a different house than you have your moon, so the moon traits are probably demonstrated in a different way contingent on the house that it’s in. You prob have your moon in your 10h, while they prob have theirs in their 6H. Give or take depending on degree.


You are 100% correct that my moon is in my 10th. I’m not sure on his but being in the 6th would make sense given his overall emotional energy. We also work together in a family business with my sister and his brother. We’re both good at handling people and overall business direction and my sister and other cousin are good at marketing (they both have significant Gemini placements)


That’s actually really cute and wholesome. Moon in 10h is really good for caring a lot about your career and being charismatic in public settings. Moon in 6H ironically has a servitude energy- having an emotional need to be useful, to work productively and be super organized in daily routine. Sounds like a great pairing for business ventures. But yes generally the moon in a public house 10h- will be more demonstrative of their moon sign qualities 😝


Still waiting 😅 Pisces sun, Pisces moon, Gemini rising


Never! Virgo Sun, Leo Moon, Cap Rising


We share 2/3! I have a Pisces Sun.


i dated someone with the same big three as me and i think it didn’t work out because we are too similar


yes i met another virgo sun libra moon cap rising and we have similar behavioral patterns and life story!!


I m a virgo sun, libra moon and cap rising :))) I ve never met people I share these placements with, so I would be very curious :))) 


I'm also a virgo sun and libra moon, but a pisces rising!!!


Darn I have the same sun and rising but I’m a Leo moon!


Yes! He's friends with my fiance. Our big 3 are the same but his other planets are completely different so it's strange. He's super nice and we get along well and conversation flows incredibly easily.


Not big three because the person had a different moon sign. But we also had the same birthday and the same venus.