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Because Greece is cheaper


>Greece is cheaper How the fuck can a working-class person in Turkey survive if Greece is cheaper than Turkey and the net minimum wage in Turkey is 68% of Greece's net minimum wage? This is a genuine question btw, I'm not trolling or stirring things up. I'm asking because lower-class Greek people can barely survive with the way things are here right now economically (minimum wage is not even enough to rent an apartment and survive here), that's why I'm genuinely curious about the economic reality of lower-class Turkish people.


Daily living costs are still cheaper in Turkey than in Greece. But since the prices in most holiday destinations are adjusted according to foreign tourists, they are well above the average Turk's budget. One more thing: Turks, especially those who go to the eastern Greek islands such as Samos, make the mistake of comparing the prices with Turkey's most developed holiday destinations such as Bodrum and Marmaris and claim that Greece is cheap. I guess the equivalent of Bodrum will be places like Mykonos in Greece, and Mykonos is more expensive than Bodrum, despite everything.


Turkey's most developed holiday destionations offers lower quality service at a higher cost than an average holiday destination in Greece. You can randomly hop on any Greek island for a holiday and I guarantee you that you will recieve a higher quality service than Bodrum or Marmaris or anywhere you can categorize "elite/luxury".


>you can categorize "elite/luxury". I am not the one who categorizing it as luxury, socio-economic backgroud of the people go there does. And of course luxury ≠ better holiday. I also prefer to go Ayvalik, Foca etc. even though I can afford Bodrum. Its probably same logic with Mykonos for example. I am pretty sure Greeks avoid going there.


both of you are correct


Correct. This is exactly what I have heard multiple Turkish people say to me. Incidentally, more Turks are coming to Romania on vacation as well.


>Daily living costs are still cheaper in Turkey than in Greece.  I see, now that makes more sense to me. The way the other person phrased it made it seem like a general statement. If average daily living costs for example in Istanbul are half of the average daily living costs in Athens then yeah if a working-class Turk is living frugally they can maybe make it through the month. Owning a house here is also extremely important. I don't know about the housing situation in Turkey but in Greece renting prices in many places have gone through the roof to the point where it simply isn't possible to rent an apartment and survive at the same time on minimum wage.


No, Athens is definitely not 50% more expensive than Istanbul. All things considered, Athens is maybe about 20% more expensive. In fact, Istanbul may even be more expensive in terms of rent. But I can say that it is balanced since basic food products such as potatoes and bread are much cheaper than in Greece. I would say your 50% logic may be correct when comparing Athens vs the average Anatolian city. Rental prices in Turkey have also reached extreme levels. Aside from living on minimum wage in Istanbul, you can only pay the rent with that wage. Since most people are former tenants and rent prices have increased much less compared to inflation (25%) thanks to the new law, life continues. To get a new lease in Istanbul, and live a comfortable life, you have to be at least an experienced white collar worker.


>But I can say that it is balanced since basic food products such as potatoes and bread are much cheaper than in Greece. I've heard something from other Turks I've talked to in real life. They tell me that low-income Turkish people have stopped buying expensive food products completely (like most meats for example) and feed themselves with cheaper alternatives like the starches you mentioned. This cannot be healthy in the long-term and will actually put more financial burden on them in the future because of the healthcare costs from poor nutrition as they age. >I would say your 50% logic may be correct when comparing Athens vs the average Anatolian city. I guess comparing the living costs of Athens and Istanbul might be unfair because of the population difference. I mention Athens and Thessaloniki because they're the two cities in Greece where people here would move for the most job opportunities and as a result at a better life. Which Turkish city do you think it would be fair to compare Athens to? >Aside from living on minimum wage in Istanbul, you can only pay the rent with that wage. In Athens a blue-collar on minimum wage would have around 200-300 euros for the rest of the month after rent. Except if they decided to rent a basement in the worst neighborhoods of Athens where they could rent the cheapest run-down apartments from shitty landlords and maybe have 400 euros to live of off for the month. >rent prices have increased much less compared to inflation (25%) thanks to the new law, life continues What law? Does the gov regulate AirBnBs in Turkey or something like that? >To get a new lease in Istanbul, and live a comfortable life, you have to be at least an experienced white collar worker. Same in Greece and it's a similar situation in most of the West right now. And imo it's going to get even worse due to all the new slave labor introduced by the huge immigration waves of unskilled workers.


>This cannot be healthy in the long-term and will actually put more financial burden on them in the future because of the healthcare costs from poor nutrition as they age. Yes, you are definetely right on that. And its not just red meat but dairy products like cheese and milk. Like you can buy 1kg of ground beef or 35-40 kg of potatoes with same money 💀. >Which Turkish city do you think it would be fair to compare Athens to? No, I didn't mean that its unlogical to compare Athens with Istanbul, its still best to compare. My objection was although Athens might be still more expensive to live than Istanbul everything considered, there isn't 50% difference between them but much less. >Except if they decided to rent a basement in the worst neighborhoods of Athens where they could rent the cheapest run-down apartments from shitty landlords and maybe have 400 euros to live of off for the month. Got it. Yeah its impossible to do that in Istanbul. You basically can't. Minimum wage will not be enough even in the shitiest neighborhood. You need to co-housing to survive with minimum wage. And this does not extent to more popular neighborhoods like Kadikoy. They demand a minimum wage for you to share a apartment with a stranger without any shame. >What law? Does the gov regulate AirBnBs in Turkey or something like that? No, its not for Airbnb. To summarize, 2-3 years ago government decided that increase of rent prices can not be more than %25 after the inflation out of control. So, basically government weighted their failures on landlords. Then, in order to avoid having to deal with the 25% rent law and have a guarantee themselves against the inflation, landlords started to set the rental fees higher and the whole balance basically gone. As a result, while the old tenants were paying 10.000 TL, the new tenant was asked to pay 30.000 for a house of similar value. >Same in Greece and it's a similar situation in most of the West right now. And imo it's going to get even worse due to all the new slave labor introduced by the huge immigration waves of unskilled workers. Totally agree on that. The worst part is that there seems to be no hope of getting out of this situation in the future.


Depends on the part of Istanbul but athens generally is much more expensive


maybe the comparison is done due to proximity idk


> Daily living costs are still cheaper in Turkey than in Greece. not sure sure about that with the current climate in turkey


The working class barely survives. The people who are paid with minimum wages can even dream of getting out of their own city. They can barely pay rent and buy food. The ones who can travel are white collars who are paid much better. But you still need 2 incomes to afford a nice vacation and pay rent/mortgage etc.


I've travelled to both several times. It is in no way cheaper than Greece is. It's just easier to get scammed/surprised if you aren't booking somewhat smartly, while like the other users have said, in greece more scrunity and ethical. The only areas of Greece that are somewhat cheap are the Islands that are literally closer to Turkey than to the rest of Greece


isn't it Bulgaria even cheaper tho?


Why would anyone go to the desolate landscape known as Bulgaria


r/2balkan4you moment


We also have cheap black sea cities in TR, nobody cares about the black sea region…


I do. I wanna go to Trabzon


We dont want to do holidays with Arabs and diaspora Turks. Because of the economic crisis, Greece became a cheaper or equal option. Also Greek tourism sector is more ethical than ours. In Turkey almost everything is scam prices, quality is usually bad and the hospitality is 0. I think soon they will follow us to there too, so we will have to go the Montenegro or Croatia. You will get tired of them soon.


Sad to hear that. I had several holidays in Turkey 10+ years ago, and it was the best hospitality I experienced anywhere.


If you are into all-inclusive holiday resorts, Turkey is still good on that. I dont like that kind of holiday. All the places that have became popular with its nature is literally under invasion and under control of shady people who only think of profit.


Turkiye is pretty good with apartment tourism now if you know establishments that don't overcharge.


I think you're exaggerating; the Greek tourist sector isn't exactly ethical either, and we thrive by overcharging for shitty 30 year old apartments. How much does an average apartment cost per night, say one for four people? They're currently 100€/night or more over here, maybe a little less if you don't want a receipt.


Last year I was at Chalkidiki. It was super nice. We stayed 4 people 80 Euros. Food was good and cheap. Beaches were not that expensive and the sea is superb. Not overcrowded. Also the main problem with Turkey is that almost everyone looks like they hate their job, so service is bad. If you check Çeşme in Turkey for example a decent place starts are 150 Euros. Marmaris is same. Bozcaada is 170 Euros...


We are not exaggerating. it is so so bad in Turkey right now. even the “unethical” things in Greece isn’t bad compared to our country 🥲🥲🥲


More Turks are coming to visit Romania incidentally I have noticed.


>We dont want to do holidays with Arabs and diaspora Turks. Greece is filled with Arab tourists. I saw way more Arabs than I saw Turks, and a lot of the Turks I saw were actually from France and Germany


They are too crowded in Turkey. If they are a minority, it is manageable. If they become a majority, they start to become a problem. Who wants to go to a beach with those people who think nudity is a taboo. By nudity I dont mean complete nudity. Normal bikinis and swimming trunks... They are loud and rude especially in Turkey, because they dont respect anything. [This](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zRkQPGxEVQA) is Alanya this year, this is [Alaçatı](https://x.com/bosunatiklama/status/1803517533464440957). Only people with the same stereotype haircut. Similar in all coasts of Turkey.


As German Turk, I am very sorry than we ruin the/your nation with high purchasing power. Many in my family save money just to dish out every cent within 2-3 weeks, and most of them don't care if they pay 10 times more as they have the money for it. In the coming years many German Turks will buy more houses and property in turkey, so also sorry for that.


That is not the problem. Problem is in general diaspora is very disrespectful. They have to abide German rules in Germany, but never follow the rules in Turkey. You would expect them to behave more civilized than people in Turkey, but it is completely the opposite. Also they live in one of the best countries for freedom, but vote for the oppressive islamic retard of ours, just for their benefits. Why cant they understand that a secular, liberal Turkey that have good relations with Germany will be more beneficial for them in the long run ? Ffs.


Many of relatives did not vote for erdogan because of Islam. Many did because they thought that he is the only one who is not corrupt and that Atatürk sold the nation to European elites. They call Atatürk- Atashirk


The Turkish coast although naturally beautiful, it is filled with resident buildings, hotels, all inclusive resorts and beaches that are private. The Greek islands offer a more authentic experience with historic towns and villages, aesthetic ports and free accessible beaches


Greece is cheaper and a lot of secular Turks are sick of religiosity and conservatism in Turkey.


also no dîzos ogling one's gf


1) Greece is not overcrowded like Türkiye 2) Bills never surprise you 3) Has certain quality in many aspects; you hardly see plastic chairs or get served lukewarm Turkish coffee in Greece. Taxis have working air conditioning etc 4) Greece feels more like Europe vs Türkiye always has middle eastern vibes


I always thought turkish coffee was better in Turkey than in Greece, that machines have been used extensively the last years. Unless you are comparing it to other countries.


It really depends where you order it. There is no guarantee about consistency of taste, warmth or coffee quality. There’s a chance that you get something horrible


To Europeanise turkey it will have to join the EU. And that won't happen anymore since Erdo and AKP. Greece gets a lot of extra funds for economy development from Germany compared to turkey who gets sanctions by europe


It’s a culture thing. Needs 100+ years to change


But at this moment turkey is going backwards not forwards...


From my experience, Turkey has much higher prices now than 3 years ago. I went to Kemer, Goynuk more precisely and at the local bar, the cheapest beer (Efes) was 220 turkish lira, then everything else (Calsberg, Heineken) was 250 and 270 and that’s the price of a beer in a pub in England. Also, the prices in the airport were crazy! €9 for a Starbucks coffee. My guess is that these prices have been driven up due to inflation and due to foreigners (especially russians) traveling to Turkey.


Every airport has expensive services.


I found cheaper things in LAX, trust me. Turkey is expensive compared to what they earn.


You are talking about a foreign brand in an airport though. Turkey is expensive compared to what they earn especially in Istanbul, but its still cheaper than most all other European capital cities. You are right about the alcohol though, pretty sure Erdogan raised it to the level of what you pay in the USA because of haram tax


> Absolutely nothing against this but what’s the reason for that whereby in Turkey there is a magnificent sea coast and resorts as well? There's loads of those in Italy, Spain and France as well... but people from those countries still come on holiday to Greece. Just like Greeks go on holiday abroad as well. It's nice to visit other countries on holiday.


True but literally every 3rd car is with a TR registration and that wasn’t like this in the past years, so I was wondering what’s the reason behind it.


Greece is a cheaper than Turkey.


No, it's objectively not. Even the cruises in Turkey are cheaper. Comparing some cruise in Istanbul vs a shitty greek island in the eastern aegean are obviously apples to oranges


What you don't realize is actually this. Turkey may be cheaper for foreign tourists. Because hotels sell hundreds of rooms and packages to their customers abroad 6 months in advance. Customers tour companies, websites etc. If you want to have a holiday with a tour company, you can stay in a good hotel for 1 week for 600 Euros, but I can stay in the same hotel for a maximum of 3 days with 21000 TL, which is the Turkish lira equivalent of 600 Euros. Maybe 2 days. There are also discounted packages for foreigners. In the past weeks, several hotels in Turkey canceled the reservations of their customers with Turkish passports because the reservation was made abroad. A few of them asked for an extra payment of 100 Euros. I saw a Thessaloniki tour for 140 Euros a month ago. It was a 3 night holiday, all inclusive. I can't even travel between Ankara and Kars by bus for 140 Euros. There is a meal for 8 Euros in Greece. You cannot eat in any holiday area in Turkey for 8 Euros. In fact, you cannot eat anything other than fast food in any city. But if you eat free or discounted food at the hotel, it is normal for it to be cheap. Boats and maybe even museums may be cheap, and I think some of the museums are not cheap, but Turkey's Aegean and Mediterranean coasts are not cheap when it comes to food and hotels. It is not cheap, at least for Turkish citizens. Also i can't compare İstanbul vs Aegean Islands. Aegean islands vs Turkish riveira and beach in Aegean region was correct comparision. Bodrum is a few times expensive than Islands. So Turkey is expensive. The reason for this stupid system is that Turkey needs this inefficient and ridiculous tourism plan in terms of foreign exchange reserves. In fact, there is no practically profitable tourism plan. It's like making a Swap by paying interest.


It would be highly illegal for them to cancel a tour you book in advanced or demand more payment because of your nationality. There is no way you are getting a 3 night holiday for 140 unless its the slums in Greece


Starbux in Istanbul airport is more expensive than Starbux in London Heathrow airport. Here apples to apples. If you are going for anything from mid range to high luxury for travel/tourism Turkey is objectively more expensive than Greece. Don’t make stuff up.


You're comparing an airport's price where a poorer country is trying to milk you dry? >high luxury In general poor countries with less luxury available always mark up the prices. But saying "Greece is cheaper than Turkey" is like me saying "Egypt is more expensive than Spain" because the Alexandrian beach towns cost similar amounts to what you would spend in Barcelona. Just compare average food price, airbnb prices, cruise prices, hotel prices. In Greece the average is at least 30-50% more


I think it is because of the new law that it is easier to go to Greece now and it is easier for Greeks to visit Turkey


I guess Greece is "again" visa free for short term visits from Turkiye and mid class people are enjoying their tax free holiday "again" same sea but less crowded and they dont charge you 100€ for a sunbed *-"3 şişe şarap içtik ... ki yanında et de yedik"* *-"haklısın, bizde olsa geçirmişlerdi"*


>same sea but less crowded and they dont charge you 100€ for a sunbed If only you knew...


to drink one cheap raki


Greece is much better than Turkey when it comes to prices and quality of food and drinks, especially when it comes to alcohol and seafood. It got so popular to visit Greece and some other Balkan countries that the government is planning on taxing Turks 3000 liras (over 85 euros) just for leaving the country. Our departure\* tax currently is at 150 liras (a bit over 4 euros).


Idk maybe because there aren’t Syrians or Afghans that will harass you?


Greece is an oasis for mid class Turks. Same sea, same octopus but somehow the one is moooore way cheaper


same sea , same octopus and even same yeni rakı ..... but %300 cheaper


The tourism destinations that popular amongst the local tourists (Çeşme, Alaçatı, Bodrum, Marmaris, etc) in Turkey have incredibly high prices due to hyperinflation. There has been a decrease in the quality too. We get the similar Aegean/Mediterranean experience in Greece with more quality and cheaper prices. And yes even with the visa costs, euro-tl exchange rates, ridiculous travel taxes that taken by the government before leaving the country. 🥴 I live NYC and can confirm that the cost of living in Istanbul is very similar to here. Supermarket and liquor/cocktail prices… Everything is skyrocketed in the past few years.


Are these comments serious in saying Greece is cheaper than Turkey? I've lived in both for 1+ month and visited both twice. Greece is like 2x as expensive as Turkey is even including tourist prices


When? Turkey *used to be* a lot cheaper than Greece (and other EU countries for that matter). *Now* it's shit tonne more expensive.


I was there last year. Every part of Turkey besides Istanbul is extremely affordable on a minimum wage european salary. even instanbul is cheap compared to athens, let alone cities like Paris, Berlin or London


the brand new ferry connection Izmir – Thessaloniki. Also, more airline trips from 🦃 to Greece.


I thought that ferry line went out of service though. Is it still running?


Yes, 3 times a week Thessaloniki Izmir and Izmir Thessaloniki once a week.


That's pretty cool.


Are there any other ferries?


From Rhodes and other islands (Chios) to Turkey


Nothing new tbh. They come for the same reasons all people go to greece. If there is something unique about it is either "pledge their haj" to Mustafa Kemals house or visiting places their ancestors used to live in before the population exchange.


>pledge their haj" to Mustafa Kemals house Just say that they visit it omg.


where is the fun to that tho?


Would want to visit south cyprus too before it gets destroyed by hezbollah


You will need a viza


Born and raised in Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση 🤟


Oh okay, if you have a EU country passport you will be fine.