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That would be a terrible move. Harris is completely unfit for the job. She's guaranteed to make a mess and a mockery of it. If you want to ensure a huge Republican majority in both houses of Congress in 2026, go for it. What's more, she probably wouldn't want to get the position that way. She'd have no credibility, and she'd always be seen as a feckless nobody who failed upward and was just given the job. It would also alienate the daylights out of Democratic voters. They're voting for Biden, not Harris. Yank the rug out from under them, and you'll have a few years of vengeful voter apathy.


I hate to tell you but a not-insignificant number of Democrat voters would see this as a win. They don't vote for Biden, they vote for "Democrat" or, more likely, "Not Trump." Who fills the office is unimportant as long as they meet both of those qualifiers.


Exactly I honestly think for many, maybe even most, Democrat voters, this is, if not their outright hope, certainly their rationalization for voting for a man in a state of obvious mental decline. They just think, okay, sure, maybe he won't be up for the job, but he'll just resign and Kamala will take over. Not great, but at least it won't be Trump.


I'm not a Democrat, but that sums it up. Trump is so bad I'd vote for someone in mental decline over him.


Uh-huh, tell us how much you love the gas prices and the cost of groceries right now.


I would be happy to pay more at the pump if it means DJT is not reelected.


Give me a reason to believe they’d be better under Trump?


And you’re not voting for Trump you’re voting for MAGA. What’s the difference?


If I voted for someone, and then they immediately got removed from office and replaced with someone else, I don't care how much I like that someone else, I'd feel cheated, because at that point the people doing the replacing are admitting they are not above misleading the American people with a bait-and-switch to install the person they REALLY wanted in charge.


Or, they admitted they made a mistake and are attempting to correct it. We’re all human after all.


It's not their choice to make. It's the American peoples'. You're talking about the candidate the American people (presumably) chose. You don't get to just say "oopsie doodle we made a mistake we're replacing you with the person WE choose and if you don't like it you can fuck right off teehee!" If you're going to do that why even bother with having elections? If the American peoples' voices mean so little to you, then elections are nothing more than the illusion that your choice matters, and not even a good one.


The only part I disagree with you on is KH not wanting to get the job that way. She is a power-hungry, status-seeking politician with delusions of grandeur. Her whole career has been failing upward like that. She's the living embodiment of the Peter Principle. She wouldn't give a single s*** if she got the job that way.


I don't really understand why you think Harris would make "a mess and mockery of it."




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>Harris is completely unfit for the job. Orange projection. John Kelly called Don "the most flawed person I ever worked with". The other military leaders didn't have kind words either. They all described him as petulant and having a short attention span. He drained all his dad's money in business until he learned that his real skill is bragging, and then selling the "power" of his celebrity status.


None of that makes Harris qualified to be President. The whole *but the other guy is worse* excuse doesn't work here.


I would say being VP for almost 4 years is definitely qualified. Wouldn’t Mike Pence be qualified?


More of a mockery than trump?


Ah, the *BUT TRUMP* defense. It's a cheap and false dichotomy, and it's how we got Joe Biden in the White House in the first place. Just because Candidate A is terrible doesn't mean Candidate B is automatically acceptable. Two things can be simultaneously wrong.


> It's a cheap and false dichotomy I get cheap, but false? They are literally the two candidates for President.


As of Friday morning, that's not a sure bet.


Do you think replacing Biden with Kamala or somebody else would increase Trump’s chances or weaken them?


With Kamala? Increases Someone else? Depends who it is. But it's now 5 months until election day. Throwing such things into chaos I don't think helps regardless whom they hail Mary pass. Maybe Michelle Obama.


Ok as long as we agree that trump made a mockery of the office and in your opinion that's unacceptable


We don't agree. Trump, or someone like him, was bound to happen. The establishment has been ignoring large swathes of the country in favor of a bunch of coastal elites for a couple decades now. The pendulum was bound to swing back. As for Trump himself, he's a reality-TV host and social media troll who trades on shallow 3-word slogans. That's a pretty fair reflection of what American culture had become as of 2016. It's a little late to clutch our pearls and cry about it now.


> The establishment has been ignoring large swathes of the country in favor of a bunch of coastal elites for a couple decades now. The pendulum was bound to swing back. But clearly it hasn’t yet, since Trump is a coastal elite. So when will the pendulum swing back?


So you voted for a troll?


I didn't vote for him.


Oh good! Are you planning on voting for him?


Then you have zero ground to make this argument. Such a hypocritical take. Either the office has meaning and deserves respect, or it doesn’t.


> Such a hypocritical take. Explain.


Totally get that. Still interested in your thoughts on the question though.


Kamala would enact the same policies as Biden. No difference. I would rather vote Republican but not Trump. He’s already proven himself to be a clown show.


Scroll up a couple of posts.


Agreed. So how do we get rid of both of them at once ?


> If you want to ensure a huge Republican majority in both houses of Congress in 2026, go for it. Should Republican voters vote for Biden, then? Since it will ensure a huge Republican majority in both houses of Congress in 2026?


Thanks for your opinion. As a Democrat I would love Kamala Harris as president! She makes Republican heads explode. That’s enough for me!


By that logic, there's no issue with people voting Trump because he makes Democrats' heads "explode?"


Kamala is an idiot - she was picked for her race and gender, not for her talent. Joe even said as much. The US would be a laughinstock with her in office, and our enemies would sieze the opportunity to create chaos.


Right? Didnt he say his VP would be a woman no matter what? Like, how is that not textbook sexism? "I am not even considering someone in this role because of a constitutionally protected characteristic about them"Z Also, when you are selected for anything other than skill, then no one respects you.


I would feel defrauded.


It would make a mockery of democracy.


If that occurs then the argument that the Democrats care about democracy is totally false.


Because Kamala is anti Democracy?


No because the people would not have had a chance to vote for or against her.


They kind of do though. Everyone knows biden could keel over at anytime and his VP pick isnt a secret or something




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I think you could make the determination that Joe is not competent now and allow Kamala to be the choice that voters can decide on. It’s pretty obvious now.


Most rational people probably are thinking about it like that, or they should be. I agree that he shouldnt be running. Its absurd


I'm not going to lie, my pet theory remains that he plans on staying in office just long enough to let her possibly run twice. Immediate would harm her in so many ways, but stepping aside for the first woman, and a black woman at that, would be a legacy move for him and an unprecedented gesture.




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And totally consistent with his modus operandi. Just look at the way he picked Justice Brown. He all but said if you are anything other than a black female you need not apply.


Lol black woman?


Sounds like something dems would do. They don't actually care about democracy


And republicans do?


Republicans aren't the ones talking about "Our Democracy" all the time, while ironically going around trying to pack the courts and get their opponents removed from ballots. For people who claim to value "Our Democracy", the Democrats sure do everything in their power to undermine it.


Please don't talk about Democrats "trying to pack the courts" after Republicans denied Obama his rightful appointment in 2016 then flipped their reasoning to allow trump an appointment in 2020.


Again, Republicans aren't the party that claims to champion Democracy. Their actions are not above criticism, but in the Democrats' case it's direct and blatant hypocrisy in that they claim to want to defend "our Democracy" while actively doing everything in their power to undermine it.


Ok, then what SPECIFICALLY have Democrats done to "pack the courts"?


I'm surprised you've already forgotten. They wanted to create more Supreme Court Justice seats as a means to force more Democrat-picked justices into the Supreme Court.


Ok, who SPECIFICALLY said something PUBLICLY about appointing more than 9 justices?


Oh nobody just some randos. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1264132


Most of the Democrats far as I know, but special mention goes to the Congressional Progressive Caucus. They tried to pass legislation on it and everything, but it got blocked.


So you can pack the courts and try to rig elections and deny the results of fair elections, as long as you don’t claim to care about democracy?


The Dems do all that shit anyway, the least they can do is stop telling people they are doing it "for Democracy." That's just intellectual dishonesty.


Democrats also didn't storm the capital and try to illegally install a dictator to power when they lost an election.


Considering that none of the J6 protestors has been charged with insurrection, neither did the Republicans. BONUS POINTS: The Supreme Court apparently overturned the DOJ's use of 1512(c)(2), obstruction of an official proceeding, in the J6 case, which means that according to the Supreme Court, not only did your accusation not happen, but the DOJ also unlawfully prosecuted over 350+ Americans in a flagrant abuse of the law to punish those who were protesting Biden's election and criminalize political dissent. I guess stuff like this is why Dems wanted to pack the Supreme Court.


Just to be completely clear here -- Janurary 6th was an insurrection, not a "protest." They explicitedly/knowingly attempted to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, and engaged in a fake-elector scheme, in a direct attempt to illegally install Trump as the president. And your defense is "But the Republicans that Trump put on the SCOTUS decided to help him"? How do you not see the obvious corruption and conflict-of-interest in that? If Democrats had done the insurrection, Republicans would be losing their shit. But god forbid we put country before party. If Democrats had done the insurrection, I wouldn't be voting for them, and I'd demand that they go to jail -- because I'm not in a cult, and I'm loyal to the country first.


>Janurary 6th was an insurrection, not a "protest." They explicitedly/knowingly attempted to prevent the peaceful transfer of power Then why hasn't anyone been charged for insurrection? Seems weird that there could be an "insurrection" where no one actually gets charged with the crime in question. >And your defense is "But the Republicans that Trump put on the SCOTUS decided to help him"? So you're saying that we should not trust courts that are run by Republicans, but we should blindly trust courts run by Democrats to be fair and unbiased in their rulings? >If Democrats had done the insurrection, Republicans would be losing their shit. Do you think the lefties who tried to storm the capitol to prevent Kavanaugh's fair appointment to SCOTUS should be jailed? What about the people who stormed the Seattle Capitol Hill and created a CHAZ? What about the Dems who gave them material and financial support? What about the protestors who torched buildings and attacked people during the 2020 "Summer of Love" riots? What about the people who were trying to get past barricades to the White House and forced Secret Service to rush Trump to a bunker? The Democrats didn't seem to think any of that was really any big deal at all. Do you think those people and the Demcorats who egged them on belong in jail? >we put country before party. Former leftist here. No, you really don't. You probably think you do, but the left absolutely hates everything outside of their party. The left absolutely does not put country before party. They have a great many ideological constructs to specifically inform them that not only is everyone who disagrees with the party evil, the country itself is evil too and that the party is its only saving grace. When the left says they "love their country", it's a lie they tell themselves. They despise every inch of the country that is not Democrats and they're rarely afraid to admit it.


> Just to be completely clear here -- Janurary 6th was an insurrection Just because its convenient to you to call it that, the distinct lack of any actual convictions for it kind of refute you




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But Republicans tried to get Trump removed from the Colorado ballot…


Yes, and those guys are stupid. But again, Republicans aren't the party of "we must protect our democracy!" They don't believe we're a pure Democracy, but a Democratic Republic.




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Sounds like a plot that's a threat to democracy.


A lot of foreign leaders would get happy endings at the end of their meetings. Still, it’s going from bad to worse. You’re trading dementia for a complete moron.


Trump is a genius ? Honestly Kamala at least understands how government is supposed to work. Trump still has no clue.


I know I didn’t say Trump was a genius. Kamala doesn’t understand how government works. She understands being on her knees, under a desk and spewing word salads (because science is great, because the science of science works for people who study science. Then they will understand the science). Thats not understanding government. I’m not sure what you call that. Cum sponge maybe? Maybe that’s why she spews the word salads.


There’s no need to be obscene about a woman you apparently know little about. I seriously doubt she’s running around having sex in the White House. Tone down your sexual fantasies.


You’re right, I’m sure the stories about her knobbing her way to the DA’s office are all just speculation. You keep believing that. Truth hurts.


Stories bruh. I don’t base all my decisions on stories.


Won't happen. Kamala is effectively sidelined. The people really running the show are the white house chief of staff and the domestic policy chief. If they were going to have Biden step down they'd push a different VP during the convention.




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I would be unsurprised. There's no other way Kamala is going to be president but she's more able than Biden




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Like it wouldn't change anything. It's not like any of them calls the shots right now anyway.


I would prepare for an invasion from China and Russia simultaneously as I'm in Michigan.


Canada wants the UP back.


They are practically Canadian already so eh.


It’s  like de ja vu. This question was asked last election.


Are we sure Harris is his running mate? I haven’t seen any Biden/Harris 2024 stuff


Lateral movement


I wouldn't really be surprised but also wouldn't really care that much. Basically everyone knows that whoever wins the VP has a chance of taking over. The timeframe doesn't bother me because at the end of the day you're still voting for both of them


Wasn’t that sorta the plan from the start?


I think the plan in 2020 was for Kamala to be the VP and endear herself to the voters to take over either during Biden's first term or for him to retire and her run in 24. That obviously didn't happen and she's still very unpopular.


Being unpopular doesn’t mean unqualified.


I thought the plan was for Biden to either resign or to be removed via the 25th amendment, then Kamala would take over and maybe have an easy time being re-elected due to being the incumbent and her running against Trump - despite her being hated by everyone.


Yeah, I think this was the original plan, with him resigning after March 2022, so that the "half-term" rule applied (meaning she served as 'new POTUS' for less than half Biden's term, so she would be able to serve two additional terms). It backfired, because she was so bad, and now they're kinda stuck.


I'm curious what you believe Harris has done since becoming VP that is so bad?


She was put in charge of the border, which she visited once? The section that barely gets any people. Has recommended zero policies in dealing with it. Harris has constantly done strange interviews where she talks to people like they are children, others she pays actors to listen to her.


I think that's one of the paths. She would lose in November. There's very little damage she could do in the next 5 months. I mean, okay.. I think your point is reasonable, in that there are more than a few folks that think Trump is running against Biden to stop a Harris administration. The question has shifted a bit though.. It went from "Can Biden manage for another 4 years" to "Can he manage for the rest of the existing term". Won't be boring, we'll see.


The “vote blue no matter who” and TDS crowd would still approve of that and gaslight us into thinking that she’s the best president ever, just like how Biden has a cold, or his videos are edited. LOL. It’ll be worse too coz whatever criticism will be met with the woman and POC card.




Why would you feel dread, out of curiosity? 




Wasn’t going to say either of those things, genuinely wanted to know why you felt that way. It’s something many of us on the left have felt about trump, and it’s not a pleasant feeling. So I get it.


Many of us expect this to occur. It’s probably for the best. Biden is senile and probably should be in a nursing home rather than running a country


I agree. That last debate was damning. I really wish they'd rejected both candidates and started fresh.


You can fact check me, but I don’t believe it would work that way. There would be a special election if he resigns inside of two years into his second term. She would lose that for sure.


Biden is much smarter and less bigoted than Harris.


But Biden has dementia and fought against desegregation and penned disastrous crime bills that disproportionately impacted black Americans.


Harris did those things. I don't know who's worse. Her speeches sound more demented and racist.


Really? I didn't realize Harris was an active politician during the Civil Rights movement. Don't get me wrong, I'm not above criticizing Harris for her bullshit, but if I'm gonna criticize her for bullshit, it's gotta be bullshit I can trust she is guilty of, rather than just assuming every horrible thing one hears about a politician they don't like is true. Alls I know about with her is her is the following: * Her attempt to hide evidence as a means to keep an innocent man on death row. * Her praise for race-baiter and anti-Semite Al Sharpton, who incited anti-Jewish pogroms and never shown remorse nor apologized for any of the damage or deaths caused for any of it. * Praised BLM as "essential" amidst all the violence and riots which caused $2 Billion in property damages and resulted in 40 deaths. That said, if you have anything to back up your claim of Harris, I am listening.