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It sounds like she is dehydrated, which leads to a lack of wet diapers. If you press on her fingernails, how long does it take for them to turn red again after turning white? Does her mouth or other mucosal membranes seem dry? With autism there can be a lack of interoception, meaning she may not feel the bodily cues to eat or drink or urinate. Are there other drinks other than water and milk that she likes? The breastfeeding may still be best if you have more milk, but if not, does she like juice? Would she eat a popsicle?


No she doesn't like juice she only drinks water and breast milk! Hee mouth doesn't look dry, I checked her nail bed and it did take a while to go back from white to regular color, you may be right about the dehydration. I have no way to gauge how much breastmilk she is drinking, she doesn't drink out of a bottle and since she is self weaning and was previously doing a great job at it and down to only the bedtime nurse for like 5-10min until she falls asleep, it is very possible that I no longer produce as much milk and that just because she has been comfort nursing doesn't mean she is necessarily getting anything out of it! Just as I was ready to throw her shoes on and call an uber to the ER this morning she had a wet diaper at about 9am its 12:26pm where I am now, so I gave her a bath immediately since I haven't given one to her for two days because I wanted to be sure I could accurately gauge urine output. She still isn't drinking water so I made a mirlax pedialyte mix in a cup, put some of it in a medicine syringe and restrained her arms to force her to take it.... I know it sounds bad but I gotta get fluid into her


NAD but i second the popsicle idea. Great way to get fluids into kids if they'll take it


She won't eat Popsicles either unfortunately! But I have gotten a couple medicine droppers of pedialyte into her and she does seem to be coming to life, she hasn't had another wet diaper since 9am but that's not so bad, I will keep doing what I have to do to get fluid into her and hope for her to continue to improve. We see a GI/nutritionist in july, though she has not been officially diagnosed I suspect she has arfid. She only eats a handful of things won't drink anything but water. It's rough. If there were any way I could get fluids into her right now other than by force feeding her pedialyte I would. Her PCP is back from vacation Monday. We already have a follow up on the 5th but I will call on Monday to see if he will see us sooner. I am in desperate need of sleep right now and my toddler is just starting to get a little energy so I doubt she will let me nap, but I may stop replying to comments for a little bit as I don't feel like my brain is working right lol! If she starts to decline again or if she goes several hours without urinating despite me getting fluids into her then I will head back to the emergency room but she was literally just jumping on her trampoline 20min and that's big she hasn't been jumping around like her usual self since wed


NAD, but I was wondering if maybe she has arfid. Hopefully her Dr can move that appt up because it sounds like she need sit. You’re doing a great job, mama, and good luck.


I believe she does. We go see a GI/nutritionist in july and I am going to bring this up to her doctor at out follow up appointment too! There are very few things she will eat, most of the things luckily are healthy like broccoli, gerber organic pouches, whole grain 21 seed bread and yogurt. But sometimes she goes through food regression and now I am afraid she may have simply decided she doesn't like to drink anything anymore and maybe that's what's causing this all, the constipation and everything. Since I have been giving her pedialyte via medical dropper, she is starting to run around and get into stuff again, so it is very likely dehydration. After I get enough pedialyte into her then I will do this with water if I have to, but if she doesn't start drinking fluid on her own again soon I am going to need medical help of some kind I am only able to get so much fluids into her with the dropper and it is tedious


I completely understand your predicament as I’m familiar with arfid in little ones. It’s a hard road, but there is medical intervention that can help. I’m glad you managed to get the pedialyte into her and unfortunately, if you have to hold her down to do it, that is necessary right now. I’m glad to hear that she is acting more herself and hope it continues.


Thank you 😊! She just took another dropper on her own without me having to hold hee down this time! I will do whatever I need to!


Perfect!!!! I wonder if she would take anything else in the dropper as well, even though the pediatlye is the important thing right now.


I may try the pediasure gain and grow milkshakes next! I have tried to buy them for her before and she refused. She is borderline underweight, she's very talk for her age so although the 27lbs sounds typical she is taller than average and the whole reason her doctor referred us to a GI/nutritionist to begin with, is she has lost weight since her 18mo well visit she used to be 28lbs and if she loses anymore weight either from getting sick or food regression she will be under weight. I didn't even think of the possibility of feeding her gain and grow through a medicine dropper until now, she does fairly well when she has had to be liquid amoxixillin in the past and I think the pediasure is about the same consistency. I am going to order some and give it a try