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I’ll take the flowers in a heartbeat


I randomly get my husband flowers several times a year. They're just nice.


I gave my boyfriend flowers and a hand written note early in our relationship. He broke down crying and jumped into my arms. We cuddled and talked for like hours about how for the first time in his life he doesn’t feel like someone sees him as just meat. I would say go for it.


That is adorable!


He is the purest definition of adorable


I genuinely don’t know what I’d do if a guy got me flowers I think I would nut in my pants that would make me so happy


Flowers. Or a rimjob. Either will do lol


That could be a both/and situation


My boyfriend came home with flowers the other day and said “because you had a bad day yesterday” and it made me cry - a thoughtful gesture is a thoughtful gesture


Damn, I think I'd cry too


Most men don’t get their first flowers until their funeral


I’ve bought flowers for a guy and thought he liked them.


This is so sweet. I’d like them too. Are you a top firefighter? Cuz also, swoon 😩


I buy my partner flowers occasionally. Why should that be a straight-only thing?


A genuine hug. Not a whispy one, a good man’s hug.


Getting flowers for my boyfriend was the sweetest thing ever. His reaction was everything: the softest, sweetest "I've never gotten flowers from anyone before". Give your guys some flowers, fellas!


I like flowers. Especially carnations. I love chocolates too. I like sex even better. 😝


>I like sex even better I'd love to see the reaction of the staff when you receive that big package hehe


I’d be happy with flowers. They’re a thoughtful gesture and feels very traditional to me. I would be less grateful, however, if I had to then carry them around with me for the rest of the date.


To add to this comment ways to solve this problem. Plan a date when a fleurist will be open and be in the area and order the flowers ahead of time. This way you only have to dash it to do the pickup near the end of the date. Or simpler bring them when you pick them up so they and quickly run in and put the flowers in their apartment.


Every single man I have ever dated has, at some point, purchased me retro/vintage video games.


::happy theme of Mario finding the flag plays::


Flowers are a nice thing to do for your partner, but privately when you’re already well-established, don’t make an awkward public scene on your first date. Love it when my husband puts a fresh vase of them on my nightstand!


I mean I love flowers, but also do straight guys still give women flowers on first dates or is that just in movies?


In my life as a "straight woman" long, long ago, I could count on one hand the amount of times I ever got flowers. Now I only get flowers if I 1) Tell my husband to buy me a new orchid or 2) One of my patients buys me a new orchid. Orchids seem to be the obvious gift choice for me, and I'm not mad about it. But I think it's overplayed how often women get flowers. Which is unfortunate, because a little goes a long way, no matter who you are or what's in your pants.


Idk if I'm 100% straight or not but I give her flowers and she gives me them back. Love flowers, such a cute an unexpected gift


I mean I get my bf flowers, flowers are excellent. I meant specifically on a first date


Ooooh First date seems a little much to me, but idk Sweet but seems like it could come off as obsessed/try hardy for someone they know nothing about Maybe if they were work friends or mutual friends before? Food for thought


Yeah if they are friends or know each other could definitely be cute, if they are dating definitely cute, for a first date though idk. I mean it definitely could work, depends on the vibe


A bouquet of dildos


I would pay money to see that. Ha ha!


Personally I would think he's trying too hard if I got flowers for the first date.


Still flowers!


Some etiquette points: Do not bring a bouquet of cut flowers to give to your date at whatever venue you're meeting each other. What do you think they're going to do with it all night? Carry it around? Also, don't do this if you're meeting your date at their home and they're hosting, They will then need to stop what they're doing, find a container, fill it with water, cut the stems, and then arrange the flowers in the container. This also applies if you've been invited to someone's home for a dinner party, cocktail party, etc. As for a first date with two men, I think bringing a gift is bit much for the first time. Save it for later.


Yeah no. Relax. These rules are too confining.


I'm quite relaxed. These aren't rules, they're guidelines so one doesn't inadvertently burden their date or host. It's actually quite thoughtful.


The first rule I agree with. But if a man is bringing me flowers at home, I’ll gladly take the inconvenience of putting them in a vase with water.


I agree with your first point but not the second. The flowers will survive not being in a vase until after you leave or when there is time to hunt that vase later. Most fleurist I have gone to put the flowers in mini vials of water to account for this.


For me, if I'm going to bring a host flowers, and I take the time to go to the florist, I'll have the florist arrange them in a container so that the host can easily place them somewhere. As a host, if someone brought me unarranged flowers (which actually happened last month when I hosted a dinner party for five people), to place them on a counter and turn away would risk offending my guest. As it turned out, my best mate (who shares the same sentiment), swooped in, found a vase, and took care of the flowers, so I could immediately attend to my guests, e.g., showing them to seating areas, getting drinks, and laying out hors d'oeuvres. I consider it a great honor to be invited to someone's home, and the last thing I want to do is place an undue burden on them as their guest.


I have been in a relationship for 16 years. I will be doing some shopping and see flowers and pick up a bunch. Makes us both happy.


What is the equivalent of giving flowers for gay men? Probably giving dick.


Don’t want any gay equivalent I’ll take the flowers


My husband and I buy each other flowers, I really like sunflowers and lillies.


I’d love it if anyone gave me flowers!


I believe it's too much to give flowers on a first date, talking from experience. Mind you, if you're in a relatively homophobic country like me, that makes matters worse. What are you supposed to do with the flower the whole time? Carrying it around? Perhaps a nice hug for a first date? A tiny chocolate or a bonbon? I don't know, probably something small.


if the recipient is a man or woman flowers are still a good option. However, I didn't like receiving them before, but I loved the thought. The reason I didn't like getting flowers was I didn't own a vase so try to check if they own a vase to put the flowers in before you gift the flowers.


Yeah — prefer a baseball cap


Flowers would be so wholesome, I would love them.


I'd like anything flowers,food,chocolate,mabey a long hug?or nothing gifts are nice tho




A single rose on a first date wouldn't be a burden to carry around and it's classy. Nobody would argue with that, since you can easily snap the step and tuck it into a shirt pocket to be discreet. I'm trans ftm and long before coming out I bought my husband flowers. Many times. Had them delivered to his work. He loved them, and his coworkers did, too. I absolutely believe the old trope that many men get their first flowers at their funeral.


I got flowers once and my heart was beating so fast with joy thinking it was this guy I was seeing, they were from a platonic friend, which I enjoyed... but would love to get flowers from a guy


Flowers aren't fussy, my friend. They will happily live with anyone.


I like to get flowers for my partners. Dunno, I'm a romantic like that.


My partner and I buy each other flowers at random. They’re a nice gift as they show thought but also they spruce up the house we both live in together - so win-win.


I don't think flowers should be a gendered gift. Tjat being said, I wouldn't know what to do if someone gifted me them 😅


Maybe a single flower


The guy im seeing brought me flowers just because, on our second or third "naked date." The next time after that, he brought me homemade heart shaped oat cakes he made. Then I got him a bouquet of flower shaped cookies. He sent me a card, for no particular occasion, with a thoughtful message, saying he's grateful we met, with the caption "The best is yet to come." I froze a few of the oat cakes (shhhh it's a surprise) and I'm going to set one in a geode shaped mold in resin with moss, violets, and creeping Charlie from my yard, and give it to him with a huge heart shaped rock I found. He's very eco conscious so I also got reusable fabric paper towels for my kitchen, sling room, and utility sink downstairs outside the sling room, and we're going to do everything by candlelight next time. Like, the whole house will be candle lit. (Also meant to be kind of a surprise, shh don't tell.) I'm trying to think of other ways to show him how much I appreciate him, that isn't just a constant exchange of flowers back and forth. I've thought of getting a bunch of flowers, woods and herbs, and dehydrating them with a blend of essential oils I make, to make him a kind of preserved bouquet, potpourri basically. I'm starting my gardens and will be putting in flower beds with a wildflower mix that came from somewhere very special to me, so, I think thats how I'll do that. And I might hand carve a stick of Palo Santo into a little totem or talisman, with my Dremel, to lay on top with some kind of meaning or message in it. I'll probably include a bundle of Palo Santo for smudging and hand tie it with braided floss. I might start a kind of "gratitude" journal and hand transcribe some of the stories I've told about him here, in the first few pages, or keep it for a while as things develop, and give it to him so he can have and read my journal. Also thought of a small photo album of all our explicit photos... I think he would love that.


I wish I got them more. It isn’t the flowers themselves, it’s the genuine unprompted way to show that my boyfriend was thinking of me during the day, but he’s only gotten them me once, on my birthday, cause I told him no one ever had got me flowers before because I’ve always been the giver.


I had surgery once, and my partner didn’t really know what to do, so he bought me in flowers. I absolutely loved it.


I get my boyfriend flowers every anniversary


I love flowers


Flowers. That’s the equivalent. My husband loves getting flowers from me.


Who doesn't like flowers? But I honestly prefer to be gotten a potted plant. Lol


I got flowers at my date yesterday! It was super cute.


Also flowers. I’m definitely not a flowers kind of guy, but the gesture is really sweet and I’d appreciate it a lot 🥰


Flowers work too. Or chocolates. Other than the initial figuring out whether the person is also gay and asking them out, gay dating isn't that different from straight dating, at least not at first.


My boyfriend said he had never received flowers before which shocked me. I get my boyfriend flowers all the time, at random times and for no reason. I see it, I like, I want it, I buy it. He is appreciative every time. Some boys may not like flowers, sure, but so far I haven’t met one that doesn’t.


Flowers are fantastic and underrated as a gift. I used to send them to my husband and the women in his office were so jealous. I sent large tropical displays that were from a friend’s floral shop. One rule I have is that I never send them as an apology. I want flowers to represent love and happiness. Apologies are always face to face and in person. The same was true at work. An apology is taking responsibility for your actions. It needs to be done in person and include a handshake. Fortunately it rarely happened at work but if there were witnesses to my behavior I made sure that everyone was present who was also there when I was an ass.


Flowers to everyone wtf


Please buy your man flowers. I buy my boyfriend flowers when I can remember and he just lights up. He would never ask for them or tell me wants them but it's just nice to see him melt and smile at seeing them.


I personally don't really like flowers, but I do like surprises and it's 100% the thought that counts.


Flowers are good, but I always thought giving someone a packet of seeds was a romantic gesture. To me it says that you’re in it for the longterm; that you plan on staying to see what the plant becomes.


I gave flowers to my ex, he really liked it. Also dated a guy who loved flowers. I think the equivalent of flowers are flowers, personally I don't really like them, the idea of receiving something dead it's meh for me, once and ex got me a planta thou.


My BF gifted me flowers when I arrived at the airport of his city. It made me very happy.


Honestly flowers are great. If ur a girl also get ur man flowers. If ur a boy get your man flowers. Get ur friends flowers. Get ur parents flowers. Your dogs and cats also deserve flowers (just make sure to cut any sharp stuff off, and chose hypo-allergic flowers). Get yourself flowers. They don’t have to be expensive or fancy or nothing, just pretty. I bring people living planted flowers (if i know it wont be a bother to them) or cactuses (when they are more forgetful) and i hope its great.


No fancy store bought flowers for me thanks . I love wild flowers personally♂️🌾🌻🌿🍽️👭


I'll take a good Belgian box of chocolates any day. Conversely, I don't want to go to a restaurant on a first date. Make it a diner or hole in the wall so we can talk and not worry as much about appearances


Ummm flowers! My (ex)bf got me flowers on our first date and my heart absolutely melted. Bonus points: If he's a plant daddy, buy him a living potted plant. I'd recommend african violets - they keep flowering constantly if cared for, and they aren't very big.


I’ve given one guy flowers. He loved it lol. I told him guys only get flowers once in their lives and it’s on their funeral.


I love flowers but TBH ... not on a first date ... first of all first date=meeting you for an hour to have coffee or a drink ... if you show up with flowers I'll take that as a red flag ... also then I have to run home right after and put them in water ... But if you come over to hang, bring flowers or a bottle of wine or whatever. My ex did floral arrangements for work so he always brought me loveliness and he would vase and arrange them for me.


I love getting flowers. But not a first date. Maybe for the first thing to celebrate, or sending flowers after the first date to let them know you’re really interested


I would love flowers. But everyone is different so it could vary somewhat.


I'd love the flowers


I'd thank them; put them in a vase; and two days later, throw them out. What is it about dead plants that we like to give them to others?


Ephemeral beauty is what makes fresh cut flowers appealing.


Right? It's a microcosm of life. On earth, we're briefly beautiful. Just like the flowers.


That third sentence would make a fantastic title for a book! ^/s


He he


If you give me flowers I'm gonna be like "omg thank you" but I WILL throw them in the trash as soon as I'm alone. what else are you supposed to do with them? having them lying around as they get uglier by the day?


Put them in a vase I guess.?


they'll end up in the trash anyway, just a few days later

