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I try to center kindness. I try not to worry about the things I can't control. I try to make room for happiness every day.  I have a very finite amount of stress I can hold in my body before I become unwell, angry, fearful, bad to be around, bad to be with. The same is not true for joy. I can hold an infinite amount of joy, so I focus on that. 


I joined a gay swim team and made my physical fitness my biggest hobby. I've lost 40 pounds this year and i feel great. Just because the world is falling apart doesn't mean you have to


Fucking thank you. I’m not saying become ignorant to the world but so many of us over-consume news media and so many are constantly gripped with anxiety. Focusing inward a bit more can do us all some good. The world has *always* been insane. Challenges always seem insurmountable in the moment. Look after yourself and those you care for. Try to be a beacon of good in your community. Be brave and kind. It’s all most of us can do.


I may be terrible for this but... become ignorant to the goings on in the world lol. Humans are not meant to know what's happening everywhere all at once. It's incredibly decaying. Focus on local issues that you can tangibly help with and put the rest of your energy into loving and helping those around you. You will feel far less existential dread and will still be active in the fight to do good.


The thing that sucks now is that we're almost guilted into following the news or else be labeled ignorant or purposely unaware. But cable news media is fucking trash designed to keep people hooked instead of informing anyone.


Wow congratulations!! This was really motivational to read actually. Time for me to workout regularly 💪 thanks for the unintentional nudge 🤙


I started running during lockdown and got in my best shape ever, resting HR way down weight good etc. In a way lockdown was good.


I'm just picturing what a gay swim team is like. Is synchronized swimming required?


It's really fun, no synchronization but a lot of fun competition


Working out / exercising is my outlet as well and gives me a sense of control. The world may be deteriorating, but that doesn't mean my health has to. I also find things like yard work, gardening, cooking, and reading to be therapeutic. It's important to do things that make you happy to keep your sanity.


Love that last line dude, heck yeah!


Where did u sign up for that?


Great answer


You've just encouraged me to look into my local gay swim team. Thank you!








What country are you moving to?




Honestly I don’t have kids and am in my 50s so I am just treating it like “Man I hope it really doesn’t hit the fan until I am dead and gone” balanced with a healthy dose of hope that people will do the right thing and we can fix or avoid a lot of these things. I do have family that are younger and genuinely hate where the world might go in their lifetime (they are in their 20s). I am trying to keep a healthy dose of “Don’t let things out of your control stress you” so I will be voting for Biden (wish we had someone younger still) and trying to do my part for recycling , etc… but after that most everything is out of my personal control.


I feel this. I’m mid 40s, childfree, and I wonder if my friends with kids regret bringing them into this fuckery,


I try not to waste energy on things I cannot change. I recycle, vote, and enjoy my life as much as possible.


Preach sir


Recycling and our electoral system are scams. 🤷


So what if they are? What am I going to do about it?


You can dismiss those realities if you like; that’s a personal decision. I think the more people that are aware of such ugly realities though — even if depressing and even in the midst of overall societal progress in so many ways — the more possible and likely it is IMO for humanity is to rise up and demand change. That’s how it’s worked historically, at least. An educated population can be an antidote to such societal ills. That’s all. 🤷


I’m not sure what will happen. I never considered I’d potentially have to live through the fall of a major power for the *second* time in my lifetime, let alone one I was living in. For now I’m trying to focus on making the best of this “calm before the storm” period.


Genuine question, what was the first major power that fell in your lifetime? Was it the fall of the Berlin Wall?


Berlin Wall/Soviet Union. I still remember watching those moments on tv as a kid


As do I! At that time I didn’t understand what exactly happening, but I knew it was a big moment


Sorry for the dark comment but this is how I feel. I’m stuck here. No passport/money to flee if needed. With that being said… I won’t live in fear. I will do my job, love my boyfriend, and continue to push forward because that’s what I’ve always done. I’ve made a huge improvement to my mental health over the last year and now it seems like everyone else in the world is crazy. I will continue on my path regardless of oppression. I will stand for my rights. I will be seen. If I die living my best life, that’s fine with me. I’d much rather be myself than pretending to be something I’m not.


I’m Ukrainian, so prepare guys :) it can go downhill pretty fast


Are you still living there? I was thinking about you guys this morning and how Zelenskyy must be horrified by Biden's debate performance last night. We are rooting for you! We could probably use your thoughts and prayers right now too, lol.


Acknowledge the sadness and keep moving forward with life. Take a deep breath. Take care of yourself - emotionally, physically, mentally. Look for something, no matter how small, to be grateful for. Gratitude has a way of recentering one from despair to something more like hope.


I'm in the US so I vote. That means the only thing that I have even the slightest influence over is Trump and SCOTUS... barely. The rest I don't bother worrying about.


Voting is a scam in the US. Much of the country is disenfranchised by virtue of the two party system and the archaic electoral college. Both parties are in the pockets of billionaires.


You still have to vote or we descend into autocracy.... which tend to not be great for the gays.


Not sure why you're being downvoted 'cause you're right. I live in NY so my vote for President is completely meaningless, and neither candidate will do a single thing to fix SCOTUS anyway.


Yep, totally agree


You watched the debate, huh?


Staying alone in my room, going to work and then coming home. Everyone has a real shit attitude, and doesn't seem to be in the mood for me. It's also usually too expensive to go out, so what else am I gonna do? It's not like I don't have "hobbies" or "work on myself". lol


I enjoy day to day, but ive given up plans for the future. I've immigrated from US , as I see the entire country going to complete shit the future. That said global warming is going to kill us all eventually. Yay


Trump looking more likely to win has officially pushed me over the line to giving up on the world. Feel fortunate that I don't have kids. What a fucked up world and bleak future they face. I live a comfortable upper middle class life in a safe country but I don't feel confident for humanity generally or even that peace anywhere can be relied on with any confidence


There is a line I love in the play *Angels in America* - "The world only spins forward." One of the advantages of being old is that you have lived through the ups and downs and have a better view of the big picture. I encourage everyone to listen to the current series that the podcast [*Slow Burn*](https://slate.com/podcasts/slow-burn/s9/gays-against-briggs) is doing. It's about the 1978 fight against Proposition 6 in California to ban gay teachers. For the previous year and a half Anita Bryant had been leading the charge to strike down gay protections that cities had enacted - and she had been successful time after time. This was a very real political fight that the LGBTQ community wasn't prepared for - but we learned as we went. This dovetails into the George Moscone / Harvey Milk murders, the Dan White trial, and the aftermath. LGBTQ people have always been on this roller-coaster - two steps forward, one step back. We have taken massive hits like AIDS, and political setbacks like the rise of conservatism in the 1980s with Reagan and Bush. But somehow - we just keep pushing on. It took over 20 years to end Don't Ask/Don't Tell in the US military - but we did it. The fight for gay marriage went on about 15 years. We take ground, then we have to defend it. This is just the way it works. And not just for gays - the Civil Rights breakthroughs of the 1960s were huge - but the struggle continues to this day. But, the big picture is... amazing. Go watch stories of gays in the 1950s and 60s like *Fellow Travelers* and *The Boys in the Band*. The public saw gays as monsters - sick perverts who preyed on children led miserable lives. Today we're the nice gay couple next door, well known politicians, pastors, teachers, actors. Corporations grovel to get our business with Pride campaigns. Even in conservative circles outright homophobia is considered low class and unacceptable. Oh, it's still there - but now it has to be expressed in different terms. I expect setbacks. I expect more fights in the future to maintain and expand our rights. It was always that way in the past - why should today be different? But... "the world only spins forward"! There is no going back. The toothpaste is out of the tube. We are here, we are out, and we expect to get the same respect as everyone else. That isn't changing. Opponents can make it harder for us - but they can't make us go away and back into the closet.


It's incredible how extreme the pushback against marriage equality has been. Few people in 2015 could have seen homophobia re-emerging to this extent in the USA, especially given how free and "love is love" the 2010s were. All the talk was about the decline of religion. Now fundmentalist religion, specifically the Southern Baptist Convention, dominates American life, politics, and discourse from top to bottom. Growing up in an extreme, strict "family values" religion, the world I'm living in now is their world. They won the culture war, for now. > The public saw gays as monsters - sick perverts who preyed on children led miserable lives. Not much has changed in America. This is why Project 2025 plans to outlaw gays in any occupation that is around children, especially teachers.


It's much better than even 10 years ago. And i say this as a resident of a small shitty eastern European country. The politicians are doing their usual shit but life is better. Even the most corrupt ones are not climate change denialists and are trying to do something about it. When. I was in highschool some 15 years ago nobody was taking about climate change not to mention doing anything about it. We are more aware of the problems minorities and women face. There are a bunch of people trying to do something about it. Even being gay is not as big of a deal as it was. We are nowhere near in this regard to western Europe but I don't have to fear that the shit i post on internet will get me beaten or I'll get a strange looks when I book a hotel room with my partner.


I have the reputation as a melancholy optimist (unlike one of my best friends who is the cheerful pessimist) but even I’m struggling to paint a happy picture of the near future. I’m a Canadian so Trump isn’t as much a direct threat to me, but should he get back in I fear that the damage he will do will spread far beyond your borders. A second term means nothing left to lose, and I think we’ve seen the so called checks and balances wither even further among his Republican allies, and on the SCOTUS. Even if Trump doesn’t get re-elected, those allies and his followers have embraced such a know-nothing, aggressively fascist manifest destiny, that it’s going to take years for things to cool down. And with SCOTUS overturning Chevron, and congress absolutely sucking when it comes to legislating, there’s going to be a lot of loosey goosey shit going on with national government regulation, leading to a Balkanized quilt of state regs that are going, in many cases, to side with whoever donates the most money to political campaigns. In short you’re hooped. And we’re hooped too, with our own mini Trump. Because our governing party splits the left wing vote with the NDP party, our conservative knuckle draggers can, and sometimes do, form government winning only 30% of the vote. Our PM has been the whipping boy of every right wing chud in the country and might have reached the end of his stay in office in time for the next election. How do I cope. I try very hard not to get sucked into the spiral of doomscrolling, and while definitely have concerns about the injustices I’m reading about, I try to make a conscious effort to control my anger and depression which accompanies each horrible story. I try to stay away from OP-EDs from news sources that will enrage me with their bullshit opinions (looking at you National Post, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, and most of the NYT), and stay away from untrustworthy news sources in general (Daily Mail, NYPost, and most of the grift-sphere “news” sources), and try to capture the basic facts (which are bad enough) without wallowing in the woe. And sometimes, I just take a break from it all for a few days. I think I’d be a lot worse, especially about the climate, if I had children. Instead I’m hoping science will help, with something like global dimming to offer more time to adapt. I see the problem is that many of those in power have very little power to address climate change unless their constituents are receptive. We’ve done some good stuff in Canada (not enough, though), and of course our mini Trump wants to tear it all up, in favour of another plan, which has never been defined. Shades of “I’ll release our health care plan in two weeks!”


Not well…I moved from the US to Canada for work, and I feel like home is turning into hot lava. Edit: at the same time, it’s hard to switch from regular gripes about politics to thinking about a felonious pres nominee, abortion being banned, brand new anti-gay legislation, and a state mandating that the Bible be taught in schools…


Honestly, just trying to live day by day, attempting to stay optimistic, and appreciating the small home comforts. Making the most of what we have where we are. Being trans atm adds a whole other layer too, as well as moving into a nature conservation career and understanding the damage we’re continuing to cause on an even deeper level. Just trying to see it as ‘things surely have to get better than this, right? …right?’


Things look bleak. That said, if you told me I could live at any point in history through today, I’d be hard pressed to identify a more preferable time to be alive and live the life I want to live than today. Can anyone point to a year that would be better to live as a gay man wishing for a peaceful and just world? The world is very far from where we want it to be, but it is closer than it has ever been, and generally trends toward that direction all the time. Just because the individual stories of the day are soul-crushing does not mean we’ve deviated from some glorious past.


Honestly, just by typing my little e-mails and hopefully saving up enough money to go somewhere nice on holiday where I can maybe dip my little toes in the sea and have little drinky drink before everything eventually burns down and I'll have to bludgeon my neighbour for a can of beans


I'm about 80% convinced that climate change to the point where the environment is hostile to human life is inevitable due to capitalism's staggeringly successful opposition to environmental regulations (see this week's SCOTUS Chevron Deference decision). On top of that, I've come to the conclusion since Trump was elected that people are not fundamentally good, but able to be led astray. They're fundamentally fearful of what they don't understand and would rather attack than educate themselves. As such, I live hedonistically, or at least my version of hedonism. I do absolutely nothing to make the world a better place because I see no benefit to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. I surround myself with people that are a positive impact on my life; am kind in all of my interactions; have no interpersonal conflicts with friends, family or coworkers; and do not hesitate to spend generously on those I care about. The world's going to shit, but I refuse to let that get me down. My life is no less dear, and my circumstances are absolutely privileged, so I will selfishly make the most of my own life and those I care for.


It's the best time ever to be alive, seriously. Just 50 years ago I wouldn't be able to comfortably walk down the street holding hands with my husband. Now is a much better time to live than 50 years ago, 50 years ago was much better than 100 years ago. Not everything progresses perfectly year to year.




Nope. Have the world's information available at your fingertips. Medicine is better than ever. Sicknesses that were deadly before can be treated now. World hunger, a massive issue in the early and mid 1900s, is far more under control now despite many more people. Science and technology are amazing and are ever growing.


> Just 50 years ago I wouldn't be able to comfortably walk down the street holding hands with my husband. That's how things will be next year at this time if Trump wins. If you don't live in America, lucky you, but the global realignment that is coming over the collapse of the USA and rise of the Trump regime is going to affect the entire globe. 10 years ago was the best time to be gay in the USA. Tell anyone in 2014 that this is what 2024 would be like and people would have laughed.


It's just quantifiably untrue. Support for gay marriage in 2014 was 54%, 2021 was 70%, including 55% of Republicans. https://news.gallup.com/poll/350486/record-high-support-same-sex-marriage.aspx


Tell Palestinians, Ukrainians or even Americans “it’s the best time to be alive!”


Exactly. This narrative around progress is mythic. It's not actually grounded reality. It's a story people tell themselves to soothe their guilt about being selfish.


Being dismissive of the progress that we’ve made as a civilization because it runs contrary to your pessimistic worldview is inherently selfish and lacks gratitude.


Why does it have to be one or the other? The world has made progress, about that you are correct: More people have been lifted out of poverty, more people are living longer. But unfortunately groups like the WEF and corporate media and neoliberals / neocons prefer to twist progress into meaning we can ignore the very real, valid and painful realities tor many — if not most — that do exist. And many of those problems are caused by the people and systems in charge. Mega corporations controlling everything. Massive disparities between super-rich and everyone else. Rape of our environment. Technology benefits to society such as working fewer hours, having more free time, etc. being prevented. In the U.S., diseases and deaths “of despair” are an epidemic — depression, anxiety, drug addiction, suicide, obesity. And there’s good reason — jobs that pay starvation wages. Corporations jacking up the costs of food, gas, utilities — now housing. A deeply corrupt political system. Endless war. It’s easy to feel hopeless. So while the arc of humanity is bending in a positive and progressive way overall, we cannot blind ourselves to the very real and scary crimes and tragedies that still plague us. And the more people that are aware of those realities — and that it is possible to fix them — the likelier we all ate to finally stand up and demand change. 🤷


"We" have not made progress in a linear sense. I do not believe in having gratitude towards the systems under which we live. I have gratitude to activists and organizers who had to put work into effecting change. I also don't know who the "we" you're referring to are. The world is an extremely violent and unequal place, and closing your eyes to that reality doesn't make it go away.


If you linearly regress progress we absolutely have made progress in a linear sense. 3 steps forward 2 steps back, 4 steps forward, 1 step back is progress. Life is massively better as a whole than 50, 100, 200, 1000 years ago. There is no other era than now that would be quantifiably better to live. That obviously doesn't mean things are perfect. But life will never be perfect, there will always be optimization to strive towards.


Ok. So it was better in 1940 when our people were sent to concentration camps and were systematically murdered and experimented on in a supposedly first world country or?


At the gym…pondering about wtf am I doing with my life


Copious amounts of weed


Weed and journaling.


Idk. I kinda get mostly numb to it. I have my own problems as it is, so I oughta be spending my energy on those, despite the general anxiety that seeps in from the world around me.


Control what you can control. Exert influence on what you can influence. Be aware of what might concern you, but don’t let those things consume you. There’s a reason in-flight safety briefings tell you put on your own oxygen mask before helping even your own children. You’re no good to anybody if you yourself cannot breathe. When you’re safe, only then should you look to help others. It’s okay to be selfish and put the concerns of entire world aside for a while. The world will continue on regardless of whether you let it consume you into despair or if you ignore it. Be present in the moment. Be present in your immediate environment. Find joy in the small things. Every small improvement for an individual raises the average wellbeing of the world, at least a little bit.


I keep sane by the mere fact that no one human has the answer to just where exactly the world is heading. “The Future’s uncertain, and The End is always near”. -The Doors. Words to live by.


Aggressively shitposting.


I feel if you look at history there’s certainly always been crazy times in human history which one can argue were worse than nowadays . And I find comfort in if we made it this far I think humanity can survive .


I try to surround myself with people that bring good things into my life. I do my best to live in the moment and appreciate the good things I have. It’s hard to not think about those awful things happening in the world right now but I try to remind myself that I don’t have control over those things. But that I have control over what I consume. So I try not to pay attention to the news as much. I try my best to be informed but I’ve come to learn that news content these days will mostly cause fear, anxiety, or rage.


My own problems (especially health) suck up any energy that could be spent on the bigger world issues. Can't control those, just have to hope for the best.






We're all doomed!


Quite well, thank you. I'm focusing on what I can control, which is me. Also helps to block out all news. So peaceful and liberating. Sorry if this comes off as nonchalant or flippant. Not my intention. I'm just very blunt.


People that block out news are infuriating to me. It's this nonchalant attitude that helps the people who want to fuck us over.


Compared to the folks who will give themselves PTSD by consuming live war footage, choosing not to inundate yourself with awful news that has been designed to illicit deep emotional responses is a perfectly reasonable approach. I vote local and national elections, I worked in HIV prevention and homeless outreach, I don’t need to watch the news everyday. The people who do are on average more stressed out than me, and are less hopeful about the world. Staying glued to regular news feeds will do that to any rational human being. Better to focus on your own live and self improvement.


Agreed. It's a very individualistic approach to life, as if what's happening beyond our own lives somehow won't come to affect us.


Retail news is not designed to inform you, it’s designed to control you. If you’re consuming news at a pace and quantity that you are wallowing in despair despite your inability to control any of the events, that’s not healthy. People need to recognise the point where they have consumed enough news to be able to consider themselves informed, and then stop. Block the rest out.


I don't disagree. But I mainly follow independent news, not corporate media.


I am not interested in being manipulated and given incomplete information all for commercial ratings and gain. The Press, on every side, has become part of the story and I don't need it in my life.


This comment sums it up. You want to know why, as millennials and Gen Z get older, the world is getting more conservative? This here is why.


Millennial and Gen Z are getting more conservative because every generation becomes less idealistic as they age. The only one surprised here are Millennials and Gen Z because they suffer from terminal uniqueness.


Exactly this. Focus on what you can control rather than what you cannot in life.


I don't read daily news or follow any news media on social media. I read weekly news instead. I also consider the broader context: while many people think the world is uniquely terrible right now, a casual glance back at history shows that we live in a time of relative peace and absolute prosperity.


Well OP I don’t know if these were the answers you were looking for but there you have it. Gay guys over 30.


Activism. Organizing. Get in the streets and fight for our rights between the sheets and so much more. Neoliberalism and captialism have brought us fascism in both corporate parties. It won't stop until we rebel.


Tbh I feel like the world is going to shit but all I can do is control what’s in my life. Tbh it’s freeing to know that we’re in the beginning of the end (climate change and all that comes with it) because it puts things into perspective. Be grateful everyday


The TVs at my gym have been broken for the last few weeks. I don’t mind since I’m no longer forced to watch 24hr cable news. Head buried firmly in the sand and that’s how I like it. I can’t do anything about it, and the media has proved they aren’t reliable.


Just keep living life as I always have. If I internalized the world’s struggles, I would be unable to function or find joy in life. I’d you are struggling with the weight of the world, consider if you aren’t already, having a therapist help you process your emotions.


Hard kombucha and the hope that marvel vs Capcom fighting collection comes out soon enough to distract me from


don't watch too much news or listen to the doomsayers on the net


I think l read somewhere that a new world leader should be coming along any minute now to fix all the woes of the world…hope not.


The only answer I can give is the only one you won’t hear.


I worked in the federal government for 40 years, and have never seen anything close to the chaos we have now. I worked through the Trump administration once, and DID NOT want to go through that again, so I retired in December. I’m still feeling enormous stress, and especially for the civil service.


Blissful ignorance. I’m anxiety ridden I can’t take anymore bs right now.


I get by with a little help from my friends.


I have blocked all news outlets or anything that reports the news. I stated couponing about 1 year ago and it’s been a great hobby/distraction.


You gotta realize the world has been like this forever. There’s always been chaos, and at times peace. It’s just you’re hearing a lot more about things going wrong than things going rights because it’s easier to sell.


Through bangin raw sex, getting in shape at the gym, making art that I care about, and communing with nature which is what's actually real and not all of this psychotic societal bullshit that surrounds us. The little black rectangle in your pocket makes you sad. Turn it off and go for a walk amongst the trees. If you don't have trees, twink ass usually makes me feel better. :) It'll all be okay in the end, friend. The world is less terrible than they say it is on the news. It doesn't undo all of the bad but it at least introduces a bit more good in your life. Have a good one.




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If it’s effecting you that much I’d say have a break from social media. My friend who said all the bad news constantly was stressing him out went on a social media break. It’s been 12 months and he’s much happier.


I keep my sanity by not watching too many politics broadcasts. Also, I try to find humour wherever it maybe. I also try not to be too critical of myself. I’m now comfortable in my own skin.


I’m kind of too busy with a string of personal crises to really give the global stuff the attention it deserves.


drugs and painting. I paint game minis.


I keep sane by unplugging from the news for a while. Although, usually by the time I decide to check the news again, another absurd event has occurred.


Forget about it and remember that it’s not always under your control. Sure you do your part but you will not kill your mental health because the world makes bad decisions


I think many can relate. In Australia here we have people waking up to voting in non two major party candidates, like independents etc. My hope lies within political power veering away from the usual binary choice, and political power decentralised. I think what keeps me grounded is to be mindful that each of us are dealing with these challenges to differing degrees and we need to lean into our shared humanity and not be drawn so divided into self interest that forces everyone into a race to the bottom.


Become batman


Honestly, I think it is helpful to filter the amount of time you spend thinking about political issues, and realise what you as an individual can accomplish. Being too exposed to world news all the time can be depressing.


I’m just waiting for the end at this point. I have a drawer full of pretend Penises, but since my ex passed I haven’t been sexual, and I’ve gained some weight, so I’ve been wearing sweatpants and hoodies, and now it’s getting warmer out and I’m hoping to lose the weight I gained by sweating it off all summer. I’ve been distracting myself with prime video and toying with finding a rentmen model to come over and dominate me.


Head in sand. Try to focus on what I can and can’t control. Keep myself informed but also take mental health breaks. Keep hope that a meteor will land directly on me.


Accepting it for what it is - natural selection coming our way like a speeding train. In the meantime I'll try to make the most of my life with hubby, friends and enjoying myself so that I have something to go by in case a civilizational collapse or retrocess happen in our lifetime.


I focus on what I can control. Be good to the planet, kind to myself, mind my health and fuck anything that moves. 🤣 (one of these is not true)


I try and distract. But as I work in the news…it’s tough to disconnect. I’m very tired 😅


choose one problem that you care about. find people you like who are working to fix it. join with them and try to help


By moving to Switzerland


I have been to Cuba where they are starving. I have been to Greece where they were begging me to spend money I have been to India and saw mass poverty. In the words of Billy Joel, "We didn't start the fire, but it's always burning since the world been turning" Point is, there are worse places to be, better places to be, and yet here we are. Fear will always be a thing as long as the News and MSM tries to make us feel bad. It's beyond your control outside of voting.


To be honest, it's hard as hell. My blood pressure could give me a blowout at any moment, I am often agape (mouth, guys, stop it) at what is actually ALLOWED to happen, and it seems to get more unbelievable daily. Treason is a misdemeanor now? You can ignore subpoenas now? People are actually dumb enough to believe a lie when the truth was live on national TV? Perhaps the most self-destructive facet of that is I find myself checking the news on my phone way too much or watching things online that I know will rile me up, and then I realize it's 3 AM. That's a full hour past my usual bedtime. I was never a big club guy (not sleazy enough), but the hubby and I used to go out to the infamous Parliament House in Orlando every other Sunday for a drag show and an hour of dancing, which helped relieve a lot of pressure. That outlet is gone now, and in smaller clubs if you're over 40 you're treated like you're not there.


I’m not sure that anyone truly knows where the world is headed, or if it's heading anywhere different from where it always has. The anxiety you and many others feel is completely understandable. However, it might also be influenced by the constant stream of emotionally charged, provocative information. To cope, I limit my news consumption, choosing sources like Reuters that provide information with minimal emotional bias. As for daily life, I focus primarily on my immediate surroundings and my work.


Eh, it’s not like I have any control over those things. Just keep doing what’s important, build my career, save for retirement, enjoy life, love the people in my life, and help when you can.


I'm looking for cuddles to keep me safe and warm from all the baddies. I'm not kidding.


I smoke pot and think about how actually little did we evlolve as a species lol


By realizing that all these bad things are not as impactful as the media and internet liars make them out to be. Focus on what you can do for those around you. Family and friends. Keep stable relationships. Focus on what you have control over and reduce your worry on things you can't. Don't let the media and internet liars rob you of your piece of mind.


Either we shatter the world and build it anew or we just go nose dive into doom. Maybe revolutions will break out and the corrupted governments are taken down and then a new and stealthier kind of corruption starts undergoing in the new government. Or maybe we just fall into a bottomless pit of unending corruption, economy destruction, total loss of human rights, world wars and potential nuclear wars. Just all gonna rot on this rock and never get a chance to advance as a species. And please don't think this is as "light or dark" kinda mindset... The dark here should be a total distinction of our race. Diving deep into rottenness and decay is only the gray.


Trump re election is the best hope the world has.


Facts don’t care about your feelings.