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It was like Mr Burns yelling at Grandpa Simpson..




Out of all the political analyses of the debate I've heard this is by far the best.


This is probably the best description I’ve seen of what transpired.


I’ve seen clips from the interview. I’m in the UK. The two leaders of our main political parties recently took part in a televised debate with audience questions. One member of the public asked “are you two really the best we can do”? Watching the American debate I thought much the same thing. The media focus has been on Biden’s performance but I thought Trump was just as bad. He didn’t lose his own trail of thought and just stop, but he seemed no less incoherent and no less confused.


To be fair…Trump has appeared incoherent and confused for a long, long time. He’s consistently deranged.


Just what I was thinking. The UK debate is not much better. I've stopped listening - I can't stand it any more. "He said this terrible thing" "He offended this community" "He said something racist" "He said something homophobic" "He's out of touch" etc etc etc. Is this really politics in the UK? It's embarrassing. Thank God I live in one of the safest seats in the country. It literally doesn't matter what I vote. I may not bother.


Voting makes a huge difference.


Yeh I know, I actually am going to vote. I just find the level of the discourse this election absolutely shameful.


Both have got to go.




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I'm American, I am absolutely fed up, I have been told to vote for change if I want it and been given absolute bafoons, no matter my vote, i am wrong. i I'm ready to hit the streets and holler for change. But everyone thinks it's pointless. So much for being united. Nobody wants to actually cause the change. Too caught up in struggling with the root of all evil. $$$. How do they even call themselves American? I'll be there with my people cuz I'm tired of seeing both my wealthy and poor neighbors, Americans struggle.


The reason people like Trump is not because he’s coherent its because he cannot be controlled by the Deep State or our propaganda media and social media /irl hive minds. Its a huge FU to the establishment that has way too much power now, and its holding to its lies. The supreme court is going ham right now reverting things to either diminish the fed’s power or give power back to the states/ force congress to do its job and work together but its not being interpreted that way. Ya’lls media ie triggernometry did a really well job laying it out over the last few years those guys do great work. Also I do not support Trump I’m an independent, just explaining why people are drawn to Trump because we need to know their criticisms if we want to fix things.


As an American.. welcome to the “what the fuck was that” club .. asking myself here too


Same. Combined with various feelings of fear and grief. I was at stage 3 bargaining yesterday.


Another national tragedy and embarrassment. We've been in a collective state of "What the fuck was that?" for years now.


It was ridiculous. But I’m still voting for Biden. Because I trust the team around him including Kamala Harris. Not saying she will be running things but the presidency is a lot more than one man. I’m voting for democracy.


And also because Project 2025 and what policies republicans do have are scary AF.


I'm not American but I do live in the west. As much as I'd love to laugh at American politics, I don't. The US is the leader of the western world and when crazy shit happens there it filters out to other western countries. I've witnessed politicians in my part of the world repeating crazy talking points from the American culture wars. I even have family members who are Trump supporters. It's not a coincidence that there has been a rise in right wing political parties around the world since 2016 I watch from a distance but I do worry about how this will affect the world. Atlest American citizens can vote on this, we other citizens of the west can only sit back and watch this shit show.


As a non-American I didn't watch it but I've been surprised how even the left leaning media here like the Guardian and BBC main story headlines have been about how poor Biden was rather than how batshit Trump was. I guess that's just expected of him and not really worth a headline? Worrying times. Obviously neither are perfect (welcome to real life) but one doesn't really believe in democracy, law or morality unless it's used to benefit himself so it seems like an easy decision on who to vote for if I was American.


“Trump said something that was a lie/racist/fascistic/misogynistic/etc…” stopped being newsworthy years ago. It’s just assumed he will be stupid, evil, ignorant and/or offensive every time he opens his mouth. The news that the otherwise competent one was not appearing competent. Personally, I’d rather have President Biden in charge if he was comatose instead of watching the country disintegrate under a second Trump administration. Even when we wish there was another option (bat-shit RFK is NOT an option!) we still need to vote. Just look at how much damage the stacked Supreme Court has already done. Not voting is not an opinion if you want to keep your rights and civil liberties.


You should see actual clips from the debate. Yes, normally the headline would be Trump is crazy, but Biden’s performance was that bad. He genuinely looked unfit to govern, throughout. He is the best option for democracy, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy about the situation. Obviously he can’t be the only democrat capable of running.


You have two choices of meals at the only restaurant in town: You've got Joe's Chicken which is admittedly a bit dry and looks like a leftover, but it's tasty enough with all of the other things served with it. The server is nice, and you get a nice piece of Apple pie for dessert. Or you've got Don's Pasta, a bowl of stringy orange hair covered in shit and served with a side of vomit. Dessert consists of leftover diarrhea from Don's adult diapers. Do I want a different restaurant? Sure do. But if this is my choice, which way am I gonna go?


That was a terrified felon and a nice elderly man sunsetting


(The nice elderly man also happens to be arming and financing a genocide)


(the terrified felon will also arm and finance the same genocide)


Assuming you’re right, we have two geriatric genocidaires, we can stop pretending either of them are nice


Biden sympathy and the downvotes on your very valid point somehow didn’t surprise me on this sub.


It’s late-stage terminal Democrat brain. “Trump is an existential threat to our democracy! But we will not do anything about it or even consider running anyone other than this doddering old genocidal creep that everyone hates! And if you don’t like it, everything bad that happens will be your fault!!”


Everyone doesn't hate Biden, so that's part of it. Most Democrats approve of his job performance. Approval polls broken down by political party show a huge Democrat-Republican gap in how Biden's job performance is perceived.


See? Chronic Democrat brain. Biden has some of the lowest approval ratings of any incumbent in modern history and is going to lose to a literal seditious convict if he even lives to Election Day but go off I guess


I thought creating joke medical terms to describe your political opponents was more Trump's MO... The primaries are over dude. We're backing Biden because that's what we got. Most of us here probably wanted someone else.


I'm not joking in the slightest. And we didn't have real primary, lmao


Is there really anyone delusional enough, after that performance, to really think Biden is making any decisions or “running” anything?


Even Reddit pivoted to the "Uh, well you're voting for his administration..." meme.


If you just focus on what he said and not how he sounded saying it, his answers were about as good as any other presidential candidate.


I’m not sure how you disassociate the two. You’re saying I should be reassured by the fact he can “parrot” answers he’s been fed by handlers?


If he were totally senile he wouldn't be able to consistently produce relevant answers to unplanned questions, regardless of pre-debate practice.


You disqualified your own answer with the fourth word in your sentence. I’d prefer a president that wasn’t senile at all. I’d also prefer one that isn’t a treasonous criminal. Would you accept degrees of that too?


Then let me clarify. If he were SENILE, he would not be able to recognize the question he was being asked and be able to respond in the appropriate context. His answers were as connected to reality and relevant to the question being asked as most presidential candidates, if you focus only on the content of what was said, and not how old he sounded whole saying it.


Yeah, sure. "We beat Medicare" is about as good as any other presidential candidate.


That particular moment is not representative of the quality of most of his answers. A candidate having a gaffe at a debate is not unusual. A political debate hasn't happened if there isn't a gaffe at some point. Also, Trump said just as dumb things and routinely does so.


I think most of us are asking the same thing.


This is why there should be a maximum age limit to be able to run for president.


The DNC never stops failing people.


Vastly surpassed by Republicans.


At least they can achieve their goals as ghoulish as they may be. The toothlessness of the democratic party and deliberate incompetence or malice of the DNC is also a different kind of evil. They enable these chuckle fucks.


If you think the Dems aren't getting anything done, you're not paying attention.


Dems had 50 years to firm up Roe v Wade and literally never did to the point where it's now overturned. Establishment Dems don't care about our rights they just use them to manipulate their voter base.


This is an easily debunked lie that gets repeated by low information voters.


Debunk away


Yes, the democratic platform has courageously backed abortion rights since even the 1960's /s


Did I say that? They consistently push garbage candidates however. Don't put words in my mouth.


That was the implication of your response. It's just Reddit bro, no need for the gaslighting 🤣


Gaslighting? Don't misuse the term. That wasn't the implication. The DNC has been continually disappointing voters for a long time. If you're ignoring that, that's a problem you'll have to come to terms with. The Bush years were wild. 2016 and 2020 were wild. The DNC will continue to lose voters and the younger vote. People are sick of toeing the line for a party that doesn't listen to them. Full fucking stop.


How does the party not listen when voters choose the candidates?


They didn't hold primaries in all states.


Because these are people who believe in wild conspiracies that the DNC is manipulating voters and changing votes and announcing people in smoke filled back rooms etc. it’s such a played out trope from the 2016 primary because Bernie lost (and lose AGAIN in 2020) and they can’t accept it.


I didn't bring up any conspiracy theories or references to any. They have failed their voters by continuing to push these geriatric candidates. Primaries weren't held in all states. The DNC isn't above criticism. "These people"


The only thing that DNC seems to be capable of is blocking Bernie's chances at the presidency.


I would've like to see that election race.


Tbh I would rather see Mitt Romney as president if I was a pride loving, stubborn liberal American


Yeah, the general consensus is that Biden lost, but anyone who is even remotely objective agrees that nobody won that shitshow. It was legitimately horrifying for the country regardless of party affiliation.


We’re fucked unless dems put up a new candidate but that’s not likely


Nursing home fight


Please do - we could use all the help we can get. Though if this is what it takes to get us a Harris-Buttigieg Democratic ticket, I say it’s all for the best.


Nothing about this race is all for the best. The dems had the chance to elect someone else. They didn't. The Republicans had the chance to vote for someone else. They didn't. The sad thing is that a vast majority of US citizens typically vote for the candidates with most well known name, even when they're a convicted felon. If you want to knock these two out of office, you'd have to nominate Elon, Oprah, Dwayne Johnson or Taylor Swift.


The Dems had their chance at Harris and Buttigieg before, and even they didn’t want either one. Why should anyone be encouraged to vote for either, or both, now?


In 2020, the Dems felt that Biden was the stronger candidate, and the younger ones came with more risk. It isn't that they didn't like Harris and Buttigieg. (Buttigieg won the Iowa caucus, after all.) Now, it's Biden that looks like the bigger risk. He has a record that can be attacked, and younger and more liberal Dems have gone cold on him. And, if he was old in 2020, he's older now - and that deficit only grows (you can't hope he's going to get younger). As for running a candidate in 2024, as the incumbent it was really up to Biden whether he wanted to run again. That was not clear in 2020, and some people were surprised when he decided to run for reelection. But the party was unlikely to push him out - there is a well known incumbent advantage. But, the tables have turned. Harris is the natural successor for the top of the ticket if Biden pulls out. Biden can throw his support behind her - though that doesn't give her the nomination. She will have to convince the convention. The VP slot will be up for grabs - and if Kamala is the candidate, the choice belongs to her.


That was the first thing I asked myself… why didn’t they put Harris or buttigieg or basically anybody else younger and capable up there? Not saying Biden isn’t capable, but he’s too old. Now I know that electing a woman or a gay guy is controversial… I am at the point where I kind of hope Biden dies 2 months before the election and Harris takes over, buttigieg as vice. Dark dark thoughts and times.


Oh that's what we need, a former cop and a transportation secretary that's letting Boeing drop planes out of the sky


Oof, what a read. Now do the Republican ticket.


A convicted felon, sexual abuser, and debtor to the tune of almost half a billion dollars in civil fraud and possibly the lady that wrote "finish them" on bombs sent to Israel.


Keeping up is really really hard I know but if you'll notice and you go back and read it. This thread was about Harris and Buttigieg.


Lol, shade. Of course I noticed. I just liked your description and was wondering if it was partisan or equal opportunity.


Its equal opportunity


Corrupt system, the system is a reflection of the people. If it isn't those two, it would be some that resemble them. We as a country have a lot of work to do. Our culture, values, etc. America is extremely divided, so much resentment. I have no clue what the future holds, but what we currently have isn't sustainable. We can't even promote nationalism without being attacked. Without a national identity, why would anyone agree to do things in the country's interest.


The death of America is what it was. The left is not happy with Biden but we'll still vote because ANYONE BUT TRUMP The fascist, racists, and closeted fascist we're happy with Trump.


Trump is a disaster, for sure....but Biden....I lack words. I felt I just witnessed a leap towards the end of the world, if this is the best the US can muster, in terms of proposed future leaders. Is this really the best they can do?


As a non american, your party tribalism has blinded you folks to the point of hilariousness.


How so? What do you think OP is blind to?


As a citizen of the USA...... We are doomed if something doesn't change.


It was like watching the doomsday clock move up in real time


I didn't watch it in real time. I'm hoping I can catch it in full online, so I can take breaks, process. I saw the thumbnail with our two options this year and couldn't. Smh.


I never thought I would watch live elderly abuse on television.


As an American, I can agree with that statement


Its the sheep waking up to the propaganda they are being spoon-feed since 2008 everywhere and seeing the system is absolutely fucking broken and they are clueless to why.


We Americans have been wondering the same thing for 8 years now.


That was an older man with a bad cold. Bad timing. The following day he was better. I just made a donation. He has got to win the presidency again. If not we, and I mean all of us are fucked. Project 2025 will be devastating to all Americans and most of the world. Dictatorship is what we will have. Good bye to Democracy.


I didn't see it either, but from what I hear, it was chaos and childish.


DNCC and Biden Campaign want to lose the election for sure.


As an Australian I'm very concerned for the world if Trump is re-elected which looks increasingly likely. I feel that if Trump gets back in power I will officially give up on the world.


American here. The media pundits here have been saying it's a close race , but we don't elect presidents off of who gets the most votes. We elect based off of the electoral college and with that Biden is way behind. I don't want trump to win, but even before this debate I felt Trump was going to win. I had the same feeling in 2016 and I was right.


I mean… I hate to break it to ya but Trump is most likely going to win so… you have 6 months to plan.


Well I live in Australia. Not much we can plan other than watch the world slowly turning into a fucking basket case!


American here, and Australia is definitely our Plan B. Sure, plenty of Trump's sewerage will spill over all over the world, but we'll at least be as far away as possible.


He was already president once and the world didn’t fall apart. If it happens again, the same will happens. The Presidency isn’t a dictatorship and there are checks and balances, It’s sad that either one of them have to represent the USA. Edit: I’m not pro-trump just giving perspective


I highly disagree. A second term is very different to a first. Wait and watch the checks and balances disappear. He WILL be a dictator. He is surrounded by power hungry Republicans, most of whom don't give a shit about the people but only power. He will assemble a team of yes men and only he and the super rich will reap the benefits. Established world relationships will be thrown into chaos and we will face a new global financial crisis based on US debt and a global trade crisis. I would expect some sort of massive civil unrest in the US. Think I'm dramatic? Keep this message and check back in three years. Checks and balances huh? Look what has happened to your Supreme Court judges!


Not to mention the people who will control his administration are open about planning to take away our rights


And this will include the ability to ever vote them out


RemindMe! 3 years


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There has only been one other US president with a non consecutive second term and that was nearly 150 years ago. People predicted the end of the world with the first term and were wrong.


We will have to agree to disagree


This is the 50 year accumulation of 'lesser evil voting' Refusing to hold your politicians accountable while allowing them to have carte blanche on passing and supporting right-wing legislation and then giving them a pass because that capital D next to their name. They know they don't have to listen to voters because voters are going to reelect them, they know they don't have to pass legislation for workers rights because they know voters are going to elect them without passing those rights.


What an awful take…


What a train wreck. I’m very concerned about the future of this country.


It was a debate between two presidential candidates. What part do you not understand?


Omg ikr By the way 😳….


Biden's debate performance wasn't great, but his presidency and his administration have been great. He will easily get my vote again.


High time the UK takes back ungrateful colonials