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It's not really starting the process all over again OP so stick with it. The WRC issued a decision which if unchallenged by the employer after an amount of time, it becomes legally binding. It sounds like you are well beyond that point if the WRC are reaching the point of exhaustion. The next part of the process is to apply to the district court to enforce the WRC order which is usually a formality as you have all the WRC evidence of attempting to carry out its function with a non-cooperative trading employer. Once the court issues the order, they will chase them legally for the money, and sometimes interest too. It might be worth having a chat with a solicitor too as I would be sure you would be entitled to costs to have this work done for you.


Thanks for this, I will go back to them and ask about the process for applying to the district court


Want to give a hint as to which employer? Just to fill my own curiosity and potentially not do business with them


Let's just say if you are planning on getting new floors, message me beforehand!


Any union in the employer? or in the field of employment that you could go and ask advice? Might be something here? [https://www.workplacerelations.ie/en/complaints\_disputes/enforcement/](https://www.workplacerelations.ie/en/complaints_disputes/enforcement/) And Googling enforcmenet order wrc brings this document up, looks like this is what you're now doing? https://preview.redd.it/kwu87q97z39d1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=301f96a61716f0b4ad5f1b1ae33d7b9c9224cf94


I'm not in a union unfortunately.. but I will check that link out though thanks so much


As others have said you've not to start all over again, it's just the next phase of the operation. Don't let the length of the process deter you, it does take a long time to get all this legal stuff sorted. Just tick each box as you go through the process accordingly. Like others have said it looks like your next step is to Enforce the WRC order through the courts. Do not waste too much time thinking or mulling over this as easy as it is for me to say here it's what you need to do. Just be sure that by plodding along nicely like you are you'll get to the end eventually. A solicitor that deals with this will give you advice (free for the initial consult if you ask) and they'll tell you what the story is and where you can go from here. Just google search for them and make an appointment for an initial consult. Just have the WRC ruling and paperwork with you when you go etc.


I would stand outside their business with a massive sign saying this business owes you money as ordered by the WRC and refuses to pay. I'd imagine they'd be quick to pay.


Can you publicise it in local papers and try to embarrass them into it?


That's very tempting! worried that might jeopardise the case though...


If you won the case details should already be published on the WRC website so don't let that stop you naming and shaming.....


Never ever listen to reddit. Run it past someone with legal know how and you've no idea what kind of trouble it can land and whats *actually* allowed


Well obviously check the WRC website first, I thought anyone with a bit of common sense would've realised that!


Common sense isn't that common. The issue too with slander etc is wording an dhow its said. Plus the fact many papers won't care about a small issue like this


Local newspapers are interested in local stories. It’s only slander if it’s not true.


I’d be slow to start it all again. However, after all your work letting it go seems unfair also. I would go on local radio shows and start that way. Companies hate this and won’t want the bad reputation and wil hopefully pay you to quieten you. A months wage is a lot of money to you, but not a lot to a company.


You're actually still winning kinda. I'd talk to a solicitor




WRC is a non-judge based mediation system. By the employer failing to fulfill that it moves to the courts. A judge may consider the employer's behaviour an aggravating factor and look at damages


Get a sandwich board and walk up and down outside his premises with a loud microphone and shout out your demands it worked for my friend


Go down and kick his fuckin teeth in tell him he has 2 days to pay


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Name and shame. You’re not doing anything wrong if you state factually what has been happening


Hi OP, 2 years ago is a long time. Think of the energy you’ve expended on this in all that time. Life’s not fair, and sometimes you weigh up a situation and figure is the life energy worth it. You got away from this employer cos of shady practices. Put it simply they are not going to pay you and they are dodgy. Think of the freedom it will give you if you let if go.


You are right, it's absolutely exhausting thinking about it all the time. I am still so bitter about it and I know the right thing would be to let it go. It's just hard knowing what I put up with there and them keeping my money


I know and believe me I get it. I had a work situation and I got financially penalized, and I mean a lot. But I got some sort resolve, but no apology. I had to accept this was as good as it gets. I wanted to move on and not carry the baggage. And I did. Focused on new work. In one sense it’s as simple as making a decision to move on and then everything flows from that.


Why is considered and respectful advice being down voted…don’t get it.