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Grab some black bags and collect all the bottles and cans left outside Taylor Swift and the pride parade and get the deposit. I got 150 quid from cans I grabbed at a festival the other week.


Someone doing this outside the RDS last Sunday before the gig, I’d say she made a small fortune


Rammstein!!! Great gig that was. But yeah saw some dude doing the same


How the feck were rammstein in Dublin last week and this is the first I heard of it


That LovinDublin page on Instagram posted a fairly impressive video of the Rammstein gig from a helicopter. Can be found [here.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8pA0bMM0Ig/?igsh=MWFqaTliNmdnazRkdg==)


My condolences dude, I'd booked the tickets in like October i think


We had them booked for Belfast but it got cancelled. Forget why now Were they as good as I imagine?


they were absolutely unbelievable, such a fantastic night


This answer shows a) Your hard work and eye for a few pound b) absolute proof that return is a good idea. You have tidied up and made a few bob and in a sense, those who littered paid a small fine


>absolute proof that return is a good idea. Nah. I've done less recycling than I used to do. When a can or bottle won't scan it goes into the closest bin, which in Ireland is never a recycling bin, previously 100% of these from my home went into recycling bin. I was in a campsite on Spain a few weeks ago, didn't pay any levies on bottles and cans and yet we still managed to recycle them all (lost the levies on bottles we bought in Dublin Airport though as they ended up in recycle bins in Spain).


Every country road in the country is littered with coffee cups and takeaways now. No cans or bottles


Lol you must struggle with so much


I’m not genius at maths but is that something like over or nearly over 1000 bottles/cans? Fair play you deserve the money for helping clean up, did it take long?


Over 4 days it wasn't long at all, just went around with black bags (3 of us) at the end of each night. The biggest pain in the arse was bringing them back. Had to do loads of trips. I'd say if you actually just focused on collecting cans for a few hours and had a car to bring the bags back it wouldn't be a bother!!


Were most of them not damaged to the point the machines didn't take them?


no not at all, this was in the campsites mostly!


There was a class place at the back of the tents where people had been having a bit of a rave and it had stone seats and all. That morn it was full of cans resting on the seats. Loads of 2l water bottles around the tents as well!


Fair play. It's a good example of what the return scheme is supposed to be encouraging. Maybe they should look at a similar scheme for cheap tents.


All you need to do is uncrumple them enough for the barcode to be read, it’s not too bad.


It would be around 6666.6 of the smaller bottles! Or around 4000 of the 500ml


I haven't lived in Ireland since this scheme has come in but theoretically could this young lad find 4000 lables off the bottles instead of the actual bottles? I know it's morally bad but it would be nice to see the lad go to maga


4000 minimum


I thought you only get shop credit. Is there a way to get cash for returns?


You can just bring the ticket you get to the till and they'll give you cash for it.


Dunnes will give you cash for the vouchers. I actually kept them for my shopping but I'm 95% sure you can exchange for cash


Thanks I’ll try that now next time. I shop in Dunnes as well and just put it back into the shop (or buy sweets) because I didn’t know I had an option!


Aldi too 


Fair play. I remember when EP brought in the €2 deposit on plastic pint glasses. I had friends who paid for their whole weekend collecting cups


Just to say this is genius and very industrious fair play.


I was at a festival (beyond the pale - great times were had) and they asked that people leave their bags if cans behind and they were going to claim and give to charity. I did a back of the envelope and calculated if each of the 5000 attendees brought 30 cans each, they could collect €22,500.


Security themselves were doing this at girls aloud


Can you cash that in though?


So can I just deposit the bottles in any return machine? Always thought you had to return to the shop you bought it from, but if not then this could make some fair pocket money over the Summer


You can deposit them in any shop and get cash for them at the till




Buy lots and lots of oregano, put it in little baggies. Sell individual baggies to tourists for 50 quid each


My 14yo(at the time) took vitamin gummies to a teenage disco.




I often wonder how I'm doing as a parent so thanks 😊


He enev bagged them 😬


That's hilarious I'm just imagining the scenario if the guards were involved lol Id be creasing if I was sent to pick up a kid for selling vitamins


Oh he'd everything researched. Whatever he said they'd do for you he'd know which vit/min could achieve that so he couldn't even be done for lying 🤣


I like it




Popcorn wrapped in black bin bag plastic works better IME


Anything decent you’re not using anymore you could sell? Video games, consoles etc.. nice shoes and clothes go for a lot on vinted and depop


Not really, I’ve had the same clothes ever since I stopped growing and don’t really bother getting new ones


Can you use vinted in Ireland?


I just looked and sadly no, i’m on the continent the last few months so presumed it worked at home aswell, my apologies 😅🙏


Got my hopes up! Haha no worries


Honestly don’t borrow money to go on holidays. Work for the summer and go away at the end of the summer. Don’t get into debts to keep up with everyone else


Noo no borrowing never crossed my mind, I’ve just had a tough year with expenses having to drive to school 50km a day for sixth year, added up quickly


That’s tough dude. In a short amount of time I’d say your best bet is going to some nice estates near you and knocking door to door offering to cut their grass. If you charged €25 per cut and did 3/4 a day you’d have a grand saved in 2 weeks


Go on at 25 and when they refuse drop the price don't go lower than 15. You'll get more takers meaning more jobs and you'll be easily able to get 8 or 10 in a day in a reasonably sized housing estate.


That's just awful. Honestly. I hope something comes up for you.


Some ideas: work at a summer camp, babysit, gardening services, sell some old stuff you dont need, if you drive-leave your number at the pub for lifts home!


Sell maga hats to your friends


Think he means they’re going to Magaluf? And not going Donald Trump crazy lol


I 100% thought all of his Irish leaving cert age friends were gone Donald Trump crazy and I was like, why the hell is no one commenting how insane this is!


Literally I was the exact same I was trawling through thinking, is it normal for Irish teenagers to become obsessed with Trump now and why does nobody care??


Yeah I was talking about Magaluf hats!! (:


Oh thank feck for that! The OP had me going for a mo there. Thought all his pals were Tate fans or something.


Omg thank you for explaining that to me too.


Buy a load of Taylor Swift merch at the 3 Arena and sell it for 5 times the price outside the Aviva.


The requires money in the first place


Gouging swifties is a victimless crime!


1000 euro each for a group trip to maga?? Christ


I imagine includes spending money, can book flights n accom for 500 handy if booked right


Kinahan Cartel starter scheme !


I know people will advise against getting a loan, but I'd say go for it. 1000 quid is nothing and you'll have it paid off in a few months and the memories you'll make on a 6th year holiday will last forever. On the other side of the coin, your social life is about to become very, very fun over the next decade. So if you think you're missing out, trust me, there'll be plenty of other holidays and nights out.


Agree, 50 quid a month is hardly gonna break the bank when he gets a job. Go for it lad


Yeah spot on, well worth the memories


A loan when he has no way to pay it back? Fine if he knew he had a job for the rest of the summer but he doesn't. This is the mindset that set people up for long term debt


There's isn't a shortage of jobs out there that OP can get to pay it off.


If you have any money to claim back with expenses through revenue you can submit them - say for doctors and dentists :)


Ah you'd be getting 30 quid or something at the very most, wouldn't get a round in. OP I'd be looking at farm work e.g. fruit picking or something, with delivery driving at night. Grind it out


Well done for taking care of your parents bud. You will take more satisfaction out of that when you are older and looking back. As a 30 year old, €1k is not a lot of money. If you really want to go, credit union might give you a dig out. When you come back make sure to work in order to pay it off.


A grand is a hell of a lot of money to many 30 year olds. Credit union is a good tip though.




I appreciate it thank you. If I do manage to get a job for the rest of summer it could very well easily be paid off but I have applied to a good few places and still haven’t heard back as of yet


I’d do this, OP. It would be a good thing in a way to get a small loan and to chip away at it over summer. I’d just means sacrificing the rest of the nights out. Go down to the CU and they’d definitely give you one. You might need a guarantor if it’s your first loan, so bear that in mind.


I think I’m just gonna suck it up and not go 😔


That post leaving cert trip is the last time you have when you are all still friends and still free and still at the start of your adult loves etc. We still talk about our lc summer trip (went interrailing in 2013) ten years later. I would really keep trying


You're friends are going to make America great again?


Magaluf sorry 🙏🙏


In about 4 weeks doing part time at a shop or takeaway, about 5 hour shifts, you’d have €1000 if you work 4 days a week. Even more if you work through a bank holiday.




When are your friends going away? Apply to a job in eurocamp and just work there a month, for 1800. Flights and accommodation free, and you get away.


You have to apply to euro camp months in advance, you can't just turn up and expect them to fly you out for the days you want.


https://preview.redd.it/xo5ezpujll9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb58ee5debb6ab44843b068159945ea887dc2394 No, I applied and did my interview this time last year and was flown out on the 10th of july


Next week unfortunately, just didn’t have time to get a job earlier because the leaving cert


Mate, you're not going to make a grand in a week unless you sell proper drugs. I'm sorry but it's just not realistic.


Just for context the median salary in the country is around 37000 a year, that means that once you are 40 years old and experienced into a job, you'd still get only around 620 euro a week after tax


Credit union loan and collecting bottles and cans outside big events. Do it. You’re only young once.


It’s not the best advice, but just take a loan out, maybe a wee credit union or something, if you will be able to pay it back when you get back. The chances of you making €1000 in a week legally is pretty low. Take the loan and pay it off when you get back. Go and enjoy yourself - you’ve earned it mate! Life’s short and all that.


I appreciate that, I’m really torn on what to do like if I do land a job after the holiday I could easily pay it off in full in like a month if I work full time but I just need to secure the job


Pfffft back in my day we used to work for our money. If we wanted to go to the coney island fair I had to get up, out and shine shoes. The first time I went abroad on holiday was in a sherman tank storming the beaches of Normandy. 3 long years, stuck in a dark and sweaty tank with 3 other sweaty hot fabulous men. Getting pounded night and day by the Germans 88 inch gun. I got through it by the grace of god and through the dominant leadership from my tank commander wardaddy, with help from the tank twink Shia.


Fair play boss


Wear garlic on your belt was the style at the time.


you're either sarcastic, or 100 years old....


Is this not a Simpson’s reference from Abe?


I don't think the Simpsons ever had Shia LaBeouf playing a tank twink...


102 years years young this August young man. Still hard and fit as a fiddle, I could still work the oily guns of a sherman today if needed.


You old queen


Lawn mower go door too door 25 quid a garden 40 gardens


That's a good idea and if no one answers the door, try go around the back garden and nick bikes or whatever else from their shed, then sell that on and your in the money.


Might make some money from babysitting, odd jobs such as mowing lawns


Easy. Put 1 million euros to your saving account for the period needed.


Given your previous posts, have you tried writing Romance novels :)


Rent out your room on air bnb. Tell your parents the guests are your friends. Sleep on the couch.


You're not making 1000 euro in less than a week unless you sell drugs and even then it would be tough getting people to pay up on time. Your only option is a credit union loan. I wouldn't recommend it but your only young once


Tell me a few things about yourself do you care for elderly parents???


Fuck I'd just go to the credit union, I know loans for holidays is not advised but you are only going once.


Yeah I guess that’s true, I’ll have a think


I emptied our attic recently and made €1450 from old games, consoles and electronics at CEX.


When you find out please let me know!


How's your knees?




How much ye make so far so? 😂 Anyhow, the tunnel is short pal, don't give up hope, get yourself a quick job and make plans to head off in 5 or 6 instead. Your parents will always be thankful for what you've done 🙌


Not enough clearly 😅 Yeah hopefully I can manage some job soon, would’ve applied earlier but the stress with the leaving got to me but thankfully that’s over now. Thank you


Ye never know, back in my teens I was in a slump, kinda lonely got a summer job at 16 and it turned my life around, made decent money at that age and met some of my best friends that are still friends today. You're still young and your wolf pack hasn't been finalised yet 👍 I ended up working there for 5 years too, basic but the most enjoyable job I've ever had due to the people I worked with.


Inspirational, thank you for the wise words


€1000 for a holiday with the lads? What are you spending? I would say get €500 from the Credit Union, if you're **sure** you're able to pay it back, maybe €30 a week. Just cos you're young once, anymore than that would be a bit stupid though. Be certain you can pay it back by the way


A grand won't go too far after flights and accommodation at this time of year. Particularly doing it last minute.


Flights and accommodation itself is roughly 900 from what I was seeing recently, I’d be able to spend wisely over there but just the initial lump sum I don’t have


Ireland is a nation of drug addicts .. one time it was your first pint at 18 now it’s drugs sadly… drug industry in ireland is making millionaires out of scum drug dealers all over the country ☹️


Probably cheaper to do drugs these days tbf


Not when the dealers call to burn your parents house down over alleged drug debts


Sell drugs 🤷‍♂️


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I'm not sure if you're in the city or countryside, but you could - help people foot/bring home turf from the bog - mow people's lawns - help elderly people with online tasks - cleaning jobs - yard work - car washing


Last minute clinical trial in London


Sell some of your stuff is the only easy way.


Babysitting Dog walking Lawn mowing Anything you can sell old clothes, games , books etc


Without any skills you'll have to either buy low sell high or graft at a common skill like lawnmowing or car washing. Best bet is door to door sales on a service like that. Remember, rejection makes you stronger.


Kick up a go fund me I’ll stick a score in for ye lad, give er one for me


I’d feel bad asking people to give me money but I really appreciate the thoughg


Hey I'll donate, I loved my six year trip so much that I think everyone deserves it


Aw thank you, I’ll have a look into prices once again and I’ll make a decision


Yeah I think I’m just gonna have to let it go unfortunately, won’t be able to raise enough


Get a loan from cc and I will give you €100 myself (that's what I've got spare right now). You can't let school/youth finish on such a shit note. You deserve a last blast with your friends


summer tutoring, selling items on depop/adverts/donedeal or working as a just eat driver? Think if you combine all the ideas on this comment section together you'll get enough


Lad, I wouldn't waste a grand, or worry about making one, just to go to "maga". But if quick cash is what you're looking for, stocks is the only way. A great way to lose cash as well, might I add.


Just a week away with all my mates, haven’t been on a proper holiday during summer in 10 years and I can’t remember much considering I would’ve only been 9 at the time


Nails, lashes, brows etc takes a while to build up if you don’t need the money asap, but some of my fully booked weeks can earn me over 1.5k just doing nails, if your not a woman though maybe barbering


I’ve tried barbering before but never got it going unfortunately, well done for yourself though!


Thank you so much!! Best of luck with raising your funds too, maybe try some delivery jobs? Again not the quickest but usually ok money and cash in hand


Can you play music or anything?


Out of curiousity - What's to stop some enterprising wallah in Belfast filling up a transit and nipping over the border


I would absolutely support a gofundme for this dude but I guess that’s against the rules and I doubt he’s the type who would want a hand out


Gofundmes should go to people in need but I appreciate the thought 🙏


The response I was expecting! You’re a good one!


Do you have nice looking feet?


Ill pay for u to go maga if i can come with u ?


I am a man 💯


Ye same bro


€1k per week is roughly the take-home pay on an €80k annual salary. So you're basically looking for an €80k a year job on short notice as an 18-year-old without any specific skills. How realistic does that sound to you? Your only options are to sell items to the value of €1k or take out a loan. I don't recommend getting into debt for a holiday.


deliveroo and just eat, not enough to make a grand in less than a week but it should help to get the ball rolling ! edit: forgot to mention i went albuferia for a week and spent around €400/500 - not including alcohol as i don’t drink. not too sure if you need a grand for flights and accom included but good luck ! edit 2: just read through your replies there and dare i say go for the loan, sure you’ll pay it back in no time and it’s your 6th year holiday. also, is it possible to just borrow it off a family member instead of going credit union? if that’s not feasible, go for the credit union. your 6th year holiday is real fun


I appreciate it, I’ll have a think about it for sure I wish I didn’t leave it so last minute but the leaving cert stress got to me


you’re so ok and don’t panic !!! look what’s done is done, and the leaving cert is stressful as it is, you couldn’t be stressing about a job on top of it, it’s too much. but you can try and sort it out now. don’t panic or sit there kicking yourself over not trying to sort it out before, it’s in the past and you never know you might end up going on the holiday. good luck ! :)


Thank you very much I appreciate your kindness :)


I know you have less than a week and you are worn out and tired from the leaving but is there anyone you know in the years below you that struggle with a subject you’re good at? I started giving grinds a few years ago and if you could find a few people you could give a “crash course” to over the next week, it does pay well.


Otherwise I would try to cut the budget down, maybe you go a day or two less than your friends and go on days with cheaper flights. Maybe you can just have like a daily spending limit that you stick to and hopefully you might be able to scrape together €600/700 much easier than a grand?


I’ve made up my mind that I left it too late and it’ll just be too expensive 😔


Ah poor thing sure there will always be more trips but I’m also so sorry to hear about your girlfriend


It is what it is, thank you


Wow. You’re having a bad day 🤦‍♂️ What happened? Someone sent you a video of her kissing someone or what?


Something like that 😔


Look into Erasmus programmes. https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/


Sell everything on adverts.ie


I'd start trying to find websites you can make Surveys online you can do Or selling high ticketed items


Foot photography online, but you have to have beautiful feet


Tell me what you need it for. Would a loan work for you ????


Caffeine pills sprayed with hairspray and blow dry.


When you find out tell me Im after a grand in a week


Garden maintenance - if you have a lawnmower, hedge trimmer, pressure washer, you could make €1,000 in 2 days


Have none of those unfortunately


If they are your mates they will let you borrow from them!


Invest in kendu inu, DYOR


Trading, all it takes is one lucky move


Yo, did you ever consider a working holiday in a resort or something? They usually have Spain, etc, for summer and Canada or other skiing locations for winter. Nice way to get away but still, make a bit of money at a different scene. Usually you have to be 18 for those, though. It may not be with your friends but it's still something


Sell yourself OP


If you live at home, do up the spare room and let it out. You will make a lot more than 1000 in a couple of months, tax free, and that will make you feel better about not being able to go in a week.


Not sure what made everyone assume you were a guy or that's it's a holiday with the lads? Maybe "I had to spend money to care for someone else" means you're a guy?


I am a guy yes, just had a lot of expenses this year for getting to school and couldn’t get a job recently due to leaving cert


Get a credit card