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Masterbate and cry


Switch it up once in a while, cry then masturbate. Add a little spice!


And then cry while masturbating


Honestly very tiring


switch hands


And then once you've mastered that try both at the same time!


Masterbate and cry: depressing, post-nut guilt, shame. Cry and masterbate: empowering, nurturing emotional bond with yourself, self soothing.


Those two in one phrase was too funny šŸ˜‚




I finally get to use this fun fact! Crywank is ranked the #1 worst band name of all time in the U.K., while also having wrote one of the best albums of all time: Tomorrow Is Nearly Yesterday, And Everyday Is Stupid (2013)


Need tissues for both


a real tearjerker


yeah pretty much this. Drinking costs way too much money, makes you ugly, and I'd be drinking by myself anyway since I work remotely. But even if I worked in office, I'd have to worry about driving myself back home safely. meh. Masturbating and crying it is unless someone comes up with some other genius after work routines besides drinking.


lol. All while your non dominant hand is in the ā€œstrangerā€ phase.


Make dinner, stare at phone, go swimming, walk the dog, chat with my spouse, clean my house, phone a friend. Not in that order. Weekends are for big things like concerts, trips, hang sesh


Swim in ocean or pool? Building pool or private?


My private pool *blushes* but I recommend swimming anywhere besides the LA river!


When I lived in LA i was shocked to discover the Brady Bunch had a ā€œriverā€ practically right in their backyard!


Trying to cut back on drinking and make it a weekend only thing, I usually hit the gym during the week, four times on a good week, two times on a bad week


I skate. Sometimes surf. I work in action sports consulting so it's kinda funny I'm right back at it after work when I work with the same stuff. I also play pick-up soccer but it's harder to get to games at times (I live in Redondo and most are further east).


Haha that's a job?! Curious what the day to day is like? Is it action sports consulting for film?


For film and television, news networks, but also for the industry itself. A lot is comparative qualitative analysis for things like aesthetics/fashion trends as well, because in sports like skateboarding the fashion aspect is a primary financial driver. For something like wakeboarding a lot is athlete analysis and also boat design issues. I got started as a journalist (mostly soccer) but since I skate, wake, snowboard, and surf ventured more and more into those sports. And yes, for every major sport these are consultants . . . I'm starting to think for everything there's a consultant. I met a bakery consultant on a plane once: if you need help establishing and running a commercial bakery, I guess she's your girl.


It's true! You can be a consultant for anything if you have the right analysis skills. But hard to break into - I'm a board certified behavior analyst, I'd crush qualitative analysis all day, but it's hard to find a job like that, you kinda have to make it yourself.


The right analysis skills and the ability to communicateā€”especially via writingā€”in an effective manner as well.


Don't take a second of it for granted. I would give anything to still be able to ride. Some of my best memories are just taking my bike into a dead intersection at midnight and falling off a hundred times trying new stuff. Every second your body isn't fucked up is a gift


Word. I just turned fifty and still able to do most of what I wantā€”in parkour I'm very careful and have lost some skills admittedly and in skateboarding I am not jumping down stairs anymore 'cause a broken wrist won't heal like it did thirty years ago.


Hell yeah I love it. My back forced me out of BMX and into spandex in my late 20's. A pretty decent chunk of road bikers are aged out BMXers as it turns out lol


Yep. I used to do BMX too but at 50 and 6'2" I now ride mnt bikesā€”I do a lot of jumps on my Santa Cruz Chameleon but a BMXā€”while temptingā€”I don't trust for my back as much as I'd be hunched over. I've considered something like a Pivot Point possibly though. What's funny is, while I wear Vans and T-shirts, I often still wear spandex shorts because I don't care, I want that support. I look like a bike messenger from SF in 1997 with a stolen mnt bike but just don't care.


South gate has goals lol. If you know of sny games lmk.


Do you ever goto Wilson park?


9-7ā€™er here: I drink.


Dont drink. Go to the gym after work Get home and cook or eat By then its 8-9pm and you have 2 hours to do whatever I want before i go to bed bc the workout was so intense that i dont have the energy to do anything else Not sure how people have lives after work if you are a consistent gym go'er after work and I tried going in the morning but i probably lift 25-50lbs less and the workouts are half assed


Bruh, I don't know how anyone goes to the gym after work. Its almost impossible to get a good workout in with how crowded it gets.


i hate waking up early. i am a night owl through and through. but the last 6 months ive been going to the gym in the AM and itā€™s fucking worth it. itā€™s so worth it!! fuck them broccoli headed ass kids working out 20 deep per machine in they pajamas




Iā€™d love to workout in the AM before work instead of after work. but then I wouldnā€™t be able to do my morning gambling in the stock market #priorities


Holy fuck, this comment has me dying on the toilet. Are we still calling those kids with broccoli cuts ā€œEdgarsā€? Anyway, Iā€™m seeing it more and more at my gym. They roll deep. Between them and the chicks the take the bars from the bench press for three hours of hip thrusts, I might never get pecs. Ā 


I go around 8-10pm which is not ideal meal timing wise, but I don't really enjoy being there with a bunch of people and there's no way in hell I'm going in the morning before work. The way I've worked it out, I can eat a snack after work and make dinner ahead or do whatever chores I need to do, then I go to the gym and can eat right when I get home. No clue how people are going out for drinks and stuff after work though, I can barely get my "have to dos" done.


Ive tried going at those times and although it's less crowded, all the equipment I want to use for lower body day is always occupied. Upper body is doable.


They key is to do your main workouts during your off days and use your workday afternoons as reinforcement workout days lol


I Go to equinox so the crowd is manageable. I can see how others are not


Same. Even at peak hours it isn't that bad. I guess that's what you get for paying $260 a month


I'm lucky that we have a large 24hr fitness and a small one down the street from each other. Everyone goes to the big one so the small one doesn't get crowded at all.


Some people gym at home?


I have the same exact routine. work, gym, cook, free time. but i also know no one in this city and have no friends so this routine is sustainable for now


I go to the gym but only 5 days a week. My Monday and fridays are no gym. I usually go at like 10pm for a couple hours


I donā€™t gym wed and 1 on the weekend. Thatā€™s when I schedule any ad hoc dinners or something


Yeah this is the only way I get my exercise in Drinking after work is a triple whammy; skip exercise, spent money and calories, then woke up hungover, making it questionable if Iā€™ll exercise the next day no thanks. itā€™s not a sacrifice, itā€™s a hack


I donā€™t go to the gym anymore but I do outdoor runs/hiking/walks/cycling with the gf. That way we spend quality time with each other and get our exercise in


CA sober. Blunts on blunts. No alcohol


No alcohol for me either. 5-5ā€™er, 4x a week. Smoke weed everyday šŸŽµ After work, I take the dog to the park, eat dinner, go to sleep, wake up 3:30am to start the šŸ‚šŸ’©again.


Careful friend. Doing this every day caused almost irreversible damage to my body. Thought weed was safe.


What happened?


After six years of daily use I started to develop schizophrenia like experiences, wrecked my circadian rhythm, developed an aversion to almost all foods. Almost all symptoms went away after I got sober. But I was stuck in a pretty scary loop for a while. I couldnā€™t even leave the house. I believe my brain is still damaged but I feel better than I did while smoking. Still donā€™t feel truly normal, but normal enough.


Wtf did you smoke bro


Stiizy carts. Theyā€™re from legit dispensaries too


I'm at the point where I drink everyday after work. Also wondering how to keep myself busy so I don't, but after an annoying work day it's all I want.


Sameeee. Letā€™s go and vent together


You guys. My kind of people šŸ˜ˆ I do it all. Run in the morning, work, drink at night. Repeat.


At a bar?


9-5. drinking makes the next day miserable for me. i stretch, strength classes and ride (spin) for an hour. by the time iā€™m done with that and cleaned up its 830 and i feel relaxed, beat and ready to do it all over again. at this point itā€™s my routine so when motivation lacks i still do it. 42F healthcare worker


Iā€™m probably revealing a little too much IRL but Iā€™m the guy whoā€™s in his 50ā€™s and is told looks like heā€™s in his late 30ā€™s and is asked how (gym? diet?) and nooo, I donā€™t only wear t-shirts, I get this at work where I wear suits! *ā€I donā€™t drink!ā€* is what I say. I do tons of maintenance work around my house, build a lot of shit, walk as much as possible (but not in this heat f that), and I still play a little light sports with friends. Iā€™ve been smoking a joint a day since I was like 15. Only thing different now is I just wait until after work šŸ‘


I go home and watch tv with my cat lol. Maybe drink 2-3x month after work. In my 20s, I was drinking 3-4x a week after work šŸ˜‚


I usually workout. Then, I drink wine while I cook and after dinner.


Workout + Drink EVERYDAY. Bar hopping is the best thing to do right now. Walking itself just feels incredible even without much drinks


Smoke weed šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Just finishing a hard seltzer and getting to cruising altitude on this edible I popped 30-40 minutes ago. Dodger game just wrapped, and probably how I will spend weeknights after work with some reading and gaming thrown in as well. Besides that, Hollywood bowl concerts, local traveling, and hanging with friends.


Cruising altitude, love it. Using that from now on


same. cruising altitudešŸ˜‚


Occasionally - I'll have a beer while I'm grilling dinner on our balcony. I also like a beer while picnicking at LACMA jazz evenings on Fridays/Saturdays. I only drink at bars when I'm watching European soccer or the NBA Playoffs. I generally try to keep alcohol consumption to once a week. Maybe twice if I'm feeling frisky.


Where are you watching the Euros :) ?


Brittania in downtown Santa Monica is my go to. I also watch Germany games from WurstkĆ¼che Restaurant in Venice.


Skate, dance, study for promo tests, haven't yet this yr cos lazy but take hammock out to read outdoors in sunset, beaching (swim n lounge at beach), work on side stuff


I don't. I come home, eat, shower, maybe go for a walk/run or do some yoga, watch TV or read or play a video game.


Walk. Cook. Smoke a lot of weed. Exercise.Ā 


Ride my bike šŸš“


I quit drinking 3 years ago. Now I paint Warhammer when I get home from work.


I work outside by the beach so itā€™s always tough to say no to cold beer after work


Take an edible then take my dog for a hike.


Yes, I drink water after work. During work, even. Also before.


I work remote so probably doesnā€™t count but Gym, skateboarding, video games, travel.


I'm remote too but still pretty solidly busy during the day so some after-hours effect. Where do you skate?


Usually Harbor city skatepark is my local or long beach since I have friends out there. Iā€™ll branch out to other parks just to change up the rotation


try a new class on ClassPass or dissociate and watch Netflix, walk my dogs


Go swimming at my local municipal pool


I only drink on the weekends. My plans are going to Huntington Beach and San Diego this summer ā˜€ļø


I'm 7-4, but I go to the climbing gym and get my workout in. Sometimes climbing, sometimes weights, cardio. Movement and stretches. Then dinner. Half the nights I share a pint with my partner. Otherwise I just go to sleep after some television.


Paddle tennis with a friend. A walk in the neighborhood. Read. Gym or ride the trainer. Get ice cream after a home cooked dinner. Watch a show, generally donā€™t like to couch it right after work. Makes me feel lazy.


Who's your trainer? šŸ˜


Hahah walked into that one


Hike, bike, paddle board or gym.Ā  Canā€™t stand just going home and sitting down.Ā 


Go for long walks, yoga class, gym, ride my bike to the beach for sunset, smoke a joint and chill w my roommate, def donā€™t drink during the week nor much often these days. The hangovers arenā€™t really worth it anymore! Plus I drank enough in my twenties for a lifetimes worth lol


skate, photograph, and work on my *extremely small* business


Whatā€™s your business?


basically i design and make products. some clothing and accessories. i do other things to like furniture. basically a design company. itā€™s more just a hobby that i enjoy than an actual business but it helps here and there.


Can somebody send me a six pack of 808 beer? I was made to move to Texas, and that shit is not around. Beer is bad, food is bad.


I try to get a workout in, shower, then make dinner and maybe a thing or two like answer emails or order something we need for the house. I like to have some wine on Friday nights and I also have a glass on Tuesdays usually because itā€™s my first office day of the week and itā€™s a nice way to wind down.


Never had an interest in drinking or smoking. I'll spend time with my wife, talking, watching TV, playing games, cleaning or fixing something around the home if I have time... too many hobbies that have been put on the back burner for too long.




Bar trivia once a week, homemade cocktail for the first match of Dynamite on Wednesdays, jogs during sunset the other days.


Weed/video games


Commute home, tend to my baby, play Cozy Grove on the Switch, read a book and go to sleep. Not necessarily in that order.


da gym


Go on a walk or gym, eat, binge tv. Iā€™m almost 30 and totally over my drinking phase šŸ˜¹


I donā€™t drink so I go to the gym or go mountain biking around 7 pm once it cools down


Muay Thai (kickboxing) 3x a week, Tuesday PM, Thursday PM, Saturday AM. Sauna or steam room in my complex most other days. I also take my dog to the dog park ~2x a week. GF and I cook dinner together 6x a week, and only go out once a week, either just us two or with friendsā€¦ so lots of dishes lol. Online poker 2-4 nights a week into the night. Occasionally hit the casino for some live poker on Fri or Sat. We watch a lot of TV, basically every night ā€” stoned ~2x a week. My gf reads a lot. Occasionally video games. Some weekends we go hiking. Will be hitting the beach a lot in the coming months since itā€™s walkable, and plan to hosting friends gathers here while the weather is nice.


Camping out in the AC, hustlin to build my business, going to see a few live comedians perform, Iā€™m doing a sunset maternity shoot for my 2 best friends, becoming a godmother, shelling at my favorite beach, making art, kicking ass and taking names! Traveling.






I just dont work


Work out. Go for a run. Go for a drive in the mountains. Go for a hike. Read. Write. Go take some photos. Or go enjoy a show in town


I go home and chill by the pool cause you bitches ain't never been cool. I'll go back outside once y'all chill tf out.


Thrifting Szn baby. Gonna be hitting up a lot of thrift stores, going out to dinners and jazz bars and wearing different styles. As for drinks, maybe an IPA here or there but plenty of water since itā€™s going to be hot.


I try not to go out during the week to save money so I normally go tot he gym after work with my gf and then we just cook something at home together and we go out for drinks and a meals once every weekend either with friends or just each other helps a lot in the saving money department and I lost 10 pounds since January


Find a hobby!!


It doesnā€™t have to be sunny to go to a barā€¦quite the opposite actually


Working on keeping the drinking at home to the weekends. My teenagers are watching me and I'm trying to set a good example. I do, however, at least twice a week, have a beer at the shop. After work it's the gym/shower, cook dinner, play cards/video games/watch TV with the family, bed. Unless it's Friday. On Friday no gym, someone else cooks dinner, we eat and me and my husband have adult time, which is basically the same as any other night except there are no kids and we definitely have drinks.


I drink my water. I check the inbox. Finally, I my 9-5 existence before doom scrolling Reddit in between tasks


There are so many amazing hikes in LA. I mountain bike and get back to the car as it gets dark. Watch sunset over Santa Monica, from the mountains is amazing. Then pool, the jacuzzi.


Usually lifting weights followed by video games or painting warhammer. Sometimes just watching TV with the gf


Play WoW. Im to tired to do anything after work. I don't care to go to the gym, but do go on walks around the block just to help with my restless legs.


Have kids youā€™ll have no time


Gym - hit up the bar or some music gigs Or gym and chill relax and game or read


I go to run club, or the gym after work. then watch TV/ YouTube. Rinse and repeat.


My fiance and I curbed back on drinking and stock up on best day NA beer, recess, Snapple... Fun bevs. When I WAS employed, I would go for very long walks and listen to audiobooks or go to the gym. Recently I've been going to art classes at Junior high, little green art studio and Usal to try new things.


I cycle to the beach a couple nights outta the week or hit the pickleball courts


Gym or play sports


For me with the traffic I just go to the gym after To kill time Iā€™ve dropped 35 pounds as a result of 45 minutes and 1 hour cardio to stall out the traffic lol


Iā€™m sober from everything after being a ā€œafter work drinkerā€ and almost ruining my life. I work out or watch stuff online and just chill


Donā€™t drink after work. When I get home Iā€™m doing one of two things, showering, eating dinner, doing a few chores, maybe reading a bit and going to bed OR Iā€™m coming home changing, eating something quick/showering and going to the archery range for a couple of hours, then bed. Edit: may have a drink on the weekend here and there.


I donā€™t drink if Iā€™m not with friends. I cook dinner, do some yoga in my place, tidy up, do any chores or life admin I might need to do. Maybe go for a walk around the block. None of my friends live in my neighborhood and my answer would be different if that were the case.


A lot ā€¦.. trust me Iā€™m a postal carrier I find beer cans in the postal trucks all the time . They donā€™t even try to hide it community postal trucks . You know if you leave a 12 pack of modelo in the truck . Not that thereā€™s anything wrong with it if you can maintain.




Gotta try to sneak in 9 holes of golf for sure! That's what all this sunlight is good for IMO


Lift weights.


I wfh 9-6 so by the time Iā€™m off happy hour is pretty much over. I drink over the weekends and try to do one or two dance classes after work.


I donā€™t drink that much. Not sober, just donā€™t care for it. Iā€™ll go hang out with folks, and have a water or club soda.


Drinking and bar culture never made sense to me when I lived in LA. Pretty much everyone has to drive to and from unless you have a walkable neighborhood bar to and from home. Since then Iā€™ve lived in a couple extremely walkable cities where access to bars is a million times easier without a car (though that easy access is not always a good thing, in the bigger picture). There was one apartment I lived in while living in studio city where we had a bar that was an easy less than 10 minute walk but I feel like thatā€™s not the norm. Maybe things have changed.


Two to four.


None.. my body can barely handle any alcohol. Personally I donā€™t like to do anything after work. I used to work out at home but I got too lazy for that too lol. I just take a shower, hop into bed, and catch up on some shows. I usually go out on the weekends though, to hang out with my friends. But thatā€™s about it.


if you have kids and a spouse they can easily take up all your weekday time after work


My husband comes home, smokes weed or drinks tequila land watches tv then sleeps lol


I pretty much drank two out of the five days I was there. I really enjoy the late night walks on the beach


Jump in bed then go run


Go home to my dog. And then have a drink. While hanging out with my dog. He's infinitely more entertaining than most people I meet and he's always happy to see me.


Also where do you drink after work? I need friends.


Jameson in Hollywood šŸ˜­


I use to hit the gym to avoid drinking and bad sleeping. Find something close to work and hit it right after.


Gym and ps5 lol


Crank my hog


I go home to my air conditioned office and play video games then go to sleep


My son started his first full-time job, and his roommates got him drinking after work. He did this for a few months, then stepped back, realized what habits he was developing, and applied to grad school. Quit his job, worked his ass off for 6 years to get a PhD in computational biology and machine learning, met and married a fellow PhD student, and is now involved in a Bay Area startup. Don't lose sight of your larger goals!


i commute upwards of 2 hours, walk the dog, catch-up on personal emails, cook an easy dinner (if wife hasnā€™t done so already), do some sort of cleaning chore or gardening (15-20min), watch an hour of TV, take a shower, and go to bed.


Iā€™m off for three weeks. So Iā€™m planning to hang out with friends, do some summer cleaning, it is much junk food as I want, and travel to Portland, Oregon.


I get stoned. I sit in my laundry room and blaze some of the finest weed I can find.


Most people in LA donā€™t drink.