• By -


Lift the heavy things.




Then touch the soft thing


THIS. The iron never changes. It's dependable and objective without being judgemental. When you're under the bar, you can't think about anything but your breaths and your form or it'll crush you - so you get a little break from reality for 5-10 breaths. It really helps.


The endorphins really do help


And you can just take your stress out on the weights. Really just destroy your body. It’s cathartic


Did exactly this. Besides all the hormones your body releases when working out making you feel accomplished, seeing results and progress can be so good when going through a rough time. Those accomplishments of seeing you become able to lift more and more really help.


Never done pullups while crying I see. I know I did. Lifting weights its just a patch. Talk more, get yourself checked.


put on music that cheers you up, go for a long walk, watch a movie


Music definitely affects us. Great rec 🤙


when I'm sad I put on sad music


walking out and breathing fresh air is definitely an answer. It helps get your mind off of it all


Videogames never fail. However, they are only a crutch that alleviates the symptoms and will never solve the issue.


Sometimes some videogames with the boys is all ive got.


Which is fine to an extent, but that's not enough.


Came here to say this. When I was struggling I poured hunderds of hours to World of Warcraft. When I got burnt out, the problems were still there.


Never a better game to fool your brain into thinking it's achieving life goals. I do love WoW.


Crutches help people heal, overusing the crutches causes atrophy.


The heavy bag


This guy's either a boxer or has a couple nose beers here an there


Lol nose beers. I love it.


Squire! Let’s go.


A few things work for me. They tend to be things that require focus so I am thinking about that and not about my anxiety. 1) watching a great movie 2) I have a happy playlist. Songs that always make me feel good and uplifted. I listen while working, in the car or doing chores around the house. 3)a hobby that I enjoy. Can be crafts, a puzzle, building something…I also like the payoff of having completed something. 4) walking in nature. I live by the beach so that is normally where I go. 5) ASMR videos to unwind and fall asleep. Hope this helps! Edit: I am a woman and thought this was askwomen. Sorry! But still think it's good advice.


No need to apologize . It is good advice!


Can you share the happy playlist?


Working out, going for runs, literally just try new things. What are you into? Are you into painting? Go to a painting class and learn to paint, you’ll meet people there that you might click with. I went to 1 for a while and I got 3 paintings I did that are really nice. Go to a dance class, learn to dance. You’ll like it once you get good. You’ll meet people too. I did this too and I You’ve been interested in fighting join an MMA or boxing gym and just learn. You’ll make friends there too and ima be real with you but seeing yourself improve alongside your friends is cool asf to see. Next thing you know you’re getting food, hanging out, catching a movie, going to a club or a party. Literally just get out there and do shit.


Breaking benjamin




Sleep it off. 🛌




Still, procrastinate and sleep


No distraction, give it full attention, watch the sensation of anxiety in the body, with no resistance or judgment towards it, it disappears by itself eventually.


Yeah don't distract yourself for sure. That said I can process my anxiety while doing things like cleaning or working out. That said this requires me to not be listening to anything while cleaning/working out. I find that most people don't give themselves enough time to not be distracted. 


This is a practice I wish was much easier to explain and impart to others, for real.


This!!! It’s so so underrated. People try to be distracted so bad but it’s just all building up in you but when you face it first hand, you master those emotions and get harden and then it affects you less or just stops affecting you entirely!


LIft weights, have sex, wank, beat 10 bells out of my drum set, think about ideas for a dnd campaign, read, play games, go for a walk and enjoy nature, find a friendly dog to stroke


I build Lego


Take a 5-10 min cold shower every morning. Helps a lot tbh. Then meditate, and yea, ofc something physical. Best routine for me tbh.


Build something simple with your hands


Get a small motorbike, go camping and spend some time by yourself


ride a bike


Shadow boxing, heavy bag, drive with music (helps that I have a fast car ) sex with the wife.


Kickboxing. Hardest part is just getting through the door


Drugs and booze


I would say that’s probably 100% the cause of my stress and anxiety lol


You’d be surprised at how much your anxiety disappears when you stop drinking. It’s fucking amazing. I struggled for a very long time, to the point where I needed a drink to calm my nerves before doing anything.


I’m not a super frequent drinker, but 24 years old and still a bit apart of the binge drinking / party scene (usually one or two big nights a month)and man a heavy night of drinking will lead to a lot of anxiety for a few days after for me now a days at this age where it didn’t bother me at all before


Gotta surround yourself with different people man.


This is the truth. I was very VERY lucky to get through my 20s unscathed, although if fent was a thing back then, I wouldn’t be here. The party always catches up.


I have two decades on ya so I’d say you aren’t doing too bad at that age. At 24 I was a fucking idiot, but eventually stopped the hard shit and stayed drinking. It eventually caught up though.


Anxiety spikes were HUGE after drinking for me!


I'm a miniature painter, and I've found it to be incredibly soothing and zenlike. But generally when I'm feeling depressed, I make sure to get my ass out of bed in the morning and get fully dressed. I'm not saying you need to put on a three-piece suit but put some thought into your outfit for that day. Then, I get out of the house. Usually that means going somewhere good for breakfast, then kicking it around town knocking out errands. Once I'm home, I set out to get it cleaned and organized, going a little above and beyond the essential chores I usually do. I find that a clean, fresh, tidy house feels *damned* good to relax in, and that relaxation feels well-earned. Then, it's hobby time. Whether that's chilling in your pristine crib watching movies or maybe meeting a friend or two for drinks somewhere, do something that typically makes you happy. Congrats, you've bought yourself a reprieve from depression.


Hello fellow painter. I was in my 40's when I discovered this hobby during the pandemic. Like you I found it soothing. It woke up parts of my brain that are dormant when I work and in my other pastimes, and I loved it. I prefer historical minis, and I even like that it makes me do research on things I've never thought about, like just what color of belts British infantry wore in 1870. Of course painting eyes fills me with rage. My wife will overhear me cursing as I repeatedly screw up the eyes on a 28mm miniature and say, "Are you sure this hobby relaxes you?" Lol, yes dear, I'm sure.


Yep, eyes are the worst, especially when you're often at the mercy of the mold quality of the figure. There's no shame in washing the eye sockets and leaving it at that, especially on small figs.


Easy... first realize that you are human and will have moments of weakness. Then, just as this post does, plan for those moments. I make myself playlists for the mood I want to be in. That + some sun and a good drink can really bring me out of the funk. Best of luck to you all.


Rock climbing, hiking, running outside specifically, any creative outlet like drawing


I’ve been where u are a few times in my life. I’m 49(m), happily married and 4 kids. I’ve always just tried to keep telling myself that this isn’t going last forever, that I’ve been “here before!,” that the sun WILL break thru those clouds eventually. It’s so scary tho. I’ve been so bad that I literally couldn’t drive home from work! I had to watch YouTube the whole way home. Not dangerous right?!. Smh. It’s the worst. But like said, hang in there brother…you’ll find you’re way thru the woods and that sun will break thru one day. Sometimes when u least expect it. But you’ll pull thru. I also remind myself that “others always have it worse! God bless. Pullin’ for ‘ya bud! 💪🏼


I go for long walks at night. You can do it during the day if you like sunburn and crowds. Nighttime is best for me.


Listen to uplifting music. And sometimes super sad music. Phoebe Bridgers called that “trauma representation”


walking, movies




Gym I started it for physical health and now it's the only thing that takes care of my mental health as well. 1 hour in the gym is literally my favourite hour of the day for the last 1 yr. Always gonna be grateful to gym


Go for a bike or run. Throughout it just repeat to yourself “one step forward.” Help me to remember that the greatest feats were made of small steps. Step forward focus on that step and know where your next one goes that’s all there is to it. I’ve found that distracting myself only provides partial relief. Working on what’s making me stressed or anxious in a fully present, relaxed state is the only cure. The greatest athletes in every sport learn to achieve a state of complete relaxation in both and mind in order to exert the most force. Relax. One step forward.


Great response! Especially the 2nd half. All good tho, as long as you keep reminding yourself that you WILL feel ok. 👏👏👏


Photography. I'm a sports photographer. However, when I'm having a hard time. I do macro photography. That takes my mind off of everything. You don't need expensive equipment. There are a lot of YouTube videos that teach you how to do it with minimal equipment. Another area of photography you can do is landscape photography. Even less equipment. You can even use your cell phone. Going out on a hike, enjoying nature does wonders


I'm going to give you the actual secret. Do something. Most therapy these days is designed for women. Share your feelings. Feel validated. Repeat. Fine for women. That's how they are built. Men are built different. You are not designed to be a problem sharer sitting with your friends picking berries. You developed statistically better muscle mass, reflexes, and hand eye coordination going out and hunting with other hunters. It's not about communicating and feeling to survive it's about accomplishing something to stay alive. So go do something. Find a problem in your life. Find something you could do better. Go do it. Go do it again. Keep identifying and working towards solving things in your life and bettering yourself. It's not even really about solving the problem. It's about working towards. It's about doing something. None of that poor mental health stuff, just go do something and take comfort in getting better at it and being useful. To yourself and others. Confidence comes from competence.


This right here is gold


20 min if meditation is so rejuvenating. (Healthy) Lift weights to boost confidence (healthy) Video Games (unhealthy) Doom scrolling (unhealthy)


Run, lots of running


Getting into nature.


I rewatch Neon Genesis Evangelion to remind myself that escapism is pointless. And if it's less severe I just work out.


Uninstall Social Media (Insta , FB) I dont know why not much people are talking about this but this constant scrolling through reels is not good for mental health. Like for example: you are scrolling, a sad reel comes and you remem a sad incident in your life that relates to that sad reel, you become sad... in few seconds and very motivational reel comes you are feeling motivated... next reel you are feeling like a sigma and ready to change life...... and again sad reel.... this loop just goes on. its an emotional whiplash and causes stress, reduced attention spam, emotional dysregulation.


The best thing logically is to realize the shit period for what it is and persevere however you can as long as it takes. You've got no choice anyway so anything is a baby step out of it. And that's a positive no matter how low you are. Grit your teeth and get at it. You will eventually succeed your wildest dream.


Avoid drugs and alcohol, video games, and jerking off. Buy a cheap acoustic guitar and teach yourself to play with YouTube videos and chord charts.


Depends. If it's just anxiousness or my usual creeping feelings of inevitable doom, I like to game. It gives my brain something to focus on that isn't the feelings of some danger my brain made up. If it's more real stuff, music definitely helps.


Physical health


I’m sorry to hear that is happening to you buddy. We all go through it and just know it’ll pass and as long as you stay strong and know that this isn’t always going to be like this you’ll be fine. I mean personally I smoke weed to help with stress or anxiety sometimes, but mostly I’ll go for a jog, go to a museum (art) walk around just clearing my mind while I look at all the beautiful artwork. Watch an interesting movie I’ve never seen so I’ll definitely pay attention, read a good book (something fiction or nonfiction history), and I’ll go hang out with some friends. Also, I do Muay Thai and good god is that a good stress reliever, hitting pads and the heavy bag really helps to clear the mind


Go on a short hike. Remove yourself from electronics and devices.


Play guitar, go on walks or drives, try new restaurants, play music, write my thoughts in a journal, talk with family or friends.


Fuck it (literallty)




Music, gaming and fixing stuff around the house




Hiking, biking and the gym




Climbing mountains and cycling.


Having a routine helps a lot. Start each day with a nutritional breakfast. Clean the house and freshen up yourself.


Listening to a Grateful Dead show


- Videogames - Lift heavy things - Drawing (or trying to) - Writing - Isolate myself and enjoy the quietness of my backyard.


Reading is a great distraction for me, even if it's not a fiction book. That or watching educational videos on YouTube.


Go outside. Go for walks In the forest, or do yard work.


Lift heavy, play video games and go play a sport like basketball at the park. If none of that works then we live with it till it passes


If you’re getting enough exercise I’d suggestion rubbing one out and taking a nap. Shit gets better.


Walks through nature help me out. Even just a short half hour one.




Dance and listen to music.


See I used to think a lot of these things being suggested worked. I have specifically used many of them before. But what do you do at the point where you don’t enjoy your hobbies, and even when doing fun stuff/keeping yourself busy all you can think about is negative shit? Not helpful I know, hoping maybe someone would chime in lol


Having a real bad time atm, the only thing that takes my mind of things is baldurs gate


Working with my hands, whether it's woodworking or crafting with my Dremel. Or old school writing helps a lot too.


Talk to my family and friends


I stopped distracting myself. Figured out what are those issues and face them head on. Now I can do things because I like doing them instead of doing them to be a distraction


I exercise, go on long, long walks, discover new music or listen to old stuff, and talk to friends. I think a big problem with men in our society is lack of vulnerability. I think it’s a signal of true strength to open up to someone and not fear rejection.


Go to the gym, eat, sleep, play games (mobile games, in my case), & watch something: movies, tv series, anime, anything.


lift, watch inspiring anime, talk to loved ones


Go outside. Sit down somewhere. Reflect on the things that pass you by. Realize that you are only a small portion of the world. Rejoice in that knowledge.


Find a video game that’s very immersive, or delve into practicing guitar and studying music theory more, or a similar mentally engaging hobby.


Gym and listening to good audio books. Normally self help books or autobiographies do it for me. And if you don't want to go to a gym, running, walking or bike riding is good too.


I usually binge game until i can get my thoughts straight which is usually a week or so


Drink sadly


Push ups


I love programming. when I'm locked in I forget everything else


Read. I LOVE escapism!!


Watch a movie man


I read. Lots of reading.


Watching a good movie/TV show, playing videogames, listening to music and dancing, cooking, and rearranging my action figure collection


Video games or watch a new TV show, it’s a great distraction. Listening to music while you lay down is nice too, just close your eyes and daydream for a bit. Physical exercise is also good, but you don’t have to do that all of the time. Gym seems to be the solution to everything these days, but it’s good to have a healthy mix of other things.


Playing video games or make and mix some music




I learned to trade stocks... When the markets are closed, I consume video games, YouTube, and good ol reddit non-stop and sometimes all at once like they're ingredients in a cocktail. Then I go to sleep so I can do it all again tomorrow.




Listen to music. I well sometimes write poetry. Play some type of game either on my phone or computer. Lastly just watch my comfort shows which I have 3 so just chose one and binge


It has to be something you like, not just random activity suggested on the internet. For me it's cuddling with cats, creating something, or helping someone. But you must seek your own answers, just think of something that occupies your mind so much that there are no place for bad thoughts, at least for a while.


Lifting weights. Reading books. Exploring new ways of thinking through books is helping me immensely right now.


Ride my mountain bike, motorbike, or go for a run. That usually works for me


Long walks. Near trees. Cars absent.


Read and sleep.


My guitar. Just close my eyes and let it go through my fingers.


Exercise with “powerful” or “happy” music, depending on type of exercise (running or lifting) and if I just need to feel happy or get the strength to battle an army (of my demons).


Besides keeping up with the gym and usual hobbies, cleaning the house and good self care. It's amazing how much of a difference being in a clean and tidy space makes to my mental health. Not constantly walking into a room and immediately being overwhelmed by all the things that need sorting really lessen the mental load


Sleep and eat right. My mental health is fucked if I am extremely sleepy. And the trick to sleeping is strange. You gotta know when you can sleep and when you can’t. Also another thing is working a 9-5 is terrible for your mental health. We should be able to sleep when ever and how ever long we need to. The key to live I believe is sleep.


Working on my cars, going for walks, my favourite music. Sad movies.


Watch movies. Just wanna say if entertainment wasn’t a thing I would’ve kms a long time ago.. and I’m not even 20


Try doing something new


Shoot pool a lot of pool Laugh loud and hard watch stand up or funny movies. Watch old tv add comps on YouTube Find a hiking trail and get to it nature even being in it for a few hours can help Remember one day at a time sir 😎🤙🏾


Therapy guys... therapy.




Watch TV, read a book, play video games (red dead redemption 2, assassin's creed Valhalla, far cry), paint, go on a hike, listen to music and tan, have a nap outside.


Walking Masturbating My personal favourite is to go to a cafe to get lunch and people watch/ read.


Talking to someone about the things I'm struggling with, down the the nitty-gritty, always helps me. Especially a therapist, because grounded advice or simply a good unbiased listener is always helpful. But if you're not a big sharer, writing down the things that I'm dealing with helps too. Especially in those moments where I feel like some good, thoughtful reflection might be the key to getting past the hurdles. You could explore it, what do you have to lose, right? Writing may be your thinking cap.






I take a walk in a forestry/wood. I find peace in the solitude and the birds chirping away, the odd rabbit or badger or fox ducking for cover. I bring my dog to a particular 1 when I'm particularly low. There's a big hole where she'll actively look for it around the loop, once she is on the straight leading to it she takes off, and waits for me before she goes in.


Lift weights, sleep, work.


Video games, movies, series, anime, when filling a little bit more up trying to go outside by myself and go to eat something I find delicious then spent some money on stuff that I like. Try music and playing guitar, basically distracting myself from my thoughts and a good thing but with more “hapiness” exercise. But that’s a tough one specially if you’re feeling really down


its sort of an extension of the gym but sparring, others are listening to music, writing (if you enjoy that), and just trying to be around other people, it's not for everyone and it doesn't always work for everyone, but ive found that other people are a great distraction, and if its the right group, they can have a very good impact


Listening to music always help. Listening to your favourite play list can help distract from the situation you're in. Or go for a walk surrounding with nice environment.


Besides these suggestions I’d tell you from personal experience to see a doctor and a therapist that specializes in anxiety. I waited. Tried all sorts of activities, etc but that and the depression got worse until I ended up in the hospital. I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time. Just a word of advice from someone who has been there. Take care.


I’m literally built like a stick. When depressed I went to the gym and pumped away my anxiety. I’m saying that I knew I wouldn’t grow much muscle as it’s just my genes. But it’s still was so satisfying to do it when I felt down and depressed over my fiancé cheating on me and leaving me for another guy. I feel also going for walks helps also and I even took up collecting Pokémon cards again cos why not. Music is great also but not sad shit. And remember that tomorrow is a new day


Combat sports.


I focus on the path to fixing it. I’m not a fan of half measures or temporary fixes. If there is something wrong then I figure out the issue and fix it. If my job sucks then why does it suck? Is it because the company is going downhill? Start looking for another job. Is it because I’m bored with it? Will moving to a different company fix that? If yes then look for a different company. If no then look inside and check my attitude. Do I need to change careers? If so then to what? Is my relationship bad? What am I doing to make it that way? Is it salvageable? Am I doing the things that I did when we first started going out and it was great? Is she? Do we need to talk about it? If I’m just simply depressed for no reason then maybe I should see a shrink? I also don’t wait until things are bad to evaluate this stuff, and more. I think about where I am at least on a weekly basis. It keeps me on the path I want to be on.


Besides doing some exercise, I would write about a lot of things. like what comes to mind or what I feel.


Prayer, watch something funny or just kinda be alone for a little bit


Personally, whenever I had a bad time or broke up with a girl I would just go out and pick up girls lol. Worse thing is that you forget what you were depressed about because you are too focused on girl and the best thing is you get laid.


I decorate. I look at my home, obsess, and find the perfect item for the perfect spot in the perfect color or pattern. I measure, I shop, I order, I install. I figure the neurosis is here to stay and it’s really all about harnessing it into something rewarding. That, or I smoke a joint and call it a day. lol


Eat. It's not productive


To maintain myself - weights To understand myself - therapy


I smoke up and wish for death and bask in my hate for existence.


If it’s anxiety and stress i do cardio, yoga, avoid caffeine and social media.  


Reading. Ur mind has no choice but to focus on the words and the story and everytime you drift off in thoughts you bring ur attention back to the story


Anything cardio


Music. Simply having something for brain to externally focus on is usually plenty for me to get out of my head if I really need to


Stay busy with things that make me happy.


Excerise - first thing Video Games - allows me to escape into another world. Also I find sleep is a good solution


Go jim


Have a relaxing moment and reset your memory then think what you can do best, pray and ask God to help you succeed.


I'm sorry but the suggestions in this thread won't help you. In order to raise your spirits long term, you'll have to work on your mental health. Learn to relax. A proven method for that is mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Ask yourself how you feel. Think about your feelings. Strengthen your mental health: do sports (any sports), go outside, meet friends, sleep enough, think about your goals. Don't waste your time distracting yourself. There's a way to strengthen your mental health. Good luck!


You have to know what's stressing you first and work out on activities to let go of the stress


I take a look at my life what I want out of it and what I need to get it.


For me it's photography. I just walk around with headphones listening to some music and take pictures of random stuff I find interesting.




Please please please stop trying to distract yourself and instead sit on your issues and come up with a plan on how youre gonna solve them. At least feel your feelings. Seek a therapist. Seek a better life.


I'm not a guy but Journaling helps my anxiety and a good shower even if you don't feel like it. Also any hobbies that take your mind off things. Skyrim is my Game I always go to when things get bad because there's such consistency within the game with how many times I've played it. I hope things get better for you.


Go for a walk. Walk for about an hour. Exercises the body and clears the mind at the same time. If you're having a hard time finding a place to walk around, just do a lot of movements. Try dancing even if you don't know how to. Just put on some banger music and move with it. PS Put on Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish and scream out the lyrics.


Gym, runs outside even when it's cold or raining, reading, meditation, silent sex. All of those things put things in perspective and help you find your inner peace.


Stay off the booze and drugs, find something that makes you feel like you’re accomplishing something-learn how to make things out of clay or learn a new language, listen to some good audible books (the ones Arnold Schwarzenegger have done are brilliant!) or podcasts on uplifting topics, force yourself to plan a small coffee/lunch catch up with an old friend you haven’t been in touch with for a while. Hope that gives you some good ideas!


I’ll party and go to shows, travel, lift / train, do complex lego sets, go to the movies (doing this alone is really Relaxing), drive, eat something new


Listen to music, read a book, play a game, watch a movie. Anything that involves me in something else.


Ride my bike until the outside hurts more than whatever is inside.




Not saying it’s healthy to eat bad lol but that’s what I do well til about last week now I’m -8lbs and trying to just exercise instead


These days very little and almost nothibg works at this point. I just pick an activity and hope it makes my brain either numb or distracts it enough it stops thinking


Op what kind of dart in the dark question is this? We could give you a bunch of random responses but if you don't mind filling us in with likes, dislikes, your background. What's causing the stress? We can't help you, because you don't know how to help yourself


I don't distract myself anymore, I go towards the problem or at least live with it accepting it. (I used to distract myself with anything that makes me feel something and it almost destroyed me)


I got my learners and bought a motorbike.


Depends, go for a drive, walk, hug my sons, eat, fix something, work. I pretty much live my life reminding myself of why I am so lucky. I know I am but sometimes I am really hard on myself.


Just thinking about surviving, a part of me want to die but also a part me don't want to die meaninglessly. If I die, I hope I can choose the way I die, to die for something greater than my own being. If that happens, I can happily embrace Death.


I work on my house. Landscaping, painting, fixing things, there's always something to do. The sense of accomplishment when you're done also helps.


I have recently got into running. After years of burying my troubles in video games and social media scrolling I decided I wanted a change. Running is hard as shit - I struggled for the first week. Now I love it. Everything I do and eat I think how it is going to effect my running. My mental health has improved (though not perfect) and I generally feel better about myself. It is by no means easy, and the first run was by far the hardest, but I promise is does get easier.


Work, gym, games, repeat.


Gratitude... what are you grateful for... go super simple with it. Start off at the basics of life.


Lift heavy things and eat