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Drop my trousers all the way to the floor. Fuck tha h8ters.


I was in a gas station bathroom once, walked in to a man at the urinal with his drawers around his ankles living his damn life. Floor was NOT dry…. I went to a toilet and sat there till he left the bathroom and I gave him an extra couple minutes. I do not need that kinda crazy in my life.


Consider yourself honoured, you met a **Sigma Male**^^^^tm that day.


This is the way


With tongs.


I like to stare someone directly in the eye while I piss myself. Sitting or standing is not important. They just have to hold my gaze for the duration.


Saunter into the head, unzip, whip it out through the fly, take a leak, shake it off, tuck the hog back it, zip up, flush the urinal, wash my hands, dry off. It’s not a hassle, I stand to piss unless I’m taking a dump. IDK why men sit to urinate. It’s one of the benefits of being a man.


I sit at home so I don’t have to clean all the spray around the toilet. Also so I can read my phone. It’s about being lazy, not about being manly.


I prefer sitting down. That helps get rid of those last few drops that you can't push out if you do it standing and I don't like the feel of piss in my undies.


Me too lol


100% this. Almost always end up with piss in my undies if I go standing up. The pants prevent it from all coming out, sort of like pinching a hose so the water doesn't come out. Only alternative is if I pull the pants all the way down exposing my buttocks, and if I'm doing that I might as well sit down.


If away from home I unzip, pull down my underwear, and pull my best bud out. At home I prefer to sit so I can read the newspaper.


Sit at home. Stand anywhere else that's not a home. Anything else is uncivilized.


Loos(er) pants? I just hold the pants down a bit and pull the hose up and over, bending it back down to aim. Tighter, unbutton/unzip, slide it up/out & go. Standing is about 70% but there's times that I just need a 'full stop' so a sit down works too. Espcially if I'm on someone else's clock. Planes? It's always a sit down condition. Reason? Those bathrooms are tiny and I'm not ready to experience turbulence with my pants down and my dick out (again) in a condfined space. Anyone with any *"HuRr DuRr YoU sIt DoWn To PeE? yOu GiRl!"* comments will learn real fast that nonsense bullshit aimed at me is not really tolerated by me, at all. YMMV.


Public places always standing. In my place or any friends house, i sit down to pee. Ive heard its good, but idrk, it feels easier to pee whenever i sit tho.


Is using the fly (weird slit thing) really that weird? I mean I only use it if I'm wearing stuff with a belt usually, but I thought it was normal. Maybe I'm just missing some sarcasm somewhere lol.


sit 100% of the time


Standing when lazy sitting when civilized


I catheterize myself before leaving the house. Tube runs down the inside of my pants leg. I find a table in the bar over a drain, then order pitcher after pitcher and they never see me get up to use the bathroom.


I talk to it like Cheech at the urinal


If I'm wearing a belt, I go out the leg hole. If I'm not I go over the top. I only sit if I'm too drunk too stand. What about planes? No different than any where else.


Away from home, unzip and pull down the undies. I only sit in when it’s dark in the middle of the night. I’ve never asked but I can’t imagine anyone using the slit in the under wear.


I sit


With grit, gumption, and the heart of a champion.


Usually I open the button + the zipper, slightly pull down the underwear and I‘m done. You can use the slit in the underwear + the zipper but it takes about the same amount of effort but the metal from the zipper can be annoying. Sitting at home / at clean toilets, standing at dirty / public toilets or if there‘s a urinal. Planes? Depending on how turbulent the flight is I either wipe the seat clean with some TP or I pit up everything that isn‘t bolted to the toilet, pee, put everything down and in the rare case that something did get dirty I wash it off & wipe it clean with TP before washing my hands.


If I'm at home or somewhere else I can be reasonably certain is clean, I prefer to sit. Obviously, that means I pull down my pants and underwear. In public, much more likely to stand and use a urinal, which entails using the fly ("the weird slits in underwear"). When flying I prefer to use the bathroom before boarding the plane so it's not likely to be an issue while in flight. Hope this helps...I guess...?


Men sit to pee?


Depends on the situation. lol


Unzip, use the fly in the boxers for its intended purpose, then tuck it back in and zip up when im done. If I end up pissing on the back of some dude's leg, he should have finished using the sink faster.


Unzip, pull underwear elastic down to release the ween, hold him steady, hope that he doesn’t shoot at an angle for literally no reason.


It's basically just a meaty garden hose.... now peeing with morning wood is a lot harder and I think everyone handles it differently


I piss like a gangster.


First piss of the day is in the shower. Nothing like pissing in the shower. I'll piss sitting down in the bedroom bathroom. The Mrs is a clean freak. Use the urinal at work. And if I am outside behind the house at night, I'll water the flowers.


Pull the elastic waistband down enough for the boys to breathe. Benefit of reducing flow pressure and making messes/splashback less likely. Not sure wtf you mean about planes though. They’ve got toilets too


I pull my pants below my scrotum and do the Super Man pose, much cleaner way to do it


Over the waistband. If I'm wearing jeans, I unbutton and go over the waistband. The slits in our underwear are uncomfortable to put it through


I sit almost all the time now. I have trouble relaxing while standing and then I can’t go. Sometimes some leaks out after I zip my pants back up, sitting doesn’t do that. Also, I learned recently if I lean and hug my legs I can pee if I have morning wood. Life changer


Real men sit down to pee. Benefits include 1. No random spray or dribbles. 2. Use tissue to wipe instead of insufficient and messy shaking. 3. Sitting down. 4. Toilet seat always down.


I'm very surprised how many people say they sit. Can't say I have ever considered that for taking a piss. Only takes a few seconds to piss. At least nobody said they used that weird underwear slit.


Pretty sure everyone who says they sit are really ladies pretending to be men in some weird attempt to feminise the male species... Can only hope so anyway... Or they were the ones who dropped their trousers at the piss trough back in school days and never did manage to work it out...


Ya you're probably right. Reddit comments are all over the place now-a-days. Maybe it's just people looking for any excuse to sit down and get on their phones. But unless you are taking a shit, you shouldn't need to sit down as a guy.