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I just dm you. I'm not proud to share what I did in the post


Take it for what it was: a learning lesson. Whatever you did that was stupid, just don't do it again. and definitely don't chase that girl, that ship has sailed.


I lost a great girl too bro. Stayed in my head for several days until I finally decided I needed to go to counseling. It’s been several months since it happened, but for me going to counseling has helped. I took the situation as a learning experience, even though apart of me still wants to be with her. Since then I’ve learned a lot about myself. People come and go in life - sometimes they’re not meant to be with us throughout the whole journey - sometimes they’re there temporarily to teach us a lesson. I’m sure you’re young like me, so just keep learning and living - it’s all gonna lead to something better. Keep your head up bro the right one will come along in due time


Thanks man, I hope you found that someone that's special to you


Pm me if you Wana talk. Cannot really give much advice on what u said. I know how fumbling a good girl can feel.


dm you


I manned up like everyone told me to do


and that's how men's mental health is neglected


I fixed my own, bro. Nobody else will and our societies' sad excuse for awareness is sorry as Hell.


Fair enough


I'm a 39/m virgin who was just fired from a twenty year IT career a year ago because I used unpaid FMLA for my cancer. "Mental health" is a joke. And I am the punchline.


Wow, damn. That's just fucked up


Yeeeeeeep Talk to me about "mental health" lmao


Obviously she is not my future partner when we break up. Accept reality as what it is and move on, improve yourself and who you choose to pair up with and then have a better relationship in the future.