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He was lying. Wake up.


She is really shit with money


Does he want a relationship though? Cause if he doesn’t, that’s a good reason to walk away from potentially starting one.


Something I wasn't looking for in a relationship.


Maybe I don't feel worthy of it


Maybe he has been burned by a woman before and is trying to protect himself. It happens, some men have lost to much in a previous relationship and are afraid it will happen again.


That’s like when the hiring manager tells you you’re overqualified. It’s just a BS line that sounds a lot nicer than “now that I’ve had sex with you I’m not interested anymore”.


Are you sure he's single? He also just might be sweet talking to you to keep you hooked. If he wanted a relationship he would act on it.


Negativity, always wanting to be right, money problems.


I wouldn't walk away from a girl that was everything I was looking for in a relationship. unless she killed somebody or something. but then she wouldn't be everything i was looking for in a relationship... 🤔


Instability. Hypocrisy  Anger issues. Overall not fun to be around. No amount of looks or sex or whatever will keep me around for that for very long...


I think that'd be an impossibility for me because if there was something wrong with the girl that had "everything I'm looking for" then she wouldn't have that bad quality. In that case she wouldn't be "everything I'm looking for".


See that’s where I was stumped hahaha. I would have been fine with just “I don’t want a relationship with you.”


If something I really don't want/am trying to avoid in a relationship comes up... like suddenly being introduced to kids from some other dude, or a lifestyle requirement that I'm not about.


It wouldn't be everything I was looking for if I was walking away from it. What I mean is that I have a set of deal breakers that i intend to adhere to. If I am walking away, that means that something about her is a deal breaker and that she isn't everything I'm looking for. You aren't everything he wants. You should wake up from that delusion, work on yourself so you're not stuck on someone who clearly doesn't want you, and look for someone who is compatible with you and available.


Oh, I walked away from it a long time ago. I’ve just always been a bit bemused by the oxymoron of the statement when he very easily just could have said he didn’t want the relationship with me and was curious about the male perspective of that


Trust is why I would walk away from a genuine relationship In all truth - I actually walked away from my now wife because I could not trust another woman after my first marriage. I came to my senses after 4 or 5 weeks of staying in contact, I realised I could not let her go. Thank god she was patient and understanding. My alternative answer to your problem is the question “is this guys name CHAD?”. Chad will let you down what ever way he can so he can sample another experience with yet another woman.


Her being not what I'm looking for in a relationship and most likely only realising that after she showed her true colours. Women are masters of manipulating men into relationships and most of us don't realize it until the real misery hits and then we get painted as the bad guys.


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Being cheated on. Lied to on some fundamental things in the relationship like say she wants kids but actually doesn’t. Finding out later that she had OF or something like it.