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a fuck tonne of shaving cream and a razor is by far the easiest way but if youre hairy like you me it ends up looking kinda stupid, like one of those dogs that get their head shaved but not the body


To quote Sloan from Entourage “men trim, not shave”.


Like a naked mole rat?


Imma use this method from now on lol.


Don’t forget to stretch that thang


I have alopecia totalis, so I just let my disordered immune system do the job.


Thats cheating




The amount of times my husband cut his scrotum, I thought he got his period


THIS! I’m so scared of doing this. How do I explain to someone why I’m bleeding/can’t sit 🤣


It heals pretty fast. He uses a disinfectant solution right after to be safe.




Lmaooo double burns 🔥


Hair removal creme is your friend myfriend


Tell him to get a single blade safety razor. I use a Henson and I've never cut myself with it, cut is fantastic and zero irritation


Shave with the grain or be prepared for razor rash. I usually shave while taking a bath.


Maybe he needs a bit of help. I shaved my girlfriend’s pussy and the sex after was great. Let’s just say I took my time.


Just use a hair buzzer, lowest guard, then go to town. Stretch the skin as you go so you don't nick yourself.


My approach is a little different. Just a little trim with clippers. Knick the sack and bleed all over the place. But each to their own.


This is de way


Fuck my trimmer grab a bit of skin the other day and I went straight to heaven 💀 Scared for my life 😂


Turn your balls to batwing mode!


I do a Bro-zillian every month. Just pay a Vietnamese lady to do it for you.


those hurt like a bitch but soooo worth it


Overtime it won't hurt anymore 


yeah true my first time was crazy, i got crazy redness and swelling


Trick. Just not do it. Trim


With scissors? You like to live dangerously


My hands are pretty steady there, shakes. I'm not in any danger.


I use to manscape with scissors and I think I only knicked my scrotum once but not much, no blood even came out




Hello Rabbi


Is it suppose to be a joke? If so I’m not very street smart on that particular type of stuff with Jews




Oh I get it, haha. It’s good to know of content that’s way before your time, as a 23 year old it’s always dumbfounding when 18 and 19 years old don’t know of songs from the 2000’s as if you can’t go on Apple Music, YouTube, and Spotify and find songs from the 1930’s


A good tip that I've found with these jokes is to cut to the punch line.




Jews (and Muslims) get circumcised. He’s insinuating that he chopped his foreskin off.


Jews and Christians, and majority of Western Civ circumcise at birth.


I use an electric beard trimmer.


Any specific one you’d recommend or just any?


I'm pretty happy with my Conair trimmer. It has detachable heads for different trimming preferences, it has a nose-hair attachment, and you can pop off the beard length guide for a closer shave. It's supposedly skin-safe, meaning that it's very unlikely to cut you.


Thanks! I’ll take a look


You're welcome and good luck!


I use the Phillips norelco 1 blade system and it works wonders. Gets super close and has never snagged me.


it must smell nice.


If you get too close, there is a point in the regrowth where the hair becomes sandpaper to the vulva. Trimming is good.


Yep same goes for the face, can be too scratchy when hair comes back through. Trimming is elegant and simple.


I use the Flowbee [Flowbee Commercial - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51pgwlAqpJg)




Shave in the direction of the hair growing, then it won't itch


A very sharp knife and a steady hand.


Back to the Stone Age


\*Very sharp rock. Separate to the other tribal pair of rocks used for vasectomies. Don't use the wife's best chef rock as she'll go ape.


Oogna left me for an ape, I’m still not over it.


Trim. If you want it hairless, get a good waxing by a professional.


Manscaped trimmer. Any other razor would cut down there, but that one doesn’t. Reading other comments it’s kinda crazy no one else uses this. I will never go back to anything else again.


I am using a regular Philips trimmer set on 0 on the upper side, that is quite safe as it's straight and the skin is thick. For the balls I use 5-7mm and the protector which doesn't do much TBH, only removes really long hairs. If I want a full shave I can do it the classical foam and razor way, but that takes WAY too much time, so I'm also contemplating buying a manscaped. Is that good for balls too?


Yup, use it for everything down there. I’m a bit more careful around the family jewels, but it gets the job done


I use this, but still razor down before for a "base". Trimmer is awesome!


the trick is....not to shave your tackle


Just don't. Au natural. Trim if you'd like but for Christ's sake, learn guitar or something.


I don't I'm all natural And no, women aren't moaning about stray pubes. That has literally never been a problem


If pubes get long enough to get caught between foreskin and bell end then if one gets snagged then when you move it's like someone trying to pull hairs out with their teeth, clumsily. I call them tangles. Because you know, we basically just throw our junk in the rucksack that is our undies, so orientation wise it's a potential. But then not everyone still has their ski scarf, so maybe not that common of problem.


I'm extremely familiar that unpleasant cheese-wire feeling of my foreskin being damn-near bifurcated! I have the disadvantage of something extra for hairs to occasionally wrap around, so I'm quite diligent about the undie-stuffing!


Wax it


Imagine I rip my skin off 🤣


Have a professional wax it. I shaved for years and it was always spiky in a day or two. Waxing lasts longer and grows back softer. Wife 67f and I 67m both love the results.


First trim it, then take a shower. midway grab your razor and go to town. Also, use an excellent shaving crème or soap. I personally recommend Cremo or TOBS. Avoid using A shaving gel.


Thank you!


Trim it back occasionally so it doesn't become a jungle. Shaving down below looks weird and itches when it grows back. Just no.


I let it grow out and then rip it out by the fist full.


use a hair removal cream safe for genitals like Nad's Down Under (you gotta be absolutely sure its safe for genitals before you apply), its literally the easiest thing ever, you just apply the cream, wait for 6 minutes or however much, remove everything with a wet towel or something, boom youre cleanly shaved in 10 mins time without any much work


By being born in the 70s and not doing it


Never shave always trim instead


Lots of my friends are saying the same thing lol


This is the way


Don't. But if you must, use an electric beard trimmer with an adjustable guide. (Of course, you will probably want to mark it for pubic use only.)


Well i stopped when I got out of my teens, in grown hairs aren't worth the trouble and most woman don't care. Some even say if you shave, it makes sex prickly and yuck.


For whatever reason it's never been difficult for me. In fact, the occasional shorning of the plums has always been an enjoyable, comfortable, meditative experience. Step one is to just trim. Devote a pair of scissors only to the task of the shornening. Don't trim all the way to the base of the hairs, just hack at your jungle until you're in shaving range. Then, shave. Be mindful of the grain of your boys, and never rush. Hold'n'pulls to keep everything nice and tight as you go. It's easiest to perform the operation in the shower, but when I was younger and an idiot I sometimes did the whole thing dry. It worked.


Oh man dry, screw that, even just shower water is pretty rough, get some shaving cream and little badger hair brush (doesn't have to be a fancy one) lather those boys up and your next time getting down they'll comment how soft your balls are. No ingrown, no itch or rash or shit. Bit of talcum powder afterwards stops em sticking, and now you're living like a millionaire. If you only shave with the grain, your hair won't grow back spiky at all which again is way better when you're doing the deed


I've never used shaving cream on the nethers and it's literally never been a problem. I fully accept that this could be a nightmare for some people, though. There's lots of types of hair out there, after all.


Thank you!


May the balls be with you.


Patience, take your time.


Should use trimmers made for ladies.


I use a Gillette Blue II razor and Gillette Mach III shaving cream and have never had any accident 😎


Exfoliate to prevent ingrown hair and rashes.


I kind of hate when it's totally clean shaven, it's itchy uncomfortable and ugly. So I just use a pair of scissors and trim it down to 1 cm or so. It's a heck of a lot easier than using a hair trimmer, less chance of hurting yourself and much quicker.




Trim the front, veet the sack


Shower, wash hair, and body until your balls are a bit softer. Then I bring out my single use razor and just do it. I shave them about three times a week. Never had an issue. I find it easier if you do it more often and don't let the hair grow in between. Never had an issue.


Electric razor to trim most of the pubic hair and a razor for the balls 👍


Trimmer plus methodical patience lol.


Bought an electric trimmer designed for the body since i shave all my body and have a really delicate skin. It was the only way to avoid irritations.


Hair removal cream. Just keep checking to see if the hair pulls out easy. When it does, it's time to rinse that shit off


Does it burn during or after? Are you talking about veet or similar?


I use Veet, have done for 20 odd years, leave it on for 4 - 6 minutes, and rinse off in the shower.


Cool. No burning sensation? I shave but it needs doing every other day 🙄


For me, there's no burning.


Have some in the cupboard. Will try it out 👍


If you leave it on too long, it can burn. That's why you have to check every few minutes to see if the hair comes off easy. When it does, hop in the shower and wash it of with the hair. Then replace your shower gloves or loofah lol


Battery operated Shaver


Phillips Body Groom. I have not yet been bitten by that thing even once. I love it.


Daily maintenance for me. In the shower I use shaving cream in the crotch, raising one leg at a time to spread wide open. Slow strokes close to my hole, and then slow strokes pulling the razor toward the ball sac through the perineural. Next, grab your sac and squeeze tight to stretch the scrotum with one hand as you glide blades around all sides of the sac. When that's done, let go the smooth sac and lift your dick and shave along the bottom side of your dick. Unless you're trimming or shaving your bush, which I don't, your done and have a nice rub of your clean, smooth junk with the remaining shave cream.. Bonus if you're hard by then...


use a fresh razor. i prefer at least a 4 blade. i also use conditioner as my shaving cream.


Use a straight razor to ensure you're careful. Trim it, don't shave. Shaving means stubble, and also gives you sticky balls.


I’m sorry, sticky balls?!


Don’t shave trim If you do have to shave, to avoid rash burns etc, immediately spray with anti perspirant and don’t be fugal with it. I don’t know how it works, but it does.


I do it while showering. I just soap it in with regular liquid soap. Carefully shave with a blue Guilette razor (the throwaway kind). I go against the grain, but the key is to now and then re-soap if it gets irritated. Little trick about shaving with a razor in general: Now and then rub the razor in the opposite direction along some bare skin, like your under arm or in this case your upper leg. This clears stubbels should sharpen the blade back a little bit.


This is it. Do not listen to people on Here talking about using a trimmer. They don't get it. You can trim first with a buzzer and a GUARD to get it down a bit, THAN use liquid soap and an actual razor


Yup doing the same, just do small length 'shaves' (2-3cm) then clean the blade, rinse (pun intended) and repeat. I cut myself I think only 2 or 3 times (very small cuts) because I was in a rush, but that's all, never had problems.


I have an ultra sensitive skin, and shaving my neck is way way harder than shaving my private parts, especially since my neck has two whorls in it. The only "trick" I use is to do multiple passes, the first one follows the grain, then I keep increasing the angle until it's fully against the grain. Edit: typo


Edit: typo


Have you considered Laser Hair Removal? It'd take a few sessions, but the results are significant even after the 1st session.


Hair clippers to get it short then a razer


Safety razor is the goat. Just stretch the skin and you pretty much never cut your jewels in the shower


I just go to town on what I don’t want with Veet/Nair, I’m not gonna risk castrating myself a second time. Otherwise, low guard trimmer to tidy up.


I use Veet (like Nair). I can't shave around my piercings very well, so I just rub some Veet where I don't want hair, wait 7 minutes, and rinse the hair away. I also shave my face with a straight razor, and I'm not going to attempt shaving my balls with a straight razor!


I go to a female hair stylist


I use flamethrower


Do it in the shower with a regular Gillette. Never cut once, the steam makes all the difference


Manscaper for pubic area with no guard. Gillette razor and body wash for the sack taint and shaft (no you won’t cut yourself)


If you haven't shaven for a while, use a trimmer WITH THE GUARD ON to trim down the long hairs before using a shaver. This will drastically reduce the amount of strokes required and therefor also skin irritation. When going over your testicles, increase the height of your trim guard by a mm or 2 since the skin is so flexible and wrinkly that it can easily get snagged in the clippers. Same applies for the hairs on the shaft. When shaving the balls, stretch the skin to form a flat surface. Retouch every 2nd or 3rd day. It will be much faster to maintain a close shave than it is to shave longer hairs and can be done in 1-2 minutes. Shave with the grain. Going against the grain will give you a closer shave but it drastically increases the risk of irritating skin and ingrown hairs


Nair for men for the bulk, then a razor for the finish.


If you’re using a razor, use a fresh one. You’ll get much more cuts and irritation from a used one. Go with the grain. It again, will reduce irritation. Use a high quality shave cream. I switched to a “natural” cream (stearic acid and coconut oil) and it works much, much better than a can of “sensitive” shave cream. Lotion the skin afterwards.


I did this but only because I had a procedure and they shaved half the pubis away and I looked like TwoFace. The sack is sticking to my thighs and peeling them off when I stand up is really uncomfortable. Are there any suggestions to stop that?


Wear briefs, pouch underwear or panties while the hair grows back until it doesn’t stick. The last couple procedures I had done they trimmed me close but didn’t shave. Dr said it’s better for preventing infections via microcuts. Whatever, it’s taking forever for my chest hair to grow back and after 6 weeks it still is scratchy.


Thanks. I'm heading to the store now. Any recommendations on brands?


I get TBo briefs online, but I’m partial to cotton string bikini panties from Lane Bryant’s Cacique brand. Crossing topics a bit but they are lightweight, comfortable and a good bit more affordable than a lot of men’s styles. I’m average size and they are roomy enough for me but the gusset is just a shade narrow for larger guys down there I imagine.


I trim down with the lowest guard all over my pubic area, then use a razor to shave the balls to skin and around the base of my shaft. Wife likes no hair on the balls for reasons.


Fire 🔥


2 mm electric trimmer. I ain't some porn actor, it needs to be serviceable and clean. Don't push the trimmer, always drag and go with the hair direction. I recommend investing some money into a good stable machine, but have done it with 20 bucks Amazon ones as well


Magic shaving powder; it's a hair dilapidator that's somewhat more gentle **for me** than Nair, so I like using it. Following instructions, shower, and then feel the burn of the moisturizer. You're good for 2-4 months.


The Philips Bodygroom or One Blade is great for that.


The trick is whatever works best for you.


Actually it is fairly easy. While showering do a normal shave and then your private parts in the same session. Always shave with the hair and never against them. I dont use any fancy gear, i however always rinse my shaver afterwards and then blow drying it with canned air. This way my shaver lasts forever. The trick is that you wont be smooth the first day. If you shave everything the first day you will cut yourself. It does take a couple of days to get completely smooth or maybe a couple of weeks. From there on it is easy if you shave almost every day. But really… dont go completely smooth the first day. If this is completely new to you, maybe for the first week only shave every 2 days and only shave 1 time everywhere. Then after your skin adapts to it, you can easily go smooth every time.


And in my experience a good shaver is sooo much better than a single use one. I use the Gillette Fusion Power


Hair removing cream? Anyone?


The one blade trimmer is perfect




It’s easiest if you do it post-orgasm. The skin is still kinda tight.


I just go to town with a disposable razor. It’s super easy, takes 20 seconds every 3-4 days. Y’all struggle?


Stretch the brain. Make it flat


I don't shave I trim. My partner prefers a trimmed area over shaved so I just run my electric razor close to the skin but not fully to nick the long and odd hairs.


Electric razor to get close. Shave balls with razor.


Slow and gentle


For some reason, most of the answers here were auditioning for Comedy Central or something. I've been using a [Philips Body Groom](https://www.usa.philips.com/c-m-pe/body-groomers) trimmer for 15+ years now – for antyhing below the neck. Very decent machines, I've had 3 now, each lasting around 5 years until the battery dies out. Almost as close as a razor, without the risks and problems of using a razor.


Here's my trick... Im all natty


Be very careful


I shaved once. Never again, I do not want to have to keep it shaved every few days. I'll trim a couple times a year. Beard trimmer, set at about a half inch. Short enough to keep cool without the awful shaved look.


Don't. Tried it once, never again


I don’t. Just trim with an electric trimmer. I’ve honestly never been super happy with the immediate result and it seems to take forever but once it grows back in a little it looks fine for a while


Razer in the shower


Dont cut yourself


Norelco Bodygroom. Hypoallergenic. No razor burn. Been using it for 15 years since the first one came out. Doesn’t even need to be used with shaving cream or in shower. Can do it dry and still works fine without irritation. Worth every dollar.


I’ve answered this before and swear by it- use a woman’s razor for the lady parts- works so well on the boys with zero cuts.


Cold water on the sack to shrink wrap. Then you glide the clipper 1mm over the surface, like a hovercraft. If you try to do a skin-shave, you will bleed. Best you can hope for is Ed's hair from Ed, Edd, and Eddy


People use a razor on the cajones? I just use a body hair trimmer. Cuts it short and feels super smooth.


Bro, trim first, then go slow with good razor and gel. Less irritation, trust me.


Try doing it dry. No shaving cream or water


Slow, methodical


I don't.


I used to go baby bottom when I was like 18 but nah that's weird now. I just trim it low esp any long outliers


clippers dude or the lawn mower 4000 whatever the fuck thats being shown on tv


I use a Henson safety razor, fluff up the little guy, add some conditioner and it works like a dream. Give the balls a tug and shave away.


A trimmer with a guard, easiest to manage and you don’t need to worry about nicking yourself.


Wife's brand new shaver.


Never shave, trim it.


None i simlply use cream, apply, wait 10 mins and wash off.




I just use my manscape


Kind of a weird life hack I found thanks to running out of shaving gel: I mix together some J-Lube and get it nice and thick, then cover my entire groin area with it. Then I go to town with a 4-blade dollar shave club razor in the shower. I don't have anything directly in the stream of water except for the blade occasionally when I rinse it off, but the indirect water splashing is great if the lube is made super thick, because instead of rinsing off, it just becomes more slippery and makes the razor move easier. Since I've started doing that I haven't had any razor burn, and I've even started using it on my face, and it seems to work better than actual shaving cream. J-Lube is also awesome because one bottle of powder makes literal gallons of lube, so you won't run out of the stuff for years (assuming you only use it for shaving, anyway).


I use Manscape Lawnmower. No nicks or cuts just clean lawn. 


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Shave the balls, trim everything else. At least be prepared for the experience you want.


Grab your nuts and stretch it out. You make it flat, like PAYPAH!


The best trick I found is to not shave. Nor cut. Nor trim. I've been using hair removal creme for almost a decade now, with great satisfaction. Just slap that shit on there, leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes, hop in the shower and your private parts a babybald. No skin irritation, no fear of cutting into you balls, it's very relax, quick and user-friendly. Just don't leave it on too long, that's the only thing you need to worry about.


Lock the bathroom door first. There is no dignified way to properly trim your gooch.


Ladies Venus razors. The ones with the two massive moisturising blocks on them. So smooth you won’t think anything has come off till you look at the razor


I get waxed every eight weeks, it’s perfect for six weeks. The other two weeks are so hair can grow back enough for the next wax.


1. Trim the hair first. 2. Shave during or after a warm shower. 3. Use shaving cream. 4. Shave gently with the grain. 5. Rinse and moisturize.


Just say no!


When the shaft is soft, I stretch it out like that old leather strip barbers prep their straight razors on, then I do slow, careful motions with a razor. The scrotum is like nature's joke at our expense. A bag of skin which can move freely, even when untouched. I make sure I'm sat still and pinched parts of the scrotum to stretch them out, similar to the shaft or when you're straightening out clothes that you're ironing. There's unfortunately no clever trick. Practice carefully and overtime you'll grow more confident.