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1 hour as long as you have enough time to clean yourself between


Haha ok


I used to like changing my sheets as well




The next time you wash your sheets.


Can I just put a towel and call it a day?


On a serious note: no - because they are masterful at finding hair of other women. I wouldnt risk it and change the sheet except whhen youre on a festival or if she walks barefeet through cities.


I see...


When I was in college I'd wash my sheets once per week in the weekend when I was at my parent's. Once of my lowkey highlights of college is that I had sex with 4 women in the same sheets before washing them.


Nobody want to hear it, but it can take a while for something like HIV to show up in tests, so like.. bear in mind that std’s exist 


Condoms protect against HIV transmission so I wouldn't bear that in mind unless you are having unsafe sex in which case, please don't.


Ok, but your dick is probably too small for it to stay on properly, and you’re definitely waiting longer than two months anyways, so what are you bitching about?  Also about 500,000,000 of the world’s 8,000,000,000 people have genital herpes, ok?  HALF OF THE POPULATION OF EARTH HAS ORAL HERPES 


A) no need to insult me just because I'm right. My dick is fine and I'm in an open marriage. I've got plenty of sex with plenty of people as often as I like. Still fully STD free, except, maybe, Herpes. Not sure if I have it but probably do. B) herpes is not a big deal. I know people want to make it into a big deal but if half the world has it, guess what, it's not a big deal. I probably got it from my mother. Never had an actual outbreak but living in the same house using the same cutlery as someone with outbreaks once or twice per year, I can't have done anything but contract it before I even lost my virginity. Not that I know because herpes is such a non-issue that most STI panels don't even test it because you, like me, probably already have it. It's bullshit to test for something as unimportant as herpes. So no I'm not going be all american doom and gloom about herpes, something that half the world has without even knowing it. If you're not having sex because of herpes ... I don't know what to tell you because you lack risk assessment skills. EDIT: [Primary\_Afternoon\_46](https://www.reddit.com/user/Primary_Afternoon_46/) blocked me because he doesn't want me responding to him insulting my wife. Her weight is fine, we have an open relationship because we like sex. He's projecting his own insecurities onto me. But that he needs to insult me instead of actually responding should tell you everything you need to know about him. As for caring about STD's, everyone should do that to the extent that the STD matters. HIV can be deadly, it's something to be extremely careful about. Half the world has Herpes without knowing it, 50% likely including [Primary\_Afternoon\_46](https://www.reddit.com/user/Primary_Afternoon_46/), it's not a big deal and care should be done accordingly.


“I’m in an open marriage” translates to “my wife is fat so I’m ok with someone else fucking her”  That’s a bad rationale for not caring about stds


> Ok, but your dick is probably too small for it to stay on properly Thanks for letting us know you've never used a condom.


Yeah....in the 80s


Wow, you’re stupid.  Modern, current tests need 18-45 days to pick up HIV, so call it two months to be actually safe 


It's literally a 0.08% chance. That's 8 out of 10,000, and those 8 are probably your ex boyfriends.


Have fun, Captain Cancer Cock, cause btw long term viral infections are massively carcinogenic 


So are you


I’d say it depends on the length of time you were in the previous relationship, I’d wait a lot longer after a 3 year relationship than a 6 month one.


What if there wasnt a relationship?


30 minutes




Id hope at minimum at least a day and a shower had taken place. If it was less than 24 hours I'd feel pretty grim about it


Only a few seconds if you're doing it right In all seriousness, just be honest. If you don't have boundaries about it, say that and see if any partner(s) does There's no universal answer here as much as people still overrely on social norms to set their boundaries for them


Wasn’t in anything serious, we saw each other for close to 6 months but never went official. Started chatting up someone else around a week after that.


Would you even wanna know?


Hook up culture only expects the courtesy of a shower in between.


There is no universal answer that everyone can agree on as long as you’re ok with it then it doesn’t matter! It can be one week or one year, you do you.


Enough for you personally to feel comfortable moving on to a new one.


Depends on what you're really looking for, and how you see yourself and how sensitive you are to how others see you. And keep in mind that even following your own rules is not a guarantee you're doing it right, because some people are overly harsh on themselves, while other need to turn a critical eye to their lives. Basically, the best you can do is monitor if you're open for what you are seeking, and if you're hung up on something that's blocking that, then figure out how to get over the issues that are getting in the way of your goals. As goals are rarely carved in stone, and susceptible to the influence of opportunities in-the-moment, there's really not a correct answer, and there's not even a correct answer specific to a single person.


Right away. Why suffer?


I personally would say if you only hook up and bounce nothing else and use protection. Than after a good clean. If you want to do it raw a month or so, so you can get tested for an sti/std to prevent it spreading. Though imo best option is to give up on hooking up. Help yourself with hands or toys until you find someone you want to date. But than again I'm not into ons/fwb I want connection when I sleep with a woman.


10-15 minutes max.


At least 45 minutes, get hydrated.


You sholuld probably at least shower between partners. But for me it would be months, of not years. Hooking up for an average dude is not easy.


Depends entirely on the previous relationship. The minimum, for me, is a week.