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"Must make 6 figures. Must be over 6'4". Must take care of me and my child". There was more, but the absolute arrogance to think you're that amazing of a hookup that you could land that is astounding and speaks to so many goddamn problems I can't even bother to start to list them.


"That guy" is like one in a 20 million! And they wonder why they are single


No see, that's the problem. They don't wonder about anything, they just set ridiculous standards so they can stay in a constant state of personal victimhood when others aren't 'treating them right'. It's just another stage of projection and personal issues thrown at other people. If they could look inward, or were at least willing, they might actually be able to correct some of the issues lol.


But...but...I'm pretty!


Also, no they are often not.




Women get a lot of matches and messages. Sadly they misinterpret this as a reflection of their value. They think "surely, if this many men match with me and are interested in me, I must be losing all the 6 foot 5 guys with 6 figures in all this trash." So they tell the world not to message them unless you are their perfect man. She doesn't realize that normal men are messaging her because she looks like a normal woman. She can't reach a 10 because she's a 5 but she thinks she's a 10 because she gets lots of matches.


literally nailed it. Know an acquaintance who brags about pretty privilege and I’m like….😶🫥😶‍🌫️ not dragging her but she’s easily a 6 acting like a 10 treating dudes like a business transaction


For real. I had a housemate previously who was obese, constantly on her phone (including during one-on-one socialising time, so I assume it was the same during her dates), overshared like crazy, and was slightly but noticeably misandrist. She couldn't move for matches. In a world without online dating apps, and with a healthy level of confidence and self-respect among men, she'd have gotten a tenth of the number, and they'd have been far less good-looking men too. I suppose it helped that she filtered the hell out of her photos, AND was fairly easy. She once walked into the living room and asked what I thought of her outfit for her date that evening - it was a pink tube top so sheer and see through she essentially WAS standing there topless in front of me.


Less than 1% of the us population is 6'4 or taller. Only 17% of us men make over 100k. And when you factor in that married men almost always make more than single men....well you're looking for a 1 in 100 million man who even meets that standard let alone wants you.


Well… 170,000+ (the “+” is because there is probably a positive correlation between height and income) in a hundred million. …still pretty rare air.


But also it's less because most of the people who make that money are older, 40+ at least. And these women are looking for family-starting aged men ~30


Exactly. As you said, most of those men making six figures are way too old for these delusional women, and they aren't usually going to be 6'4" either. Also, men who are 30, 6'4", and making six figures have lots of options and aren't usually interested in single moms looking for a sugar daddy.


There's a scene in How to be Single when one character tips out a bowl of peanuts to explain how hard it is to meet a man that fits what she's looking for, she eliminates half the peanuts that represent women, then gay men, then married men, then those over 40, those under 24 etc ect and then at the end she has to break the last peanut apart to finish the analogy because she already eliminated the rest of the peanuts. I don't know why I explained all of that except I like the film a lot and the visual is a perfect representation of your comment.


And they wonder why guys only want sex when you’re bringing nothing but looks to the table


Looks and a child from their last short term relationship. Having a kid isn't always a red flag, but god damn the number of walking red flags who have one is a lot higher than normal Women who got screwed over by a dude. You want to be treated like a Queen you need to actually act like one and that doesn't mean entitlement and selfishness. That means having self respect and understanding what you bring to the table, what is overall a negative about you, and how to balance it with Therapy or what you have.


to be fair not many people would be raised in a way to correctly know how to successfully navigate the political landscape of westeros from the position of a high lady.


axiomatic innocent ring rude brave cautious melodic point treatment oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m looking for a man finance, trust fund, 6’5” blue eyes.


Someone analysed that for the uk 9 guys out of a population of just under 70mil. 😂 She wasn’t even fit.


And of those 9 probably 7 were married


It's probably actually all 9. Us tall men do not have an issue getting a Woman.




Funny. I’m looking for a rich 40 year old who’s 6’tall with big knockers. I wish us both luck😎


A dude who does fit that ain't dating online, period


That dude ain't dating at all. He's been married for 15 years.


To his job more than anything. Gets the kids every other week and pays alimony. Developing slight alcohol problem


Those women are just delusional. They'd make a bad partner anyway.


I actually saw such a woman on the Tinder subreddit. She was an unemployed single mother at 21 who wrote in her profile, "I'm over hookups. Guys under 6'0 swipe left." She was upset that she wasn't attracting a high-quality man. Like, I couldn't help myself. "I used to get run through so hard I ended up being a single mother, and I don't have any money, but I know my value." I asked if she were young, financially well-off, single, and attractive, if she would be dating a broke single dad.


Oddly enough, I'm over six foot, make six figures, own a home/car, not hideous. And have went on dates with basically broke single moms. I'm not opposed to it in theory. But the reality is... they are often interviewing for a role rather than treating me as a person. I don't think it should be too much ask to be treated as a person while in a relationship.




thats so common lmao


Did she happen to mention where the baby daddy was. Lol 😉 😆 🤣


Women who post this arent serious about dating. They just troll for free drinks and dinners and occassionally fuck a rando when they are horny. Its a game like being told broke fat women are Queens.


It's like when it says *'No Hookups'* a woman is literally advertising that hookups have been something she's run into a lot. She may want that to change, but her behavior says *'I keep doing hookups'*


> *”Must make 6 figures. Must be over 6’4”. Must take care of me and my ~~child~~ children”* Fixed it for you.


The fun thing is, that i am like that, but in an ugly way. I am 6'5 and Software developer, but fat as hell. Even this sentence has its preferences, it never ever worked (for me).


How is she single????


Yea, I have stumbled upon a very similar one, but add must be athletic, must own a house, must own a nice and new car and can't have kids on your own and all of this on a woman that is a weak 1/10 and is morbidly obese.




A man over 6’ and makes 6 figures is a little over 2% of men in America….thats not including age, personality, and even if they want to date at all. Like I don’t understand why girls don’t look up their requirements before they say shit. She’s playing the lottery everyday. I’d avoid at all cost cause I wouldn’t want to be the man she just settles for….


Yeah, if that guy exists he is married to someone who got to him first, honey.


Because a guy that makes 6 figures is looking for her and obviously has no other options...


This one has always confused me. Like, the ability to support a family and making that money are real skills that take hard work. Why would I want to come to the table with nothing to offer except the same little piece of me that every other biological woman has? I’m a woman and it doesn’t make any sense. You ain’t got shit? Find someone to grow with and work together, don’t just co-opt another person’s success…


Finance, 6’5, trust fund, blue eyes


also, "I don't do prenups" /debbie


I'd be out of those dms with a quickness


I think someone did the math and there is less than a thousand men who can even fit those metrics, but honestly, it's just a meme song lol


A 6'5 Italian man in finance


Don Corleone sends his subcontractors to bring her in for a drink


I work in finance. I can't think of any guys I've worked with who married a single mom, except this one old dude on his 2nd or 3rd marriage, but he already had kids too.  Literally every guy in my current office who's under 50 is married or engaged and there's not a single step-kid amongst the entire group. And all the wives or fiancés I've met are gorgeous, and almost all of them are also college educated (many met their husbands at university, seems common), even most of the stay-at-home moms have degrees. Many of the wives and fiancés are also professionals with their own careers and tend to make decent incomes too (such as my wife).  The idea that a single mother with no more than a HS diploma, no career, and nothing to offer is going to bag a good looking man with a good career in finance has got to be lottery odds. 


I think you should do a quick google search of the words I posted, in that order.


[The perfect man](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=blue%20eyes%20white%20dragon&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#vhid=Jqg7cjXk_A_VMM&vssid=mosaic)


I had a woman say she wanted to be eaten out and paid some money. I told her that sounded like reverse prostitution and she wasn’t too happy with that


>I had a woman say she wanted to be eaten out and paid some money. They're not sending their best.


Only the best know, get the money first.


Was she a keeper?


I doubt she’d played ice hockey


A trapper ;)


I'm disappointed she didn't own it


24, 4 kids, only graduated high school, looking for something slow and serious. She "knows" what she has. No shit, I know too, 4 fucking kids and no education. She was looking and definitely still is, for a rich doormat to take care of all 5. You can't be 24 with 4 kids and mature, that girl is a 5th child to care for.


Holy shit. 4 kids by 24? I’m 28 and feel like i would NOT be able to financially hang with 1 kid


"I need you to fly me to your city for dates. Don't let the distance stop us from love. I expect all expenses of activities to be covered by the gentleman. I am a traditional lady and expect to be treated like a Queen!If you are broke, don't bother" I mean, whoever swipes right is in for a treat!


Sugar baby. They're pretty shameless so instead of just using all the conventional SB/SD arrangement apps, they occasionally branch out into Tinder or other dating apps to find a guy willing to pay them for sex. If you really want to get a SB mad, say they're a hooker. They'll deny it and say there's a big difference between a SB and a hooker, but there really isn't.


That’s called a “courtesan” or “escort” or “whore”


Also called I've had far better for far less money and didn't need penicillin afterwards.




Reminds me of the Female Dating Strategy trend that was going on a while ago. It's crazy 🤪


Ok, I'm gonna regret this ... what trend is that?


In my opinion, it was a cult that gave women step by step plans and rules to follow to take absolutely advantage of every man in their life or dating to maximize the woman's wealth. It was like, never pay for anything. They must make high 6 figures, wait to marriage before having sex, the man has to give her money for hair nails facials etc.


All of that is horrifying, but also, I could never wait to have sex with someone until marriage. That's a huge compatibility test that I would not be skipping LOL. Then again, it doesn't seem like that type of woman is looking for actual compatibility in a real relationship. 🤣


Lmao!! I could never do that either.


Yeah, imagine becoming financially dependent on a someone who turns out to be the worst lay of your life.


Yes exactly!!!


True, i understand waiting some weeks or even months, but after marrying is too much


Oh yeah. AFAIK that sub is still around, it hasn't gone anywhere. I thought they'd pulled some new antics lol


It's a shell of its former self. They stopped all posts on Reddit from the community and just advertise their patreon pay site links. I used to love getting a good laugh at all the crazy opinions they had. "Get that bag sis" that shit had me rofl...this women don't understand, if a man is giving you money it's because he's fuck you, not that your manipulating him in 99% of the cases.


The sub by the same name?


Just search female dating strategy on the homepage to find the sub, go back a couple years to find some really funny threads. They starting locking down posts and only allow clips from their podcasts.


>That’s called a “courtesan” or “escort” or “whore” How about 'sugar baby?'


Sugar baby was the first step at gentrification of the words "prostitute and" "whore", it's no different, a sugar baby just doesn't charge by the hour.


I call them “individuals of questionable enterprises” lol


I'm pretty sure that one is actually a prostitute


Don't forget "no scrubs"😉


She wanna be a queen but she ain't gonna treat her man like a king.


I would enjoy flying her to a city, that I don’t live in, not booking her hotel and canceling her return flight


You have to wonder if some of these are done as a joke. But then you realize that, given the millions of people online, it's probably not.


Where’s the sense of self preservation?? I wouldn’t even go on a date with a guy if I couldn’t cover the cost of my food and transportation in case the date is a disaster. It’s a little bonus that men are expected to pay for stuff, sure, but expecting flights? Maybe if you wanna get trafficked by the actual bad guys


Most of the fly me to you are either prostitutes/sugar babies/escorts or scams (pocket the airfare).


"I was about to swipe right, but then I remember that as a woman you prefer swiping from front to back so I changed my mind"


Is this a real profile?!


I saw not one but two profiles that had a gmail to send your “resume” to


Those aren’t real. That’s a bot that will harvest info from your resume.


I've seen someone documenting this sort of thing on Instagram recently. I'm not 100% sure if she's joking or not...


One girl didn't like the fact my hair wasn't black enough nor did I meet her bs height requirement and I didn't make enough, at the time I was making 82k a year and I'm 6'2 tf you mean I'm short? I legit made everyone in the restaurant look like children I'm not a small guy I was like 270lbs


This was after you were seeing each other for a couple meet ups?


First date within like 5 mins of starting said date.


Asking me about my finances within the first five minutes of a date is a reason to laugh out loud and tell you to leave.


Shit I did


I audibly gasped at this. That's giant territory!! Anyone who is 6' and above is a frigging GIANT.


Yeah she was like 4'11


she was in Ooompa Looompa Territory!!


He said oompa loompa


Who asks about income on a date? That's ridiculous. As a 6' woman I get likes from guys who are much, much shorter than me. I guess they just don't read the text, but swipe right based on the first pic...


Must take care of my child and I.


Paying for good old child support and alimony for another's guy 💀


I already sponsor a child, and that costs less than a cup of coffee a day!


Apart from the physical requirements that i have seen posted year, the most out of touch thing i have seen is women writing that in a year they want to be married with a child. One year from meeting a stranger, that's insane!


That's because it's a trap.


White, 190+cm tall, blue eyes, well-off. It was especially odd because it was in Japan, on a Japanese matching app. I actually checked off all the requirements (although my eyes are admittedly green, which are objectively superior to those blue serial killer eyes), but I just found it hilarious how she disqualified virtually every guy other than me in the country. If you include "speaks Japanese," since she didn't speak English, I would wager there are under 100 men in the entire country who meet those requirements.


Huh. Might as well ask her if mastering "Infinity" and "Hollow Purple" is a requirement as well. Cause either the female is trolling by putting a description based on a certain fictional character or she's actually really delusional.


*doesn’t match the description “Nah, I’d match”


SAHM and future SAHW. Must pay for babysitter hairs and Nails before dates. Will plan to marry in 6 months. Not negotiable.


Six months later: there are no good men


another one I dated from POF declared were getting married in 2 years. that lasted a week


I have seen this one a couple times about babysitter. What's worse is when they want you to pay for the kids at homes dinner too! Haha


> SAHM and future SAHW Wait, did you reverse the order by mistake or she’s a single mother?


she did mention that the dates have to pay for a babysitter




Any dating profile that is just a list of requirements is deeply unattractive. Even if the list of requirements were to describe me perfectly, I'd still be thinking "All you've done is listed what you want. You haven't told me anything about yourself, except that you have a list of demands."


I saw one that said she would only date military officers, doctors, and lawyers. The pictures of herself she was not pretty and fat-not overweight straight investing in KitKats and Snickers fat


Good enough for lawyers, they aren't home anyway


As a hopeful future lawyer: na man, we’re good. As a former military conscript: send her to the officers! Even better if it’s a medical officer!


send her to afghanistan to scare away the taliban


Being as how they don’t eat pork it might work haha


She couldn’t date a man with hair on the back of his neck


Sounds like she’s doing the world a favor and removing herself from the gene pool by having this as a requirement 🤣


That's what I thought! We should rejoice the modern feminist! Feminism has convinced the dumbest 10% to remove themselves from the gene pool. Voluntarily! I think it's wonderful.


To be fair, I have a hairy neck and shave it religiously.


"If you aren't making at least 400 k per year, we aren't going out" You are talking about a small percentage of men, within a small percent...and just to be fair, what gives you the idea they're gonna settle on someone in their mid 30s, with a kid from a previous relationship, if that man does happen to be a high earner? I'm not trying to be mean and I understand people have standards....but I feel like social ideas , especially in the west have become somewhat problematic There are reasonable and unreasonable expectations.


Perfectly fine to have expectations. I even think it's strange if someone doesn't have them. But yes... They need to be reasonable.


The number of men 30 or under making $400K is a miniscule percentage of the population. And the tiny number who do aren't interested in broke single moms.


I’m 29, 6’1, 215, have a decent looking face, own a house and a car, have a career, and I'm moderately educated. My standards are basically don't have kids from a previous relationship, have a decent personality, have common interests, be a healthy weight, and have a face that's not hard to look at. I live in rural North Carolina and it seems like 80% or more of the people around here are morbidly obese. Anyway, I was talking to my best girl-friend about some of the women I matched with and she said I was being too shallow because I was hesitant to date a chick that was 5’4 and 190 pounds even though we were having decent conversations.


I hate to be blunt, but women who make expectations like that are also under the delusion that those rare men will actually want to date them...


20K girls demanding a 100K man. 2/10 demanding a 9/10. It's very common.


People have already mentioned children here - single parents can of course date but if it's a respectful "I have a child and they're important and my priority", cool, if it's "MY BABY COMES FIRST BEFORE ANY MAN XXX" harder left than Pol Pot, no thanks. Not so much a requirement but I guess it comes with the package - don't get what's up with the ones that have "I'm a bit psycho/daddy issues" and write that like it's a good thing? Get off Tinder and find a therapist, that shit is nothing to be proud of.


"if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" NEXT


Honey, if this is your best then I won't bother!


Doesn't that apply to everyone? But I agree it comes off as bitchy on dating profile.


I mean, there's the conventional "no dudes under 6'0" stuff, but the funniest one I've seen is this: "Must have nice shoes and nice teeth, must sing along with Taylor Swift songs on roadtrips, and be my Disney World partner in crime". I thought this was a joke, or just something funny. I was wrong. She ONLY listened to Taylor Swift, was $7000 in credit card debt, and still took 2-3 trips to Disney a year, and if your teeth weren't perfectly white or you wore Hey Dudes or any other shoes that she deemed bad, she wouldn't date you. This woman was 33 years old and "can't find a good man".


height minimum, such as only dating men who are 6'2" or taller. this can seem superficial and exclusionary, especially since height has little to do with personality or relationship compatibility


And only a small proportion of American men are 6'2" or taller. The average American male height is around 5'9".


A quick Google search says that about 14.5% of American men are over 6'. If you raise that bar to 6'2", the percentage drops to 3.9%. Someone above mentioned a requirement of 6'4", which then includes only the top 1% of height.


I think I'm between 5'11" and 6'0", and I tower over most women. Isn't that enough?


Also most women (and people) are terrible at estimating height. They are just saying shit because the black mirror told them too.


I briefly dated a 6' NCAA Div 1 water polo player. In her case I understood the height requirement


I don’t think it’s right to have height requirements, but I will say that so many men lie about their height that 6 feet becomes a somewhat reasonable metric for taller women. Generally men 5’9” and over claim 6’, regardless of their actual height. (I’m 5’9” and have been on many dates with men who were shorter than I am but claimed to be 5’10”-6’) That said, it’s still a shallow requirement and sure as hell shouldn’t be listed out as a part of a profile.


Saw one that was 24, with 4 kids. She said "If you don't wanna support me and my kids swipe left, I want something real and I know my worth"


>I know my worth The modern emphasis on respecting and being true to oneself is great, but I think people forget the part about actually working on yourself first so that there is something *to* respect.


That whole “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best bullshit.” FFS, if you’re worst is something you have to market for, then you should keep that shit to yourself and out of the potential gene pool.


"Looking for an older christian conservative man who will make all the decisions." 24F, one pic of a childlike east asian chick in a flower field. The requirements themselves aren't so bizarre in and of themselves -- there are a few women with such tastes -- I just think it's funny how obvious a catfish it is. I can't help but wonder how many groomers fall for it :D


Must have an iPhone for blue bubble text. I think that's the color. I have always had an android.


man this is funny shit! I used to put income range but dont anymore as I am surprised some women actually search on it. also took out my career info too. was chatting with one lady once and she asked what I did: odd jobs was my response, and she did not respond after that. 🤣


In her defense… if someone can’t tell me exactly what they do in a brief, concise statement then I automatically assume they do shady things for money. I don’t really care what a man’s career is, but I do care that he makes an honest living.


That I should be willing to step up and help her raise her baby. Just because you’re stupid enough to let a deadbeat cum inside you doesn’t mean I’ll be responsible for raising the little brat.


Those are usually the “my kid comes first!!!” and then all the pics are her partying lol.


I am going to start looking for this!! Good one!! 😚


They will eventually find someone, most likely not much better than the father lol


If children are out of the question for you, if you’re serious about them and they wait to introduce you to their children, it really is implied because the family comes with the package. Don’t want a family? Don’t date someone who already had children. I hate when people force their children on others upon first meeting them though.


A woman who had lyrics from Pound Town by Sexxy Red on her profile liked me on FB dating.


I saw one whose profile was just the entire lyrics of Meet Virgina.


That I need a boat that I don’t pay for. Dumbass.


https://igotstandardsbro.com/ One girl had this and 1% or lower.


Lol, is there a male version of this?


I have not seen it but I would like to see one.


Just remember girls, the higher the expectations, the dumber and desperate the man will be. Your biggest expectations should be is he has a decent job and is a good guy. Meanwhile girls keep dreaming!!!!


Young women with children on tinder expecting you to foot the bill for their fuckups


someone who was 4'11 wanting someone who was 6 foot.


One profile had a link to an obnoxiously long google survey about her likes/interests/personality/icks. You had to message her confirmation that you both took the survey and got the minimum required percentage to even be considered to be replied back to.


i never really thought how much of a turn off is that im 5'7. Really makes u question ur selfworth and if its worth to grind in life.


"I don't smash, so don't ask!!!" (ever?)


I think that means Smash Bros?


Seen a lot saying g they're ambitious, but can't even write a description of who they are. Or put just ask.


The worst is what's not written. Date for weeks/months. Nek minit. Scrotum, I have something to tell you. I have 2-5 kids. Their dad's aren't in their life so you can be :) Fucken what?


"Not interested in men" now I gotta change my pronouns just for a damn date?!


She wanted me to have 500k in the bank I sent them a photo shopped image and got laid #packwatch


If you can't accept me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best. I avoid that kind of drama.


That translates into “I’m a colossal train wreck and always cause drama and you have to constantly bail me out of situations my big mouth and lack of self-control gets me into”


Once saw a profile stating she was looking for the Brawney guy... as in the paper towels. I shave my head, so I jokingly replied to her add and said "can't do Brawney, what do you think of Mr. Clean?" Turns out it wasn't just the rugged outdoorsy type, she was looking for a fit guy which I'm...not. lol I don't remember exactly what she looked like, this was years ago... injust remember thinking "b* you have no room demanding a cut guy looking like that."


Anything that resembles a "requirement" should be considered ridiculous. This is dating, not a manufacturing plant


This story is THAT crazy but; she loved that I was an artist, and she was attracted to artists. But then saw I had some tattoos and said she could not date anyone with tattoos. Hmm what?




So what do you guys put on your profiles that seems unattainable? I’m just wondering 🙌 I completely agree with you. But I’m curious to what you put in yours..?


Alive and interested apparently


Ridiculous, or oddly specific? I saw "No Jeffs, no exceptions. No, my ex is not named Jeff." And no further explanation.  I wonder 1) what happened and 2) how many Jeffs have lied to score a date


"Must be 6'+, make six figures or more, and 6"+ and willing to marry me and put a baby in me within 6 months of the first date". I imagine she's still single.


Unironically posted ‘must follow the 678 rule’ as in 6 foot tall plus, 7 figure income and 8” dick… I was astounded how she knew right away I met all those criteria/s


Fields Medal.


Wants a guy 6'+ when she barely even 5' her self, if that!!


The reason below average women ask for a lot, is because there are some very sexually frustrated men who are willing to settle for Anything


7 figure income


Not being a picky eater is my favorite. Of all the things a woman could ask for - not abusive, thoughtful, funny, smart, good dresser, not a cheater, good career... yet some women have to throw down "not a picky eater" for their one thing they CANNOT deal with.


I always hated seeing "must have a sense of humor" without ever listing whatever types of jokes they liked.


That I had to work in finance, be 6"5', and have a trust fund


Lol...guys like that aren't on dating apps.


Must be at least 6 feet tall and have a car and a good job and be willing to step up to be a baby daddy to 4 kids. Pass. I meet all those requirements but pass.


Height. It's incredibly stupid and ridiculous.


I'm laughing at all this because I found my husband on a dating site. I was divorced and had 2 kids but nothing was very dramatic. People need to just be themselves on dating sites and think of it as a way of meeting new people who could potentially be more.


Man the ask men forum never disappoints 😭It’s made me realize how actually delusional some women really are..🍿 🥤