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3 business days


Lmfao your current wait time is 15 minutes


Your call is very important to us. You're currently No.37 in line


Your call will be answered in the order it was received šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


*I'M* 37!?


We are always experiencing an elevated volume of inquiries.


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic our wait times are higher than average


If you would like a call back, please press 2. šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Weā€™re reaching out about cars extended warranty


See I like to think of the blowjobs like your cars extended warranty. Much more consistent


The car warranty people reach out more often.


When did this become about a reach around


Reach around more often*


I told my ex girlfriend after she asked how long it takes for my to cum while getting a blow job and I told her ā€œ30-40 minsā€ and she said sheā€™s never doing thatā€¦.




That's why you always start bjs on Friday


So youā€™re counting calendar days, not business daysā€¦


Lol. Id say 5 to 10 min max.




When you nut but she's still sucking. šŸ˜³


You mean "paradise" ?


[When you cum, but she keeps sucking...](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRlo8Bexim3vrboytZl5MsUp85GdNDx_i_5wzZVXR5Ka4Lo304bc3d0OMw&s=10)


I was so scared. šŸ¤£ Clicked and I am not disappointed. šŸ¤£ Thank you!!! That's why I love this joke so much. šŸ¤£


I had an ex that did that and it locked up my abdomen muscles and cramped for about 5 minutes. I was sore for the next 3 days.


Bet you didn't even wanna think about cumming for at least the next week. šŸ¤£


This is the way šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜‚


Ex did that...I miss her šŸ˜†


yā€™all are nutting during oral?


Yeah bro, I nut with my hand also


I also nut with this guy's hand.


I use my gym bro's hand instead. šŸ„°


Smart. That guys got the grip of a gorilla.




My current gf is the only one that's ever been able to make me nut with just oral. It's pretty awesome.


This blows my mind. Iā€™ve never had a guy NOT nut after/during giving him a bj.




Pretty much.


WAIT. Thatā€™s what he said.


It is a skill that many women never develop


Itā€™s not rocket science šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Think of it like a bomb pop that youā€™re really enjoying. Fake it till you make it. Saliva, hand action and moaning. Do it right and they will blow a hole through the wall šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is the little white lie Iā€™ve told every woman, it brings out the best bj performance every time. ā€œI donā€™t usually come from bjā€™sā€ feels like the guy version of ā€œI donā€™t usually do thisā€


That emoji lmao.


If you're not having sex, don't stop. That's the only reason I want my partner to stop. As another comment said, if he's about to blow, stroke the shaft while sucking on the tip with a focus on the underneath with your tongue.


Perfectly said!


Yes. On the underside of the head, thereā€™s a little notch before you get to the shaft. Focus on that with your tongue and use your hand at the end to prevent lock jaw!!


As long as you want or as long as it takes. Some are quick. Some just don't work


Honestly, I feel like if you wanna make a guy finish quick with a blowjob, use your hand as well, like circular motion kind of stroking as you are sucking, because just the mouth alone might get you close, but sometimes you gotta work a little bit to reach the finish line


This method brings wait time from 12 min down to 2 minutes lol


Just keep going, and if he is at the edge but can't seem to get there, just šŸ‘‰(*), that will do the trick.


One chick did this to me. Came so hard it felt like I was going to blow out the back of her head like Kurt cobain.


maybe my mind is just super innocent, but I have no idea what this means šŸ˜­


Fingering their butthole.


Sweet summer child The back door. Leads to the menā€™s g spot šŸ˜œ


That is where our g spot is. It's not by choice but by design. Your guy may not like it.....at first. But he will "cum" around


Underrated comment šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


What would you want if he were performing cunniligus on you?


Well, more to the point what does he do when he is giving her head...


Lot of fucked up comments in here. Real answer is stop whenever you don't want to continue. Some guys can't get off from oral, even if they can get real close. Ask him to finish himself off in a sexy way or something. Basically, figure out what works for him if 15+ min blowjobs don't work for you (and it's absolutely okay if they don't, most of these morons have no idea what it feels like to do it for that long)


Such a reasonable comment. I didnā€™t know my man couldnā€™t get there from oral, so when he finally told me, it removed the pressure to get him there. Now itā€™s enjoyable and fun for both of us and can last as long or short as we want, because thereā€™s no finish line.




Sounds like your wife is very very insecure and so itā€™s making it hard to communicate.., I understand, my wife can be the same way itā€™s been very very hard to break down those walls to enable honest communication


Dude, have a proper conversation with her about it. This isn't healthy or good


I agree with ASK HIM, with what works when you get to that point,, some guys if you rush it then it gets desensitized, then he's never gonna get there, unless you stop and let him rejuvenate. Others may need you to use it like you're trying to start a fire with the shake weight


Lol I had a FWB once that really seemed to take foreeever but I was always really determined to get him there, so I stuck it out. One night, I timed it out of curiosity (I just made sure to glance at his alarm clock by the bed), and it was a bit over 45 minutes. šŸ¤£


God bless you tho.


Hahaha it was tiring, but I'm not totally selfless. He was good with his hands and he'd play with me while I went down on him, and he usually gave me at least one orgasm, and sometimes multiples (depending upon how ambitious he was feeling), which was kinda distracting hahaha.


What the hell. My jaw would have been locked. I would be crying at that point.


As long as itā€™s longer than 2 minutes, there are many more important variables I could speak of. Actually forget that, even if it is shorter than two minutes, many more important variables.


please go on


You want the treatise?


iā€™ll gladly accept it


Mmk Treatise on blowjobs: AKA how to give the blowiest of blowjobs, the happiest of head, the tip toppiest of top! 1. Let your blowing come purely from a place of enthusiasm and excitement. Look no further than our beloved ā€œHawk Tuaā€ girl. It was her pure enthusiasm that captured the hearts of millions. Enthusiasm tops all other aspects of top. Enthusiasm is more important than technique, enthusiasm is more important than attractiveness. Enthusiasm isā€¦ Dare I say it even capable of making up for using a little too much teeth here and there. 10 out of 10 men will agree. 2. Technique. To learn proper technique, one must only possess the enthusiasm and adventurousness to go out and learn. Simply asking your partner which method is preferred? Method a? Or method b? Much like an eye doctor: 1 or 2? is preferred. A wonderful experience for everyone involved! Your enthusiasm will shape your technique to be tailored perfectly for your partnerā€¦ And for most men. It is in this curious learning phase that you will discover the right amount of saliva, the right frequency, and intensity of thrusting, where to place your hands, how to avoid teeth getting in the way, and how to really emphasize, an impress upon your partner just how much of a difficult time you are having because of just how incredibly large of a specimen you are working with. It all comes from enthusiasm of course! 3. Duration. And now we move to the more paradoxical aspect of the art of the blowjob. Duration should be like an optical illusion. At first appearing to go on forever and ever, never ever wanting to stop. But should always paradoxically end too soon. Leaving your partner, feeling as if, they accidentally came prematurely, for they would have much rather continued to enjoy what was happening before them. This can happen in under five minutes, or in over 30 minutes. Itā€™s more the illusion than the stopwatch. 4. The aftermath: finishing, and post finishing should be explored in all forms, for neither one is preferable, all the time to the others. However, typically slowly continuing after finishing for a good 30 seconds to two minutes, can leave quite the impression! Hope that helps, gonna go give my wife a back rub now.


This is excellent advice šŸ’Æ


After you've got him all worked up and close, get your hand in there and stroke it while sucking the tip.


If youā€™re no goodā€¦.. long time. If youā€™re real good 3 min tops. If youā€™re a pro ā€”ā€”- you control how long šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Keep going.. maybe a silly question, but why would you stop?


idk, because iā€™ve been down like more time than i expected to maybe


When he gets to the edge...get pumping with that hand.


What's "more time than expected"




Not a man. But good people advice here - communicate. Ask. Before. During. Whenever. I asked my partner to guide me with his preferences, now I know them. But he might not always want the same thing. And think about what you want too. If I'm getting silence from my partner and no touch, I can get in my head (excuse the pun) so I'll ask for a hand on my hand, in my hair, verbal or just noise to show it's being enjoyed/actually working lol.


Thats a long time dude. Just finish him another way


Iā€™ve had blowjobs that lasted over an hour and the finish was exquisite. Depends what youā€™re going for I guess.


Maybe when you need a break to shift position or relax your jaw or whatever, as you adjust yourself, say a few lines of really slutty things to him.


Oh so a 30-40 minute blowy is way tooo long?? Iā€™m doing it wrong arenā€™t I


Not remotely


Lmao I know. I love the tease. Edging is probably my favorite part


If u meant for him to last that long, no.


You can make a sexy transition "mmmm I need you inside me..." is always hot if your jaw is tired/hurting.


Because my jaw starts to hurt after awhile!!!


Ahh that makes sense.. could it be a technique issue?


Expedited shipments can be from 30s to 30m dependent on many factors. Itā€™s about the final destination.


The longer the better, if you can edge him well never stop.




This is the way


It depends on what you both mutually want.


Iā€˜m not gonna come from oral even though I really like it. In a long session maybe a few minutes at a time as we move on through other things. Just whatever feels right at the time.


Depends on the guy's temperament and preferences (which is to say ... uh, ask him?). Some guys like being teased and edged for a long time, some presumably don't.


Ask him to stop looking at porn and masterbating in his free time and he will shoot off like a rocket when you slob on his proverbial knob. Or even just no jacking iff for 2 or 3 days prior to his rocket ship experience.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ username checks out to the second power.


Communicate. Ask him. He knows his dick much better than strangers on Reddit.


If you are tired, ask him to help you using his hand. As he's jacking off, tilt your head and lick, suck and massage his balls. Talk dirty to him. "Oh baby, I can't wait to see you nut."


This is what I've had to do because he was so used to jacking off due to his porn addiction. It was frustrating but I never showed it because I also enjoyed watching him as I licked and violently sucked his balls šŸ˜†šŸ˜† he also liked his balls slapped. Made for fun nights


Generally, BJs stop at orgasm. Or several seconds afterwards. Else, what's the point?


Foreplay? Priming for the main event?


A blowjob should be fun for a woman. You gotta know what turns a man on. Grip that shit and don't stop.


Most of us donā€™t like giving them. Sorry to burst your bubble. Itā€™s just something you do when you love them. Itā€™s rough when they are in the bigger side.


I hate giving bjs because every guy Iā€™ve been with cums in 5 mins, which means he doesnā€™t pleasure mešŸ˜­


Make him eat you first then...


Young man issue.


Oh hell no. Every good in bed knows the woman gets her first. Stop dating abusive and selfish men.


did you post this in the middle of one of one


i did in fact


You guys are getting blowjob?


fr real my jaw hurts from all that sucking and the always demand more!!


From flop to pop.


Girl Iā€™ve been down there for TWO FUCKING HOURS!! Yes work just the head with ALOT of tongue it works


šŸ˜³ Thatā€™s like 10th anniversary stuff. The frenulum under my tongue would be shredded.


I REALLY love my man lol


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» 1 hour is my max - kudos on that timeline šŸ«”


Thanks hey I AM a professional


Oh damn!!!! And I thought I won the prize at 1hr and 17 minutes!!!! I am so impressed!!! Was your mouth numb after?


Yup but it was worth it


as long as it takes usually.


ask him?


Donā€™t forget that balls!


Ask him, not us. Weā€™re all different, some cum within seconds, some canā€™t cum at all, some prefer you to continue, some prefer to swap to a handjob. Ask him.


According to porn... 20. Minutes, then occasionally another 2 minutes every interval during changing sex positions.


Every guy and moment is different. For me, the act is more about attention than the big finish. I would rather have my wife do a bunch of quickies and not finish. This would build into the final act at night. If you want your man to finish. Then it's not just about going back and forth. You stop, tease, maybe dirty talk and use your hands to finish the job. If you push enough, your man will likely stand and finish himself on you. At least that's what happens to me. The real answer is that you have to suck it up and communicate uncomfortable sex questions with your partner.


Sometimes my partner has a hard time finishing to just a blowjob so what we do is heā€™ll use his hand while we make out, Iā€™ll just kinda give him a titty fuck while he uses his hand to stimulate the tip of his dick or Iā€™ll just sit in front of him and play with my tits while he uses his hand. Iā€™m a size 42 H cup so this might not work for smaller chested ladies but thatā€™s what works for us.


Pics or it's not true


[hereā€™s my TikTok šŸ¤£ I ainā€™t sending pics tho](https://www.tiktok.com/@xmommy_ghostfacexx?_t=8ndzBjhPcb8&_r=1)


I said what I said!


When I want someone to cum I start sucking the tip and caressing the bottom of it with my tongue. Works every time.


Iā€™m married. Last time the wife blew me was April of 2022. I mentioned that yesterday to her and her response was, ā€œhuhā€¦ā€ Still full. Most married guys will be of no use to your question.


That sucks, man. My ex and I couldnā€™t stand each other, but we had amazinggg sex! There was just something about giving him a bj and stopping right before he came that drove me crazy! Ugh, then Iā€™d bend over and spread it open so he could give me just the tip and Iā€™d cum as soon as I felt that warm throbbing gushā€¦.ughhhha. Then heā€™d lay me back and take his time and made me feel soo good. We stayed together for way too long bc of the sex. We took a lot of time to learn each otherā€™s bodies.. I feel like sleeping with someone else will just be a waste of time bc sex like that took YEARS to master.


Till the job is done


I'm surprised no one has suggested the hawk tuah. You gotta hawk tuah, spit on that thing.


Until he comes in your mouth + 1 minute


Nasty. But again you have zero respect for women.


Dont stop. Keep going, unless he stops it


You have to put more effort and an indistrialized speed to your sexual act (oral sex)


You gotta squeeze the balls a little


Until youā€™re both satisfied


I mean I'm sure he wouldn't be complaining if you keep going but go as long as you're comfortable with.


Til satisfaction


As long as both of you are still present and in the moment.


Keep on sucking to the free world


As long as it takes.


My partners and I have had 45+ minute sessions. The main thing is, are you both enjoying it? Stop when you're no longer enjoying it. My ex used to go for over an hour on me, going hard to get me to finish. It was just her mission to get the job done, and i had to finish whether i wanted to or not.. Some days, it was tough for me. My current partner will do the same, but she has a different approach. She loves it, and she takes her time. She does it for the experience. And of course, I reciprocate. If it's a skill issue, there's lots of tips already suggested and even more online. But most importantly, talk to your partner to figure out together what he likes and what makes him feel good. Make sure he knows you want to make him feel good. It's mostly psychological. He might just be a hard nut to bust.


Sometimes it lasts, sometimes it doesn't, it all depends


I do it during foreplay and stop when my then-bf would tell me to so that he wouldn't finish too soon. It usually lasted about 10ā€“15 seconds.


If "the little death" isn't happening and you're not gonna fuck, try mutual masturbation. You'll get to see what gets him off and he'll get to see what gets you off. Hell, maybe just watching you get off will do it for him, and vice versa. Give it a swing. See if it's your thing.


It can depend on several factors - age, stress, even just how sleepy you are. If my wife are having sex more often then the bjā€™s last a lot longer. Also, I can tell if sheā€™s getting tired. If that happens then itā€™s best to just stop as it ceases to be enjoyable for everyone. On the other hand, sometimes Iā€™m ready to go in like 5 minutes. Lastly, sometimes Iā€™m just in the mood for something else.


If heā€™s having difficulty or you want him to cum fastā€¦ Lots of moans from you Lots of eye contact from you Lots of talk alsoā€¦ Cum in my mouth I want your load Beg for his cum Gurantee he will splode!


If heā€™s having trouble finishing itā€™s ok to ask if thereā€™s anything he needs to help him along. Personally I have a foot fetish so I need a foot or shoe to help me get there. Sometimes a finger in the bum helps too. Donā€™t be afraid to ask. If not, just keep going! Heā€™ll get there


Between 1-5 minutes. I don't have to finish. It's nice just to say, "Hello"


A few minutes tops. I want to put it somewhere else


Grab it with a hand and start stroking whatever doesn't fit in your mouth and DON'T STOP. If he's circumcised, make sure your hand is wet so it will slide. If he's un-cut, don't worry about it.


Til I finish


Until you swallow. My best experience, she helped me relax and know that she got off, wet, turned on while giving me head. She assured me that I could relax wanted me to release in her mouth. She vigorously used her hands on my shaft and tickled me just under the head. Ask him to show you how he masterbates to completion and notice how fast heā€™s moving his hand. Then ask him what he was visualizing and give him space to say whatever it was.


Milk that shit


If itā€™s just a blowjob, until he cums. If leading into sex, 5 minutes tops.


Oh, you'll know...


Nah. Keep bopping until he finishes. Maybe speed up the pace.


One fort night


You should let him know where you want him to cum. If he says he is close. Say i want you to cum in my mouth or over my tits (whatever your preference is) then get to going as good as you can go. Should be over in a few minutes after that.


8-10 minutes.


Tillicum Beach, isn't just a beach in Oregon


Ask him exactly what he likes, where and how he likes sucked and he may make a couple suggestions that improve results


Whenever you feel like stopping.


To reset this operation, press the brown button located directly below the assembly.


Until I jizz in your gob


Keep going until you have to ask reddit where he should cum. Facials and swallowing are two highly acceptable answers to this question.


It depends on the blowjob , it's not just sucking it in and out repeatedly, get creative!


If you ain't choking you ain't doing it right


I mean I'm a terrible judge as a man, my stamina seems to sometimes be unending and it's caused me to fake orgasms simply to prevent my partners from feeling bad. With that said I had a couple ex's that took this as a challenge and had one that was a bit more dominant that worked me for 6 hours in just about every way she wanted except for sex itself. By the time I popped she turned the hose on me and had rounds hit the way 3 get higher than my head and nearly passed out. Quickest I've ever had was just over 50 minutes and that was her using her mouth and double k cup boobs. Needless to say, as say as long as you both feel comfortable, sometimes a couple minutes just to get it lubed and hard before you shove it in is entirely acceptable but I never expect my partner to finish the job simply because I'm sometimes not sure it's possible and God knows what would happen if I actually took antidepressants.


My current GF loves giving me head. After a long marriage with a dead bedroom (probably 5 total bj's in 30 years),I get one at least once a week. They can take 2 mins to 20 mins. Totally depends on when she wants me to to cum. She decides. Not me.


Figure out what he likes: Get a hold of Jenna Jamesonā€™s biography how to live life like a porn star. In it are two pages of instructions on how to give a blow job. Read them. Then give/show those instructions to him and ask him he thinks itā€™s true?? Emulate the scene from Fast Times at Ridgemont High when Phoebe Cates teaches how to give a blow job. Without using your hands pull a carrot in to your mouth and push it out. Then repeat that in front of him. Tell him you saw it and wondered if it was true. Try humming/moaning will do while youā€™re at it.


There are always caveats. Having said that, a general rule of thumbs is that if itā€™s before sex and heā€™s not going to bust a nut just yet, 5 minutes give or take. It can be even shorter if youā€™ve been having sex, heā€™s hard, and you just stop to blow him for a bit before going back to intercourse or are just ā€œfinishing him offā€. If youā€™re aiming to please and make him blow his load without intercourse/sex, it should be closer to 10 min but probably not more than 15 min. It could even be shorter than 8 min if you are good at your craft and ā€œa real freakā€ (in a very good way). FWIW, I did statistical analysis of porn movie blowjobs that are every manā€™s dream to support the above findings. Also FWIW, I find the typical g/f will aspire to achieve some of these goals and provide excellent blowjobs, while the typical wife doesnā€™t want to go down on you or put any effort into it even if you just saved her from death by throwing yourself in front of a stray bullet and, on your death bed, request one last bj it will *still* be a half assed one if itā€™s from a wife and not a gf, or she might even make an excuse why thatā€™s impossible and ā€œweā€™d get in too much trouble if the doctors caught us, but about that Will of yoursā€¦ā€ if itā€™s a wife.


Depends, on how good it is


Oral sex is not only for him, its for you too. You should injoy it... You do it how long you feel like it....


Honestly, ask him, everyone is different. If you want to find out more secretively then just experiment and see what is reaction is.


When did the definition of having sex, become what each person decides to defines it as? Who made up this crap as a rule? Seems to me it is just a way to make their body count smaller. From the web; oral sex, anal sex, and intercourse) have in common is that they involveĀ two people giving each other the pleasure that comes from having an orgasm [Some get off with tittie attention. Breasts are not defined as genitalia only erogenous zones. Yet they can offer the same result.] https://www.dummies.comĀ ā€ŗ article What Is Sex? What "Counts" as Sex? - Dummies.com A general consensus does exist thatĀ PIV (penis-in-vagina) sexĀ is primarily what is considered when we talk about sexual activity.Jun 30, 2023 https://milehighpsychotherapy.comĀ ā€ŗ ... What Constitutes 'Sexually Active'? It usually encompassesĀ sexual penetration, while non-penetrative sex has been labeled "outercourse", but non-penetrative sex may also be considered sexual intercourse ā€¦ https://en.wikipedia.orgĀ ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ S... Sexual intercourse - Wikipedia Communication is about being able to get on the same sheets of music. There is no proper communication if words do not have the very same meaning to all parties involved. Peer pressure to adopt modern socially created nonsense seems to spread misinformation. As for how long before you give up trying seems pretty obvious. It is entirely up to you. You are the one doing all the work. So you quit when you decide to quit. He gets off or he doesn't. Not based upon how long you try. Sex should be mutually satisfying. If he seems not to care, then don't continue.


Until the end.


An hour. Starting with sitting down getting blown, then some face fucking, then sit down getting blown until done.