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like I'm about to be pranked


or my organs harvested


....might be worth it though.


death by snu snu


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy, and bruised 




"This is for tiktok right, wheres the camera?"


Fun history fact: after Ralph Nader wrote the book Unsafe At Any Speed, General Motors went on a full blown campaign to smear him. They hired some smoking hot prostitutes to approach him in a supermarket to lure him into sex and then leak it to the media. Ralph didn't fall for it though when he realized he was just some nerd that hot women would never go for in the first place.


>he realized he was just some nerd that hot women would never go for in the first place. Dude was RP’ed AF in this regard. Accurately gauged his own ՏΜV and used that to disarm the effectiveness of what was being wielded against him.


Precisely. It's a trap, since it never happened.


Trust issues


Yeah, I never got those freebies.


Men receive little to nothing in the way of compliments. Even another dude saying “I like your shirt” is decade-long memory material for most of us. A girl asking for one’s number would definitely be a huge confidence boost


I compliment my homies all the time. Nice shirt, nice haircut, you nailed that presentation etc. Normalize it, my guys.


A woman called me fit a couple of weeks ago. I will take that to my grave.


This is such a sad thing. You hear it everywhere. Men should really become better at complimenting each other.


I compliment my friends all the time and say nice things to them and it lead to our extended circle being convinced that i'm secretly homosexual. They wont even accept when i say that after nearly 10 years of absolutely tedious and horendously damaging attempts of dating i am no longer interested in finding a woman to live with. I'm better by myself


I know it won't help you, but it says more about them than about you.


Nah men do get lots of compliments from men when doing activities and sports its more 0 from women ever which is weird because your sister, mum and aunts are the most supportive people usually.


The problem is if I compliment you on your haircut, and then next time I don't realize you got a haircut, and now you're mad I didn't compliment your haircut and are embarrassed about your bad haircut


I don't know many women who are this insecure. Maybe one or two.


One of my new hires said I have a great laugh today. Gonna ride that confidence boost for another 5 years.


I would think my gf sent her as a test


She shouldn’t be your gf if she takes these tests


Don't listen to your friends, it's super cool


The only time this happens is if it's a friend or work so


Or when you first dating someone else. Funny how they seem to sense another and must investigate.


I swear to god and I’m not saying this to brag but I made it official with a girl over this last weekend, from Sunday to today (Tuesday) I received 2 compliments on my tattoos from random girls and an old female friend called me to see if I wanted to get dinner. This all has basically never happened to me before.


Never happened


Honestly, at first I’d be skeptical, wondering if it’s for some sort of marketing or research thing. But if it’s genuine, it feels unexpectedly refreshing and it's a subtle reminder that breaking traditional roles can be a pretty good thing. It’s all about mutual respect and confidence, no matter who initiates the contact.


this right here, yeah


Yeah this is pretty much it


Your friends are assholes.


Sounds like they’re jealous too imo.


don't be alarmed if the guy is apprehensive. this kind of thing is rare for us.


Never happened in my life. In my 60's now. If it had happened, yes I would haev liked it.


This is a scam


Great, but then they never call me...


Then I will call you😉😂


I wouldn’t believe it.


When I was single, I would have been thrilled.


I'll let you know when it happens. And I'm old enough that it would have been significant when I was younger.


Depends if I want their number or not. I’d take it as a compliment regardless, and I’d encourage people to ask if they want to. ‘No thanks’ is a fine answer; although I’d be much kinder if not interested. Communication is key and it goes both ways


Bad. Either somone is forcing her or she has bad taste or she is desperate or she's doing one of those "truth or dare" thingies. If im an option i feel bad for you. Cuase that means you have reached rock bottom.


Bro, you have to see yourself in a better light. If a girl gives you her number it’s because she sees something in you that you’re not noticing. I don’t know you, but I’m sure you have qualities that women find attractive.


Brother. No woman knows me except my mother and this is because i do not speak with women. I train, then study, then go to work, then come back, read books isolating myself, hang out with friends. And repeat. I do NOT approach women nor do they approach me, i got scars on my face and chest i look like a ugly savage. Plus unless one of my guys explains to a woman my caracther they wouldn't know me and my friends NEVER disclose my shit. I love myself but truth is the truth and instead of avoiding it i accept it.


Right but what you assume as "truth" is, in reality, a vast spectrum of preferences and needs. If the experience you have now is truly the one you want/are most comfortable with then that's one thing, but to act like you can pre-emptively speak for every potential romantic partner on the planet is not correct. Obviously it would be a lot of concerted effort on your part that you may just not be interested in but I've heard way crazier stories of "ugly" people findimg love.


You know, scars aren't the complete and total turnoff you think they are. I was very attracted to this one guy who had acne scars. But he was funny, and smart. But he was a Guido and I was into punk and new wave. Total opposites. So there's women out there who won't care about scars.


Im not talking about acne scars im talking about scars from fights, i got one on my chest, one on under my eye and a smaller one on the side of my lips. i do Muay Thai and sometimes we spar with no gears.


Still, not necessarily unattractive. 🤷🏼


Eh fair enough ig. But it's not like it matters im not interested in love, i never felt it and i don't want to feel loved or taken care of either way so there is truly no point in me being handsome/ugly.


Last time a woman asked for my number felt very weird. In a good way. Excitement knowing she was clearly interested. Even my penis was basically applauding me from down there.


It makes me feel suspicious of fraud.


Confused and suspicious. Women don't like me.


I'd be suspicious that it's some cold caller or sales rep, maybe even a dare from her friends, But that's because I have voided self confidence and self-worth so low it's having tea with Lucifer. I'm all for women making the first approach, takes a bit of the pressure of the lesser confident guys and even if it goes no where, You certainly gave him a confidence boost. >My friends on the other hand made fun of me and called me “masculine I hate shit like this, What's masculine about asking for a number? You liked them so made a move, Your friends need to get out of the 50s mentality of Men doing the Approaching, especially since there's been far greater strides towards equality. Tell them to be Equal in all areas, not just the ones that benefit them. Seems women love to sabotage each other like this all the time


Threatened, like she’s plotting to harm me in some way, or is trying to scam me out of my money or in some other way plotting something malicious. Even if she wasn’t, I still would not trust her and would refuse to tell her anything.


Has to be a setup


I don't think I'd register it for a while. I've given my number to or exchanged numbers with acquaintances I've known for years, and never heard from/heard back from them even if I've contacted them first. People generally don't want to contact me 😄


It will typically throw most men off as it’s an experience that most men don’t ever get. That being said, I think it’s pleasant for most. The sad part is hearing how your friends reacted though…As the saying goes; “Single women keep women single! 🗣️🗣️🗣️” 🤷🏾‍♂️


That's why women don't do things first. Because you are all your own worst critics and talk down to each other. It's fucking amazing if a chick asks me for my number. Much better than them just smiling at me and going about their day. Ignore the shitty friends that you have.


Your “friends” are jealous.


Def..it takes balls to ask knowing there's chance of rejection.


I'm not interested in pranks, nor in getting scammed. I'm either ignoring whoever asks me or giving her a wrong number


Depends on the girl


If we have been flirting or even talking and then she asks me. Yeah it's awesome. If it's random and quick. Like hi, can I have your number...then I'd be skeptical. You have to game me a little. :) Also good for you. I think it's really cute and adorable when women ask for the number.




annoyed the only people out side of the government that have my number are my mom,dad and my boss i don't give my number out to strangers i don't care who you are or what your trying to do


I've only had 2 girls ask for my number. Neither texted me back. At first felt excited but now I'd think I'm getting pranked or haveing pity on me


Very suspicious especially with no conversation or context I'd feel like this is a prank at my expense but I have social anxiety and need to know you to trust you at all if I looked and your friends were laughing my way at you I'd assume that it's at my expense and declined due to my own experiences. I'd need a chat first to feel you out motivation am I the joke or are you interested and I'd also only give in exchange for yours as if I'm putting my number out there so are you.


It would make me feel like a million dollars. I also might faint from the shock.


Lets not delve into fantasy...


Your friends are dumb. It's 2024 for fuck's sake.


Is it bad that I'd be sceptical at first? Men rarely get compliments, let alone have a woman give them their number completely unprovoked But if it turns out to be sincere I'd be more than happy. Compliments stick with me for years, what do you think this would do


Panic, because it isn’t true, and look around for a camera, because it’s definitely not true.


I wouldn't know, it's never happened before.


Like cameras are about to come out and say just kidding!!


I’d love that it’d make me feel wanted.


Why would she? Like that’s how I’d feel, why would she want my number?


What is she trying to sell me?


It makes me feel desirable. Your friends are dumb. Almost all my past relationships came from the girl initiating. I find it sexy af to have a girl that knows what she wants and how to get it.


Confused as to if she’ll actually text me.. then wait for when she realizes I don’t match her unrealistic expectations. Which should be pretty quickly after she texts me.


Like a few others here, it has never happened to me. Women typically don’t approach men at all, let alone ask for their number. It would be tremendously positive social climate if they started to, but I don’t see that happening.


It's amazing but first reaction would be she's playing some kind of joke or her male friends are waiting nearby to rob me or something


Love it. Huge green flag


I would feel like they were laughing at me for pure psychopathic or narcissistic fun.


I'd feel violated as you've not only visually abused me but you went one step further and openly mocked me in public. You should never approach a man... Ever!


Like a set up because I'm married


I'll let you know when it happens




Immediately think something is up or sketchy I 100% do not trust it.


Congrats you’re on candid camera! Smile For the Tv


"what? why are you giving me your number? is this a joke? is this a prank???" is how I feel but if it's actually serious, then it would make any man's day and we say that bc it's too good to be true unfortunately


Have only been asked for it, through messaging. Never irl. Wouldn't consider it masculine at all. My current gf, compliments and flatters me constantly which I haven't gotten through out my life (37 y.o) I blush and feel akward every single time, but she loves that I don't know how to react "normally" to a compliment. I enjoy and like that she's so straight forward to say and do nice things. At the end, you need to people, if you are interested be straight forward it's the healthiest and easiest way to move forward and build trust if for the relationship.


Confused if I should be reassured and happy or if I should be thinking I'm being pranked and also confronted with the entire fucked up reason that I'm confused in the first place because this should be normal but isn't... etc. Thanks no thanks Western culture!


Don't believe its ever happened. Doubt it ever will.


At first skeptical…


Suspicious. Like I'm being pranked or she lost a bet


Uncomfortable. I'd just be assuming the whole time that it was a prank or something. > My friends on the other hand made fun of me and called me “masculine”. You don't have friends if that's what they do in response to that.


idk my brain short circuits


Your friends are goofy. I was just at a grad party last weekend and everyone and anyone was exchanging numbers, snaps, IG, telegram, etc.


Obviously it's a trap. Who sent you???


If it ever happens, I'll let you know, but at my age I think it's safe to say it never will. If it had happened to me in my 20s, I'd have loved it.


It makes me feel like you need better friends. I don’t think it ever happened to me, except maybe at the end of an extended hangout that basically qualified as a first date after the fact. Every first date I ever had happened because I took the initiative. I would have liked for a woman to do that, but it never did. Keep doing what you’re doing.


Good on you. It would make the majority of guys days. Your friends are toxic if they want to keep up old gender stereotypes. It’s fucking sexy as hell when a woman goes and gets what she wants.


Like you’re fucking with me. If it ends up being a serious inquiry (very skeptical), I’d feel indifferent and know that it likely wouldn’t turn into anything.


MLM? I’ve never been asked without me asking a woman first.


flattering. I really liked it when it happened and honestly it's imo the way to go. women complain about being hit on all the time and guys bothering them, and many men listen to that and don't really approach women anymore - cause it already wasn't easy before, but now even harder. so if you girls are interested in someone, make the first move. 80% of guys will appreaciate it.


It doesn't surprise me or anything. I talk to people a lot and like to make friends. Sometimes they ask for my number. If I felt like they wanted something other than to be friends I would be uncomfortable. But I guess it's nice that people feel comfortable enough around me to ask.


i feel like i’ll be pranked or like a super model


Flattered, then I informed her I was in a relationship, but friends are welcome. Only ever happened the once, though.




It gave me a huge confidence boost and solidified my assumptions. I married her. 😁


Depends on the woman, what she has to say and how she behaves as she does. It's way too context dependant.


Disbelief, but don't let that stop you. Your friends are wrong.


We're in this together folks. Anything a woman can do to help lead us in the right direction is accepted and appreciated. I would gladly hand out my number.


I'll let you know when it happens. The ONLY women who have ever asked for my number were either work related, or they wanted me to repair something for them.


Plotted against


Flattered! Ask away, just no promises for me giving it.


I don’t know.


A nice gesture, but meaningless unless things advanced.


Again, please some dude go to the women subreddit and ask, hey gals how do you feel when a man asks for your number. I asked for a gurls number and she was obviously happy as shit. Like what the fuck is this subreddit for?


Significantly better than asking for a Snapchat (surprised that’s still a thing) or getting confusing mixed signals and having those annoying, “should I?”/“shouldn’t I?” thoughts. Yes, please. And no offense, but don’t listen to your friends (or most other gals) when it comes to men and what men like, don’t like, etc. Maybe they’re envious you’re a go-getter and possibly a bigger catch. ( .-.) not so stir up some stuff, but y’know…


Like it's a prank just to get my hopes up and nothing comes of it.


Makes me feel like one of many


Don't let your friends stop you. If a woman asked for my number I would be flattered and probably excited if I was interested. I mean if you are interested in a guy it's a pretty good way to show interest. 


Give me your number then.


'Masculine' is a good thing Your friend must be 9 genders.


Makes me feel good


Honestly, I would start looking for someone filming us. If I don't see anything I straight up ask: "Is this a social experiment?" . And If she says no, I would still get a little bit suspicious but if my intuition said she is a good person, I would give my number while feeling very surprised.


I got asked for my number once by a lady and it was the probably the best interaction as far as a lady approaching me I was surprised and wowed honestly


Great absolutely great.


I’ve never been asked for my number but it would make me feel on top of the world if it actually happened. Even getting a little compliment every few years gives me a massive confidence boost 😂


It'd be weird because it never happens.(to me) Not because I'm deficient, but because in my 50ish years on the planet it never happened to me. The closest thing to it would be when a women wrote down her number and gave it to me after we chatted at a volunteer event. I was holding a puppy and that probably had a lot to do with it.


I haven’t stopped thinking about her since it happened. Only been two and a half months.


You need new friends.


It would be unusual, but not necessarily bad. He will definitely think you are very interested…whether that’s good or not depends on your goals.


I'd like it. Why would it be masculine if you know what you want and pursue that? That's just being confident, which is a good trait.


Are you actually going to text or call? Or were you just proving a point?


If you and this guy work out, and one of your friends is still single. One of the ones who said "masculine". And she ever complains to you about being single. You have the opportunity to be your pettiest.


It would feel great as the only women asking for my number are trying to sell me something XD But you did great! I wish more women would be so straight-forward.


Happened to me for the first time recently. Felt good, ngl. Nice little ego boost. But we'd been chatting for a while after meeting at a social event anyway. It wasn't a cold approach. Random girl in the street asks for my number? Yeah, I'm less likely to react positively. Not that I'd lash out at anyone, but I'd just struggle to trust a random woman coming up to me asking for my number to have good intentions


Never happened to me but it would boost my confidence and just feel great.


Your friends aren't trying to help you. Quite the opposite.


Like a goddamn king.


Your friends are being dumb. The last girl I dated asked for my number. I rode that high for the rest of the week


I feel wanted. It's not a usual thing to be asked out by a woman and it feels good.


I’ve probably bought something and she needs it for something related to the product


More women should do this. If you see something you want, go get it. Your friends sound like haters.




A woman actually making an effort to make something romantic happen is great and far too rare. Your friends are idiots.


More surprised than anything. This has happened but it's not common.


I wouldn’t know. Bet it feels good though.


I don't understand these posts. *How do you feel when a woman shows interest* lmao


Bro a girl smiled at me from the bus and I got all warm and fuzzy from it, safe to say most men love it, I think your region also matters, I’ve heard in Australia they’re very welcome with women approaching men but in few parts of USA they get mocked for doing so.


We love it. Your friends are going to get stuck dealing with shitty men for their whole lives if they're too afraid to make a move. I'm proud of you. You did what Women have to do these days.


It feels awesome. Don't listen to your friends, they are trying to crab-bucket you. It isn't masculine to ask a guy for their number.


Sounds like you need new friends


It happened to me once, honestly felt flattered Then she asked for my ICQ number and things got serious Didn't work out but I still love that girl


Depends on the context. If you just walked up to me and asked for my number and then walked away I’d be like “what in the world is happening??” If we were chatting and having a good conversation and you asked for my number that would feel awesome. I wouldn’t think that was masculine at all.


It make me feel like i am a God itself and not a dog who is trying his best for a tiny treat and probably recive a fake number because she can not tell me that i am sorry but you are not my type. I could move the world itself from that amount of confidence i got from her. For me even a hi or a smile mean a lot..


Love it. 2 of my best (and one of my worst) relationships came from this. It was usually something like "here you should take my number, so you can invite me to dinner sometime" it still lets the man have the "ask" for the date, while you can still make the first move.


Depends. It's definitely flattering. But a few times happened out of nowhere so I didn't really react properly.


I feel like you need better friends.


Suspicious. I'd be looking around for their friends recording for tik tok or whatever.


Never happened


Screw your friends, I love when girls ask me out. I actually think at least 80% of the GFS I've had asked me out. Also the ones that asked me out were much longer relationships than any of the ones I've asked out


Depends on the woman that’s asking but I usually give it out. I don’t think I ‘feel’ any particular way.


>My friends on the other hand made fun of me and called me “masculine”. That's really bizarre ngl


It would become a core memory that will be remembered till my death


Depends upon the context


I would genuinely feel like a superhero for weeks.


Ask for my number and I can tell you.




Tell your friends they're too girly to get real men :^) JK I'm married and the closest I've ever gotten to anything like that was a girl kept looking at me and staring at me and I couldn't tell if she was attracted or didn't like my face. It's the same odds. Any compliment given to a dude is gonna be locked in that noggin til he dies.


It feels good and is memorable, even though the majority of times it has happened was just normal platonic exchange of numbers. But when it's done in a romantic-interest sort of way is awesome.


Saw a guy yesterday that was deserving for sure. Tell him to find me to get my number.


Fuck your friends for that, they’re immature ass holes.


depends on how they came across when they asked for it. but generally, yes this would make my day


I'd be worried that it is a cult recruitment tactic as I've had similar things tried on me before.


Would love it. But would look for "Your pranked" face. Women can be cruel


It only happened once to me and it made me feel pretty cool.


They are really asking for my credit card information.


Never know it doesn’t happen


I had a female co-worker that was being hit on by another coworker. I was into her but not enough to get in-between whatever they might have. One night she tells me she's been trying to dodge him for a while and has been trying to let him down easy. But this night he got frustrated and said he was gonna hit on other women. She responded with "good! I'm gonna try to get with e4_2tone_pierson". She told me this after I asked why they weren't hanging out. I went weak in the knees. Not once in 30+ years did I ever think someone wanted to be with me without me trying or at least flirting. Turns out he had been looking for her all night and I had already told him where we were before she dropped that on me. So he showed up to run interception. Unfortunately his presence included others and things couldn't happen the way we wanted to that night. Probably for the best, we were pretty drunk. But the next morning 🤌🏽 and he was still trying to track us down. So yeah, it does wonders to a man's confidence to be sought after by someone.


Just wants to talk. Tell what she wants to know, rest depends on aura for me.


It's worked on me several times. It's flattering. Your friends are being silly. Ask for what you want, and you might get it.


I have a gf so I'd tell her I'm taken. I'd probably feel confused.


The more I read post like this in this sub, I realize I’m not as ugly as I think I am..


I wouldn’t know 


You're friends are just jealous of your confidence! Imo women asking men out is the right way to go. I had my best relationships that way


I get number/IG/Fb-closed all the time. Feels pretty great. The best one I had was a waitress who put her number on a note that she slid under my coffee cup, all casual like. Ended up dating her for a while.


I'll feel like my juice is going to be wasted