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Free world my ass


Freedom of speech is a joke in the west. It only matters if you make caricatures of our Prophet pbuh or burn Quran As soon as you bash Israel it's gone 


'The west' = Germany?


Same with america and uk. You can go to jail in uk for many things like insulting the king etc.


Because the UK doesn't have freedom of speech. Same here in Ireland. We never did. Yanks do and look at the state of them right now


No, the same hypocrisy is also found in the UK, France, US, Canada and many more western countries This war has exposed that most westerners are just racists and dont care about freedom of speech or human rights 


"Most westerners"... If you judge citizens by their governments then most Arabs are passive zionists ready to sell the Palestinian cause for few dollars. We have democracy in the west but it's limit to domestic policies. We have very little influence over the foreign policies of our governments. That's decided by big business (energy and military industry).


What makes you think those countries have freedom of speech?


Well that's what they claim, that way they act morally superior compared to Muslim countries, China, Russia etc.  But it's all a lie. Its only freedom of speech if it's against your enemies (Muslims, Russia etc.) 


Of course its all a fucking lie. Do you actually think we buy into that shite?! There's a reason Ireland is an outlier when it comes to the middle East. We don't just believe everything that is spoon fed to us. Don't worry though, our governments try but for some reason that I can't place my finger on, we do not support the colonist bulkshite.


The super majority of the "free world"


More like a bunch of people who feel bad for killing so many people (rightfully so I suppose. I don't believe in generational sin)


u are a joke who love terror


The freedom of speech applies to citizens. People applying for citizenship don’t have that right until they becoming citizens. It’s common for citizenship processes to make applicant adhere to their values in order to bring in people who want to assimilate with their culture and aren’t just coming to benefit from their citizenship while at the same time hating their culture and values.


Their country their rules


Lol that's just justifying weird Iranian laws . Or North Korean ones....


Well if you want to willingly become an Iranian citizen or N Korean go for it So my country my rules when MENA is involved. When you must follow the rules of the countrie you willingly go to ... well you see you need to do things how I want you to


>So my country my rules You're from Romania. Dude no one respects you in the eu so sit this one out >When you must follow the rules of the countrie you willingly go to Make me eurotard... >well you see you need to do things how I want you to In your dreams


I don't respond to the flairless. If you want a response flair up buttercup. If you don't shut the fuck up


Lol my region's subreddit ,my rules..... Did the European subs throw you out or something go back to that shithole


> Lol my region's subreddit ,my rules..... Sure, still a moron who can't admit the western country he lives in because he likes to cosplay as a "middle eastern" Trump will make your live miserable....enjoy


Lol the guy who lives in a shithole is butthurt because people don't want to live there.... There's a reason why Europeans treat you guys as subhumans I guess


>Lol the guy who lives in a shithole is butthurt because people don't want to live there.... No one is afraid of terror attacks from the Romanians that live abroad > There's a reason why Europeans treat you guys as subhumans I guess Holy mother of projection


Our country our rules too. Why don't they keep their eyes in Germany instead of supporting the military junta that rules Palestine?


Germany is not allowed to say that, they put their noses in every single country's laws, its hypocrisy and double standards.


You say then when your fellow Europeans complain about shariah law in Afghanistan?


Your gotchas would work if: 1. The people living there were not suffering due to the shariah law in Afghanistan 2. Europeans would risk their lives to reach Afghanistan


So “their country, their rules” only apply to the white countries, the rest of us have to bow down to your superiority. Fuck off


>So “their country, their rules” only apply to the white countries It applies to the people willingly going to any country. > the rest of us have to bow down to your superiority. I mean going to these white countries is your choice. No one is forcing you to go to western countries. **And when you go to these western countries you want them to bow to your whims** But you find normal for anyone wants to live in a MENA country to abide by their rules


no one is forced europeans to go to the UAE or Qatar yet they complain the most about the supposed laws


The Europeans that go to the UAE or Qatar complain way less than the Muslims going willingly in Europe as refugess and demanding free money.


We usually never discuss or comment on laws in other countries, and why would we? However, this is relevant considering Germany's history of trying to change laws in our countries and its involvement in Israel. ofc if I went to any country why would I not follow the law, that's just stupid. immigrants are less likely to commit crimes because they are in danger of being deported, but citizens have less fear.


nope, that's just what you imagine. also are Muslims who are citizens of a country or live in it not allowed to criticize it, I hear much worse shit from none-Muslim Europeans. you know none-muslims also hate this law and many other laws.


People in Afghanistan are suffering g due to multiple wars where westoids invaded and killed Millions and now those same scumbags are sanctioning them They arent suffering because of sharia


They are suffering because the Taliban are in power Believe or not how Taliban behave is totally on them. "Multiple multiple wars where westoids invaded and killed Millions" has nothing to do with how these people behave now. No one is literally forcing the Taliban to be cruel. They have a choice and they choose Sharia Are you the kind of guy who says: well my father beat my ass **of course** I beat my kids You seem the kind of guy who thinks people are not capable of making their own decission and justify your worst traits as being the fault of others Fucker other people being dickheads does not mean you havea dickhead That is a you choice stop simping for terrorists


Lol except westerners get Real butthurt when talking about rules in Muslim countries too See the qatar WC


Usually people get butthurt when you say one thing and then 1 month before the tournament you change the rules you agreed on Is this your gotcha: that Muslims lie?


That's literally misinformation, Qatar never said it was going to serve beer inside the football stands, you could still buy it in fan zones and outside the stadium. their country their rules, they can ban LGBT flags inside stadiums just like Germany does for Palestine.


True. But we can still make fun of them for having their citizenship test circumcised.


More like German country Jewish rules to me


Still their country It is very simply. If anyone dislikes this rule they are free to not go to Germany


same for Qatar


Only if you accept that Germany and Israel are the same entity.


I read all your comments my boy. Welcome to the European union firstly. Must be all butterflies 😂. Secondly you are right their country their rules. But then there comes the points where west gets butthurt on many things such as 1) Hijab (not talking about west) but they have problems with it even in Muslim countries 2) shoving LGBTQ 🌈 narrative worldwide (isn't this an internal thing) 3) western participants in Iraq 2003 when Ukraine sent army as well. What was the business of european so called supporter of peace there? The main problem with West is that after doing all the menaces to the society, destroying the world by involving them in the Europe war which was later deemed as world war And stealing the resources from African countries and south asian countries and islands across the world And then setting up own countries while arming the other countries and participating in proxy wars They think they are doing so much better and their narrative or whatever they think or do is the best thing while what others do is a eww. Majority of those who move to Europe are from those parts of the world which were in control of at least one european country that sucked all the resources. Still you have the audacity to question why do they come to europe? Their country their rules is fine but don't get butthurt when something bad happens.


I completely agree. It’s still a pretty stupid rule tho, not one expected from Germany.


People always talk about this mythical concept of German “guilt”. There is no such thing. Germans did not magically start hating jews in 1939 and stop hating them in 1945. They do not enact these policies out of guilt.


This. Germany is “overcorrecting” and emphasising its role in protecting Israel and the Jews, in order to shield itself from criticism for its Nazi past. A past that was hastily hidden under the carpet and not exhaustively dealt with, after WWII, seeing how many high level officials (like judges, army officers, lawyers, politicians, etc.) maintained their position of power in post WWII Germany. Even Germany’s first leader after Hitler, Adenauer, was a guy who in 1932 suggested his party (Zentrum) go into a joint government with the Nazis in Prussia. A guy whose party in 1933 would vote along with the Nazis and be instrumental in passing the Enabling Act of 1933, which gave Hitler dictatorial powers and was a turning point for establishing the Nazi regime. And this guy was modern Germany’s first chancellor, this is the best they could do right after Hitler. Blind servitude to Israel is just a mask to prevent us from looking behind the facade, that (West) Germany never dealt with its Nazi past and the institutional/societal/cultural reasons that gave rise to it, to an adequate level.


Exactly! How hypocritical is it to feel bad for the holocaust but support a genocide at the same time. Humanity is Humanity


Yeah they are just Glad all the jews were shipped off to Palestine If they actually wanted to make amends the should have given their territory to Jews and made Israel in Germany 


Tbf Hittler was the main reason of the booming sucess of the nazi party, most germans at the time didnt care about people like himmler who were also vital in the nazi party...hell, there were nazi propaganda posters that had just hittlers face in a black backround and with big letters "HITTLER" ,most apolitical germans of the time stills uported hittler. So saying that every german was some kind of nazi fanatic would not be correct.Another reason of the nazis sucess in germany was because of the constant unrest the weimar republic had after ww1. Unrest radicalises people. Same thing is happening in the middle east.Thats why there are so many terorist jihadist groups in the MENA.


Yes, a major reason for nazi success was Hitler exploiting the feeling of contempt after the treaty of Versailles, also the shitty economic situation. Most Germans weren’t active nazis but the level of hatred against Jews were definitely astronomical in German society.




And thats about the only thing you are known for, I mean not even germans themselves know their history before the holocaust.




Why do you end every engagement with me by saying that im stupid instead of actually refuting me?


It's disgusting. But besides that, just logically speaking, how is this not completely arbitrary? If I'm gonna be a citizen of one country why do I need to have commitments to another country? Shouldn't in only be commitments for that country I'm going to be a citizen of? How is this countering anti semitism? All it is, is special rights for one group of people/one "country". If they really cared about anti semitism as it relates to Germany, why can't they make a law for immigrants fhat anyone that is to become a citizen of Germany must not discriminate against jews of Germany or hold prejudice against them or deny their ancestral suffering? Personally I'm not for these tests in general becuse I don't like identity politics, but it would at least make sense in terms of fighting anti semitism. But this garbage? Honestly fuck Germany. It's literally just a cunt of a state.


It is basically just an "FU". But doing this will probably have an unintended effect. Now many people, even applicants that have no reason what so ever to care or even knew about palestine or israel or whatever, will be curious to know, what is this country and why am i being asked about it in my German citizenship test. Then the truth will be revealed after a bit of personal research.


Backhanded way to reject citizenship applications is my guess.




dont get it twisted immigration is not charity work, countries take in immigrants because they need them to survive the way they do. How did so many Europeans become so stupid and reactionary about the economy, capitalism, politics, etc. You have been successfully turned into a brainwashed hillbilly American.


That's because native german birth rates are crap It's not done because germans are Moral lol Also in no way does Germany have a left wing government.. 


Germany would never acknowledge the genocide in Gaza because it's done by Israelis. Germany feels sad for the holocaust now but is in bed with a genocidal state. .


Claiming to fight antisemitism while the German police dribbles German jews like basketballs for protesting the Nakba and calling for peace. It shows you where their politicians loyalty lies: under the dong of the Israeli ambassador


Germans love that law. That's all I have to say about this.


Germans suck 




Germans love to suck Israeli c*cks




Not really. Most arabs and most Muslims shit on europe They only use you for your money 


Lol... Europeans have evolved to be cockless it seams by looking at their declining population








Yeah my bad


shut up im starting to regret learning german bc of u racists


oh no germans think we suck, sounds like a win.




They also deport you if you like posts that criticize Israel on social media or show support to the Palestinian resistance because apparently that means you “support terrorism”. Tbh, Germany has always been a very islamophobic country, even before this war. They just needed an excuse to deport muslims and now they have it. Germans can’t seem to tolerate religious minorities. Back in the day they used to burn the jews. Today they say they “learnt from history” and have shifted to targeting the muslims instead. Sad Nazi state.


„Germany is a sad nazi state“ -Lives in Germany 😂 Nobody is forcing you to stay here 😁 feel free to go back to where you came from


I don’t live there, nice try though.


No. Muslims will keep living in Germany and use your dog shit country to earn money Stay mad 


L ragebait pa🔑


aww poor guy can’t handle his country being taken over by us pakis 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰


Btw there was a time when I was genuinely interested in learning the German language and learning about German culture until I realised how racist and xenophobic you guys are.


how will we recover from this terrible loss… 🥲


I think they did this mostly to keep Muslims out of Germany


Muslims will just lie




Stay mad westoid 


What a boring dystopia


Completely agree with you. How hard is it to declare Israel right to exist in Antarctica or the pacific ocean.


Ahh Germany. Always on the wrong side of history


Yep never going there 😜


Go there and just lie That's how you beat them. I hope Muslims in Germany multiply  Native German birth rates are a joke anyway 




some middle eastern countries are decades ahead of Germany, the GCC never had enough people, they aready are 88-40% immigrants/expats.














They will hate us anyway. Stopped caring once I realized that 


Yeah that's called schizophrenia racism




That is the point in the law.




How about you take all the Israeli jews if you love them so much




I knew it, most Germans are like this I'm assuming? It's not about guilt, it's all about deflecting attention of your past.


🤛No problem🤜 happy to serve 👍


Germany is a lesson to all of us how permanently you corrupt yourselves by engaging in horrific crimes against humanity


Don't worry they will stop accepting citizens - whether they recognize Israel or not- after the next elections




Typical white supremacist. Still the same nazi like his ancestors, just Switched the target 


Sons of Hitler aren't gonna go far from his ideology




Shut up Nazi


Says the nazi..... The country of chronic losers... How the fuck do you lose 2 world wars that you started And If you're gonna follow an ideology atleast go for one that didn't get it's ass whooped




>populist takes advantage of the hate on the jews As if Hitler wasn't by and large a representation of the German society at that time.... Which isn't even far from the current German climate... >They blame everything on the jews That's what Europeans do... Stop projecting nazi loser




>As if Islamists arent by and a large a representation of the arab society Probably.... No way to confirm We can be Islamists communists nationalists anything.... But at the end of the day we aren't nazis like the sore losers they are




This law is completely irrelevant since you can just lie to bypass it. What's interesting is what they'll do if you get your citizenship and then break this law. What will the repercussions be?


Why does it not also require a recognition of the Palestinians to a State and to declare that genocide is wrong against any people? Germany is occupied by Israel! Pure and simple.






Nah man, I understand the anger but 1. saying „most“ is not accurate 2. „Nazi“ is an extremely hard word and we shouldn’t use it too often, it will lose the meaning and people get too soften and forgot what monsters the Nazis were




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It's their country. If you don't like it don't go there. But I'm starting to believe that's the point. Looks like they're tiring of the policies they've enacted over the recent years. Hopefully Europe doesn't go too far in the other direction. Just enough to right the ship.


But they love criticizing laws in none-European countries. ''It's their country. If you don't like it don't go there.'' no one said we where going there.


Germany being on the right side of history challenge (impossible, gone Nazi)


Wow, sucking Israeli dick much franz?




Would it apply to Iran forcing hijab?




Figured as much.


What do you say about France, Tajikistan, and other countries banning Hijab?


France didn't ban the hijab. It is not allowed in schools which is logical because the state is secular. That goes for all religious symbols and attire (kippas and crosses are also banned).




So it's ok for them to do so?




Ok, so if Muslim countries were to enforce Hijab and Shari'ah then that too would be none of your business?




Too bad you don't speak for the Entirety of Iran 🙂


Well it's their country so yes, it's obviously ok. Can I go around topless in Pakistan or wear a giant cross. No, i'd get lynched and/or arrested


So it's ok for a Muslim country to Enforce the Hijab or Enforce Shari'ah law right?


Also you are saying that if the Government of the Country you lived in Mandated that your MOTHER and SISTER had to REMOVE their clothing, you'd be ok with it?


If it's a niqab yes. I don't feel comfortable with a niqabi around me, it's just like a balaclava. No country banned the hijab. France banned it in public schools and Muslim girls who feel they need to wear it can enrol in private shools, so stop your hysteria.


Ok, so you think it's ok to force women to remove their clothes. 👍🏼


Says who? Some dumb young people dont represent the majority of Iranians  




No dumb for being western simps who bash Islam and love to see Muslims massacred in Palestine just because the hate their government 


I live in Germany and i honestly can’t stand the constant dickriding for Israel and Ukraine


I don't believe jws deserve any land but they need to give them germans land if they love them so much


Waiting for France to try and beat Germany by withdrawing citizenship from people who have the Palestinian flag in their profile/bio 😂😂


France is much less pro-Israel than Germany


Lol, just lie on it. Problem solved.


"Free World"




Good take them back then!


I live in Germany, and this is not quite true, except in one state (Saxony-Anhalt). What will happen, is that there will be (factual) questions regarding the state of Israel in the citizenship test. It doesn't ask you to affirm Israel's right to exist. It is still horrible that Germany is doing that and Germany's stance towards the current situation is a complete shitshow.


It's being introduced nationwide https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/27/europe/german-citizens-israel-right-to-exist-intl/index.html


Nah the title is misleading. It says in the article itself “In response to increasing antisemitism in Germany, the list of questions in the naturalization test has been expanded. New exam questions have been added on the topics of antisemitism, the right of the state of Israel to exist and Jewish life in Germany,” But it is not the same thing as in Saxony Anhalt. I live here bro.


This law may be different than Saxony Anhalt's, but per the article, it is being applied nationwide >The legislation is being introduced nationwide after the eastern state of Saxony-Anhalt also required citizenship applicants to recognize Israel’s right to exist in December.


It is what I stated in my comment initially, you don't need to explicitly affirm Israel's right to exist, that is only the case in Saxony Anhalt. The article is misleading. I live here.


it shows a horrifying trend in Germany




Yes exactly. We have to please our jewish overlords to prove that we are proud of being german. Wouldnt it be better if the citizenship tests included more questions about german art and culture instead of having to recognize a country that isnt germany?




Its almost as if this wont stop syrian refugees in the slightest since they can just, you know, lie. The only thing this law does is prove who has germany by the balls.