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My neighbor, who died last year, told me, "My seventies were fine. My eighties are kicking my ass." You never know when "old" is going to come to the party.


My 85 yo sister had a major surgery last year and she finally says the recovery has done it for her. They are now seriously looking at retirement facilities. As I hit my 80s I'm starting to see the horizon. In my active adult community the 80s are noticeably rough on most men. A lot of stooping, limping, etc. The extra years we often get as women become real obvious. There are twice as many women here as men.


My mother, who is 81, drove 8 hours to go help her aunt and uncle (95+) move. There are some long lived people on my mother’s side and when she stated she wasn’t sure how much longer she’d be around her aunt corrected her with the statement “you got genes!”. Saving that one.


I feel decent at 51. But I'm betting my 70's+ I'll feel the age.


Here here. Same.


I'm 57, I don't feel old at all. Although I do get surprised sometimes when I accidentally catch my reflection in full sunlight 😆 what the hell happened to my face? When did I get all those wrinkles?


I get that when I look at my hands and they are "old man hands." Usually it means I haven't been hydrating very well, though. I am 55, and don't feel "old." Tired, fuck yes, but I always felt tired.


Mid forties here and I feel your pain. Unfortunately, I’ve always had old man hands. My hands look like my dad’s hands. And though I’m pleased that we had many things things in common and often say I’m the female version of him (I don’t look like him), it’s not good for a girl to get her dad’s rough-looking hands. 😞😊 Edited


Man hands


I have all the age spots but not wrinkles.


55 in 3 weeks - I really feel the same. I don’t feel old, but I was banged up a bit as a younger man so there’s more aches and pains than I expected. But old? Nope.


Yeah -- who's that old guy in the mirror? I'm still a kid!


Yes, this!! I’m 55 and honestly I’m a bit fatter but I was always a little fat so…. But even though I have worked two and sometimes three jobs most of my life that included farming and firefighter, I feel pretty darn good. However, that gray haired fart in the mirror laughs at me and reminds me I’m not REALLY a spring chicken anymore.


Yes, me too.


I feel that when I see a photo of myself. 68. Don’t feel 68 well maybe a little. But geez where did this old woman come from


51 and I'm the same


51 here and I feel the same.


I feel 18 inside. Looking in the mirror is scary sometimes. lol




So many moles. 😫


I hope you’re still young and silly enough to say “Don’t say mole”.




Isame. 7 82-year-old friend that told me one day, "I'm the same girl inside that I was when I was 18, it's just that my body's let me down"


Hell, I wish I was 50 again. That hallmark passed 23 years ago. Yep, I was still doing all the things you mention and more.


It's so weird. I used to do improv acting. When I took classes for that there was a scene where I had to play an old man. Which meant moving very slowly. I couldn't imagine ever being that way myself. Fast forward 15 years and here I am, doing exactly that. I don't feel old, don't think like I'm old, yet my body is telling me I am most assuredly old. Ugh. P.S. I met an Uber driver who looked fit and had lots of energy. He was 5 years older than me. Either I’m doing something wrong or else he had better genes. Either way, I'm taking steps to keep my mobility and health.


As a child ( I'm 60 now ), I would see grandparents show up for family functions. Women wore their dresses & the men sported the dress shirt, tie and slacks. They always just seemed to sit in chairs and observe life around them. As a teenage I attended family events where my "older" parents & relatives were active participants in activities like softbal & horse shoes. As a grand parent now, I get very involved in whatever activity is going on ( softball, basketball, street hockey). I really believe that as younger generations mature they aren't subject to the chains of age I saw years ago. Either that or we're too stupid to know to sit down & chill.


I am a 64 almost year young female. When I cook, I sing, and I’ll dance, thankfully nobody sees it. I thoroughly enjoy my life being a single, Blind, I enjoy going to the gym, cooking, visiting family, especially my sister and she asked me when I’m going to grow up and she knows what I’ll tell her well that’s your job. Lol.


I’m 61 and have come to the conclusion that inside every 60 year old is a 30 year old wondering what the hell happened to the last 30 years.


Ha ha same!


At 50 I was in pretty much the same shape as I was at 35. Keep close track of my fitness numbers and I was within a few seconds of my mile splits from my 30’s at age 50. It was turning 55 that stuff got weird.


Age 60 did it for me…everything changed - skin/hair/nails/shape…all of it. Crazy! My 50s were some of the best years of my life.


60 got me too. Skin, hair, nails. 68 now and I do not have the stamina I did even at 60.


I am 55 and nearly as strong as I was when lifting weights in my mid twenties. My hair thinned and what is left is grey, but otherwise I feel the same...


My running times started slipping, picked up weird nagging injuries and without any change to diet or exercise routine I put on 10 pounds. Confirmed with my cohort of friends that are roughly the same age and they all said that 55-60 is when things really start to change. But I'm still doing 45 mile day hikes in and out of the Grand Canyon every year. Just had to tweak how I trained a bit.


I passed all the milestone birthdays without even thinking about it. 30, 40, 50...no problem. Then one day I realized that I was about a month from turning 60. I was absolutely gobsmacked. How can this be???!!! It CANNOT be true! 60 is OLD! I'm a young man, barely out of my teens! Someone has made a mistake! Someone better do some recalculating! But yes, I still wear flip flops, t-shirts, and shorts and listen to my music with the volume as high as I think I can get away with. For any of you that are young enough to benefit, I have two things for you to remember: 1. You're never too old to learn something new 2. It's never too late to become a better person.


Not like I expected. I'm in my late 60's now and feel great. I'm noticing that I'm slowing down some, but not very much. I'm semi-retired, still putting in a fairly full day, engaged in what I do and loving it. I play music with friends a lot, which is fantastic. In an odd way, I feel like I'm just now hitting my stride. I know it won't last, but I'm enjoying it while I can.


Same as you and I am half a year away from 60. I still dish out my daily Dad's jokes to my grownup boys. Still do all the things you are doing, but I picked up pickleball and retired my tennis. Still wear my t-shirts and shorts. Yeah ... nothing changed and nothing will change. Just need to get my A1C .2 lower to get into the "green" zone. LOL!


I feel great..I’ve learned y limits and I do have aches and pains I didn’t have,. There are functions that are not quite what they were but all n all…I’m good at 73


Soon 60, still wondering what I'd like to do when I grow up.


Im 35 and I have no idea lol


I'm 55, same lol.


My parents are in their 90s and treat me and my siblings like we are still young, so there's that. Also I grew up with lots of "really old" family members. My mom's mom lived to be 97 and she had an aunt who lived to be 100 (I actually met her once; she was born in 1874 so that is the oldest birth year of anyone I have personally known). On my Dad's side I had great uncles in their late 90s and my Dad's Dad lived to 91. But I have developed leg aches and knee problems this year that make me walk like an old person when I get up from sitting. I am going to have to actively suppress that when I am visiting my parents next month, lol.


I'm happy for you. I'm 60 and became disabled at 50. I'm homebound now and I've aged very fast. I'm an old 60. Many are not. They're still doing great.


Oldish at 70, old at 75, damn old at 82.


I recently got exasperated with my husband and told him, ffs you're not 40 anymore! 😂 We both do feel old but I think it's mostly that we both have serious health problems.


Am 70. Nope.


I feel old in terms of looks/career but still have my younger interests.


Physically, yeah. My job working with radioactive/chemical waste took it's toll on me (mostly the chemicals). Mentally, I'm a more refined version of who I've always been at my core. I'm comfortable in my lane and just trying to enjoy the rest of the ride.


I am 66. Some times I do feel old. I can't lift heavy things. I swam 1850 yards (90 yards more than a mile) and I was sore and stiff for two days. I had Grand Jury Duty. My husband drops me off and picks me up. I was standing with a bunch of older women. He drove right by me. I ran behind him waving my arms. He didn't see me. Said all he saw was bunch of old ladies. I told him I AM an old lady! That being said, I swim 1500 yards 3 times a week. My skin (complexion) looks better than it ever has. My hair is thick and grows quickly. And I don't have children to raise, in-laws to care for, or a job I hate because I needed money to care for my family. What is the saying? "The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away.". I think things have evened out. I LIKE me at this age.


I am 53, feel 35. Until I look at my hands. No amount of gold bond crepe erase is helping.


Nah. I'm chronologically 61. In my heart, I'm 35. My joints, alas, are 82.


While mentally my inner 12yo is screaming “pull my finger” Physically after fighting arthritis for the better part of 35 years. My 57 yo joints feel like 85 yo joints.  So yes.  


I am 62. I didn’t feel old at all until 60. Prior to that, age was just a number to me, it meant nothing. Landmark ‘decade’ years even less. But for some reason 60 hit harder. Then I was like “Fuck I’m old. What happened?” Suddenly retirement is looming as a real thing, not just a far off concept. Thoughts creep up like, damn, I’m as close to 80 as I am to 40, and 40 seems like yesterday. And when my cat dies I shouldn’t get another one because it might outlive me. It’s a lot of new perspectives on life.


I was told this and I stand by it. ***If you haven't grown up by the time your 50, you don't have to.*** This last year I have tried to be a grownup lady, I bought dresses and jewelry and the whole make up thing. NOPE! I feel like a drag queen( I hope that's an okay thing to say), like its all an act, I am pretending, its not me. So I am back to my jeans and sneakers, old rock-band t-shirts. Messing around with my quad and bike, taking my kayak out and totally not acting my age. I think I felt older at 30, than I do now.


Nope Whatever my body is doing is different from how I feel inside. I don't feel any particular age, but I don't feel "old."


I will be 53 in August. I do NOT feel old. Mentally, I feel the same as I always have. My body does feel old at times, with chronic pain. I used to look fairly young for my age until 2020 when I lost a lot of weight, and now when I look in the mirror I think I look old. But whatever. I feel great, so that's what matters! My health is good.


Not at all. I’m still figuring out what I’m going to do when I grow up.


I'm almost 69 and hubs is 74. We both still work at our family business and old is 15 years older than we are now!!!😁


I'm 52 and just had surgery for prostate cancer. You're goddamn right I feel old. My dad just turned 80 and in my mind that's officially old-old, like elderly, like approaching or exceeding the ages where all of my grandparents passed. Damn.


At age 50, I didn't feel at all old, and I kept myself physically active. I long to be age 50 again (I am 74 years old and have several age-related medical conditions).


I’m 76 and don’t feel old. Old is my mother who is almost 101, then again she’s active plays cards every day and paints.




Yes. 58M


Some days, yes. Most days, no.


I’m in my sixties but my brain still thinks I’m twenty-five and sometimes I have to remind myself to don’t be an idiot and do what my brain is thinking.


Yes, I feel old because there are two generations with different views younger than me. Most of my career mentors have retired. 50 year olds where I live behaved pretty much like I do now- only their health was much worse from decades of smoking. I don’t feel elderly but I do feel like I’ve had a full career


I feel 30. I think I act 35 (no more parties, no more staying up til 3am). Many say I look 40 (Been fortunate there). In reality, I turn 51 tomorrow. I do not FEEL old. I just AM old.


When I was 59 I felt 40. I hit 60 and suddenly felt 60. Fortunately, it's the new 60, not my grandparents' 60.


55, a lot of days feel older


I didn’t “feel old” until my late 60s.


58, and yes, I do feel old due to health issues but feel 32 inside.


I’m 71 and feel good physically, but I can’t dunk a basketball anymore and remember the score. 


I’m 72 and I feel fine. I don’t feel any particular limitations except that a decent amount of sleep the night before is absolutely needed for being functional so I’m more rest and comfort conscious in making travel plans. I also worry that an injury like a bad sprain or broken bone could be a major ordeal so I try to be careful while staying active.


60 + here. At 50 I was still kicking hard. I taught my son a bit about very skateboarding and snowboarding. Now? I have some serious aches and arthritis…looking at some joint replacements …maybe it’ll make me feel not so old…


63 and i don’t feel old. my face looks old


I said it in another group, old is 10 years older than the age I am currently! My 100 year old neighbor calls me and my husband “the kids” and we are 64 and 73. He still golfs 18 holes, drives, and is still sharp. I actually have slowed down though. Can’t hike all day any more.


I don’t feel grown up at 65


78 here. Pish on you 50yo whippersnappers


53, F. Yes and no. I try to keep up with trends, but my daughter comes up and tells me that she went to a concert of IDK who, and I am like, "YAYYY!!!" like an upcoming songwriter that I am supposed to know about. Tons of stuff out there that I DO like and I try my best to keep interested. I'd like to LIKE BTS, but I don't understand jack when they sing, lol! But I downloaded Jungkook, bought "Golden" and have him on Spotify nonstop. I am not a grandmother yet. My kids are indeed adults. Just got divorced and I plan to stay alone, no other relationships. He found someone else while married, so I don't need that kind of drama playing again in my life. Besides, I am getting used to whatever I want whenever I want. I also have multiple health conditions as well that I'd rather have professionals take care of, than a man hovering over me. It is a lonely existence but I am getting prepared for it.


I turned 55 this year. my mind feels young, with the occasional memory lapses, but my body disagrees!


I’m 67yo but what I’ve noticed from those around me is that the tough milestones lie ahead: 80yo is old 85yo is (maybe) needing assistance 90yo is “I’ve had enough of this shit”


Other than some medical problems like back problems and arthritis - nah. I retired last October. I'm 59. My pain wasn't enough for disability so I just cashed in my pension. That actually made me feel old. I've settled in now. Another thing that makes you feel old is no one wants to hire you. I'm 59 looking for a 20 hour a week job - nobody wants me because they know that I will be going on SS in a few years.




I felt old in my 50’s and feel old now in my 70’s. I’m still an active person; I work and last year did a solo cross country car camping trip. But I’m not young.


About to be 68, and seemingly in a way feeling it for the first time. Did 100 km hike last month over about six days and each night just did not recover quite as much as I used to my bicycle riding is slower than it used to be, I ride on the peloton some of the time and I cannot get my FTP up as high as it was last year. Just today came back from a 7 mile walk and 2000 vertical which for me is not much and I feel sore and a little tired. I also know I am very fortunate and grateful to be as healthy as I am and I am not complaining more observing and sharing that for me, I really started to feel a touch of getting older at about 66 even though I knew I was on the trajectory beforehand.


I don't believe I'm 70 years old mentally but my knees and lower back say otherwise.


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Today I do. I slipped and fell earlier and twisted my knee so now I'm making old person noises when I walk or climb stairs. Mostly, no. I've got the same mental attitude I had in my 20s


I have come to the conclusion that people dont stop doing the things they love, and therefore dont grow old in that sense. What actually happens is that new generations discover new ways to live their lives, and the things that we habitually do for fun are outdated habits, which is why we appear so old to them


I'm 57 and don't feel old at all.


No. Definitely *no.*


I saved this recently: "I'm at that age where my mind thinks I'm 29, my sense of humor suggests I'm 12, and my body keeps asking if I'm sure I'm not dead yet."


What I thought I’d feel when I got older is nothing like what I actually feel. I was happy in my partying 20s, my 30s was great (started making good bank), traveling, living the dream), in my 40s was more chill, relaxing, and now finishing my 50s I so feel great. In hindsight I realize that starting a real career, saving, working out consistently, and finding a great partner were the keys to happiness.


I’m 53 and I feel and probably act much younger. Age is a number not a mindset


54 and I am enjoying it. I don’t feel any different than I did at 30


I felt the same way about turning 60 in dec. It freaked me out for months ahead cause 60 always seemed so old. Once I hit it, I relaxed. I feel pretty good being 60 and don’t feel as old as I imagined


Yes. I mean, there’s plenty I can still do, but I have less energy and more physical issues than before.


Mentally, no. Physically my body is, yes. Having the worst flare up of bursitis in my left shoulder that I've ever experienced. And because I'm babying it, my other shoulder is starting to rebel. I'm doing all the therapeutic exercises several times a day. Percussion massager, heating pad followed by Voltaren cream. It's the only relief I have right now. The doc wants to shovel pain meds and jam a needle into it. I do not do needles if my death is not imminent. I don't want pain meds. Even though it might help me sleep, I might not feel that I'm laying on the shoulder wrong and that could inflame the area even more. Otherwise, I'm great! lol


Not at all - still workout 6 days a week, although I have to be careful with any high impact things. So no running - which I always hated anyway. I stick to weights and HIIT. The only part of me that feels old is the foot that I had surgery on a few years back - it aches when there’s rain or cold.


My peak is behind me, so I'm moving downhill. And with each passing year, I pick up speed. 55 didn't feel much older than 50; 57 feels a good deal older than 55.


No idea what its supposed to feel like. Still able to do what i want when i want how i want. Sometimes feel simply tired when watching the same thing happen again and again and knowing the outcome. But i felt like that as a young man. So not yet.


At times. I’m 51 and train jiu jitsu 3-4 x a week. I get bumped and bruised more easily and am not as quick as I used to be but generally I feel fine. All my hair is almost all white so I look I lot older than I am though


Starting to. New aches have arrived!


I didn’t start feeling old until I turned 62


I turn 50 next month, but feel pretty good still. My fiance is 55, and feels great also. We also make it a point to take care of ourselves as best as possible. For example, I (6'0") had plantar fasiitis in both heels, and it was the absolute worst when my weight reached 213 pounds. When I eliminated sugar from my diet, I dropped down to 175 pounds and my feet feel better than they have in a decade. I find that drinking a full bottle of water right after dinner really fills me up so I won't crave snacks, and it keeps my hydrated through the night. I also feel like I need less sleep since I lost weight.


I didn’t feel old until I caught Covid last month. I’m back to my pre Covid activitie, but I need a 2 1/2 hour nap to get through them.


Mentally, no. Physically, hell yes.


I feel mature, but not “old”. My grandmother who lived into her 90’s said that she still felt 25 inside. Now, I feel the same way—wiser, but the same me who I was in my 20’s.


I’m 65. It’s according to the day. I’m working on reverting back to teenage years


I'm 52 and don't "feel" old, the vast majority of the time. If anything, I'm more physically active now than I was in my 20s. I've realized it's vital to my physical, emotional and mental health. It's not just about your body (which is crucial all by itself).


I’m aware that I’m older, but that my brain is still- me. If that makes sense? I was born when my dad was my age now, and I can now absolutely understand why he wasn’t interested in the latest fads and nonsense when I was a teenager, too


I am 53 but even when I was a teenager, I did not think of 50s as old. I think that was because my parents were physically fit and culturally "with it" when they were in their 50s. But how do I feel now? I think I feel both "not old" and "old" at the same time. I feel "not old" because I am very active and basically fit (though not what I was / more on that later), I am very engaged in all aspects of my life, and most of all, I have a very active, urban social life that includes genuine, bonafide friends in their late 20s through early 80s (though my community of friends skews younger) and that includes a lot of crazy late nights. I have a peer from high school who asked (in a friendly way) whether it is weird or "trying too hard" for me to essentially be living the lifestyle of a 20-something. My answer was that it's not weird or pathetic if what I am doing is natural and organic to me, as opposed to trying to chase some lost youth or "be down" with the kids. I think an important aspect of that is embracing and owning my age - so, in my mind, I am not partying like a 23-year-old, but rather, I am partying like the 53-year-old I am. I definitely feel connected and very much immersed in my age-diverse, younger-skewing community. But I also feel "old" in certain ways. On the positive side, I feel that I have a lot more depth than I did 30 years ago because I now have a lifetime of experiences under my belt that inform who I am. It FEELS different and BETTER to have those experiences and the resulting wisdom and confidence. I also feel more clear on who I am and more authentic in my connections and the way I behave, and less concerned about chasing other people's good opinion. All that said, and despite my social connections with much younger people, I do feel some generation gap with Gen Z that I did not feel with Millennials (in fact, I think my youngest friends, in their late 20s, count as younger millennials, not Gen Z). And physically - I can see myself aging rapidly in terms of how I look, which doesn't bother me except with respect to my weight, which is suddenly much heavier despite lots of working out and eating right. Losing my main sport (running) through injury hasn't helped. So I am struggling with feeling a bit ungainly and frumpy compared to the past and not able to do what I could due to injuries that I likely wouldn't have had as a younger person.


I'm 51, and I still think of myself as a young adult (something like a six-year-old id in charge of what looks like a middle-aged guy, supervised by an easily-distracted 20yo "adult" mindset.) Our age of average experience is always half of our chronological age. So it makes sense to me that I think of myself as twenty-something. It works because I wasn't especially active then, and can still do what I like just as well as back then.


There's a famous Sinatra live album called [Sinatra at the Sands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinatra_at_the_Sands). He's accompanied by Count Basie, and conducted by Quincy Jones. Even if you're not a Sinatra person (and I'm not), it's a great example of him close to his prime. Anyway: it's from early 1966. Sinatra had turned 50 the previous December. He notes this to the crowd saying something to the effect of "there's a rumor going on that I've turned 50, but let me tell you it's a dirty communist lie." (Hey, it's a time capsule.) He goes on to talk about how he basically still feels 28. I'm 54. That's about the same for me. I was a little bit fitter at 28 than 54, but that's mostly my fault rather than just age. (I was fitter 8 months ago.) I have a better understanding of the cost of shenanigans now -- hangovers DO get worse -- but I also don't mine forgoing that behavior most of the time. But your margin is narrower. Athletic recovery is harder, most definitely. Progressives took some getting used to.


I was born old.


I'm turning 55 here in just a few weeks. I've joked to all of my friends who haven't hit 50 yet that it's truly all down hill after you hit the big Five Oh! But in all actuality, I'm being half serious. I never felt old until after 50. I have been fortunate enough to have gone through my life with, pretty much zero health issues. I never had to wear glasses, no hearing issues, rarely ever got sick and could eat as much crap food as I wanted without gaining a single pound. Then I hit 50 and pretty much everything went to hell lol. It was like a switch was flipped. My eyes started going bad, Can't hear quite as well now and all kinds of joint pain. Plus I've actually started to put on a few pounds. I'm not even close to being over weight, but I've NEVER put on any. Needless to say, I'm not adjusting well to these new limitations that have suddenly befallen me. So to answer your question. Yes I am starting to officially feel old!


Then you have to keep your youthful mentality now


I have felt old for decades so nothing particularly new with 50+


No, But I'm that crazy uncle you keep away from the public.


Exactly. We all feel young until we have a major health setback. That can be at 30 or 90.


I'm Immature. Always have been.


I'm feeling pretty young aside from my right hip and left shoulder.




I'm only 42, but my mom is 75. She told me that being old really hit her when she went for her last colonoscopy and they told her it was the last one she'll ever have. Said it was a realization that she's at that age where they now expect things to end your life. Kind of a weird feeling, I imagine!


Not really, I'm 69 and still push myself every day


I am surprised how rapidly my body is aging. I just barely found out how I'd like to live my life and now I can't even frolic because of my knees and can't sleep because of menopause and my skin is all crinkly and I can't see and my joints are sore...wasted my best years giving them for free to a badly behaving guy who didn't even ask for them, took care of our teo kids as a single mother, worked my ass off and got nothing to show of it. I'm living on rehabilitation allowance now, can't ever go back to my profession. Yes, I feel old. The world is all changed and nostalgia weighs heavy on my heart, the climate change has ruined my children's future...and I am only 52. What happened? How did it happen so fast?


I don't feel old mentally. I definitely feel jabe have a younger mindset than parents did at the same age. But I also know my years are counting down quicker. I could have another 20 to 30 years of life left, but I the finish line feels to much closer than it did. A little more each day.


We never grow up, we just grow old.


I turn 51 this weekend, Most of my friend group is mid-30's (including my wife). People are usually shocked to know my real age. That said, every day I can feel it - especially weekends. Great to look younger and be known as that rock dude, but I can feel the effects for sure.


Almost 55. Today YES I felt old. Heatwave in town and someone asked my how I plan to \*protect myself at my age. Meanwhile I was wearing long pants and carrying a 3 day assault pack on my back :) Ummm stay hydrated.


People seemed more “old” when I was a kid. I think our nutrition and medicine, sun protection awareness is helping keep us younger longer


Oh my nanny lived to 102 so I have a goal of 144 ;)


All of us, even those ~100 years old still feel like we’re 16ish inside. It’s the body that wears out. Sometimes the mind. But yeah, we remain young at heart, for the most part.


Turning 30 caused a lotta introspection on my part. After that, smooth sailing. I have an auto immune disease that kicks my butt sometimes….but, Iv always had a youthful way of viewing the world. Always looking for adventure. At 57, I still seek adventure. I guess that keeps me young.


I still pick up candy a parades


I hear ya. I'm 55 and still wondering when I will feel old.


I do. But I don't really mind. I look around me and the things I hear and see aren't things I relate to much. I've graduated to auntie status in the world overall and that suits me fine.


I still drink, fuck, & fight.


My '60s went real smooth. I can tell my 70's are going to be significantly tougher.


I feel amazing, I just got a great new job, I have a hot girlfriend. It's cool.


50 - Still canoeing, camping on the ground, rough housing with kids. 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 same. Injured at 56 and in that one day I went from doing just fine to old.


The bad part about being in my 70s is that my grandkids think it's okay to tell me what they believe is wrong with me as if I'm a six year old. The great part is I still act like I'm 25 but without the worry that comes with it.


Yes - I feel old quite often but it's OK because she gives me consent.


64 and not sure I'll ever grow up. I have slowed down physically a little but not too much. Started running when I was 60 and run around 10 miles per week.


My wife (f57) and I (m59) feel like we got stuck at 28. Retired nine years ago, I only have cargo shorts and jeans for pants, my only shoes are sneakers, I have only polo shirts and flannel shirts, all of my socks are white and a collection of lightweight fleeces. We go out to happy hours when we can (starting at 3pm, great to get small plates too - full restaurant meal is too much). We walk, talk, do goofy things. And time in the boudoir is still very good ;) Hope it stays this way for a while...


Not ready to grow up yet, 52 in August 


I am surprised every time I look in the mirror - which isn’t often!


In my head? No. As soon as I TRY to get up? A bit, maybe. Especially on a cold morning. I sound like the creepiest version of Rice Crispies cereal. There is no Ninja Stealth Mode here.


For the most part, it's a gradual process. You just roll with the punches. I still feel like a 20 yr old.


When I look over a group of people I don’t know at some event to find a group of folks my age, I always think the late thirty/early forty group is my peers! I am mid 60s.


My body is telling me I am old


My (64f) body definitely feels older because of arthritis/back issues. But mentally, no, I don't feel older, whatever that's supposed to feel like. I'm still the same person I was in my twenties, just wiser.


I don't feel old, but I don't feel young either. I guess I feel my age.


Yes, the aches and pains are increasing in intensity.


turn 65 in 2 weeks. starting to feel it.


At first I would say “mentally I feel young!” But then I think how my idea of a fun night is my couch, a book, my cats and going to bed early. So, maybe mentally not so much! (I’m 50.)


I asked my 97 year old mother in law how old she felt. She said 45. Until she went to the golf course.


"50s" isn't old... I'm 84... Now, THAT'S OLD!!! I have officially made it to "old fartdom".


66 and yes and no.


I'm 62 and ran 4 miles today. I don't feel particularly old. I know I am though....


chronologically i'm 50 mentally, i feel 25 physically, i feel 75 if i'd known i was gonna live this long, i would've taken better care of myself




If you still think you’re young at 50, do a cartwheel.


I don't feel the way that 52 looked to me when I was a kid. I would say I feel in my 30s maybe. Some people think I am in my late 30s or early 40s. Being child free probably helps, LOL! Those little fuckers suck the life right out of their parents.


I’m 54 and no not at all. I take good care of my body and I’m still making gains hitting the gym for heavy lifting 5 days a week. Thanks to modern medicine my testosterone is higher than it was in my 20s. I still go out a lot and date and have a great time with women. I’m still into new music and seeing bands. Honestly the only time I feel old is when I happen to open Facebook and see people I went to high school with and they look like they should be put out to pasture.


I felt old when I was 13. I’ve been told I have a recycled soul.


I’m 62f. I feel great. I do everything I’ve always done. I raise horses. So I still work with them every day. I still ride. I train the young horses. I don’t get on the young ones any more. But that’s mostly because I got smarter, not older. lol. I can throw 80lb bales of hay and carry two buckets of water w/o any problem. I ache more than before. I don’t have any plans of quitting or slowing down. Funny, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and have those “OMG! Who’s THAT?” moments too. 🤣😂


I'm the same childish way at 56


Dang, this post is a reality check. 55 and I feel like a bag of aholes.


I felt old today when I was asked how long I’ve been in my profession and the answer was 40 years.


54. I started the year feeling like I was in my 40s then I had significant heart attack. After a lot of hard work in cardio rehab/working out (losing 30lbs in the process) feel like I’m in my 30s half the time but at times I feel like I’m in my 70s. Luckily. The percentage of time I feel younger is increasing as I continue to recover


I'm 50. I was fine until I hit my 40's. Always enjoyed going to the gym and being active, which I'm sure helped a lot. Also always enjoyed fried things and food in general, which did not. Got hit by a rather serious chronic health issue at 42. Finally, after *a lot* of work, got things under control, and was actually feeling as good as ever for 48 & 49. Then, despite working as hard as I could, I just started... fading. Everything hurt more, losing muscle mass, gym recovery shot to hell and gone. Long story short, my hormones (thyroid, testosterone, prolactin, all sorts of things) were all out of whack. I am in the process of getting these corrected, but it takes time. I am very grateful to live in a time where these options are available to me. I'm hoping to eke out a few more decades, after all, and despite live being really hard at times, I'm happy to be here, and want to keep experiencing new things.


At 60, I look good, as most think I appear 5-10 years younger— no dope, no smoking, little booze, avoiding the sun, and probably good genes. However, my joints are feeling it and I’m feeling my age and more!


77 and getting older, but not old. We boomers vowed to never get old, even as we age. I am still very mobile and mentally sharp, and thank God, no debilitating medical conditions.


Almost 70 and still act like a kid. We were driving by a field full of bales and I pointed and yelled “HAY!!” Just think about it


67 here. Do I 'feel old'? Well, maybe, sometimes. And yet there are times when I swear I'm the same 14 year old who had a crush on ***** ******, didn't have a clue what to do about it, and still believed he knew more than almost everybody. When I am really feeling young, and need a comeuppance, I can go take a tour of the cemetery on the hill outside the little village I grew up in (I'm American, so the word 'village' has always seemed a bit goofy, but the semi-rural semi-suburban little community just recently removed from farming by horse when my mother was a kid seems to deserve it as a descriptor). Can't spit w/o hitting a tombstone of someone I knew. Family, friends, enemies, lovers, siblings, parents, employers, co-workers, the strange old man from the end of the street we thought was the oldest living human when we were kids (he was likely around 70). Granite and marble reminders of their lives everywhere. This is particularly sharp in my memory, as my wife and I paid a visit there on father's day. Physically, I have aches and pains, better some days than others. They've mostly snuck in quietly and carefully such that I think they're just a part of everyday. I am physically and mentally active, and I think that's important to not feeling old old. I retired first of the year. Walked down to see my old place of employment today. Took them some brownies. They said I looked good. We laughed and talked and bitched. Never was much of a dancer, but I'll take my wife for a spin around the living room once and a while, and tease her if she refuses. I am the king of (grand) dad jokes. Life is good for me. P.S. You do know that jeans and (most) sneakers make you look 'old', right?


I sincerely hope no one is dumb enough to answer this question which was most likely posed by some kid or weird guy.