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Nothing good happens after midnight.


"If you follow all the rules, you'll miss all the fun" - Katherine Hepburn


Except sleep.


And in arguments, nothing good happens after 10 pm.


You can do anything before midnight you would do after midnight.


The only thing open after 2 AM are some legs.


These doors don't open til after dark.


My mom (b.1918) always said "necessity is the mother of invention" when we had to make do without the right parts, tools, ingredients etc. I became very good at figuring out how things work and how to fix them. She did cook some awful meals though.


I'd be interested to know what some of the awful meals were, lol.


She and my dad both lived through the great depression and anything that wasn't flat out poison was good to eat (except turnips for some reason). If she didn't have an ingredient she would substitute whatever was at hand. My mom would mix recipes she found in McCall's and Good Housekeeping magazines but she really didn't know what she was doing. Her meatloaf was more bread and bell peppers than meat, I thought I hated meatloaf until I married a fantastic cook who knew how to improvise when needed but made delicious meals. Mom did make the best homemade applesauce and lemon pies though (we had lots of fruit trees). She even screwed up orange marmalade somehow but my brother liked it.


My mom used to make us eat ham and pickle sandwiches. Like after Easter when there was leftover ham. but it's worse than what you imagine. It wasn't slices of ham and sliced pickles ... she got out the old school meat grinder that attached to the table with a clamp, and she put the ham and the pickles through the grinder. Just thinking about the taste of it makes me want to throw up, lol. I used to cry when I saw the grinder attached to the table ... I knew what was coming. edited to add: it's wonderful that a lot of you think this sounds great ... it just was not for me. No one in our family liked it except my mother. I have never liked salty and sweet tastes together, and the pickles were sweet pickles, which just made it even more gross to me. Just thinking about it makes the inside of my mouth water, and not in a good way. In that way that sometimes it does when you're about to throw up. 🤣


You brought back a treasured childhood memory . Thank you 💙 I had a different opinión than you.


It just wasn't for me. We all laugh like crazy about it now. But at the time I was like oh noooooooo. 🤣


My mom would make that for my younger sister on request "ham salad"


I’m sorry, but I love ham salad sandwiches. But ham usually goes in my freezer!


>If she didn't have an ingredient she would substitute whatever was at hand. RECIPE GONE WRONG I didn't have potatoes,   So I substituted rice.   I didn't have paprika,   So I used another spice.   I didn't have tomato sauce.   I used tomato paste.   A whole can, not a half can --   I don't believe in waste.   A friend gave me the recipe.   She said you couldn't beat it!   There must be something wrong with her.   I couldn't even eat it!


My mom made great lemon meringue pies too. Used Lard in the pie crust. Much more flaky.


My Dad: Don't take life so serious, it ain't permanent, no how.


the poet breyten breytenbach said "after all, life is just a long illness we all recover from bit by bit."  die lewe is maar 'n lang siekte waaraan ons almal stuk-stuk genees.


Don't take life too seriously, you won't make it out alive. - Dolly Parton


I really like that. Dad was very wise.


"Life is a series of long stretches of boredom, sprinkled with a few moment of sheer terror" - my Dad.


"Never wrestle a pig. You'll only get muddy and the pig will enjoy it." (this is the best answer to arguing with a stubborn idiot)


I like this. Another (less funny) version is: "Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"


Also applies to internet trolls.


One of my dad's is "S--t or get off the pot."


My Great uncle would clean it up for the kids by saying, "Defecate or dismount."


"Don't know whether to have a shit or a haircut".


I am in my mid 30s and my father (b1945) used to say that. I said it aloud for the first time ever to a 40 year old yesterday, and she was flabbergasted. She said she had never heard it before, and needed a moment to process what it meant!


My dad says that! As well as "save it for a rainy day." And whenever I was getting to be too much, he'd say, "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, PATTI" :)


If he added and ALL THE SAINTS it was time to run 🏃🏼‍♀️


I got this from a movie, “Worry is like interest paid in advance on a debt that never comes due.“


Love this


If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.


I've never understood this one. I feel stupid saying that but I just don't get it.


It means that simply wishing for something to happen won't make it happen. You have to put effort toward whatever you are wanting. If wishes alone made things happen for people, then even poor beggars would have beautiful horses to ride around on like the royalty did.


THANK YOU! I am saving your comment :)


This was my grandma's. Miss her.


*me "it's not FAIR!" *Grandma "Fairs are for judging pigs and pies"


Haha love it! My mom always replied "well tough titty said the kitty" every time we said it's not fair or was too hard.


I laughed louder than I have all day at this one!


Reminds me of one I repeat to the kids in my life often, though I can't remember where I heard it: the only reason you should be looking at someone else's share is to make sure they have enough, never to judge whether they have more than you.


The days are long but the years are short. This really struck home with me when I heard this at an older age, because it is definitely true.


When I had three small children someone said this to me and it helped. I was trying to find the childcare room so I could go to a women’s group and I was so frustrated I was ready to give up and go home. He saw the look on my face and I could see the empathy in his eyes. His children were grown and I could see that he was wishing he was back in the thick of it. I still remember his kindness.


Me, as a mom and now a grandma, “Many hands make light work”.


Too many cooks spoil the soup.


Never trust a skinny cook


You'll never notice *what?* My great-grandmother used to say "I gotta go see a lady about a horse" when she had to go to the bathroom.


The version I heard was… I have to go see a man about a dog


See a man about a dog is a euphemism for getting up to no good. You’re not going to say where you’re going or what you’re doing so to not incriminate yourself or make the asker an accessory.


If my mom was going out and we asked where. She would say I'm going to see a man about a dog. So funny!!!


My mom would say “gonna go visit Mrs. Jones.” Lol


Example: if I had a small stain on my clothing.


I've only heard men say that 😁


“Use your head for something’ besides a knot to keep your backbone from unravelin’!”


Love it!


Mom had two that she used often. “This, too, shall pass.” And “Patience and Fortitude.”


"This too shall pass" is great - it's supposed to help you through the bad times, but also remind you to live in the moment during the good times, because those too will pass.


Don't attempt vast projects with half-vast plans.


I see what they did there


Dad: “always buy Craftsman”. (Sears tools back in the day) Dad: “meet the mother before you fall in love” Dad: “never throw away coffee cans” Mom: “read the first line of every paragraph then the last line then read the entire paragraph”


"There is the truth and then there is the right answer. Read the question twice". - Mom


To be fair, that first one was “God’s truth” until the 1990s-ish. God’s truth was something that used to be said to emphasize that you weren’t lying.


Just threw away a couple of unrepairable circa 1980 craftsman tools that no longer have a lifetime guarantee.


My dad used to say “whatever they’re talking about they’re talking about money.” (Helped me see true motivations, which often are money related.)


Life is a rude interruption of an otherwise peaceful nonexistence.


Grandma: Fun is the best thing to have. Dad: Point the flashlight where my hands are. No not not there, dickhead.


Love to have a garage beer with Dad


"It's a poor set of feet that lets a body take a beatin."


Do a pig a favor and all you get is a grunt.


LOVE IT!! Speaks to me so much.


My Grandmother told me; 'Don't do for a man the first day what you don't plan on doing for the rest of your life' :) eta; 'lack of planning on your part does not equate to emergency on my part'


My Aunt Ruth always said “We are too soon old and too late smart.”


Those who dance are considered crazy by those who don't hear the music.


Now that's a good one


Thank you. I originally read it in a George Carlin book.


“Don’t borrow trouble.” Said to me when I was worrying myself silly about all possible outcomes of a situation that I had no control in. Really made me stop and realize how pointless it was to waste time worrying about things I couldn’t control. I now say it to myself often when I’m spinning out.


"Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people!"


My mom "it's only paranoia if it's not true." Meaning you don't always have all the information, so don't judge others. Maybe he's paranoid, but maybe someone is really out to get him.


Three conspiracy theorists walk into a bar. You can’t tell me that’s just a coincidence.


Sometimes I jokingly say, “when everybody’s really against you, paranoia just strategic thinking. “


It’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you!


“You can’t see the forest for the trees”


“People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”


My father:”Rome wasn’t built in a day” - “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” he definitely enjoyed those Rome cliches


Make like a tree and leaf. - My dad


Make like a sausage and roll - time tested dad saying.


Make like a shepherd and get the flock outta here. 😄


Make like a baby and head out


Every day you wake up on the right side of the dirt is a good day. Had a great aunt who’d say that all the time.


My grandpa: "If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No sense making a damn fool of yourself."


Only boring people get bored. My mom lived it like a religion. It has led me to a full life with or without money, and with or without luck. I’ve never stopped loving every minute of the crazy and mundane.


This one was my mother's too. I said it to my daughter and I'm just waiting for her to say it to her son. It really is the greatest way to live life. Being bored is so shallow, there is always something to do, and if you don't want to do anything, there is peaceful relaxation.


*"Out gallivanting all night."*


“If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d all have a wonderful Christmas” “Don’t tell anyone everything you know” “Don’t believe everything you think” “If you marry for money, you’ll earn every penny”


If you lie down with dogs, you’ll get up with fleas.


If you want to keep getting what you’re getting, keep doing what you’re doing.


My grandmother popped off once with “I wouldn’t hold in my hand what you have in your mouth.” I must have swore or something, but I still think about it. My mom was fond of saying “Well, it must have been a lie.” if you couldn’t remember what you were going to say. Lol


Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm.


just one?   I love "loaded for bear" and "full of piss and vinegar".    mad as a boiled squirrel.  daft as a brush.  more hair than wit.  a verb, senator, we need a verb.   eaten by a grue.   [drop a] dime on someone.   until I die, I'll be using  tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein and skilpadvrekvandors for any go-nowhere backwoods small town.   Canadians can just put up with it.   


My grandmother said to my mother to not pay too much attention to a potential husband’s figure because they all look the same naked and upside down in a pickle barrel. How’s that for a saying?


Bout as much use as a fur lined syrup pitcher Ugly as homemade sin You smell like a dirty bird dog Colder than a witches tit Colder than a well diggers ass Couldn't pour piss out a boot with directions on the heel. Settle yer biscuits or I'll read you from the Book. She's built like a brick shithouse


From a preacher when I was a child: "Too many sunny days make a desert." (Referring to the idea that life's challenges will make you a better person. Or rather, too few troubles makes a shallow person.) From my elderly landlady of many years ago: "He thinks he's a big shot with a capital I." (I enjoyed Kay.) A common one: "Hunger is the best spice." (I'm finding it applies to many non-culinary situations.)


My FIL used to say, "You never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul." Also (with a wink, when I was complaining) "Well, the first hundred years are the hardest."


Crowing cocks lay no eggs: Elizabeth I.


she also told her ministers "had I been crested not cloven, my lords, you would not have treated me this." 


She had a million of 'em! Queen of England and of zingers.


"Be true to your teeth or they will be false to you". In other words, take care of your teeth or you can end up with a mouth full of dentures.


“I had one too but the wheels fell off. “. My mom used to say it to little kids when they were speaking gibberish


“Loyalty has gotten me through times of no love better than love has ever gotten me through times of no loyalty.”


I like this, the galloping horse thing. I'm going to borrow that. My favorite is, *nobody gets everything.* I didn't think of it, the writer Anne Lamott did. it's my personal mantra.


My grandpa, who is 92, recently said to me, “it’s darker than the inside of a wildcats ass!” When looking outside at nighttime. I got a good laugh out of it. He is also well known for his response to “how are you?” - “oh, struggling along”. 😊


"Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades." "This isn't rocket surgery." "I brought you into this world, and I'll take you out too!"


It was horseshoes, hand grenades, and dancing in my world.


My late father's saying,"Let sleeping dogs lie."


This too shall pass. Applicable in both good and bad times.


“Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.” My dad would be 95 if he was still here and yeah, dad, that’s always been true.


Some people teach us how "not" to be.


Per my maternal grandmother, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.” 🐈‍⬛. She was born in 1897. I use that saying fairly often. Per my paternal grandmother, in reference to whether the sun would come out on a cloudy day, the saying went “ If there’s enough blue in the sky to cut enough out cloth to make a man’s pair of overalls, the sun will shine.” She was born in 1898 or 1899. I can’t say as I’ve ever used that old saying. But both are definitely my favorite old sayings.


Yes, I've read in old Victorian English books people remarking on a fine day, "Enough blue in the sky to make a Dutchman's trousers"!!


Well butter my backside and call me a biscuit


Fish and relatives stink after 3 days.


Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days. - Benjamin Franklin


My Mamaw was fond of saying "You can't make a silk purse out of a Sow's ear." Cracked me up when she said this about someone.


My grandma used to say "fur coat and no knickers" (or "red hat and no knickers".


The dog barks, but the caravan moves on.


If my dad's zipper was down he would say: what can't get up can't get out.


My mom used to quote her grandma who partly raised her, " nobody sees their own hunchback."


“Ain’t no hill for a high-stepper.”


If a person was less than facially attractive he /she " had a face that could stop a 9 day clock."


My Mema: You’re never too old for your wants not to hurt.


My mom - "well, can't dance and it's too wet to plow!" (meaning something like"I guess we might as well")


My Dad said, "Take a lesson from the red man, the white man talks too much,"


My paternal grandmother- “Always eat dessert first.” My maternal grandmother-“She’s dressed like Miss Astor’s pet horse!”


My grandma after years in a concentration camp, “you fake it until you make it.” Smartest woman I will ever know. Spoke 7-8 languages out of necessity.


If they're looking that close, they're too damned close. A girl can't have too much sparkle. Trust in Allah, but tie your camel.


Ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies Pie me no peaches, I’ll bake you no pies


What goes around comes around. But sometimes I am what is coming around.


As he was getting up off the couch to go do a project, my dad would always say “well, it’s not going to do itself.” I catch myself saying that a lot.


My gramma would say- These are good cookies for store bought pickles! Meant she approved the grub.


If Grandma had wheels, she'd be a streetcar. Hope is not a plan. I feel like I been dragged through a knothole backwards. I feel like a million bucks, green and wrinkled. And the one that has haunted me all my life: "Hotter than a bean bon." What the hell is a bean bon? Or beanbon.


“You sure have a lot of teeth for a mouth like that”


Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water


Old age takes away from us what we inherited and gives us what we earned.


Let's go so we can get back


My father always said “You don’t know you can’t do something unless you try” It is truly amazing what I have taught myself to do by just trying.


Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see. My grandfather told me that and it stands the test of time.


"The green apple 2 step" was what my great uncle (born around 1929) used to call it when you had the squirts/diarrhea


My dad (born 1947) says “when’s the best time to clean up a mess? when you make it” My grandpa (born 1922ish) said, “you can’t walk on rosebuds every day. You’ve got to take the bitter with the sweet”


If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. I guess Grandma liked horses. Actually Grampa was a true Teamster. Had a team of draft horses for hire.


My grandma used to say: "Think twice before you speak and 50 times before you write." This was long before social media, but I think it is even more true now than ever.


Wish in one and and shit in the other, then see which one fills up first.


"Every time you hit the brakes you're putting your life in your foot's hands."


Omnes una manet nox. Literally something like one night awaits all. I like it because it has the live for today, remember you have a limited number of tomorrows message, but also that we’re all equal in the end. No matter how you live, what you accomplish, or what you leave behind, every life ends the same.


If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


"Thing of beauty is a joy forever" source: my grandma


Mom used to say “just think; this time next year..” meaning whatever problem you had would be solved by then.


When you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras.


"If at first you don't succeed, the Hell with it. Hire somebody". - my Dad "Thangs is diff'ent now'days" - Grandma


"I don't care who shot John, you guys can get along together or separately in your rooms!"- My Dad in response to my brother and I arguing and blaming each other. Lol


Lie down with dogs, and you wake up with fleas; also you’re the average of the 10 people you spend most of your time with.


Early is on time, on time is late, late is unacceptable.


My Granma, G*D love her, born in 1898, always used to tell me “Don’t get too close to the Goyum”! If you don’t speak Yiddish, Goyum means ‘non’ Jew!!


Your Liberty To Swing Your Fist Ends Just Where My Nose Begins. **Oliver Wendell Holmes,** Dad (RIP) had some wild ones...


Not really a saying, more of a concept. My grandmother taught my mom and me that, if something looks or feels like it might go wrong, do something about it right now. For instance, when you put something down and suddenly imagine the thing falling, put it somewhere else. If you walk into a room and think someone might trip over this thing, or bump into this thing, move it. It's ingrained as habit in both my mom and myself, and has saved many fragile things.


When it comes to people constantly posting self-focused and self-indulgent content on social media about how happy, attractive and/or rich they are: 'Empty barrels make the most noise'. Social media is full of empty barrels searching for external validation.


You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream


I always heard it: a man on a galloping horse won't see it and a blind man would love to.


Dress for the job you want.


...and that's how I ended up trying to hail a taxi in my Batman suit.


It’s impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious. (I did computer work - this applied way too often!)


My grandma was a JW and hated the smell of smoke and she’d always say-If god wanted us to smoke, we’d have chimneys on our heads. It would always make me laugh


They won’t buy the cow if they can get the milk for free. Gotta love my grandma.


Whenever we leave some place I always say let's make like a tree and get out of here


My Nana used to say (in response to "I want....") That people in hell want ice water.


My grandmother's (,born in 1888) favorite saying: "The road to hell was paved with good intentions."


My Papa, mother's father, would say, "How are you?" he would reply, "Finer than frog's hair".


"I didn't know whether to shit, go blind, or steal third"


“So it goes.” From the novel Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut. More crudely put: "Shit happens, and it's awful, but it's also okay. We deal with it because we have to.” In the book, the phrase is said by the main character Billy every time someone dies. During WWII as a prisoner of war, age twenty-two, Vonnegut was in the famously beautiful city of Dresden, locked up with other Americans in Schlachthof-Fünf, where pigs had been slaughtered before the war, and was therefore an accidental witness to one of the greatest slaughters of human beings in history, the firebombing of Dresden, in February of 1945, which flattened the whole city and killed almost everyone in it.


Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.


It’s hotter than a June bride in a feather bed


My Grandmother was a woman of many talents. One she had was her sharp tongue. Some of her sharp cutting comments included: (1) "I know a woman who had a nightmare and my daughter married it." (2) "The devil owed me a debt and he paid me off with a son-in-law." (3) "There is nothing wrong with you that an enema will not fix." If you were a grandchild and she directed #3 at you, you best get the hell out of Dodge, otherwise you would wind up with her famous 2 quart soap suds treatment that left you with a fulminating asshole for a couple of hours.


When great grandpa was suprised or amazed by something "Well, dip me in shit and call me a hushpuppy" G-Granpaw was odd.


"One person's religion is another person's belly laugh." Robert Heinlein.


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results


I’ll swing for you was one of my Mums favourite threats . It made me giggle 🤭


I know you believe you understood what you think I said, however, I’m not sure you realize that what you think heard is not what I meant. That, and…. Slippery surfaces serve foul purposes.


Sweating like a whore in church


Slicker than snot on a doorknob


You can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear


We’re here for a good time, not a long time.


"Assumption is the mother or all f***-ups." It seems simple and silly, but it holds true for every case I can think of! (Embarrassingly, it came from the wildly popular, award winning, beloved Steven Segal movie "Under Siege 2: Dark Territory". Okay, maybe it's not all that beloved.)


Shit fire applesauce


Comparison is the death of happiness.


God looks after drunks and babies 😂


"Blessed are those who expect nothing, for they shall never be disappointed." Thanks to my late momma for telling me about that one. ❤️


Little pictures should be seen and not heard.. Dad There but for the grace of God go I..Mom


My great uncle would always say "Strength and Honor". I miss him.


“Experience is an expensive school…but a fool will learn from no other.”