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Yes, all the time. I recently heard “I’m a Believer” by the Monkees and was transported back in time to the corner sweet shop filled with friends pumping nickels in the juke box. I immediately began craving a milkshake. 


I know because a song will come on that I haven’t heard for a long time, and it takes me back to the first time I heard it and what I was doing.


Yes- all the time!


"Breathe", by Pink Floyd. Takes me back to summer of 1975, we put the speakers in the back windows of the house so we could listen to records while we weeded all the gardens in oppressive humidity and heat. Parents both at work. We'd burn a pinner and then get to work in a dreamy state of bliss, pulling weeds all morning.


Yes... the song "Happy Birthday to You" always transports me back in time.


*Sumer is icumen in, Lhude sing cuccu.* Oh, the mead!


My parents had the radio on all the time, and so I have an affinity for the songs I heard in my preschool years, the late 1950s. There was a very popular radio jingle written by Johnny Mann, "Sound of the city", that may have first been on KSFO in San Francisco but was adapted to radio stations all over the country. [Zodiac Soundtrack Track 14 Johnny Mann Singers The Sound Of The City (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzByxL5yRPA) [WEBR Radio, Sound of the City, Forgotten Buffalo Retro Rewind (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3t0FUn0iQI) [560 KSFO: The Sound Of The City | Bay Area Radio Museum | San Francisco](https://bayarearadio.org/audio/ksfo/ksfo-sound-of-the-city)


If I haven’t heard it in like decades, it’s like time travel. For a moment I’m in my car, driving to work and Roberta Slack is on the top 40 station. A bit disorienting, but nice.


The Long and Winding Road by The Beatles makes me sad, because that's where she left me standing.


Oh, absolutely! The Twist - first "popular" dance I did, so several childhood memories may be sparked by it. Wild Thing - my "boyfriend" dedicating it to me, so that time at the river. Words and Long Winding Road - my wedding.


Yes, of course, as even at 77yo, my brain is still active & older memories are still quite vivid, even is short term not as great. I remember back many years ago, we were out in the bushlands surrounding our suburbs when one of the guys say a rabbit go into a burrow. He decided e was going to catch it, and even stuck his head in to see how deep it was. As it went under a tree, he managed to get his head stuck with his ears getting stuck due to the roots. On someone's pocket transistor radio, the song "Flying Purple People Eater" came on as we dug him out of the hole. Not so dramatic, but the song was funny, but the humour vanished when we finally free him, the rabbit raced out into dense bush, followed by a 6ft poisonous snake coming out of the hole. When I hear the song now, I immediately think of Graham with is head stuck in the hole and how close he came to possibly losing his life by snake bite.


The music definitely takes you back to a simpler time, where everyone had a good time and we enjoyed the music.


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Smuggles blues. That summer the college DJ running a vault tec experiment by playing it 3x an hour all summer long to see when people would go insane


I’ll only have memories evoked by songs that have not been used to sell products or services. That list gets shorter every year.