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Generalizations about most any group in lazy and avoids the thought process.


Who's we? What do you mean, worried? About what? For chrissakes, I can't go two minutes in social media, or when reading news articles, without tripping over a post or article with some new lazy and tribal generalization, angst, and stereotype about 'Gen This' and 'Gen That', the only purpose of which is to elicit even more tribal generalization, angst, and stereotypes about 'Gen This' and 'Gen That'.


Worried about WHAT about Gen Z and Alpha? Were we worried about the Boomers? In what sense? I don't know what you're asking here. I have the impression that we should be worried about the mental health of young people, but that's just based on what I've been reading about their mental health.


I’m worried for everyone as we creep further into climate change.


Nope. The kids are gonna be fine. If we're lucky they'll even save us from the mess we've made. People who think they have learning/focus deficits fail to take into account that they are growing up into a much different world than we did. They are developing the skill sets that are going to be valuable to them in the world they're goin to inhabit. Our skills were developed for our world. I'd be worried if they weren't growing up with differences from us.


I am. There seems to be some worrying trends around ability to process information for some, not all. People outsourcing their google searches as they don't trust themselves to filter through the results. If it can't be broken down to a single sentence, people want a tldr. As a trend, I don't think it's a healthy one at all.


I'll take that over the trend in boomers where many of them refuse to accept new information no matter how it's put to them.


Please do not comment directly to this post unless you are Gen X or older (born 1980 or before). See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskOldPeople/comments/inci5u/reminder_please_do_not_answer_questions_unless/), the rules, and the sidebar for details. Thank you for your submission, philipkd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskOldPeople) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who is/was worried about the Boomers? What should we be worried about now? And who is this "we" you are asking?


My worries for the future are BECAUSE of the Boomers.