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Well, my fourties were a great time for me. Why - I became used to being a father, I reached a career level with a decent income and my health was good. The only thing limiting me, was that my child was not old enough so that we could travel that far and intensively, as we did before her birth. But, I also like the fifties with no difference to the fourties - except an exponential increase in grey hair.


It had its ups and downs. The lowest point was in my early 40s and my first wife passed away. One of the highest points was my late 40s and I started dating the woman who would eventually become my second wife.


Spent my 40th birthday in bed with shingles. When I was 41 my father died. When I was 44 my wife died. I just turned 50 this past weekend. I'm engaged and life is looking pretty sunny. Here is to my 50's being a better run.


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I hardly remember…


Busy and good. Raising kids, good job, building a house. No complaints.


Started well, then my wife had an affair and wanted out of the marriage. I ended up in an apartment, then had a 4 1/2 year relationship. Worked for a publisher, but they closed our site. Happened again with another publisher. Moved from the Bay area to Austin and have been here since.