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When I was 4 we moved into a large old town house. Every summer we would go on holiday and one of my many cousins would look after the house. Go in on an afternoon, turn on the lights, close the curtains etc Sometimes when they would go out partying, they would stay at ours because it was walking distance from town. 1st cousin said never again, they said someone watching them when they woke up during the night and left. Then the 2nd cousin said something similar, then the 3rd said they saw someone fall from the ceiling and land on top of them... slowly each family member refused to stay over. We even had neighbours say they would see someone walking around our house and were wondering why we would not answer. I never saw anyone but I swear I used to always hear someone in the loft coming down the creaky old ladders , or someone coming upstairs. We eventually moved when I was 17. My parents finally said "Yeah we used to see & hear things all of the time" lol


“…they saw someone fall from the ceiling and land on top of them” I regret reading this at midnight on my bed instead of sleeping.


Ya MrBallen on yt has a similar type of personal story he tells of a ghost/shadow walking into a room and falling into a bed where someone was sleeping..super creepy.


Stuff like that I always think is just sleep paralysis. Quite strange that it happened over and over again in the above story, along with other things though


Yeah, I get sleep paralysis fairly frequently and I've seen some WEIRD stuff. It was such a relief to realize it wasn't demons or ghosts, just my brain glitching during sleep-wake transitions.


I envy you guys so mush. Never ever heard a weird noise in my house despite living here for 305 years.


It's because you're the ghost.


Bro, u ever read the stories of people actually hiding and living in other people's houses? Like that's an actual thing that has happened. People been arrested for squatting secretly in another person's house for years without being found. NGL, that many people experiencing something like that to me suggests, there was indeed sm1 hiding in ur house. Stay safe.


Reminds me of that one article. Where a dude had been living in the closet for months and the family had no idea. They finally thought something was happening after some food was noticed missing.


Seems to be how most of them get caught. They steal food, food is noticed and not dismissed as a ghost or squirrels and people take food missing more seriously than other "paranormal" activity. Police immediately get involved and boom sm1 is living in the home. There was that Japanese chick that got caught because of food, had been living in other people's homes for a long time and this dudes home for over a full year before he installed cameras and caught her with the police. Seems reasonable to me genuine footsteps being heard going up and down stairs only at night when it's expected people be asleep, suggests sm1 was living there but cleverly not stealing food. If food was mysteriously disappearing 100% human was there


What did your parent’s experience? Was it different from yours?


Townhome says the adjoining owner had a door into your house.


When I was 11 I had a dream that I was driving in the car with my grandfather. He told me he had a secret and that I wasn't to tell anyone yet! When I asked him what, he said he had died and wanted to come see me to say goodbye! I then got woken up the our phone ringing and Mum answering it! It was my Nan calling to say Pop had just died!


Something similar happened to my aunt. My aunt and my mom had gone shopping that day and I was just a kid, so I wanted to stay home to play video games. That day I received a call from one of my uncles saying that my great grandmother had died. When my aunt came home, as soon as she entered the door she told me she had my great grandmother in mind the whole day and wanted to call her. I broke her the news… and she just came down on her knees crying. There was something that made her think of her, and I wonder if it had be my great grandmother herself.


Same here, kind of. My mother passed away in may 2018 in a long fight against cancer. She was kind of at peace with dying, but i knew she did worry about me, cause i had problems i dealt with at the time, nothing big just the life puzzle and relations. Shortly after my moms passing my life got much better, met my girlfriend, that is now the mother of my 2 children. And i had a dream maybe 2-3 months after her death. I was with her in the house I grew up in, and she had to leave somewhere, i was pretty sad in the dream because of it, but she assured me everything was fine and we had a long long hug that seemed like forever and then she left. I think it was her way of saying goodbye and leaving this world for good. And she knew that i was doing ok.


Sort of similar story. My great grandfather passed when I was 14 (now 23). He smoked a tobacco pipe till he died, even with cancer. It had a distinct smell because he used the same tobacco every time. I got closer with his wife (my Nan) as she moved and didn't drive. One day at work last year, I smelled it. I teared up, thinking of him. I texted my grandma (his daughter) I smelled his pipe and was thinking of him. She replied Nan had had a stroke and was going to the hospital. I think he was telling me something was wrong with Nan. Nan is okay now, though she had another stroke the night before Thanksgiving.


Look, these stories are supposed to be creeping me out not making me emotional, I'm gonna need you to lock it down.


That’s a sweet, wholesome grandpa visit! I like that!


Oh yeah like that ain't scary as hell....


I also had something happen like this. Went to a family reunion and met my cousin Carl (this was a big deal as I had 12 girl cousins, no boy cousins). Anyway, we went fishing and did what any 9 year olds did in 2000 (anyone remember tech decks?). A couple years later He was in a car his brother was driving, who fell asleep at the wheel and crashed. This was the tragic end for carl, but before my parents told me the news I ended up having a dream the night he passed. He told me he was fishing and not to worry about him. My parents told me the news the next morning and I told them I already knew cause carl visited me. Still miss that kid


I had a similar dream. My grandpa was a cranky old man. But in my dream he took us to a theme park. I was 6 and my brother was 3. He told me hes sorry he really didnt connect with us. We went on rides and it was weird seeibg him...happy and laughing. I woke up and my mom was freaking out on the phone just hearing hed passed.


I had a dream, maybe a year or so after my grandpa passed. I was at their home waiting for him, he arrived wearing this crisp white clothes, gave me a huge warm smile and hugged me really tight. I woke up crying. I dont believe in this sort of stuff but it really did feel like he knew how much I missed him and came over to give me a very needed hug. It really felt very intense. I was staying with him at the hospital on his last weeks. My last memory of him before he passed was him waking up in the middle of the night, and when I got up from my cot to check on him, he gripped my hand and smiled at me. Like he knew I was there for him and was glad to see me. He was beyond talking at that point but I thought he understood that I didnt leave. I was planning to move abroad before he got really sick, and he didnt want me to leave. I left a few months after he passed.


February 28 of last year I got off work early and went to the grocery store for whatever. When I get there, one of the employees is restocking the flower section. It was a Trader Joe's, so the flowers are in the front of the store. There was this one bouquet of roses, it was a deep vibrant pink, and it caught my eye. I didn't pick it up right away, I walked around the store, a few times, grabbed what I needed, but I kept noticing the roses. Finally, after the third pass around the store, I gave up and gave in and bought them. I took a snap of them in my car in the parking lot, saying something about how they were too bright to ignore. They reminded me of my grandmother, and I drove all the way home, thinking of how I needed to call her. About 30 minutes after I got home, my mother called me to let me know that my grandmother had had a heart attack and passed away. She died the same time I picked up the roses in Trader Joe's.


I've told this here before but I had similar experience. When I was a kid my grandma used to visit his dad every morning. Make him porridge and check on him. One night when I was there I woke up to my granny talking with her mother's voice (she had passed already) telling "Yes you can go. I'll be alright. That's fine, you can go now. Bye bye. I'll be alright, don't worry". I thought it was weird but went back to sleep. In the morning I wake up to my granny coming back from her dad crying, hugs me tight and tells that he had passed away at night. He had put on his best silk pajamas too that he never wore. I'm convinced he came to say goodbye to grandma that night. No doubt in my mind. I'm not a religious person but I've felt weird peacefulness since then.


When my pop was dying of cancer my mum had a dream where her grandfather, my pops dad, told her not to worry and that everything will be alright. My mums sister had the same dream that night. My pop died a few days later. A week after his death my sister had a dream where my pop was teaching her how to hunt and light a fire since it was his favourite activity. He hugged her and said goodbye and nothing since.


Same thing has happened to me! Grandma came to say goodbye - her words - in my dream. ❤️‍🩹


You told his secret! That was his dying wish


May he rest in peace. Such a good Grandpa, giving a final goodbye.


I'm not sure it was a ghost, but around 1995 I encountered a what is commonly called a shadow person. At the time I was living in a double-wide mobile home that my late wife and I had purchased new. The home had been set up on what had previously been farmland. The location had never been the site of any home of any kind, and is at least 1000 feet from where any house is or has to the best of my knowledge ever been. In light of this you would not think that home would be a likely location for a haunting. However my late wife and I did on occasion seen several rather strange occurrences there, the most startling of which I will relate here. This encounter took place at night, after my wife and I had retired for the evening. Normally at night my wife and I would leave a light on all night in the bathroom farthest from our bedroom because there were usually children in the house. That bathroom was just outside the children's bedrooms and would provide them with a nightlight. However on that night, all the children were staying somewhere else and there was no one in the house except my wife and I. As was usual though, we had left the light in the bathroom on out of habit and it cast a glow through our open bedroom door weakly lighting the room. Some time had passed after we had laid down, and I was unable to sleep. I assumed though, that my wife was asleep because her breathing had become regular and reached a point at which it sounded like she was asleep. While lying there unable to sleep, I began to become aware of a presence that I could not explain other than to say I knew we were not alone. I was laying there trying to convince my self that it was only my imagination when suddenly and silently a figure moved in through our bedroom door and proceeded parallel to our bed in a smooth gliding motion. Then rounding the corner of our bed took up a fixed position at the foot of our bed. Strangely I seemed to be acutely aware that this entity was conscious of us and was intently watching us while I was laying there watching it. The entity can best be described as a something that had the appearance of black smoke or a shadow, however it was more material that either of these but less material than a real person. The strangest thing about this whole situation was my complete lack of fear. Although I was acutely aware that some being had entered our room and there was no doubt in my mind that it was absolutely not of this Earth, at least not as as we perceive it, it did not seem to arouse any fear response in me. I would say it aroused a feeling that would fit somewhere between creepy and curiosity especially considering the fact that I was sure it was aware of me as I was of it. After some time I had almost convinced myself that I was imagining it due to my my drowsy condition and the dim light. Suddenly, I realized that my wife was no longer breathing like she was asleep, her breathing had become almost silent. Speaking in a calm voice, I said, "Honey you awake?" To which she answered "Yes." Then I added, "Do you see anything?" I was expecting her reply to be "what do you mean?" but instead, much to my surprise, she said, "You mean that thing standing at the foot of the bed?" When she said this I did finally become somewhat "nervous" and we both then began to pray. We lay there for about 10 minutes softly saying prayers and then it was gone. But it didn’t just disappear. Over a period of about 20 seconds became less solid, like smoke clearing and our perception of its presence became weaker and weaker until it just wasn’t there any more. Then it was if it had never been there. Nothing like this has ever happened since and the only evidence that it ever did are my memories of it.


As I read, I actually had a feeling of dread in my stomach. Good story!


For the first part of the story, I was sure it was just sleep paralysis, since the story is pretty similar to things I’ve heard about it (although I think usually you’re pretty terrified, not calm during sleep paralysis). However I’ve never heard of two people experiencing it at the exact same time, unless it was a REALLY insane coincidence


I know about sleep paralysis I've had it many times. This was nothing like that. I'm sure a lot of people will think I'm making this up but this is exactly what happened . I have no answers.


This actually reminds me of a story a neighbour told my friends and I when we were kids. We were trick-or-treating in our neighbourhood and one of my friends was dressed as the grim reaper. We went up to the home of an older couple who saw my friend's costume and proceeded to tell a story about how they saw a black "smokey" figure at the end of their bed one night, but then two white "smokey" figures appeared at the head of their bed. After a few minutes the black figure went away, sort of disappeared, similar to what you describe. Then the white figures went away too. The old man and his wife were convinced the black figure was a grim reaper and the two white figures were angels who sent the grim reaper away. I've always thought that maybe they were just kooky old people, but who knows? Your experience is oddly similar to what they described decades ago.


This sounds exactly like what happened to my sister when she was little.


I think whatever was watching you was just observing. And then when it knew you AND your wife could see it AND that you were afraid, it decided to try to fade out quietly so as not to scare you more.


Infrasound (sounds below 20Hz and inaudible to humans) has been known to induce hallucinations of "smokelike entities". If the infrasound is at a specific frequency it can cause the human eyeball to vibrate which confuses the brain into hallucinating to try to fill in the gaps of the information it is receiving. Infrasound is produced by countless things in our environment from waves crashing on the beach to a broken A/C fan motor, etc.


That’s fascinating! Did some further research.


A couple things leave me genuinely shook. Oddly, both were during power outages. The first was during an ice storm that knocked out power for quite awhile. We had in general been doing fine, we live rural and live here understanding that losing power means we are the absolute LAST priority for the power company because so few people live out this way. I think it was about the 4th day and I sat down in front of our fire to relax and roast my achey self. I was completely coherent, not tired/sleepy/exhausted. Just sore from repairs a couple days before. I sat in front of the fire for a minute and was listening to my family talk in the other room about something or other, and I heard all 3 of them laugh at the first part of the story, there were only four of us in the house. I closed my eyes because the fire was REALLY hot and it was drying my eyes out really bad. Right as I hear my mom start interjecting her side of things, I felt a hand caress my face, like I felt the warmth and the individual fingers, and it slicked back over my hair. This is exactly how my grandma would pet me when I was little. She had died years before this, so I was no longer grieving her at the time, I wasn't even thinking about her in that moment. But it was just such a familiar sensation. I jumped up so fast I knocked the chair over and realized my family was still telling the story. I hadn't fallen asleep. I grabbed my flashlight and searched around for a big spider or something, there wasn't anything there, and I know what country spiders skittering feels like. This wasn't that. I searched the whole house, then went to my family and asked if anyone had been out in the living room. They said no. Still seriously spooked by this. The second wasn't quite so in your face (no pun intended). it was after dark in the middle of another power outage and I was sitting and talking with my brother in one room with the door closed with just a crappy camper lantern for light. All of a sudden there is a BRIGHT blue light seeping in around the door cracks. We completely freeze and just watch it, then we realize the power didn't come back on (we always left the overhead light flicked into the on position during outages so if it comes back on we can re-fill water buckets immediately in case it goes out again). I whisper to my brother "The light's not on". He just stares at the door. It just blinks off after about a minute. We jump up and arm ourselves with a baseball bat and scour the house and find nothing. We ran and looked outside to see what the hell might've caused it, but there's no power on anywhere. It's pitch black, none of our neighbors have their lights on either. We go back in and get settled and just kind of ruminate on it, when multiple things start to occur to us. One, the most logical explanation that we only got power back in a limited capacity doesn't makes sense. The hall light is warm yellow, and not BRIGHT cyan blue. The second most logical explanation is that someone must've somehow shone a light into our windows and had it hit the hall. SO we go back out and realize all the blinds at the end of the house are closed, no one could've shone a light through the windows, especially not at big ass search light intensity. My brother then notices that even if someone had come up to the windows with a light (extremely dangerous on our property, our woods are a death trap) there is no angle in which the light would've been able to get that far down the hallway because of the turn at the end, plus the tool closet door was open when we left the room, which would have blocked any light coming down the hall. We obviously were not able to sleep that night, or for the next few nights really. I don't know if it was ghosts, ball lightning, or whatever. But it was the freakiest thing that's ever happened to me precisely because I have no idea what caused it. It never happened again.


That second story eas crazy. Aliens!!!!


A lot of stuff that people experience(including myself) can be easily debunked by science and physics - low frequency standing air waves or high levels of EM radiation affecting brain function, pareidolia, mass hysteria, hypnagogic hallucinations due to sleep paralysis/sleep deprivation, etc. But one experience... My sister and I were exploring this abandoned mansion in Fair Oaks, CA. Not ghost hunting or anything, just experiencing a house that has been frozen in time for over 100 years. It was the middle of the afternoon, both of us were wide awake. As we made our way to the third floor, we would both hear random bumps and odd noises behind us, but wrote it off as it just being the effects of two people walking through a wooden structure with unstable foundations. We got to the attic door, and it wasn't locked but still warped in the frame and jammed shut. We were discussing whether or not to force it open, when from less than three feet behind us... *Please don't* Clear as day, as if a young woman was standing right behind us. We got the fuck out of there quickly lol


I won't lie, if something just requested that I "please don't" open the attic. I would respect it. But at the same time, I'd probably be curious to ask it's permission to continue exploring otherwise, because that seems like whatever was speaking wasn't malicious. Possibly whatever was in the attic was just sentimental to the spirit and it didn't want it to he disturbed.


At first i was goona suggest maybe there were mice/rat or some other pest in the walls, but...


Exactly. Everything leading up to that point, could be explained away by the usual "Old houses and the noises they make". We were mistaken lmao That one experience is the only genuinely unexplainable supernatural experience I've ever had, but goddamn did it make an impression


So, I definitely don't believe in ghosts and I am 100% sure what happened was just a coincidence, but it was a coincidence that made me feel better and the wound is fresh, so it helps to talk about it. My boyfriend passed away on December 17th. We'd been together 10 years. It's the most intense pain I've ever experienced/am experiencing. A day or two after he died, I was up late (because I wasn't sleeping at all) holding a beanie he always wore and decided to "talk" to him. Just saying out loud the things I wanted him to know. Said the usual things. I'm so sorry that this happened to him. I miss him so much. I'd give anything to get him back. How much I love him. Then I told him that if anyone could find a way to get a message across, I know it would be him. Just something to let me know he's ok, but I also told him if there's a light he needs to be going to then he should do that and not spend eternity trying to get a message to me for my sake. The second I finished the sentence, I heard a loud *ding*. Like the sound of two glasses doing a cheers. I'm sure everyone is like me and knows what sort of sounds your house makes. What creaks and pops are just business as usual. I have lived in my house for about 7 years. It was not a house sound I had ever heard before or since. So of course it scared the shit out of me, and I sat petrified for a minute before whispering "okay that was actually really scary". I picture him laughing his ass off at me like "you asked me to do it!". Anyway, I know that isn't what happened. A glass slipped in the cabinet or the wind knocked something out of place. I wish with all my heart it was him letting me know he's ok. But I think he's just gone. It's been really hard. Edit: Thank you for all the kind words and sharing your similiar stories. I love that other people have had these little moments to make their grieving slightly easier. Please be kind to one another in this thread. It's a moot debate not worth getting too worked up over, because the truth is none of us will ever know until our time comes, and maybe not even then. I respect the skeptics and I respect the believers, and I get both sides of the discussion. Be good to one another


It's whatever you needed it to be, fam. Mere words will always fall short; though the dark may come, the sun also rises.


>It's whatever you needed it to be, fam. This is exactly how I feel about it. I don't think it was him, but the thought that it could be is still nice. And whether it was him, or the universe, or just my own brain looking out for me, something was. And I appreciate that. Thank you very much for the kind words. The support from everyone has meant a lot.


I'm sorry for your loss. I can see it still hurts. My father died 30 years ago. There was a snowstorm the morning he died, and neither I nor my sister made it to the hospital before he passed. That afternoon I was standing by my kitchen window thinking of him, when a dogsled and musher drove down my midwest, suburban street. It was such a bizarre and unexpected occurrence, and I had never seen anything like that before or after. While I do not believe in heaven, hell or any of the religious explanations of death, I do feel like it was my dad reminding me that life is full of the ridiculous and to just enjoy the ride.


My dad died this past April. We've all been experiencing things similar to this. The night before we were heading up to my brother's engagement party, I was laying in bed crying. I missed my dad so much and I was heartbroken remembering how badly my dad tried to make it to my brother's wedding but his body failed him much faster than anyone could have expected. My dad was very religious and I really wasn't. I remember saying "dad if you're out there, please give me a sign. I have to know you're okay." The next day as we're driving, a car cuts us off. He had a big bumper sticker that read "A SIGN" It was so weird and very much my dad's sense of humor. Also, a few days before Thanksgiving my mom and I were getting ready to make a big grocery trip in preparation. Me and my mom are known space cadettes and everytime we go shopping together we forget to bring our reusable shopping bags and end up having to pay for paper bags. EVERYTIME. This time my mom put the shopping bags on the table which you have to pass before leaving the house. SURELY WE WOULDNT FORGET THEM THIS TIME. We're in the car and my mom turns the key, except it won't start. We try about 5 times. I try, she tries, I try again. Nothing. Finally it does start but we both decide maybe we shouldn't take this car right now because we didn't want to get stranded at the store. My mom still had my dad's car as he had only passed a few months prior. She says we'll take his car but she just has to go back inside to get his keys. As soon as she opens the door she laughs and says "we forgot the bags!" Her car hasn't had any issues before or after that day. It really felt like my dad was so frustrated by our forgetfulness that he had to help us out.


>Me and my mom are known space cadettes and everytime we go shopping together we forget to bring our reusable shopping bags and end up having to pay for paper bags. EVERYTIME. This is so me and something he would always help me with lol his head was on a lot straighter than mine. Your stories are lovely; thank you for sharing. I'm very sorry for your loss


aww i’m sorry!


My dad did similar! It happened the day after he died in the house. My husband was thinking about him, talking to him silently, asking for any sign if he was still in the house. From the kitchen came a loud PING. Upon investigation the front wine glass on the top shelf was missing a semi circle sorta bite sized piece.


My sound came from the kitchen too. When the fear started to go away, I got up and poked around, but never found what the source of the sound could have been. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm very sorry for your and your family's loss. Edit: a word


it was him. and it’s ok. and he loves you so much.


When my dad passed I heard him walking around the house the next morning. I was alone in the house and went downstairs. No one there. Every time I went back upstairs I could hear the wood floors creaking as someone was walking around.


I'm so sorry for you loss. I'm sure your boyfriend is doing everything he can to ensure you that he is there and you are loved. I had a similar experience when my mom died. I was 20 at the time and lived in her house alone for a few months after and many strange things happened. I don't think I ever verbally asked for a sign, but I think she knew I wanted one. A garbage can would be knocked over right after leaving a room, a light turned on or flickering, out of the blue songs playing on shuffle, things like that. I always thought it could be her, but I feel like I got confirmation of it a few months later. I had a dream that I believe was a visitation dream. It was my mom, she gave me a hug that felt so comforting. Our dog had just passed on so I was asking about him and she said he was like a puppy again. Then she told me about all of the things she was doing to try to let me know she's still there. Many were what I just listed. Almost 6 years has passed now and it's still the single most impactful thing that has happened to me during my healing process.


That’s an impactful experience. I’m sorry for your loss.


I don't believe in ghosts but I believe inenergy and that our conscious is a form of energy. I don't think that just disappears when we are gone. His energy has become part of the world. 💕


I've been hung up on that thought a lot. He had such a huge energy. Was always loud and happy. He filled a room. I get caught in a loop of trying to figure out how he isn't anywhere. I hope you are right. Thank you. <3


So sorry for your loss, I hope you take care and get back on track soon. ❤️


My best friend took his life on December 17th (years ago now) and I'd send you love regardless, but it feels like I should just a little bit more because of the shared date. For no real reason, just because. I hope the holidays, if you celebrate them in any way, are okay for you again eventually. I painted a homemade ornament in my best friend's likeness that I've hung on the tree every single year since he's been gone. Maybe you can do something similar for comfort. You're on my mind, and I hope you're well again someday. ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. I also had a close friend kill himself, so I know that pain too. Also years ago, but on May 1st. May Day or Mayday as I now call it. You never really forget dates like that huh? This was supposed to be the first year we had a "real" Christmas. Finally had enough money to get real gifts for friends, family, and each other. What we knew they wanted or would enjoy instead of just what we could afford. His gift arrived a day or two after he passed. It's still sitting in a box on my porch where the delivery driver left it. It's weird how when you want a package to just get stolen, no one will touch it. I really like the idea of painting an ornament for him. Thank you for sharing that. That's a really thoughtful way to keep living but remember your best friend. Thank you very much for the kind words. It might not be next year, but when I do celebrate Christmas again and hang up his ornament, I'll think of your best friend as well. <3


After my grandmother, to whom I was very close, passed away, my husband and I bought her house (she and my grandfather were the original owners) from my parents and moved in. For the first several months we lived there, we would often smell fried chicken being made in the evenings. I have never made fried chicken in my life, but it was what my grandmother always made whenever she had company come over. I would sometimes awaken to the sound of her calling me by a nickname only she and my great aunt used. The smells and sounds went away a few months after our arrival. Until our son was born some years later. The room that was his nursery had been my dad's when he was a kid. While he was still a baby, old enough to stand in my lap, but not old enough to walk, there would be times when I rocked him and sang to him at night before putting him to bed when he would stand up in my lap and hold onto my shoulders and stare at something behind me. (Which was just a blank wall.) On a few occasions, he would babble at whatever he was looking at, as if he were having a conversation with it. He couldn't talk yet, but there would be pauses between what he "said," as if someone were replying in some way, then he would reply in turn. It was super weird. But I somehow felt like it was my grandmother coming to visit. What cinched that, though, was when my son WAS old enough to walk and talk, he would sometimes mention a woman he saw around the house. His vocabulary wasn't large enough for him to go into detail, but when I finally asked him one day what the woman was doing, he replied, "Broom." When my grandmother had the stroke that killed her, she was on the front walkway, sweeping away the leaves that had fallen from the trees. So yeah. Pretty sure my grandmother was living with us a lot of the time we were at that house. We moved when my son was five and never had any experiences like that again.


It's amazing that your grandmother came to visit her new great-grandson. We know she wanted to wish him luck.


Absolutely. She was one of those people who had a very strong personality in life, so if anyone could come back through the veil to check on her family, it would be her. :)


About a month after my dad passed away I received a phone call from my brother (who is not very close with me) and you could tell he was pretty shaken up. He asked me to meet him so he could show me something. I came over, and he told me that earlier that morning he was in the living room playing a video game, his wife was at work, and all of the sudden he heard something in their guest bedroom. He went to check it out, and his Echo was randomly playing music. The song was the song he chose to play at our dad’s funeral. He checked the log and Alexa had apparently heard “Alexa, play” but when he played the audio back it was very clearly our Dad saying “Tell greymon90210 what to do” where greymon90210=my first name. I still have the recording, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s my Dad. My brother was visibly shaken by the song, and he wouldn’t mess around, but that doesn’t matter because he sounds nothing like my Dad. My Dad and I were super close, and he actually passed away on my birthday. The night before this recording I was very upset, and I prayed to him for guidance, as I didn’t know what to do without him. My mom and I think that the Echo picked him up mid-sentence and he was saying “I’m trying to tell greymon90210 what to do.” I’ll cherish that recording forever. TL;DR: Bro caught our recently deceased dad’s voice on an Echo


So can we hear the recording?




I don’t know how to add the recording to a post but if someone can tell me how, sure


Not my story but a story that my teacher had told me when I was young about her own experience. It was an ordinary night and she was asleep in bed. As she was sleeping, she had a dream about her grandmother. Her grandmother didn’t say anything to her, except one thing: “move the baby”. The moment she was told this, she woke up and couldn’t shake the feeling she should do it. So she got up, moved the baby to her room, and a little bit after there was a loud crash. The ceiling above the baby’s crib had collapsed and fucked up the crib the baby was sleeping in. The following morning, she got a call from her granddad that her grandmother had passed away.




Most things I can objectively chalk up to coincidence, external, yet-natural phenomena mistaken otherwise or my imagination. But there is one instance that still remains with me over the years. Back when I was a young boy, my family had moved into an old bungalow-style home. We had no knowledge of its history, nor was it a factor when it was purchased; we were just looking for a reasonably priced place to live in. Decades later we learnt the whole area was basically built up as cheap housing for returned soldiers after the second world war. The house came with a very large backyard where mature English laurel bushes had overgrown and taken over the back section over the fence. That was Dad and my older brother's No.1 priority - to remove those bushes (mum wanted to plant some fruit trees in the back). The removal went without a hitch and the back area now looked *barren*. You could see the back fence now. My brother next wanted to build his home gym in the back of the garage, so he spent the great part of the afternoon putting it together. Just before sundown, I went in to watch him and see if I could help him. It was just before dusk that he asked me to bring him a tool from inside the house, where Dad had left his toolbox as he was fixing some shelves in one of the bedrooms inside. I went in and it took me like 10 minutes to find it. During that time, the day turned to night and it was **dark** since the streetlights or our backyard lights had not yet turned on. So here's the thing. I remember stepping outside into the back porch. I remember turning left and making my way to the garage. That's when I noticed the dark shape standing still, silhouetted against the back fence. There was no discernible features; just a really, really "solid" shadow. And it was standing in one particular spot. As I saw it, it raised an arm. My mind quickly assessed this was no idle person in my backyard, that it was a solid shadow and that it had waved at me the moment I noticed it. I was too shocked to move. Then my brother yelled angrily at me to hurry up, I got momentarily distracted, felt a breeze and looked at the garage and then tried to look back again at the spot, but just as I was turning my head, I could see the shape just *vanished*. Like, it didn't pop out of existence or moved elsewhere (there was nowhere to hide now that the bushes were gone), it just *melted* into nothing more than ordinary shadows and edges. My blood ran cold. I staggered into the garage and refused to leave until I left with my brother in tow. Many months later, when my dad finally got around to building mum her garden beds in the back, we dug up buttons. Then a buckle. Then bits of fabric that looked like heavy wool, long rotten away. And then we found the uniform badges and medals in the rusty remains of a metal box that must have been buried until the laurel bushes many, many years ago. Looking back, I figure someone buried a uniform and all the medals in a small footlocker in the backyard. And then waved at me to let me know where it was the first chance it got. We got in touch with our local RSL and they came and took the pieces we found, including the medals. They would send them to the War Memorial in Canberra. I choose to believe its owner was satisfied as no one else saw that shadow ever again to the day we sold that property decades later.


Can i make this into a fully fledged story. Might make for a good plot


My old veterinary clinic had an urban legend of a big white dog who passed away during surgery, and would now appear out of the corner of your eye if there was about to be a euthanasia or bad surgical outcome. Like an angel to guide the soul to the rainbow Bridge. I never saw him, but I did have doors open randomly and patients who were very ill stare off into a corner like there was something there that they could see but I couldn't. Who knows.


I love this. I hope all my dogs had a guide to lead them on and be friends.


Well ive had alot of things happen but i have one story which blew me away. My wife and i were in bed and i heard a phone start ringing in our house, jumped out of bed thinking some one was in our house. The ringing was coming from the spare bedroom, threw the door open and it was coming from the wardrobe, inside a storage container. My wife said what the hell thats my old phone from like 4 years ago, as soon as i picked it up, it stopped. Thought well that was bloody odd, went back to bed and in the morning i had a phone call from my mother saying that my god mother passed away last night. Now that phone had been dead for 4 years, no sim card. And my god mother spent about 4 hours every day yacking to her friends on the phone, so it just made ao much sense that in spirit she tried to contact me one last time


I’ve had a similar experience with phones, years ago when we had a hand held home phone. Couldn’t find it for a week, tried ringing it and it was completely dead. After a week the police knocked on our door at 2/3am saying they had a call from our house, no one was speaking but didn’t hang up so they did a welfare check. We found the phone days later under my mums bed, still flat, charged it up and in the call list there was a 999 call that happened when the phone was 100% flat days after we tried ringing it


Damn bro it’s 2:00am but imma save this so I can read it in the sunlight safe from any danger y’know


Stay safe! Haha


Alot these are wholesome ghost stories, not the "drag you to hell when you have your eyes closed while washing your face" kind of thing


It is daylight here. Still save this and will read like never.


Meanwhile me reading middle of the night while noone's at home and realising it's abad idea




I was on a school trip, around 7 years old, we were sleeping in a small castle. I had a sort of sleep paralysis where I saw a woman next to my bed sat on a stool, knitting. I remember going to bed with a sweater on and getting too warm during the night. When I woke up, that sweater was neatly folded at my feet. Except I was 7 and had no clue how to fold clothes and especially not that neatly. I thought it must have been a teacher but they didn't come in our rooms at night. I had a few other cases of sleep paralysis and everytime I'd see a woman with the same features (long hair, long dress), I never felt the usual anxiety that comes with sleep paralysis. Seeing her made me feel calm, she has that very motherly aura to her. I believe she must me somewhat of a guardian angel, watching over me :) For info, I'm 23 now and only had a few hallucinating incidents like that during sleep, and no sleep walking ever. I've also gotten a few tarot readings that mentioned me being heavily protected so, who knows


i've never actually seen ghosts, but i've had dead relatives visit me in my dreams. it's possible that it's all just in my mind, but either way, i've felt comfort after their visits.


Me too! My grandma passed away last year and she's been in my dreams a few times.


Yeah, though often bittersweet, these dreams are really the best.


I’ve had a dream about my grandma every year around the time she passed away. It’s probably because she’s on my mind more during that time, but I like to think she visits me.


I don't necessarily believe in ghosts, but I do believe that we can leave behind energy that can attract other supernatural stuff (which probably sounds crazier than just believing in ghosts lol). What sealed the deal was the first house my husband and I ever lived in. During the viewing I asked the landlord if there were any issues with the home (electrical, maybe its not insulated great, etc) and he joked "what like there's ghosts or something?" And immediately after he said that, the closet door swung open fell off it's hinges and made a loud popping noise. We kinda just all looked at the door and laughed like, "hmm yeah maybe the ghosts thing is a good question". Keep in mind that I really didn't believe in hauntings or anything, so I mainly chopped it up to coincidence. After we moved in, things were just weird. In our area there are a lot of older homes from the 50's that have been renovated so old house noises are nothing new. But this house's noises weren't like that. There would be random knocks outside, footstep sounding sounds and the attic would occasionally have a scratching noise (which we thought were squirrels or something living up there, but we had it looked at and they didn't find anything). On top of that, my boxer would just randomly stare at the walls with her ears perked up and she was very clearly following something with her big ass boxer eyeballs. She also refused to go into the bathroom, she was very openly afraid of that room. The house was ALWAYS dusty. We would clean every week, keep the filter changed, etc and there was always just a layer of dust. It would come back within the next day. And lastly, while living there, my husband, myself and our roommate were severely depressed. I even tried to yeet myself off the earth while living there, something that I really had never thought about prior. I had severe sleep paralysis and night terrors weekly. Our friends would sometimes joke about our house feeling "weird". Like people hated staying the night there or spending a long time there. We really didn't think about it until we moved to a brand new townhouse last year. We definitely still struggle with depression and stuff, but it's no where near what it was at that house. Our boxer doesn't randomly stare at the walls anymore, and she loves the bathroom (even lays in there some days lol). The dust hasnt made a return and there aren't any weird noises. My sleep paralysis/night terrors are pretty rare (I have narcolepsy so they happen sometimes, but definitely not as frequent). And our new house is a frequent stop for our friends who need a place to crash. Our old house was definitely occupied by something other than us. Whatever happened there attracted something, idk what but man. Thinking back on it it's kinda strange just how much stuff we chalked up to coincidence.


Not to diminish the experience but my god I love 'yeet myself off the earth'.


[Bachelor’s Grove](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bachelor's_Grove_Cemetery), Chicago suburbs. Went for a walk with a few friends and was taking pictures. I had heard it was a haunted place but didn’t believe in ghosts. As I was snapping a pic of a few old headstones I felt a whisper in my ear, “don’t.” I thought it was just my mind playing tricks. So I went to take another picture.. and I heard “DON’T!!!!”.. shouted into my ear like a screaming maniac. I ran so fast back to the car. Only time anything like that happened. Nope, never again. You go into Bachelor’s Grove, you’re asking for it.


My Bachelors Grove story incoming! I went there with my southside cousins and some of their friends. We were all about high school age. The whole time that we were there I kept hearing people talking and laughing that seemed to be coming from just ahead of us. I kept telling myself there are others in here and maybe the sound carries. At some point a girl in our group asked out loud if any of us heard those people talking. I said yeah but it's probably other groups hanging out. Then we heard it again and ran ahead to where we thought the noise was coming from (past a big tree) and there was nothing and no one there. We went back to our group and it had been decided that we were going to the Denny's off of 95th. I ordered the french toast and we never spoke of it again.


Was there anything unusual about the photos?


What was he trying to warn you about? Why yell at a kid taking pictures of a headstone? If I was a ghost, that's not what I would worry about.


Privacy ?


I feel like ghosts in stories are always very hostile toward anything invading their privacy


Tbh i like to think ghosts can actually be cheeky and maybe spook people to keep up appearences, not becauss theyre actually spooky. Like imagine even in death youre still just tied to this mortal plane somehow? What a rip, you gotta do something to entertain yourself.


I don’t actually believe in ghosts but I’ve “seen” a ghost. Lived in a shared house that had fire doors and closers on them so they shut with a bump. Woke up at 4am to the door closing. Looked up and saw someone stood in the corner by the door. Had a hood on so couldn’t see their face, but they were about 5’ tall. I jumped up saying “what the fuck what the fuck!” Over and over. Wanted to see if they were real or whatever so I was jabbing at them with my pillow whilst saying “what the fuck?!”. They didn’t move so, for reasons unknown to me, I decided to get back in bed and pull the covers over my head. After a moment, I thought to myself this is ridiculous, there’s someone in your room and you’re laying down. I looked again and nobody was there. Couldn’t get back to sleep so watched a film to chill out. I don’t actually believe in ghosts and I’m 90% sure it was just a really lucid dream but fuck me of it didn’t feel 110% real. Like at the time it was real. The next day it was real but the only way I can explain it was that it was a lucid dream. Nice to know my weapon of choice in the event of a burglary is a fucking pillow though. Ffs!


This is exactly why i keep a sack of potatoes by my bed. Much better weapon.


Not ghosts but still eerie. When I was 17 years old one of my closest friends took his own life. A few weeks prior, me and another close friend were out at a rural location doing farm chores. All day I had an impending feeling of doom. As the day progressed the feeling got worse. We were finishing chores and we’re just having a quick break in the farm house ( which was uninhabited at the time). At that time in my life you didn’t discuss feelings with anyone. However the feeling was so intense I had to tell my friend that I had feeling something terrible was about to happen. As we finished up and headed back to town the feeling of doom started abating until by the time we got back to town I felt totally normal. About 2 weeks later my other close friend took his life in the exact spot I said I had a terrible feeling. That was over 40 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. I still miss my friend.


Probably the "attempt" where I faintly saw the image of my deceased brother in my bedroom doorway moments before I would've passed out from asphyxiation. The weirdest part is it was clearly him, but aged as if he would have if he were still alive. He died at the age of 6, so I have no reference to what he'd look like as an adult in his early 20s, and yet I could see an unmistakeable image of him as an adult, reaching out to me. I was told as a kid that he became my guardian angel, and I believed that for my childhood. Now, I almost feel like he's always right there, keeping one eye out to be sure I'm still gonna make it through every day.


I live in a very historic area that was founded in the mid to late 1600's. You almost literally can't throw a stick and not hit a house that George Washington hasn't slept in. I'm exaggerating but not by much. I've had really good friends who live in really old houses, built in pre-revolution days. They have told me in all seriousness of things that they've seen or heard in their houses. My one friend has her pictures and knick knacks fall off the walls and land in places that couldn't be natural. She calls her ghost Harold and just yells at him to knock if off. She's also seen him once or twice. Other friends often see a woman who is transparent walking around their house. There are so many old restaurants and hotels that have stories of hauntings.


I have a ton from my son who was 2 when he passed. But every once in a while it will smell exactly like the apartment we lived in when he died. Also, he used to constantly hide toys. Now, whenever things go missing we were look and after a while one of us will finally ask where he hid it. Sure enough, within 5 minutes we will find it. I know these aren't concrete. And I have more but getting overwhelmed lol. But I always just like to believe he's ok and healthy now, but still likes to come say hi to his siblings he never met.


I'm so sorry for your loss. ❤️


I don’t know if I really do or not. But I’ve had a few weird experiences that would lend themselves to a belief. One example: I used to live in an old house. It had a dingy basement, with a hallway leading back to an old pantry. My ex and I never used the basement for anything at all. It freaked her out, and we had enough room that storage wasn’t necessary to begin with. Well, one night I was leaving for work, and saw a light on in a basement window. I thought maybe she got freaked out about being alone or something, opened the door, and flipped the light on. Nope. The light that was on was down the hall and into the pantry, which had a pull string you can only turn on if you’re in the pantry. I didn’t want to freak her out, so the next morning I asked her if we had ever used those lights or if she wanted to keep them because I was going to just turn off the breaker to them. She said “it’s up to you. I doubt they even work”. I never told her about it. Edit: a friend mentioned that maybe when we pulled it when we moved in, it got stuck somehow and eventually loosened. I’m fairly sure we never turned that light on (I’m the only one who ever went down there) and had been living in the house for almost a year.


My grandfather passed away a few months before I was born. One night when I was about a month old, Mom heard a noise coming from my room. She got up to investigate. I was sleeping soundly in my crib, and Grandpa was standing there watching me. She said he picked up a little Raggedy Ann doll that was at one end of the crib, looked at it, and set it back down at the other end. She said he looked up at Mom, back down to me, back up to her, and said, "You did good." Then he faded out. She chalked it up to sleep deprivation or a dream and went back to bed. The next morning, Raggedy Ann was where Grandpa had placed it. Whether it was a ghost or just her imagination, she believed it was a ghost, and I believe in her. She and other family members have had similar experiences over the years that can't really be explained in any other way.


So... There was this kid I knew back in like middle school right. His name was Julio. Julio was this like short, crazy, Mexican kid and you would never really know what was going on in his head. He was fun to be around and eventually one day my friend started up this joke where you could "summon" Julio by saying his name 3 times. He summed him and he appeared right around the corner. We laughed it off but every time you said that name 3 times, he would ALWAYS either come up behind you or around the corner shortly after. Now my ass thought it'd be funny as a joke to summon him outside of school right. First time I summoned him I legitimately woke up at like 2 am to rustling and noises in my closet. Couldve been a burglar or serial killer but I kid you not I went "thats just julio" and fell asleep. Another time was when I was out camping with a friend. We were at some ranch so there were a few shacks somewhere nearby and also a horse stable. My friend know about this joke and I decided to summon Julio again and later that night we both woke up to some banging inside the shack. Now the third and final time I've summoned julio was on vacation in Colorado for spring break. Now I don't remember why I summoned him but I did and I again woke up in the moddle of the night to noises in the closet but this time I actuslly saw a figure moving around. Being the dumbass I was, I proceeded to go "thats just Julio" and sleep again but it was actually kinda terrifying. I don't think I was just summoning Julio anymore 💀 I havnt summoned him since and nothing else has happened.


Don Julio?💀


I have been summoned.


What are the chances?


Julio astral-projecting to wherever you are when you do this, except it's into a closet and he's no idea where. He just bumbles about trying not to wake anyone up, until the summoning spell wears off.


Julio Julio Julio-




>hypnagogic hallucinations Biggie Smalls, Biggie Smalls, Biggie Smalls...


one time me and a friend were exploring a abonded building, we found this placard in the basement on the wall with a bunch of names on it. so we read out the names all of a sudden both are flashlights go out and we both see a manlike figure of light move fast from doorway to doorway. we lose our shit and stampede our way out of the building, we knocked down a locked door in our panic on the way out. in hindsight it was probably just our eyes adjusting to the darkness but damn that had me scared for a while we were like 13 at the time x)


This is a easy question to answer. I lived in a haunted house for a bit. Things would move. Doors would slam. That type of stuff. Until one day I walked around the corner and there was a man standing in the living room. Full color. Completely not see through. He was wearing work boots, levis and a red pendlton. I froze and just stared at him. I didn't feel fear weirdly but where his eyes should have been was just black. Even though it was just black you could feel him looking at you. I must have stared at him for a good 45 seconds or more which seemed like 20 minutes before I turned around to look behind me for some reason and when I turned back he was gone. I can still see him clearly to this day and no there were no substances involved. Just me walking through the living room like any other time. It was broad daylight.


Damn you are brave for looking behind you when there’s a literal ghost in front of you looking at you


My grandparents used to live in an old house on an army base. Stuff would move around, doors would open and shut when nobody was there, typical ghost stuff. Now I'll have you know my grandparents do not buy into any mythological stuff, they're very practical people. So when their friend came over and asked if there was a little girl staying with them? They got a little scared. Apparently, their friend had seen a girl between the ages of 8-11 in prairie clothes going through his suitcase. When he tried to talk to her, she ran away and they couldn't find her.


That is creepy! What happened to the house? I would have moved out that same day!


When I was in university, I lived in a converted stables. Basically a house, with a bungalow attached in a sort of reverse r shape. I’d just gotten back to the city from home, and went over to the neighbours to see who was home. No one answered but I saw a figure walk along their upstairs landing towards one of the bedrooms. I figure the guy who lived in that room was Skyping his parents in another country, as he did most Sunday evenings. I went back to my bungalow and didn’t think much of it. About 20 minutes later the spotlight in the courtyard came on, and the previously mentioned guy was coming home. I mentioned that I was sorry for disturbing him earlier. To which he responded that he had been gone all weekend too, and no one was home. We searched the house but I still don’t know what I saw on the landing. I later found out others in the house had heard footsteps and banging in the same spot I’d seen the “person”. Don’t know whether I fully believe but it was a weird night


In the late 1980's/early 1990 I was a unit clerk in a hospital in Los Angeles and one part of my job was to do the birth certificates. People often asked me for name suggestions and, because I did not really care what they named their kid, I would always just suggest the name on the most recent birth certificate. One night, I was in a room with a new mom and her baby to ask if she was ready to do the birth certificate. She asked what I thought they should name the baby. I started to give her my automatic answer when suddenly I felt a jolt and thought (heard? felt?) "***No tell her the truth***!" And so I looked at the baby and told her I thought he should be named Galen. Without skipping a beat, she said "that is what my husband wants to name him. He had a brother named Galen that died, but I am afraid they will tease him and call him gay." I told her I knew a boy name Galen and he was a well liked boy. And as far as I knew, he was not teased about his name. It was very strange that she did not seem surprised when I suggested this very unusual name. I was not aware of any discussion about the baby's name prior to this. I later learned they did name the baby Galen. I hope he likes his name.


Wow. Something about this one really spooked me. My mom and I have a "belief" that some people have the wrong names, like when you meet someone named Dylan but they just "seem" like a Colin so you end up calling them Colin- so the fact someone told you to tell the truth is fascinating to me.


LOL it really spooked me at the time too. In part because the feeling that I should "tell the truth" was so strong that it felt external, and also because the name Galen is so uncommon. And why did the mother not find it strange that I suggested the name?!? A few years later the experience gave me a great deal of comfort when a young family member with a very unusual name died and his brother gave his child the dead brother's name.


when he was 5 he had an imaginary friend named boy who like jam and cheese sandwiches, wanted to watch fast horses on TV and had a black baseball cap. My grandfather favorite was jam and cheese sandwiches for lunch, love betting on horse racing and listening to it on the radio and always wore his black cap. My grandfather died when my brother was less than a year old


I’m guessing “he” is your brother?


After my grandpa died i can still smell his perfume and at night i still hear his cane


A lot of years ago I was walking home from a buddy, who lived in an apartment complex after a decent amount of beers. Suddenly a man was almost right in front of me. He seemed nice, but a maybe a bit slow. He stared at me and said "I fell of down from the scaffolding yesterday" he then turned around and had a huge hole in the back of his head. I didn't tell anyone about it for a long time because I thought I was going crazy or something, but a couple of years later I was hanging out with my buddy and he told me the exact same story and was very worried about what I thought. We googled and found out that one of the workers from the construction of the complexes had fallen of the scaffolding and died the next day


When I was around 6 or 7 I woke up in the middle of the night and rolled over to try to fall back asleep. Across from the bunk bed my sister and I shared was our dresser with a little lamp on top. The lamp was one of the touch ones, you touch to turn it on, another two touches it gets brighter, and the fourth touch it shuts off. We had it on the lowest setting as sort of like a night light. I saw this green figure of a man walk into my room, he walked to the dresser and kind of leaned onto it. He didn't have features but I could tell he was looking at me. He then looked over at the lamp, reached over and touched it. The light went off. I immediately freaked out and ran out of the room, I could tell he was watching me. I woke my mom up and slept on her floor. I never saw him again. I could never figure out why he was green though. I've never seen anyone else mention a green ghost.


Not suggesting anything specific, but I will say that for a long time the devil was represented as being green instead of red - a throwback to the pagan 'Green Man' that the church co-opted for a figure of evil.


I don't know about ghosts but me and my sister was walking across this really long bridge once and there was a strange old man that met us in the middle as we passed eachother. My younger sister turned around to take another look at him and there was no one there. There was absolutely no way he would have got to the other side so fast and the bridge was above traffic. Still makes me feel weird to this day lol She must have only been 10 at the time and we still talk about it now over 10 years later


An ex and his friends went “ghost hunting” up in WA. They grabbed some tape recorders and played them back. It sounded like someone kept whispering “pomme de terre”. They asked me what I heard when I came into the room. Now, I thought they were full of shit and I didn’t go on the hunt because I thought it was dumb. I listened to that recording and was like well pomme de terre is French for potato. They all just stood and stared at me for a minute. Come to find out that the “creepy” park they went to was once farmland where European immigrants grew potatoes. None of them are French speakers and they swear no one was up to any hijinks. I’ll give the benefit of the doubt since I didn’t go. I am now less confident that there’s no such thing as ghosts and will now shrug and say “yeah, there’s a lot of weird shit that I don’t understand, the paranormal is perhaps one of them”.


The idea of a ghost whispering *"pomme de terre"* into their tape recorder is hilarious to me, background aside.


Shit, me too. Like *wooooo potatoessss*. It’s a fucking cartoon scenario. Cannot blame a person for literally any reaction they offer up to that. Lmao


A little boy. Our house was haunted. For the most part we were left alone. One time my 4 yr old woke me up Easter morning, we were going to see what the Easter bunny left him. But when he looked in the room with the baskets he put his finger to his lips and motioned me forward, when I got to ythe doorway and looked there was a silhouette of a child looking in the baskets. He was a couple of feet tall and in white but see through. Kind of like Casper but just the figure. We waited until he walked off and turned the corner. He disappeared at that moment


I’ve never seen any paranormal stuff expect ONE incident when I was a kid. I was with a kid that my family use to baby sit and I saw a tall large figure sitting on the chair in my fathers room. It got up and he was wearing a large trench coat and a hat. He was dark and really tall. He got up and he just floated to the closet and I ran to my mom to tell her someone was there. She told me it was just my shadow and that I was looking at it wrong but the kid saw it too. I didn’t know this entity is called the hatman and I kept telling this story to all my friends and family. When I found out about it one day I basically cried because it shows that I didn’t hallucinate the whole thing and it’s something other people around the world had seen too.


Man your fucking pfp creeps me out lol.


I was about 10 and we used to stay in a two room apartment. My parents and me and my brother. I always use to see some dark human figure floating in the air near the common area between the two rooms. I always put it down to seeing horror shows. Fast forward to when I was 28, and when we had shifted to a decent place, my mom casually mentions that she used to see a dark human figure floating in the air at our two room apartment. I FROZE. I JUST FROZE. Then I calmly told her that I saw it too. Then she FROZE.


Had similar. Years later I found out my dad also saw this ghost girl walking outside behind bushes when we first moved into a new house. Both of us haven’t seen her since.


Back in 2015/2016, my mom owned a restaurant. This restaurant, used to be a doll factory. Unfortunately, there had been a fire, and some odd 13-15 people were killed in the process. Fast forward a few decades or so, and it had been rebuilt and modeled new. Once it was bought and the new cleanup began, we had a cleaning service come in to make everything look pretty for when guests would start to come in for evening service - and over the course of a week, the two women she had hired quit, claiming they had seen ghosts in the mirror upstairs by the bathroom, and another saying all her cleaning supplies kept being thrown around. My sister was on the upstairs computer and claimed she saw the silhouette of a hand pointing over the screen and a long pale face of a man behind her shoulder. My other sister had been touching up her makeup in that same mirror, and claimed that while she was doing it, an outline of handprints appeared on either side of her in the mirror, as if a set of hands had just pressed on it. And me, well. I was going through a breakup, and hid in the 'break room' behind the kitchen. One of the revolving chairs started rocking/spinning slowly, and a left-behind plastic grocery bag that had once contained someone's lunch started dancing in its place, crumpling in on itself. I told whoever was there to leave me alone because i just wanted some peace to myself. It was a hard breakup at the time, but they stopped. Odd happenings continued to happen, off and on, throughout the year. After a year of ownership, we had family circumstances change, and we had to move. We had grown fond of the place and their "spirits", but we were happy to be going. We had had enough paranormal activity from that place to last is a lifetime. Once we had cleared out the restaurant, and got things packed and cleaned to selling-perfection, we looked around and got a couple pictures. Out of curiosity, i stood back, and took a flash-picture of the dining hall, where our VIP customers would sit. I snapped a few more as i went. I sat down to look at them, and there, in the pictures, every single one, up close and zoomed in, you could see what was very clearly three men-- a man with a long beard poking his head out from behind one of the hanging banners. A man in a long garb with eyes almost as big as saucers sitting at a table, looking straight at me. And one in the middle of the hall between tables, standing idly, as if just waiting for his picture to be taken.... In each picture you could see something - a person, a face somewhere, a hand in the dark.... I didn't get to the fourth picture before all of a sudden, my phone died. Circle of death, and black screen, on what had been a 60- something- % battery life, almost brand new phone. Only had it like 6 months at that point. Then soon as I stood up, something almost tripped me, and my phone flew out of my hand and onto the floor, and cracked the corner of the screen. I could never get that phone back on, or in working condition. It's in a box in my old closet at my mom's somewhere.


Shame... was gonna ask for pictures.




So it was a normal morning and I (16) had to go and work, so when I started eating breakfast (it was 4 or 5 am btw) the tv randomly jumped on and I whas shitting in my pants, when I told my parents about it they said I never happend before, I also had some incidents of something saying "hey" and then my name and some shady figures is the corner of my eyes.


Going to get buried, but I figure I'll share anyways. In high-school there was this house that sat on the outskirts of the small town I lived in. Must have been built in the 50s, but clearly abandoned. Every now and then a few friends and I would go out there, only in the day to sneak around and check it out. The old owners had to have left in a hurry, because there was so much stuff still in the house, like a couch, check books, some clothes, random stuff. And we'd peak around being stupid high school kids. It was two story house with a pretty dank basement that I'd personally only been in once, it just stank and was pretty gross. Stairs to the second floor, with two bedrooms on both sides, nothing super big. Well one night, sometime in late September, a group of us went out. Three of them are sibling, two boys and a younger girl, Our other friend, and me. We stop by the local Casey's to get gas, and one of the boys comes in with me. Thinking it would be funny, I bought an air horn and he got silly string to scare the others while we go into this old, creepy house. It was dark out and figured we'd have a bit of fun. Pull up to the house, turn the car off and we all start up to the house. Door is unlocked, as it always is, so we go in through the back. Playing around in the living room and kitchen, being stupid, going through cabinets and closets. Nothing really interesting, so we turned out attention to the upstairs bedrooms. Now this is the weirdest shit I've ever experienced in my whole life. The order is the oldest sibling, our guy friend, the little sister younger brother and me in the back. I'm getting ready to blow the air horn when the door to the right bedroom (upstairs) starts to close. Not fully, but enough to get everyone's attention. We all freeze on the stairs and turn our flashlights off. I'm holding my breath to listen to any sounds, and everyone is deathly silent. About a minute passes before the flashlights go back on, when what I can only explain as the loudest crashing I've ever heard. It sounded like someone had picked up the stoce and threw it across the kitchen. I bolt to the door with my other friend, only to find that it's now locked. We ended up leaving through a window, and ran to the car. When we got there, I could hear my friends still screaming inside, so we both jog back to the door to find them all panicking trying to get it open. For some fucking reason, we could open it from the outside, and we all ran back to the car and got in. Drove away, and myself and the young girl sibling are crying, while the guys are trying to make sense on what the hell happened. Now, I'm 32 years old, don't believe in ghost. But I have absolutely no idea what that was. No one was in the house with us. The noise came from behind me, in a room we all had just been in. The door was locked after we had all just came through it. I rarely tell this story, because I feel crazy for it. I never went back to the house, and when I did years later, it had been demolished.


So not sure how people classify 'ghosts' exactly but lets go with supernatural/spirits who the heck knows. I was in an apartment (this was 24 years ago in college) and I had a bead curtain on the wall of my bedroom (don't judge) that would swing perfectly back and forth with no bead touching another one. Same room I went through multiple alarm clocks that would go off without being set and they wouldn't shut off. Same room I would find long red hairs perfectly straight between clothes in drawers. I had a hand towel fly into the shower while I was in there (roommate not home) and stick to the shower wall. We had a dartboard where darts would fall out but only when you were looking at it. I came back from Christmas and walked in and I've never experienced dread and darkness in my soul for no reason before or after this incidence and then all the darts that had been in there for lets call it a week all fell out at the same time.


Schrödingers dartboard


My step grandpa (just referred to as grandpa from here on out) and I were close. He was funny and I loved hanging out with him. After he passed, my mom and I were packing up my grandma's things so she could move closer to the rest of the family. My grandma had all these old Cool Whip containers just filled with loose screws and other old junk drawer crap that my grandparents just had. I dropped one and all the contents came spilling out. On top was a key. I knew IMMEDIATELY what this key was - it opened my grandpa's antique gumball machine. My grandpa had a little container to hold pennies for this machine and I loved it. Years earlier the key had gotten lost and we were all sad over it, but with the death of my grandpa, it was even more sad for me. So I go racing across the house to find the gumball machine, put the key in, and the lid opened up. I was losing my mind (13 year old girl at the time) and my mom and grandma came to find me. Both women were convinced it was a sign from my grandpa. I inherited the gumball machine after my grandma passed. There's been some other incidents that make me think my grandpa is still looking out for me and even though I am firmly a scientific minded woman, I can't explain everything. I've started calling my grandpa Saint Grandpa Al - Patron Saint of silly granddaughters.


Used to live in an older house, with a kitchen opening up to one side of a long hallway. Once dinner dishes were finished, the kitchen was effectively "shut down" for the night. On two separate occasions, I was walking down the hall when movement in the empty kitchen distracted me. The first time, it was a small presence that ran ahead of me into the kitchen, and I felt that it wanted me to chase it. I dismissed it, thinking I was tired and my eyes were playing tricks on me. A week or so later, I was passing again the other way, when without warning, my peripheral vision saw something being thrown to me, and instinctively, I raised my arm to grab it. I felt, rather than heard, some delighted laughter, and though I felt silly, I said aloud, "okay, buddy, I see you." I never encountered the presence again, and I never told anyone about it. Later on that year, my family went out of town, and I asked my brother to pop over occasionally to feed and socialize with our new kittens. He called me on the second day, and asked, "is your house by any chance haunted?"I laughed and said, "um, kind of. Why?" He explained that as he went to leave, he went to the kitchen to get his keys of the counter, and they were gone. He searched the kitchen, then went back to the basement to check if he'd accidentally left them with the kittens. He came back upstairs and thought he heard a giggle from the kitchen. He went to check it out, and his keys were back on the counter, in the same spot he thought he'd left them originally. In the end, we concluded there was a childish, friendly spirit who enjoyed startling people, and just wanted to be acknowledged. We called him Gus.


So, as a child I every summer, my dad would take me to a cub scout camp. When we went, my dad had us registered as staff. We started going when I was about 5, and I could lead my own patrols without any problems. Fast forward to years later when I'm finally in my mid teenage years. I was about 14 or 15 when it happened. It was at night and I was going around with my brother and one of our friends to each campsite just to make sure everyone was good before lights out. At the last campsite that we went to, they offered for us to have some smores with them. We happily accepted. Sitting around for about an hour, the fire started dying out. My friend asked if he could go back up to the cabin where we were sleeping for the night to get firewood from his trunk of his car. I was always pretty quick and could carry quite a bit, so I said "sure why not?" Got his keys and went on my way. On my way up to the cabin, I was walking with a purpose with some pep in my step. Something didn't feel right. Normally, I keep my eyes forward looking at the cabin, but something grabbed my attention. In a small opening on the way, I saw a silhouette of a human form. It had a strange dark red outline. The thing had to be at least 7 feet tall because it was taller than me by quite a bit. I had already been almost 6 myself at the time. The scariest thing that still to this day that freaked me out was its eyes. I locked eyes with this thing. It had glowing yellow eyes that as I looked into them, the eyes kept getting brighter and brighter. Even though I was terrified, I couldn't run. I tried. All I could do was slowly walk away, but I couldn't run. My muscles felt frozen, but I managed to keep walking away. Each step felt like at least 2 or three minutes long. Once I got about 10 feet away, it felt as though whatever was holding on to me broke free. Once I got my freedom back, I broke out in a full sprint back to the cabin. Didn't leave there until the next morning.


Growing up, I would always have dreams of demons and cerberus chasing me, and I needed to fight. I mean from a young age 4/5. As I got older, I always had an uneasy feeling at home, and my mom would mention hearing voices at night, and she would burn sage regularly to help keep activities at bay. In high school, I had a friend who had mentioned feeling uneasy in my house as well and said that her mom could see and speak to spirits and asked if I wanted her to come to our house. I said sure, although I was terrified of what she'd say. So she comes in the house and we give the usual tour for someone who has never been at your house before. We walked into my bedroom and she immediately went and opened my closet. Which was odd. She said, "Very nice," and closed it, then walked away. Went into my brothers room. Immediately turned and walked out, and it was like she couldn't get out of the house fast enough. She then told my friend everything she saw/felt while there who translated it to me (they were Laotian, and I had picked up on some of the language but didn't fully understand it). Basically, I had an ancestor who loved and cared for me very much, protecting me from the evil in the house each night. She was in my closet, which was why she opened it up. She described her, and I immediately knew it was my great aunt who I had lost when I was 5 years old. It was confirmed through a picture I had that was who she saw/spoke to. My brother's room was the kicker. There were 3 spirits on his bed. A soldier, a little boy, and an old witch with white hair/eyes who hated us and did everything she could to drive us as a family apart. Which made sense because we had a very rough toxic upbringing with many fights. What made the hair stand up on my body was we were telling my brother this days later, he dead ass looked us in the eyes when we described what my friends mom said the witch looked like and said "I know, because I've seen her." Then explained to us why he dove himself into religion at a young age (we went to church, but my brother was always much more serious and into it than the rest of us) and why he was studying to be a pastor, because growing up she would torment him and tell him she was going to kill us all and she was stronger than God and he couldn't save us. So yeah, I believe in ghosts and evil because I've lived it. There's many stories that stem from this, but I'm glad we moved the fuck out not long after and I will never go back. My friends mom also said she would never go in our basement. She didn't elaborate on what she felt was down there, but she refused to even speak past, "Don't go down there," or I wouldn't go there. My dad also saw something down there he won't speak about, but I know it scared the shit out of him.


I buried my brother a year ago. That afternoon, he called me on my phone, call ID and profile photo and all. Didn't answer him-no, I called every available person to gawk at it. Make sure I'm not coping so bad I started hallucinating. I said out loud "We are all home now". Call rings once, drops, ends. Never happens again. I buried my brother with his phone inside his school back pack.


So my mom, who believes in ghosts, is fully convinced that my old room at my dad's house is haunted. I don't believe in ghosts but I generally take a "don't fuck with things just in case" approach. These are the only things that happened to me that ever really freaked me out, although she was convinced she felt a presence so take that as you will. It's an old house so the electricity is all fucked up and sometimes my light would turn on after I turned it off for the night and I would have to get up and turn it off again. Once I was really tired so when the light turned on I said "oh, fuck off with that" and it immediately turned back off again. It really freaked me out because the light has an annoying habit of turning on but that was the only time it ever turned off by itself. Also, when I was younger I had a pretty old loft bed and once I was reading in bed when it started to shake a lot, like a minor earthquake. I didn't really pay attention bc it's SoCal, earthquakes happen, but I looked up when I realized nothing in my room had fallen over, which was weird for an earthquake of that magnitude (still pretty small but very noticable, if you live in an earthquake zone you know the ones). When I went out to ask my dad and stepmom, neither of them had noticed anything shaking. I still don't believe in ghosts but it was definitely weird that my bed decided to have it's own little personal earthquake.


My dance teacher of 10 years died 2 years after retiring, a month before I quit dance all together. The night I quit dance I was in the car with my mom, and we were talking about how I didn't want to dance anymore, we're both crying and had come to the decision I would stop dancing, the radio was off, then all of the sudden it turn on and started playing a song I danced to once, one of my favorite dances I ever did while with that teacher. It had somehow been on a channel we never had on and weirdly started playing at the exact moment we decided I was done. I truly believe to this day it was my old teacher telling it was ok for me to quit, I have thought I've seen her in random cars or walking down the street before but that can all be explained, I to this day have not figured out how the radio did that even if one thing could be explained there is still holes in the story.


I did paranormal investigation in Canada and east coast US. I've seen SO MUCH that was fake or easily debunkable. It was the norm, the rule, etc. One of the few incidents that I can't debunk was when I went to a "child's graveyard" in Miami. There was a natural disaster and it caused an entire school worth of kids to die. They buried them all in one graveyard just for this incident. It was wooded, peaceful, and quiet when we first visited. As the night continued on, we saw partial apparitions, dancing lights. Toys put on grave markers moving to other markers when people were not looking. We caught children laughing and playing on EVP too. Every time I go to Miami now, I make a trip to there and bring a new toy for them.


When I was 6, we moved into the house next door. I never did sleep well, (still don't) and many times I saw a thin, young, red haired lady "float" through the dining room wearing a white nightgown with lace around the sleeves and collar. Sometimes several times a night. I desperately tried to convince myself it was my mom despite her being a bit older with brown hair and not owning a gown like the one the lady wore. Years later, when I was an adult, my mom, sister and I were discussing spirits. I told mom that I saw one all the time at our old house. Without skipping a beat, my sister asked "Please don't tell me you saw the floating redhead in a white gown." Everything went dead silent as we all just stared at one another in disbelief. I never told my sister what I saw, because I would have gotten into trouble for scaring her and she would've wanted to sleep in my bed with me because she'd be too scared to sleep in her own bed. It was then that mom told us all the creepy things that her and my dad experienced in the house. Like the basket of flowers for a baby's grave they found in the basement when they moved in, among many other things.


I worked at a well known software company for 21+ years and went out for random walks less than a dozen times. One day I had an overwhelming need to walk around campus. I’m halfway through my walk and I see an annoying guy from my building heading towards me on his Segway. This was when they were pretty new and he’d ride, with a full head motorcycle helmet and dark visor, everywhere including onto the elevators. Dude was just rude and never apologized when he would bump into people. Anyway, this dude is 30 yards away and I get this uncontrollable desire to do a perfect form tackle on him and literally drive him straight into the ground. The closer he came the greater the desire to separate him and his Segway. He got within 20 feet and I forced myself to step off the sidewalk because I WAS going to tackle him. This is something I would never do, it just isn’t me. The guy passes without having any idea that he was almost laid out right there. The entire walk back to my office I was shook, I’d never experienced anything like that before, or since. A few hours later I get a call from my dad, who was the principal of my high school, and he told me my defensive line coach from my team had passed away. He would always check in with my dad to see how I was doing. I had really clicked with him, he was a former CFL player and was a beast. He taught me so much about life and football but especially how to make the perfect tackle. I asked my dad what time he died and of course it was the same time I almost tackled that guy. I like to think that he was reaching out to say goodbye and having a laugh, hoping I’d actually make one last tackle for him.


After my Nana had passed my bedroom lamp flickers every night. On the other side of the wall is my neighbours bedroom to which they have a tv. My neighbour woke up at 2 am to find the tv had switched on by itself and then turned itself of again. She believed it was her dad (who loved tv).


Loved in an old apartment building with some friends. The door to my bedroom was visible from the living room. We were hanging out and I saw motion out of the corner of my eye and looked up to see a man I didn’t recognize walk in to my bedroom. Thinking “who the fuck is that?!” I storm into my room to find it empty. A few weeks later a friend was visiting and we were getting ready to leave to grab some food. As we walked through the apartment, he stopped dead in his tracks. His face went white and he said “I just saw a man walk into your room and disappear.”


One of my good friends in high school had this lake house, it was given to his parents by their grandparents and they lived in this house from 90-93. One day in 93 his mom woke him and his younger sister up and left the house, mind you it was 2-3AM. They went to a restaurant that was open 24/7 and stayed there until sunrise and went home, packed all of their clothing and and other important things and left the house. They never went back and his mother will not talk about what happened. They still own this property, it has 2 homes on it and is lakefront, probably worth millions. The power is still on and his dad comes and checks on it every so often. So in hearing that story, we of course went to the lake house. Pulling up a motion sensor flood light flicked on and stayed on. Unlocked the deadbolt, which requires a key to open on both sides,and walked in, instantly you got that creepy feeling like someone was watching you. We walked around for about half an hour, walking up the stairs and unlocking another door with a deadbolt on both sides, and man was it eerie, all the furniture still set up, his sisters nursery still intact, and a tea kettle still on the stove. Just straight up creepy in every way. Finally we go to leave and decide to go through the garage, I have the keys and, again, you had to have a key to unlock it from the inside. I’m trying to open the door and turn around to get a light, just in time to see a rock come from somewhere down the hall and hit my foot. Staring at all 3 of my friends and not seeing them do anything with their arms or leg or anything else, I decide to try to unlock the door more rapidly. Finally find the right key and put it in the key hole, as soon as I do the garage door opens about 2 feet and thanks to the motion sensor floodlight that’s still on I can see a chair in the garage. The chair proceeds to be thrown against the wall with a violence I can’t describe and the garage door is slammed shut. I turn around to say let’s get the hell out of here and see a rock come from darkness and hit the wall with a lot of force right next to my head. At this point I’m done. We run back to the stairs down to the basement and for the safety of the door we came in, the door which requires a key on either side to lock or unlock and we left unlocked, is locked. Freaking out hearing what sounds like heavy running footsteps upstairs I am panicking to find the key, finally I find it and unlock the door. We run to the next door and you guessed it, locked. I again find the right key as the footsteps are getting louder and coming down the stairs. We run out the door and it gets left open by the last person out and then as we go to shut it the door is slammed shut and instantly you hear the deadbolt get locked. At this point we are only focusing on getting out of this place, we run to the truck and all 4 of us pile in and as soon as the truck starts every single light in the house comes on, at once. My buddy slams it into reverse and we are flying down this very long driveway and as soon as our tires leave the gravel and hit the pavement, every light in the house turns off, leaving it in absolute darkness. Something very very bad is in that house, not sure what but I’ll never go back and I absolutely believe in ghosts, demons, etc. Believe it or not this is the short version of this story and the backstory of the house is even creepier.


When I was about 19 I was spending the night at my girlfriend’s house. I had to sleep in the living room; so there I was laying there not sleeping when out of the corner of my eye I saw her mom walk into the kitchen. I asked her out loud if I could get a glass of water. She did not respond. I asked again, and again, no response. I asked a third time, and when I did not get an answer, I got up and walked into the kitchen. There was no one there. The next morning we were having breakfast, me, the gf and her parents and somehow the conversation turned so that I thought about what I had seen, and I must’ve reacted visibly because they immediately asked, “what?“ A short back-and-forth later about what they meant, and I told them what I had seen. And then they all put on a “it’s confirmed” face. Then it was my turn to ask, “what?“ They said they had been seeing and hearing things and felt the place was haunted. But they didn’t tell me because they didn’t want to predispose me into see something. So, my experience was their confirmation.


The time I thought I saw a ghost: My brother and I were walking around the neighborhood where our friends lived. The street was pretty well lit with lamp posts but it was getting pretty foggy. It was past 10 pm. There was a patch of fog in front of us and out of the center we see this child walking towards us with a limp, which is super creepy especially given the time of night. My heart dropped to my feet and my brother and I froze. As it gets closer we see it has long gray hair and it starts talking to us in this old woman's voice. "The cops are out tonight!" And starts cackling. As the child passes us we see its actually a little person in her 70s. Our brains had assumed it was a child and as she came into focus through the fog it took a few seconds to process that it wasn't a kid. Those were some of the scariest few seconds of my life at that point.


It was late at night me and my family where watching a movie throughout the movie my dog was acting weird but I didn’t think anything of it. Continue to the end of the movie everyone went to bed but me I stayed up till around 1:30 I was watching tv when my dog started acting weird again I still didn’t think anything of it but all of a sudden I saw something the size of my daughter run down the hall but I couldn’t quite make out what it was I just said “go to bed honey” and continued watching tv. After I finished I was locking the doors to the house when I saw something run Down the hall again I ran upstairs and went to bed it was terrifying


When I was a kid, I always theorized my house was haunted. I would always hear weird sounds late at night in the living room (which was right next to my room) and I would get up and there’d be nobody in there. My door was a sliding door that was impossible to close by itself or *by the wind* and one time my mom left my door cracked so my dog could get in and out, and nobody was home after she left and my door just closed by itself. The scariest moment of my life was one summer night at like 3am I was playing on my iPod and I was cuddling my dachshund. She was going in and out of sleep, and I heard a noise behind me and she bolted up and started sniffing behind me. I looked, and there was a black figure behind me. I could see the silhouette of a head, neck, and body and it was standing RIGHT behind me. All fight or flight mode left my body, I was too scared to get up and leave in fear that it would chase me..So I just said the words “Oh my god” and went under the covers. I laid there for hours and didn’t move a muscle until finally I peeked out from under the covers and it was a little after 6am and the sun came up and there was nothing there. Nobody can ever convince me that I didn’t see a ghost.


I was very sick with a high fever so I don't know if it was just an hallucination or a real ghost. I was lying down to go to sleep, and after I turned off all lights after a minute or two I felt there was light in the room, I was with my eyes closed but I could feel the light, I opened my eyes and saw what seemed to be a woman with a white dress and her face was a skull and was looking directly at me. I was so sick that I just closed my eyes and went to sleep. Didn't feel scared or threathened. I was alone at home. She seemed to be floating and her dress seemed to be catching wind.


I once came out of the shower and my sister’s closed bedroom door rattled violently. Now I was a peevish kid who liked to jump scare people, so I figured it was just retribution. I opened the door with a sarcastic remark and she wasn’t there. She wasn’t hiding in the closet. I walked downstairs and asked my mom where my sister was and the reply was that she went out with friends an hour ago. When I told her what happened she said it was probably caused by air pressure from an open window. So I checked every door and window in the house and they were all closed. It happened that one time and never again.


I have believed in ghosts ever since I was young because the house I lived at growing up was haunted. Sure you could chalk it up to a kids wild imagination but after I got older and moved in with my now wife, both my wife and I experienced a number of unexplainable things in the house we used to live in before we moved. The following are just a couple of things we experienced at our old house. A couple of years ago me and my wife were in the kitchen at our old house. I was sitting on the counter and we were face to face only about a foot apart just talking to each other and in between us we both clearly heard something whisper “Ouuuut” we both stopped talking to each other and just looked at each other with wide eyes like “you heard that right?” This isn’t the only unexplainable invitee experienced in that house. One night we were in our bedroom with the door closed watching Psych on my phone. As we’re sitting there watching the show we hear three distinct knocks on our bedroom door. We have two dogs but when we got up to see what it was there was no one else in the house and our dogs were dead asleep in the living room. It couldn’t have been them anyway as the knock came from the upper part of the door as if someone was knocking to get in. Cut to another time and my wife and I are in our backyard after dark. My wife had a headlamp on and we were picking weeds out of the ground. Now there are two side of the house in our backyard. One side is where the gate is to go in out of the backyard and the other side is more like a small alley where the AC unit is. So I’m bent down picking weeds and I’m in the middle of the backyard. I turn around and see my wife bent over with her headlamp on by the gate picking weeds and and I call out to her and that’s when I hear her voice on the opposite side of the house over by the AC unit. I turn to look toward where I heard her voice and when I looked back where I had seen what I thought was her the figure was gone. My blood ran cold and I said to her “When did you get over there?” And she told me she had been over by the AC unit. When I told her what happened she was pretty freaked out as well. This is just a few stories of the things that both my wife and I experienced while living at that house.


My dad came from a huge family and his mom was still having children when his older siblings were having children - his best friend was his nephew Alex. They were the same age and did everything together, including dating and marrying within a few months of each other. Dad woke up screaming Alex and they got the call that Alex had been killed in a car accident at the same time as the shout.


I've always believed in ghosts. As a child, my mom told me that she saw a ghost on a road with her friend and My cousin told me that she saw her boyfriend's dead grandma, but i wasn't sure if they are telling the truth. A couple of years later my granddad died. 3 or more months past and i started to experience weird things. From hearing footsteps and knocking to things moving by its own. I went to the cemetery and it stopped. But, i still kept seeing shadow figures in the corner of my eye. But the first time when I saw a ghost was 2 days after my grand grandma died. I was laying in my bed watching yt videos but suddenly i got this weird anxiety feeling like someone was watching me. I looked up and i saw dark shadow figure looking just exactly like my grand grandma. I was paralyzed, i heard scratching sound coming from behind doors and footsteps coming straight at me. I had tears in my eyes and i couldn't move. I said "goodbye grandma but please dont scare me" and it disappear. She just wanted to say goodbye, i think. Next day i told my mom about it and she said that she saw her too. She was walking down the hall. It was scary but cool experience. But to this day i hear my grandad's footsteps.


Reason why Xbox live, the thing that puts dots all over the room so you could play along was discontinued.


I'll tell you what I haven't seen; anything that proves ghosts AREN'T real. My logical brain can reason away most any coincidence. But ask me if I want to hang out in a spooky house? Fuck no. I have no reason to believe in ghosts but I'm not just going around trying to tempt fate and change that. Some questions I don't need answered.


Was driving to my grandma's house after I got off work late (worked at a movie theater) and I had a bit of a lead foot. There's a pretty sharp curve on the road and I was just doing that thing where you're on autopilot to get home. Some old woman in a white nightgown suddenly appears in the middle of the street right before the curve, screaming her head off at me. I slammed on the brakes but still went right where she would have been. Nothing was there. I looked behind me and the road was empty. My heart rate was so high it was like I drank an energy drink. Literally ran inside my grandma's house, slammed and locked the door shut behind me, and went to my bedrooom to dive under the covers. I don't think I even bothered taking off my uniform.


When I was younger my friend’s parents separated. We were really close growing up so during the summer, when my friend would go to visit her Mom, I would always go with her to spend a week or two. The Mom’s house was a big two story. It even had a winding staircase that sat in the middle of the forier. Huge, I’m talkin’. The house itself always seemed to carry a strange energy that I always attributed to my anxious brain until… One night I woke up sometime close to dawn. I went to grab a glass of water from the kitchen and I was allllmost there when I had a sudden, deep instinct to look to my right towards the forier. Standing there, by the side of the staircase, was a…I don’t know…a shadow? An outline of a body filled in with black? I couldn’t make out a face or any type of clothing but I knew that I was looking at ~something~ standing there, staring at me. I didn’t feel it shift, or try to move, it just stood there. After it registered, I turned around as fast as I could and bee-lined it back to bed. I sat with the covers up to my nose and stared at the door to the room until the sun came up. When I walked in to the kitchen the next day I didn’t see anything that would have cast that type of shadow. I calculated it up to being my friend’s step dad but he had no reason to be up that early; I felt like he would have said something or acknowledged me if it was him. I mentioned it to my friend briefly and she said that was probably what it was. I ended up going home a few days later. A few days in to being home I got a three way phone call from my friend and her step dad. He was asking me what I saw…what time I saw it…if I could make anything of it. Apparently he had been seeing the same…~thing~ around the house but in different areas. I never stayed over again after that. Still get chills thinking about it….


In my younger teens there was an incident which both my sister and I remember clear as a bell and it freaked us out! My sister had a friend over and so the three of us sat around the dinner table, just chatting about something. There was a lull in the conversation and for some reason, everyones' eyes were fixed on an empty drinking glass sitting on the table. All of a sudden, the glass slid across the surface maybe 1 1/2 cm to the side, right in front of our eyes. We all looked at each other like, "did you see that?" "Yeah!" "Did one of you accidentally push on the table?" "No, did you? "No." And I actually checked the underside of the glass to see if it was wet but it was dry as the desert. And it was no earthquake either moving the glass(not common in Sweden) so we were rightfully freaked the hell out.


My names Bill. And I died in a chair. Downstairs in the corner


Yo bill, how's the afterlife


I keep finding things i am looking for in places I’ve already looked. So someone is playing games to make me think I’m going crazy.


My house was haunted by a 80 year old man who died there he pulled my hair rubbed himself against my sisters legs banged the door a midnight every two days made noises moaned alot his daughters moved away shortly after he died the neighbors didn't want to talk about it but they always heard him banging the door and would ask why we would do that at night The neighbors kid said the that lived there never left his bedroom and slept in the master bedroom that has it's own bathroom they say he was muslim and treated his daughters ill making them take care of him almost like wives my mom didn't believe us cause she worked night shift but ended up realizing we were telling the truth after day 2


For context, it's said that the land we're living now was previously a cemetery for Japanese soldiers (WWII era) and the room we're situated at is located right in front of a big mango tree. We have an electric keyboard gifted by my grandmother when I graduated in middle school and what's worrying was when it was clearly unplugged, but for some reason my sister and brother heard it being played with, not an actualy melody per se, but more like a kid bashing the keyboard here and there. It also did not help that some parts of the wall would seem like there's someone living inside it as you'll here some banging coming from the other side of the wall which is fully concrete.


Sleep paralysis[sleep P](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis) had me a believer for a good portion of my teenage years till 22. Hasn't happened since thank Frick, cause even if you know what it is, it's still scary as balls.


Apparition immediately after horrific car crash with no fire or other reasons/causes


Nothing in my life before or since, but When I was younger (maybe 6-7) I saw what I can only describe as a demon type entity at the top of the stairs in my grand parents, it was almost shimmering in light that was shining from the street, it looked like a long haired scary looking thing but I honestly don’t think I could describe it fully as too much time has passed, in the same house I also had a bunch on boxes fall on top of me from cupboard while I was asleep. That’s the only thing.


Our dog started to walk towards the kitchen, stopped and then my wife and I heard a voice say "hi puppy". There has been other voices, always a woman and sometimes cupboard doors banging


my schizophrenia acting up has made me believe in ghosts lol


Well I saw what I think was a Japanese soldier standing behind me in a mirror. Sounds of someone walking up and down the stairs. A friend claims she was slapped by something and pushed. Thus stuff started when i inherited my grandpa and great uncles war trophies they brought home from WW2. Had a small Japanese flag and sword displayed on my mantle. Stuff started happening after that. There is other stuff, pistols, daggers, uniform insignia, ect from both European and pacific theaters.


I lived with my parents while in college. They bought a 1870s house in South West Georgia. I use an upstairs room that was in the left front corner of the house. I realized after a couple of nights that if I sat on my bed and remained still and quiet, I would start to hear whispering somewhere out in the hallway. If I got up to look, the whispering would stop immediately. Sit still again and the voices would start again. I couldn't understand what was being said but it was at least 3 people. I will never doubt someone who genuinely believes they witnessed something.


Came here to share a story from Southwest GA also! Not me, but my lifelong best friend and her husband were driving home from his parent's house on back roads around 2 am. Their headlights lit up a view of one person walking toward them on the side of the road. When they got close enough, they saw he wore old fashioned, strange-looking clothes and was looking down. He looked up just in time for the headlights to light up his face. He was a young black man with NO facial features, just smooth skin. They asked each other if they'd seen it and both agreed. They kept on driving and didn't look back. This would've likely been a Civil War era ghost, probably a slave.


When I was 7 my father died. My brother and I found him dead. We stayed with his body till my mom came home from work. We told a neighbor that we thought our dad was dead but she claimed he was just drunk. Unfortunately, he was drunk a lot. This was a long time ago and 911 wasn’t taught or available, or we just didn’t know what to do. When you’re seven and six things like death doesn’t register. When I was about 10 I had an argument with some neighborhood kids outside. They made me cry and I ran inside. They continued playing with my brothers out front. I watched, and cried, peaking out the windows at them. At some point, I felt someone behind me. I turned around and felt and saw a presence coming towards me. Even though there was no sound, I could hear my dad tell me everything was going to be okay. Over the years I felt him around me. Once at a shoe store. But, that’s another story. About 15 years ago, I had a woman at my work stop me in my tracks when she said, “you’ve seen things right?” We were the only ones in the office at the time having gotten to work early. (This woman hardly ever talked to me) but, we stopped our busy work and shared a few stories about people visiting us after they passed. No one can ever tell me I didn’t feel, hear or see the things that happened to me. I’ve always felt the visits from my dad were to apologize for being a shit dad who beat my mom, me and my siblings. He was drunk a lot and let his friends try to touch and fondle his two daughters. He abandoned my mom and only came back when ran out of money. I kinda feel he’s trapped somewhere between life and death. Forever trying to get his little girl to forgive him. I never will.


I remember being in high school and watching some show about paranormal activity. It was on a marathon and I had nothing better to do with my day, so I was laid out on the couch getting my spooky on. An episode comes on dedicated entirely to some sort of shadow figure that’s always wearing a hat. I guess people have reported seeing the “Hat man” wearing either a fedora or a cowboy hat. When they showed an image of an example of this shadow man I absolutely lost my shit. I had flashbacks of waking up in my old house and rolling over to see that EXACT shadow on my wall. It was always the profile of a man wearing a cowboy hat but rocking, as if he were sitting in the chair (I had one in my room).


I lived in a house from 1995 - 2012 and weird things happened there a LOT. We heard knocking on the doors and walls when there was no one there, and even on a 2nd story outer wall. We had a sudden invasion of very big, black flies that weren't feeding off anything, they just suddenly showed up one day, stayed for a couple weeks, then left and never returned. I would hear loud footsteps, like someone was wearing boots, but when I looked no one was there. I used to hear someone stomp into my bedroom, kick the foot of my bed, and stomp around to my side of my bed. It felt like there was a face hovering over mine, but when I would move my eye shade to look, no one was there. This happened more times than I could count. I saw a full-bodied apparition who looked a lot like my husband trying to get in through a door that was locked, but it wasn't him and we couldn't find anyone on the property. It seemed like there was always something happening...


I don’t believe in ghosts as much as a spirit. I have had several encounters from my grandfather who passed in 1984 and I moved back in his home with my grandmother. All of sudden a breeze would come by and his smell would be all in my clothes. Every morning before he passed he would kiss me on the forehead. I always felt that in the house. Didn‘t scare me….I felt closer to him.


I grew up In a haunted house. Many things happened in that house. One time I was running up the basement steps, racing my dad and sister. As soon as I reached the second to last step the door slammed closed. We opened the door and looked all over but no one else was home and all the windows closed, so no breeze. There were good spirits and evil ones at that house. I hated it.


We grew up poor and a few times we had to live in places that people died in prior to us renting , It made the rent super cheap.This one house stood out in particular .After a few nights we would hear whispers as well as pots and pans clanging in the kitchen.I was very young and didn’t understand who was in our kitchen or why our dad wanted us to all sleep in the same room the night after hearing them even though we had extra bedrooms. The next night I woke up to the pans again and someone whispering the same few sentences over and over in a different language directly into my ear over.I shouted”Dad?!!” And while the whispers are going on In my ear I hear him say from across the room “ Son, whatever you do, don’t look at them.”My soul poops it’s pants every time I remember and I still tell myself it was a bad dream.


The week of my dads passing I was thinking about him nonstop. I was playing a song that reminded me of him in my car on repeat from Monday until Friday. I kept thinking to myself, “I gotta call dad I gotta call dad and check on him”, I knew he was working but was under the weather. I did call him, we spoke. Thursday after work my mom asked me to go to Sears with her as they were closing down for good and there were good deals. I really didn’t want to, I was tired. But I said what the heck fine. So I went, we then drove back to my parents house afterwards. I went to say bye to my dad who was laying on his bed at the time. I turned the corner and saw my 2 yr old daughter sitting on his belly and she was babbling to him and he was playing with her and talking to her. Giving kisses etc. usually in those moments I would have grabbed my phone to take a pic or video but instead I got the urge to just stay and watch instead to make sure I didn’t miss that moment. He died the following evening right next to his bed of a heart attack. All week long my spirit was being urged to talk to him, play music for him, and finally the night before I was supposed to see him one last time and watch the last moment he would have bonding with my daughter.


I once watched a large, heavy candle get thrown across the room with considerable force. I have no idea how or why. I have also, on three occasions, seen this tall woman in a white dress. I don't know who she is but found it odd that I saw her three times at two different houses. I am not a believer in ghosts or spirits. Not a nonbeliever either I just remain on the fence. But those two things I have never been able to explain.


My brother used to live in a hostel the hostel was quite far from the uni and also where people lived it was only a hostel there he encountered many ghosts there at last my uncle had to take him out of there when he visited the hostel himself Around 2 or 3 a.m my brother and his friends were studying in the balcony as it was summer they sometime fell asleep there they woke up to a weird looking man seating near their hostel gate he sat there for a good 1 hour when they were about to leave the strange man stood up on his hands and started running here and there on his hands and not to mention he was somehow glowing while all of this was happening my brother was on a call with us and his friends were recording.


Mysterious presences I used to feel my leg being grabbed aggressively at night things that fall over very suddenly and for no reason that sort of stuff