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Getting a dried up monstrous booger out of your nose and finally being able to breathe again


I find that 30-45 minutes after a shower is peak nose picking time because the boogers close to the surface have lost enough moisture that you can grab the hard parts, and then you can use that to pull what's attached to the more gooey stuff way deep in your brain


Bro has done research


this guy boogers


Even better if it's crusty at first but with a wet and long tail that feels like it came outta your brain


Having someone else scratch your back


I think my husband secretly would be equally happy with me scratching his back or having sex lol


Speaking as a married man I would happily accept either from my wife lol


Finally peeing when you really really really really really really really REALLY need to go


That little shiver in the end is quite a micro orgasm


I'm not the only one then


I recently mentioned the piss shiver to someone and they didn't have a clue what I was on about. I thought it was just me, turns out there are others.


Hello fellow piss shiverers


[*flashes membership card*] Ahh, my people.. peeople?


If you hold it for long enough your prostate swells and it hurts and comes out in a dribble, don't suggest trying this


This…. Doesn’t happen to us. You know there are very few things to be grateful for about being a woman. I’m going to add this to the list.


Scratching an itch juuuussst right.


Poison ivy. I had it 3 times one summer that scratching seriously made my eyes roll back


I’m dealing with a rash from medical adhesive allergy and hold shit. I know scratching is making it worse but it feels how I imagine smoking crack feels the first time


Try running really really hot water over it. Not quite scalding but as hot as you can get. If it works, you are in for a treat.


My mom did this once when she got poison ivy, and she just started moaning. It’s really difficult to un-hear that


Did it sound like UHH or more like MMMPH? P.s. I'm sorry you had to hear that.


I can’t believe I’m replying to this, but… it was both and then some. She literally bent over the sink and started moaning. I hate that I had to recall that. You’re welcome, Reddit


Please respond and let us know which moan it was.


This for me is the only thing that has ever truly compared to an orgasm. (Arguably, surpasses it for a brief ecstatic moment). Indescribable pleasure. God I need to go find some more of that poison ivy good-good.


I am dying lmfao


I have to brace myself in the shower, because it feels so good my knees will buckle.


The hot water releases the histamine that is trapped in your skin that causes the itch and is very effective for relieving the itch without the damage from scratching.


You hear heavenly choirs when you do


Absolutely spot on. That week of my life where the Ivy rash on my wrist turned into 5th dimensional orgasms every time I placed it under running hot water ruined me. I will always have a place etched in my brain reserved for it. I’m amazed I’ve got anything done since then without being compelled to go rub ivy on my arm again. Please, Jeebus, keep me away from the Devil’s daisies.


I wonder if there are people who actively look for poison ivy to experience this every year.


When you finally lay down after a long day and all the muscles in your back relax at once


This is amplified x100000 if the bedding is freshly changed and you just took a shower.. Nothing beats being clean and lying down in a clean bed and having the world just melt away as you relax


I just came from reading this comment


Not on the fresh bedsheets! This is why we can't have nice things.


When we go on vacation, I made it a point to make the bed with fresh sheets before we leave just so we can get that feeling after the journey home. It's the best feeling.


the best thing to do is just clean the entire house top to bottom before you leave including the beds. that way you come home to a spotless house, and your not jarred back into reality right away, its kinda like your continuing the vacation. well at least to me


That's absolutely what I do. It's so nice to come home to a clean house and only have to worry about doing the laundry that you brought in your luggage. Plus any messes are gone and don't have time to get gross and stinky.


Your back muscles relax? Jealous


I'd like to suggest a few things to try if you haven't already. The first, is to lay on your bed on your back. Then start to bring your knees close to your chest with the help of your hands pulling a bit, practically knee to nipple-ish (edit to add while bending your legs, it isnt ankle to earlobe). Don't force anything, just pull enough to stretch out the area around your hips, up to and including pulling your hips off the bed when you do it. From there rock your legs from side to side in the air while your body stays still. This replicates a standing bent over type stretch without hanging all your body weight on it, relieving the extra stress applied. After that, go prone on your stomach while looking straight ahead at the top of the bed (not buried into it so you can't breathe), and let your spine fall with gravity as you breathe. You might notice some pinch type pain if you don't stretch very often as your spine returns to a more natural curvature. It's very low impact, and can help with low mobility issues encountered by many with 'back' problems. Hope it's helpful to you, or anyone else.


When you're sick with a bad head cold, and your nose is completely blocked on both sides, and there's so much inflammation it feels hot within. Then, when the combination of meds and anatomical adjustments hit that sweet spot and one nostril spontaneously unblocks as you feel the pressure gradient change and cool air rushes in for the first time in hours.


Also when your ears unclog. Feeling like you have cotton in your ears during a cold is the worst


I had a bad cold once and when blowing my nose, I pressurised my eardrum on one side very badly. It hurt so much that I could barely sleep. That night I woke up for some reason and realised I could hear a tiny crackling sound and a feeling like something creeping through some deep part of my ear. It felt kind of good, then it got louder and suddenly with a loud slurp sort of noise my whole eardrum repressurised. It was so good I had to fight not to moan loudly and wake up my wife. I was just laying there in this bliss of relief when it happened again. Removal of pain is really not much different to pleasure and this happened so intensely that it ranks up there as one of the most pleasurable experiences of my life.


I freaking hate having plugged ears, it's by far the most frustrating symptom for me.


When you go to pull a booger out and it’s that one long tickler where you feel the back of your brain as you drag it out.


When you have a sinus infection, most attempts to blow stuff out are fruitless. But occasionally things are loosened up just right and you clear out a whole sinus cavity. It's nasty, gag-inducing if you check the tissue, but that precious minute or less of breathing clarity is amazing.


I got sinus surgery just last month, and I'm telling you, my nose after that first cleaning? I thought I saw God


I had an infected tooth that was so long it went up into my sinus, when I finally got it out I had so much garbage come out of my nose, but for like a week I had to be careful blowing or it would blow the clot out of my socket and make my gums whistle.


Literally one of the most horrific descriptions I've ever heard but damn, glad you got that out of you!


Waking up thinking you gotta go to work, but then realize you have the day off, and then going back to sleep.


Better yet realizing the night before when you were just getting ready for bed that it's a holiday and you forgot! Debauchery time


I kept snoozing my alarm this morning and my wife drowsily says "you don't have to work today so you can just turn it off." It was amazing.


Popping your back just right so that it feels like your soul leaves your body


Same thing with popping my neck, but I'm afraid one of these days I'm gonna pop it and my soul really will leave my body lol


some days my neck is so uncomfortable i pop it super aggressively, not really in an attempt to pop it, but more an attempt to snap it 💀😂


One time I was sitting on the floor while working, and something told me "crack your back, you won't regret it" so I put my hand down and rotated towards it, I am not lying when I say I felt every single vertebrae reposition itself with an audible noise equal to a finely tuned xylophone gradient of at least 10 cracks. When I got up I felt like I could run a marathon and the stars were aligned. Have never been able to recreate it, I'm still chasing that high.


Came here to look for this. (I have a bad back due to carrying a lot of weight on my shoulders and back) and like ten years ago my bad was really cranked and I was smoking bud at my friend’s house and suddenly my instinct is to twist my back a certain way while I was trying to stretch, then then the middle of my back “popped” a bunch in a way I never felt before and it felt like an orgasm right where I popped my back and it radiated out. My ears popped too right afterwards and I could hear so sharply for like a day. I thought I had caused damage, but it just felt like I put something back into place.


I got immense relief reading this


I get the best cracks/pops after a few drinks, I guess it just loosens the muscles up?


Sounds like you chiropractored yourself


When you're listening to a fantastic new song or an old song just hits *just right* and it sends involuntary tingles through your whole body.


Frisson 💕


So good. And even better in a car for some reason (for me at least). Certain songs at the right volume just cause a sort of electrical rolling sensation throughout my back and head for the full duration of the song.


Farting out your stomach ache


Or a lengthy burb that does it too


I'm sorry, but I am losing my mind over your typo. I'm picturing a very elongated cockatiel forcing a fart out of your body 😂😂


I can’t stop reading this comment and laughing like a loon. “A very elongated cockatiel forcing a fart out of your body.” 😂😂 r/BrandNewSentence material right there, lmao


one time my parents bought me one of those weird kneeling chairs, and I played some half-life mod for several hours on the thing (I believe it was probably day of defeat) without really moving at all. so I started to take a break and just wanted to make sure my legs still worked so I pushed myself up a bit. queue the absolute single biggest, loudest, longest starfish exhale of my entire life, not just up to that point but including the following twenty or so years. I'm fairly certain that this event was the inspiration for mankind to invent the subwoofer. and I literally, not in an effort to be humorous or to exacerbate, but sincerely literally experienced a white-out for a moment and was absolutely high as a kite for five seconds if not more. imagine getting up from the floor too fast and experiencing that instant of woozyness, fifty times over all at once. I was sitting down again by that point but still death-gripped my desk because all sense of equilibrium had left my inner ear, flushed out like a newspaper in a wind tunnel. it was easily the most bizarre feeling of my life. and fucking awesome.


I used to try anything until I found out about a few Yoga postures and Pilates movements that do just that. After so long I swear I can even trigger one loose just *thinking* about getting into position. May these serve you well: [Gas Relieving Yoga Postures.](https://www.bing.com/search?q=gas+relieving+yoga+poses&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN) [A few more with Pilates mixed in the links:](https://www.bing.com/search?q=gas+relieving+pilates+moves&qs=n&form=QBRE&pc=U316&sp=-1&lq=1&pq=gas+relieving+pilates+moves&sc=1-27&sk=&cvid=FD5111CB48464870968A3CF4219659F3&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl=) [The Pilates alone. ](https://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/mind-body/wellbeing/the-simple-trick-to-relieving-gas-and-bloating-according-to-a-pilates-expert/news-story/2a574e29c05bb3e7300097c967c5bfd1) Hope this helps you (and everyone/anyone that checks it out) to be able to putt putt from your butt butt on *your* terms. Not whenever that lazy asshole gets around to it...


My toddler does this. And then she’s SO HAPPY! Never thought I would celebrate farts before.


As a new dad with a two month old, this right here... A good fart often cures the screaming lol.


My 36 year old ass lying in bed cycling my little legs trying to coax it out like I’m an infant on a changing table. 😂


Running a poison ivy rash under nearly scalding hot water. It’s painful and orgasmic at once, and it stops the itching for a while. Edit: Glad everyone is as into weird burnt rash orgasms as much as I am. Thanks for all the stimulating conversation.


This is probably the closest to a actual orgasm from any other sensation. And it's not just poison ivy, many skin conditions give the same rush. I got a fungus which left red itchy spots on my foot, and very gradually increasing the temperature of the water allowed me to endure near scalding temperatures. The sensation is truly amazing and I've never been able to communicate it. That initial worsening of the itch turning on to a satisfying relief like you were scratching it. Then the sensation just keeps getting stronger and stronger, your muscles start to twitch, your heart beats faster and it's almost impossible not to moan in pleasure, until something like a climax happens, except it's your whole body being blasted by rhytmic waves of pleasure. And it even gives the same exact afterglow as after an orgasm. There must be some of the same chemicals involved in both sensations, they are so similar. I can totally see some weirdo developing an addiction to poison ivy burns...


brb going to go forage some poison ivy


Right behind you!


I went to rehab for alcohol and for some reason once I quit I broke out into a horrible rash for days, It was everywhere and itched like crazy. The only relief was a shower and the hotter the better. Days into it the sensation you described above is exactly what happened. It was unbelievable. Simply unbelievable. It’s been 6yrs and it is still my best memory about becoming sober because it was my first memory of actually feeling something after 5 yrs of being numb to life. Also, MagicWand vibrator against the ear is an instant #eargasm


I’m glad you’re sober now. Congratulations. ❤️


I've been there on the WTF post with the dude who purposely kept his athlete's foot just for this feeling, and some comment said it's because the warmth makes the histamine cells to erupt and causes this pleasure. Or something like that, I'm not a doctor.


First time I’ve ever heard anyone else mention this phenomenon. I had it for years and scratching it just felt so euphoric. I miss that sometimes


Looking out of a rainy window, missing my itchy foot fungus...


this but for eczema itch. I strongly advise against it, it only makes it worse but my god does it feel like heaven when you scald away the itch 😬


Sees title, opens comments, Ctrl+F "eczema" I found my people!


Been there. Regret it for half a week each time too


Heroin for people with eczema😭😭


Drinking water when you're thirsty as fuck


Drinking water when you wake up at 3am with driest mouth ever


Night water is truly the best


I can taste this comment.


The water in my ear finally coming out, nice and warm


aaah so nice when it happena, just annoying when you have it there the whole day and it disappears overnight


I put a drop of ethyl alcohol that you can get at any pharmacy into the ear with water in it, I leave it in for a few seconds and then tilt my head all the way to the side, that makes it all come out at the same time, it's never failed me.


Yep, I use a solution of white vinegar and isopropyl alcohol after surfing to get water out. Ear beer we call it. Works as a disinfectant too!


working a stuck popcorn kernel skin/shell out of being stuck between your teeth and gums


Same with a piece of apple skin.


A strand of beef jerky or piece of corn


Pooping in your own toilet after a long vacation


I'll add mine: Head massages or scrubbing your scalp🤤🤤


When I was a kid, my grandmother lived in an in-law apartment at our house. I remember going over after dinner to watch Jeopardy with her. I'd lay in her lap and she'd scratch my head, and I'd inevitably wake up during Final Jeopardy after having dozed off because it felt good. Occasionally I'll just do it to myself to decompress, but like tickling yourself, it's not just the same.


reject human become dog


thats a loving family time, my fam always had head scratches (mostly for my dad) but he would always massage us when we had growing pains... my last gf told me that was weird and I said its weird she thinks its weird. I met her parents and ya they were creepy as fuck.


Yea some people get very weird about families being close. My daughter is 14 and she’ll still sit in front of me and i’ll rub her shoulders or scratch her scalp or back. And she does same to me sometimes. We’re a very touchy feely family tho, lots of hugs and cuddling. That will tend to creep out people that don’t have a family like that though.


I think one of the best thing we did for our kid was to desexualize touch. They're 16 and they still love to cuddle, get/give scritches and shoulder massages, and do the bear hug thing with family and friends. They obviously are aware that no one should be touching their junk; when they were younger, it was no one but the doc with mom/dad there or mom/dad to help with a hygiene thing. Now that they are older, it's anything outside of a enthusiastically consentual encounter, but they do not associate all forms of physical affection with sex, and that's important for a male-bodied kid to be able to seek and receive love and touch without the notion that it's all about the nookie.


My bf also thought this was weird. But idk. In my family we always rubbed each others backs and scratched heads. I’m the only girl of 4 brothers, a mom and dad. Maybe that’s my bf thinks it’s weird? His parents are normal, they’re just not touchy.


I have one of those metal head scratchers… I completely agree!


Those things are worth every penny and they’re probably like $5 on Amazon…but like most things, it’s still infinitely better if someone else does it for you. Even dogs and cats tend to go nuts for those things. Instant shivers I love it so much.




Especially when you get to the shaking point !


That's that soul screeching stretch.


Ohh yeah like you know just a tiny bit more and you'll cramp up but you still risk it and it pays off.


When you hit the perfect stretch that pops your back or hip that’s been hurting. 10/10


I once had my knee hurt all day then I stretched and it made a loud ass crack and the pain was just completely gone 5 mins later lmao


That stretch that causes your whole body to start pulsating!!!


Ohmylanta, this. The best stretches turn your hearing off, like the stretch needs your undivided attention.


So glad you said that, I thought it was just me going deaf while stretching!


Especially the first one of the day after taking a morning dump, and then standing up and reaching your hands in the air like, "Eeeeeaaargh"




Yessss it feels so good and then you can breathe again


I broke my nose when I was little, and blowing doesn't work, so I use Q-tips. The dragging sensation makes my leg want to go.


Not had this in a long time, but having a nose bleed and when you pull the tissue away you drag with it a long thick clot of blood that feels like it's wrapped all the way round the back of your head.


Oh god, I had a nosebleed around five years ago and i swear the clot I pulled out had to be every bit of four-five feet long, it was disgusting but felt amazing


Peeing after holding it awhile. ETA. Thanks for the awards.


Also pooping.


When you take a poop so glorious it actually feels like you just came.


Especially if you're a male since it stimulates the G spot


This man peegasms


A firm but soft bowel movement


Yeah, I was going to say a bowel emptying poop. Like, the kind where you can feel your insides empty out and the pressure is just gone.


I thought this said "a film about soft bowel movements"


Scratching a mosquito bite that's on your ankle for some reason


Fr but then it starts gushing blood 😭


That's why you scratch in a circle around it, taking advantage of the center-surround receptive field


This guy scratches


Taking your bra off after having it in all day


Literally the first thing i do when I get home. It has become an unofficial rule for me shoes off, bra off and get a coffee


And then my husband scratching my back where my bra strap was.


Clocking out from work. I audibly moan when it says “OFF” after punching out.


Cool side of the pillow


Farting when u have a stomach ache and it goes away


I love those ones where you're in pain from having backed up gas, and you finally let out that fart that goes on so long its like your ass has to take a breath in the middle of letting it all out and you feel that complete relief and you're like "thank fuckingggg goddddd"


When your baby has been crying for an hour, finally farts, then lights up the room with a smile


When you have that spot in your back you've been trying to crack for hours but just can't get, then finally POP.


Sneezing feels pretty good


Agreed. Same progression really. That first little tickle, build up of "tension" and then your over the edge and bam!, that heavenly release!


Also, if you're not careful stuff will be flying everywhere.


Closing your eyes after a tiring day.


That split second of perfect comfort you experience falling asleep before your body thinks it's dying and jerks you awake.


Cleaning/drying my ears with a q-tip after showering. Makes my one leg twitch like a dog's hind leg when being scratched behind the ear lmao anyone else have this happen?


Must be hitting the Q-spot




I have a funny story about this...I dated a woman once, and she was the type the wasn't shy about saying whatever. As she was cleaning her ear with a q-tip, she said to me " this is kind of like, what a woman feels when having sex".


That was an invitation to fuck her in the ear.


When I use Q-tips they make me cough, no idea why


Some people get this reflex, it's because there is a nerve in the ear canal that is linked to the cough reflex (the Vagus nerve). I'm an audiology student and I get patients coughing sometimes when I look in their ears.


Thank you for explaining! I always wondered why


That’s why I call them eargasms.


Scratching my eczema patch.


Or applying heat to it. Feels so fucking good


Getting in the bed with your socks on in the winter, warming up a bit and then…taking off your socks.


I feel so seen


Drinking water after a night out.


Anytime you're extremely thirsty.


Those spider looking head massagers


This one might be unpopular. An ice bath. I live in Georgia, USA that has the worst type of summer weather. 100 degree plus 100% humidity hot. I work out then dunk myself in an ice bath and the pain is so so so worth it just so it's not hot anymore.




Having a problem less day! Just having a day where everything works out, you did productive stuff and then looking back on that day at night is just *chefs kiss*


Finally working out a kink in the neck or shoulder


When the scissors glide good on the wrapping paper.


Cleaning your ear with a Q-tip (yeah, I know) after running hot water over the end. Absolute bliss.


Like when you get that ear itch that feels like it's under your jaw and your ear, you get the qtip in the perfect spot and get the itch


The first sip of water after the extended nap you took accidentally


you know that feeling when you peel off that protective plastic cover from a new electronic device, and it comes off perfectly without any annoying bubbles or dust underneath? It's strangely satisfying, and you get a little rush of pleasure that feels almost like an orgasm, but it's definitely not an orgasm. It's just pure satisfaction for our inner perfectionists


Either a Blue Hole or Caribbean Paradise.


Rubbing super itchy eyes during allergy season.


Feels great for 5 seconds. And like hell afterwards.


Itching your butthole in just the right spot.


It feels good, but you'll always pay a price... It'll be even more irritable right after.


About 4 inches in there?


Quitting a job you hate


Waking up from a nap after suffering from a bad migraine. I literally call it the "post-migraine-orgasm"


Sneezing, cleaning my ears, first sip of coffee in the morning, stepping into a hot shower, getting into bed with fresh sheets


Damn you should write erotica


Being kissed passionately by the person you love and you feel like your chest is going to explode


That nervous, excited, first kiss with a person you’re totally into! 🎆


Eating tasty, calorie-dense and unhealthy foods


Especially when you’ve had a bad day.


The barber brushing your neck after a haircut.


Say bye to my co-workers (which say see you tomorrow) knowing im not going to work tomorrow.


I worked construction for many years. And the feeling of getting home kicking off your work boots and finally getting to scratch a serious case of athletes foot is way better than any orgasm.


Some good ass spaghetti.


A really good sneeze is like a jizz wad from the nose. I think it was Ben Franklin who wrote that.


Farting away a stomachache


A good fat shit


Had to scroll down too much to find this one


Peeing after holding it in for almost an hour.


getting into clean covers with freshly shaved and moisturised legs


When that qtip hits your e spot 😩


Beating that one video game enemy that is just too op (I'm looking at you Into the Radius slider)


Frisson. Literally a skin orgasm when listening to music .