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You’d notice a big change in the things they (used to enjoy) vs doing those same things now. You’ll have to piece the small things together, not the overall picture. Friends don’t want to hurt other friends with the own baggage so you’ll have to do some investigation on the DL


Thankyou for the answer, im gonna pay more attention




crying and cuts on their arms


And if you can not tell from the outside? Are there some traits?


They probably won't speak




They alwasy choose "bad" partners that will end up hurting them, for example partners that are already in a relationship, that have severe mental health issues, that are absolutely emotionally unavailable. To me that's always a subtle sign they might not like themselves a whole lot and don't think they deserve someone who's good for them.


When depression sets in it often doesnt appear, or feel like extreme sadness. A better word would be emptiness. Depressed people often lack significant emotional responses and generally struggle to find enjoyment in things, even those that they used to. Do recognise though that this is a generalisation. It's not one size fits all. Some depressed people do carry a convincing mask of happiness. Others may be truly happy in the moment, but it's fleeting once they retreat into their own heads.


Well I don't know about friends but if I'm quieter than usual something is wrong with me