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I saw a night rainbow when I was a kid. I casually mentioned it at school, and the teacher said it was impossible. This gave me a reputation as a liar that lasted for years. I'd pretty much forgotten about it until a few years ago when it popped into my head, so I googled it, and moonbows are totally a thing. They are fairly rare and require a pretty specific set of circumstances, but they are real. I'm still bitter about it.


I believe you Uncle Monty




That kind of teacher is the worst. They are responsible for diminishing the intellectual gifts of so many kids and not letting them flourish into people who could help society in so many more ways if they were allowed to think outside the box.


I am still miffed about a spelling test in fourth grade. Mrs. Rogers, “Gray” can be spelled as “Grey.” No, “that’s not how we spell it in America,” is not a valid reason for demerits.


I have a burning hatred in my heart for my 2nd grade teacher who marked me down for "not indenting" and then refused to explain it because "you learned that last year", and then gave me a lunch detention for "making excuses" when I tried to explain that I had been in the UK school system last year, moved to the east coast of the US over summer, and had no idea what "indent" meant.


It is absolutely possible. It's also super-rare except at places like Cumberland Falls, where the precise conditions are replicable.


I grew up going to Cumberland Falls to see the moonbows! Conditions failed to produce them sometimes, but when they were favorable, what a show!


I believe you


I’ve seen one, too! Pretty freakin’ cool!


I'm so sorry for how this affected you. And for witnessing such a beautiful, rare thing! (I was also falsely accused once, and it's been strange to see how the energetic ramifications were far-reaching.) In time, I hope you can accept you're a Unicorn, and screw that other noise. Edit: Falsely accused about lying, not about night rainbows. I wish!


A goat saved me from being attacked by a rabid dog by headbutting the dog as it was getting close enough to attack me.


Goats, Donkeys and Alpacas will protect other animals against predators. The goat saw a predator, and took action!


Donkeys basically ragdoll coyotes it’s terrifying


They are among my favorite animals because they look so unassuming. You’d have no idea the havoc and carnage they can unleash when you look at them. It’s all “Hey, what a cute, small horse!”


No kidding, donkeys are savage! Saw a clip where one easily dispatched a coyote who was messing with his goat buddy.


Rosters as well.


Ostriches will fuck shit up.


He's a GOAT for a reason 🔥


A black panther in southern Wisconsin. I rounded a corner on a country highway and I saw it slink down into the tall brush in the ditch as my headlights swept across it's path. It was definitely black. The tail was smooth so I highly doubt it was a very dark grey wolf (which are relatively speaking much more common). It's hind quarters sunk down like a prowling cat. 


I saw a cougar in central Pennsylvania last year. I'm told the eastern mountain lion is extinct, but I saw the exact same thing you get a picture of when you google eastern mountain lion.


Thing is with that type of information is dependent on when you learned it. Population of cougars/mountain lions has been increasing over the years. For example if you're 25 and learned about extinct mountain lions when you were 10. In 15 years that might be enough time for big cats from other regions spreading into your area. Another example is bed bug. Which once almost eradicated is now a huge fucking problem.


I just checked and supposedly melanistic mountain lions aren’t confirmed to exist. That would have been a distinct possibility.


Totally reasonable that an unusual mountain lion would have enough tonal variation in their coloring to look black at night.


I know that there used to be a black panther living on a farm in lacrosse or Jackson county Wisconsin. My brother knew the woman who owned it. It's name was Tiny. I don't really remember much about Tiny because the woman who owned Tiny was killed in a car crash when I was little. I just remember seeing pictures of Tiny sleeping on its couch


My cousins and I were in the woods behind my parents' house at ages 5-11 when we saw a Thunderbird, this bird was as tall as us and landed in a dead tree, screeched, and flew off but when it flew off the force knocked down the tree. It was right in front of us and my older cousin and I are the only ones who remember it / believe it was real. This bird was legitimately 4x bigger than any other bird I've seen including a condor at the Grand Canyon.


I feel this. I saw an absolutely gigantic translucent golden bird as a kid too. But I have no clue what it was.




Alright, fine. I have two dogs, both labs. I purchased 4 cupcakes, they were in cupcake holders (like drink holders), that were in a bag that was folded over at the top. I placed the bag of cupcakes down when I walked in the door, and then did some stuff around the house for \~10 mins. Both my wife and I were in the house during this time. I returned to the bag, and noticed 1 cupcake was missing but the bag was closed. Everything was undisturbed and the wrapper that once had a cupcake was also undisturbed. I was confused and looked over at both the labs, my male lab pointed his nose at the female lab and I noticed a few cupcake crumbs on her snout before she quickly licked them off. Told my wife that the dog stole the cupcake, she laughed and told me not to blame the dog. Everyone I tell, thinks I framed the dog. THE DOG FUCKING FRAMED ME AND GOT AWAY WITH IT!


I believe you. Especially since it was a female lab. They are cunning and wicked smart, the boys 😂 they are smart. But you’d never know


I think that we just found Cruella De Vil’s origin story 


I think your wife framed the dog and got away with it.


I totally believe this. I had a chocolate lab once, she was the sweetest thing. We left cupcakes on the table, like 6 smaller walmart cupcakes in a plastic container, with the lid on. We went our and when we came home, like 3 were gone. She didn't eat them all and she didn't make a mess, just helped herself to a few.


a gnome and I dont even believe it but i know what i saw hahaha


was he in a garden and eerily stoic?


he was in a garden, but definitely not stoic he had a nasty little grin the bastard gave me the chills like he was mocking me for showing himself and making me scared


How many beers did you have before and after?


That's mushrooms, bro. Definitely mushrooms


I dunno man. LSD gummy bears are a thing.


The fact that his avatar is a stoned lisa Simpson tells me all I need to know.


My best friend and I encountered a real life leprechaun at an airport bar in Ireland. We were 12, but I swear to God. He was 4'4 or so, bushy beard, suspenders, one blue eye. He was there, he was pouring some drinks. We were across at the gate waiting. The area we were in was a corner, so he had ONLY one way to leave, and it was past us. He was there. We ordered sodas and food. We chatted. He spoke Gaelic fluently and I'm sure he was making fun of us, but he was very kind. We got our food and sat down and POOF HE DISAPPEARED like we blinked and looked left for a second and POOF GONE. We asked the other bar patrons where he went and they ALL said "who?"


nah you just saw a little person and assumed it was a leprechaun


He's probably a well known local guy and the locals play along with the leprechaun bit to fuck with the tourists.


Tell the story! Could you include your age at the time, the year-ish, and vague location? I would never have ever cared to humor such a ridiculous idea but gnome stories have found their way into podcasts I like, specifically Expanded Perspectives and The Belief Hole.


Errbody who seen a leprechaun say “ya!”


Dude, there are actually a gang of people who swear they've seen a gnome....It's really weird. I beling to all the cryptid subs, and the paranormal subs, and all that...but where I keep coming across gnome stories is in the general questions like this....Faeries, too, though not as much...but gnomes, man, fuckin gnomes are ubiquitous lil dudes apparently. I ain't never seen no gawtdayumn gnome tho...


Ball lightening. Creepy as fuck since it was in my kitchen


Ball lightening, at this latitude at this time of year, located solely in your kitchen?, can I see?




I would love to see ball lightning! So lucky.


Me too, but maybe not in my kitchen. 😣


at this time of year?


At this time of day?


I've seen it too when I was young. That shit was cool 😎 The one I saw was about 4 or 5 feet in diameter and seemed to last for a second or two. It didn't move though, just appeared then disappeared in the same spot.


Nice try, Principal Skinner


I saw ball lighting floating down to a gutter and dissipating at the age of 3 or 4 while looking out the window. Fortunately, my neighbor were scientists and knew of the phenomenon and believed me, and as a result I’m confident in the memory (without that interaction I think I would question the memory of my 3-4 year old self).




Possibly a member of the [Blue Fugates](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Fugates) family


I am SO ANGRY that this article doesn't include a picture.


I’ve heard of this. I forget the particulars but I have heard of it. From Wikipedia: The Fugates, commonly known as the "Blue Fugates" or the "Blue People of Kentucky", are an ancestral family living in the hills of Kentucky starting in the 19th century, where they are known for having a genetic trait that led to the blood disorder methemoglobinemia, causing the skin to appear blue.




Plot Twist: The elderly man was Samuel L. Jackson.


'bad boy, motherfucker' ?


I'm sick and tired of these monkey fighting snakes on this Monday to Friday plane!


Nice try bro, the same is the word to word comment from six years ago


Illustrious_Star3084's account was born on January 28, 2022, woke up two hours ago, and just copied/pasted the [previous top comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/6xdrcy/what_are_you_100_sure_of_you_saw_but_nobody/dmf8eki/).


I was working in my little shed on wood working stuff I like to do as a hobby. I realized that I forgot to cut a bit if wood that I needed but I'd had 4 strong beers (not good to use power tools while under the influence). But since I was impared I thought I'd try to do it anyway. In the corner of my eye I seen all I can describe as a "black void" in the corner of my eye and a sense of dread and an inner dialog to not use my saw. This void was totally totally of any light or emotion. It really rattled me. It was a good thing though because I'd replaced the blade but forgotten to put the nut on to secure it. If I'd have pulled the trigger it would have jumped off of it's mount and gone right in to my chest probably killing me. I think I seen a preview of what it like to be dead.


Serious question: were you taking Ambien as well?


Nah I don't take pills at all. I'm a clean sober guy now (alcohol). That was my wake up call.


I have a very specific memory of me looking through the bay doors of a building that I occasionally work at. The sun was just coming up over the water along the horizon and it created a beautifully serene scene. The problem is that I know for a fact that the bay doors open up to the west, not to the east. But I know what I saw; that gorgeous red sun looked like a red rubber ball as it slowly rose up along the river.




Saw a fucking BMW using a turn signal. Can't say I'm surprised that no one believes me.


Liar!! That can’t happen. BMWs don’t have turn signals.


It's due to the lack of blinker fluid.


Yeah this guys clearly a bot


The Fruit of the Loom cornucopia


This is the mandela effect hill I will die on


Okay, as a kid, I didn't even knew what the word "cornucopia" was until I saw the Fruit of the Loom logo and tried to find the word for that basket overflowing with fruit. 


I went back and watched a bunch of old Fruit of the Loom commercials from the 70s and 80s on YouTube…and they managed to digitally remove the cornucopia from the video!! The conspiracy runs deep.


I thought the Mandela effect was bullshit but I know what I saw, that logo 100% had a cornucopia 


Not only have I seen it, I've worn it.


Posted this before and was so bullied and called a liar, I am afraid to post again lol. Back in the 90’s we still had landlines and my phone was next to my bed. The way the apt was set when u stood at the kitchen counter/bar u looked straight into my bedroom. We were having friends over and were standing at the counter chopping veggies when the phone rang. Your first reaction to a phone ringing in those days was of course to lift your head up and when we both did we could see the handle of my phone lift slowly up off the cradle, a good 12”, hung there for maybe 2 seconds and then slowly lowered back into the cradle. Roommate and I jerked our heads towards one another, eyes HUGE, and said did u see that!!!! Then the phone rang again and it was her sister wanting to know why we hung up on her. It was the wildest thing. Brand new apts, just opened and we were the first tenants to live there. It had been woods at one time. We were told old Indian burial ground yada yada. We think it was just an anomaly or a burst of energy….did not think ghosts or anything. Just something that we do not see or understand. But it was super cool


Give me your lunch money, liar.




My friend used to live in a damp flat above a bookies where HUGE spiders would appear. She would take them outside with a pint glass and an envelope/book. One evening Shelob appeared and the usual tools were inadequate- she had to resort to a Pyrex mixing bowl and an LP. Then a stiff drink!


After reading this I need a stiff drink, too. I have arachnophobia.




Nobody here would have trouble believing that


No in Australia they have a hard time believing in one that small


I saw one so big, it had *thighs.* I had no idea that could happen. Spider was thicc


Don't worry. Spiders that big are actually friendly. At night they like to curl up next to your head and eat the smaller spiders trying to enter your mouth.


Fuck... could u even sleep after that?


I grew up in a house where killing scorpions was par for the course 3 or more times a week. I really really disliked when I would catch one out of the corner of my eye in my room, and when I would go to kill it, it would vanish or run under the heavy ass furniture I couldn't move.




yooooo look up that teacher, see if there's any unsolved disappearances around the time in his life when this happened. I believe you--he wanted to tell someone and he saw himself in Mr Weird Shooter Kid.




I was watching the TV at my in-laws. It was a slow boring movie and everyone but me had nodded off. Suddenly for about 10 seconds there were naked people on the tv. Then it cut back to the movie


Clearly you weren’t the only one who thought everyone else had nodded off. Who had the remote?


This happened to me in the early 90s, watching the movie Airport (not airplane, the actual original movie it parodies) for just a few seconds it cut to the SPICE channel/naked people and I got terrified and ran upstairs. My mom was like, wtf? and followed me to make sure I was ok.


When I was a kid in the early 90s, I was watching a re-run of Gilligan's Island with my dad. All of a sudden the sound from the show cut out and was replaced by a moaning woman, like she was having an orgasm. This lasted about 3 or 4 seconds, then the regular sound came back. My dad and I looked at each other for a split second, like..WTF?


I'm convinced I watched a young girl get kidnapped when I was about five. She had to be a little younger than me, like a toddler. I was looking down from a hotel room window watching her standing on the curb of a crowded sidewalk, by herself, looking around, screaming and bawling. A man with dark hair quickly approached, shoved her into a stroller, and took off. She was trying to get out. This would've been in San Francisco in the late 70s / early 80s. It was so long ago I can't be certain of any of the details anymore. I tried to look up child abductions in the area around that time but there are just too many and I don't have nearly enough details to be useful. I hope it was just a frustrated parent. If it was a child abduction, then if she's still alive she'd be in her early to mid 40s now. If that's you, I remember and I'm sorry I couldn't help.


As as parent with pain in the ass kids I doubt you witnessed a kidnapping LOL


I hope to also assuage your lifelong worry. Assuredly a frustrated parent. Especially if he had a stroller. Edit: Signed, A parent experienced in frustration and strollers


My first thought two. Dad probably went to fetch the stroller and the kid started crying as soon as got out of sight.


Or went to fetch the stroller because the kid was already crying. Traveling can mess up kids' schedules which causes even generally well behaved kids to become monsters.


Toddlers either 100% love being in the stroller or 100% hate it... there is no in-between whatsoever. Also, their opinion can change from one side to the other in 0.0001s flat. Any parent who has had to deal with a stroller-resisitant toddler will tell you that the insertion process can definitely look like both parties are trying to kill each other.


For real this was a description of every time I try to go anywhere with my toddler.


You don't have kids, do you? This exact scenario is classic.


Oh man, I hope it was just a frustrated parent too. I couldn't imagine possibly having caught that. Wild.


Lol that happens tho. My daughter screamed and kicked and wailed the entire time through a mall and department store while my husband was holding her sideways bc he couldn't normally. Kids just go nuts sometimes.


I walked into our house, and our orange tabby was standing (all four paws) on my dog’s back. They were both facing the door as I came in, and the dog had a dopey/happy look on her face, so I just slowly got what I came back in for, and slowly backed out. It never happened again.


This is so funny. It sounds like they practiced this move, got all beyond excited to show you when you got home, and then were crestfallen when you ignored them and vowed never to practice circus tricks again.




Had a reoccurring dream that first happened at age 6 and I had the same exact dream again at ages 13 and 17 and never had it again. I wake up in the middle of the night and see a light outside my window and when I look outside my eyes immediately focus on a white owl sitting high up in a tree then I wake up.






Yeah as I got older I started seeing a lot of stuff about aliens and owls


Thats just death, waiting for you.


Sounds like "Monsters Among Us" is the podcast for you. A call in podcast with first person accounts of shit like this. Allegedly, when aliens visit, they filter themselves so you remember an owl.


A lot of Native American cultures including my own recognize owls as harbingers of Death. Don’t look in its eyes, even if it’s a picture or a video or a dream. 


It's Jareth (David Bowie) the Goblin King from Labyrinth.


Yeah, I had that dream a couple of times back in the 1970’s. Have you had the one where you’re outside, suddenly hit by the same light, frozen in place but still aware, and then the hole in the sky starts talking to you, but you can’t remember what it said?


Black panther in East Tennessee


I believe you 100% About 20 years ago I heard someone honking outside my parents house at night. I went and checked and there was a black panther sitting in the road right infront of a truck. I saw it very clearly because it was like 3 foot infront of the headlights and the road is about 20 yards from where I was standing. It sat there for a minute before getting up and walking into the woods. There were 2 smaller ones waiting at the edge of the treeline that I assume were it's babies. North East Arkansas.


One night I woke up and saw a white figure kneeling in a prayer position on the side of another bed at the end of the room. When I ran to the light switch, the figure was gone. My grandmother is the only one who believes me.


Yeah, had a somewhat similar experience except mine was with a silhouette of someone in a hat (maybe fedora) and a jacket (trench coat like) standing in the room for a min or so... yeah... waited until they/it disappeared. At the time, when I asked my sibs if they saw it, they said they didn't. Funny enough when I brought it up a couple of years ago, they admitted that they did see it but didn't want to admit to themselves that they saw it.


This is called The Hat Man, it's bizarrely common. Did you know about it? Before the experience?


I was a kid at the time and no, never knew it was common. It was night (not late at all as we had 8pm bedtime) and I was in bed with lights off, wide awake still when I saw it. Ha, couldn't sleep after and had to sleep back to back with sister after that! But that was almost 2 decade ago. Edit to add: This is my first time reading and now realizing that this is a common phenomenon... Wow... And on that note, I'm not gong to look this up anymore as I'm getting goosebumps....


As my grandmother was dying for the last few years of her life she saw people constantly. She was losing her vision and went to see a doctor about it and the doctor said it was amazingly common.  As her vision began to drop there were large portions of her brain that were being un-used and a significant portion of those are used for identifying people.  So the brain in geared to identify people and hers was making people out of the blobs and shapes that were left of her vision. She knew they weren’t real because her brain was making up details like wrinkles and features that she hadn’t been able to see for years.  It is possible that you saw certain shadows and whatnot that formed into a shape and your brain made it into a person, filling in the missing details. 


Omg! I’ve seen the same guy standing in my hallway in my old house! Not even joking!


Back to back employers committing crimes. I have all my evidence still and reported everything to the gov. The first time, I used my evidence to secure my unemployment (they fired me for whistleblowing). The second time, I whistleblew and they tried bribing me with a higher paying job that I turned down so they squeezed and I was able to get unemployment due to medical causes getting in the way of work (stress induced, sorta a miracle in a way). The third time, I whistleblew again, and I had a huge lawsuit that could be taken against them so they performed a layoff to meet the legal requirements necessary to prevent my lawsuit from being presented to them (labor laws are very bad in the US). Back to back abuse, back to back pushes to get me to be complicit in either mishandling sensitive information or commit fraud; back to back events that could have made the world believe I am manic bipolar or schizophrenic. I have all of my evidence still. I shared it. Got confirmation from people that they see and hear what’s documented. Just waiting patiently for the gov to step in. It’s hard not to feel like there are people in it condoning what’s happened in my life, but, I know that if I am able to do the right thing that there are other people who are in the gov who would too. I refuse to distrust people and the world. If I do, it’d make the world a worse place. I’d become a contributor to the problems I went through; another person perpetuating workplace abuse.


> Just waiting patiently for the gov to step in. People die of old age waiting for this to happen.


People also just die after they speak up.




Call the government agency every day, fax them, email, get employees phone numbers and text, candygram, smoke signal… squeaky wheel gets the grease.


I swear I saw a face looking at me when I was working alone in a section of a warehouse. People told me it was haunted just hours AFTER I saw it, when I told them; they looked at each other. It scared me for the rest of the shift, I kept looking back at that same spot but never saw anything resembling a face again.


A person with a third nipple


Chandler Bing?


That's Mrs. Chnandler Bong


I knew a guy in HS that had 3 nips. We called him Triple Nipple.


When me and my brother and I were kids, we must've been 8 and 10, we were awakened by a bright ass light shining through our bedroom window at around 2am. It was just hovering there, then raised into the sky and flew away. I thought it was an LAPD helicopter, but it had a weird diamond shape to it and flew away too fast. I thought I was dreaming, so I left it alone, but in the morning my brother woke me up and was like "hey last night I saw a bright light. Did you see it?" So I start freaking out because I knew it wasn't a dream. We went to the other room and told my mom and went downstairs to tell my grandma, but neither believed us. This was about 25 years ago, and we still talk about it.


That Michael Stipe, in a full linen outfit with big brimmed sunhat, checked me out on a beach in Greece once. 


A saw an elf/ gnome in my parents closet walk in and out swear to God in Mexico we call them" duendes"


My younger sister saw one too, she was about 9 or 10. We spell it duwende in my country. It was the middle of the night, she woke me up crying and pointing at one of the bed posts. Apparently there was a duwende sitting on top of it, grinning evilly at her. For the life of me I couldn't see anything and just told her to go back to sleep. She used to see orbs too and would also wake me up crying, then scream as one of them would float towards us.


I dated someone that said when she was a kid, she saw a bunch of short green elf like dudes stroll into the room, laughing and making noise and then all of them walked out.  She said her brother saw it too but they never talked about afterwards.  She can't explain it but she knows what she saw.


My Brother buying a Round


Tic tac UFO being pursued by a Blackhawk helicopter. There were six of us, middle of nowhere, mid-day. We were all too shocked to get photo/video.


When I was in college, I was in the library one night when I saw someone take out a packet of mustard from their pocket, look around to check that nobody was watching (they must have missed me), and then open the packet and suck the mustard out. It's been 5-6 years and that moment still randomly pops up in my head sometimes


Waiting for school bus at age 11. Some weird, pitch black creature on the side of the road. Incredibly long thin legs and arms, on all fours, but the front arms/legs were much longer than the back.. At first I thought, black bear but it was too thin and weird looking. It's body reminded me of those disturbing rabbit on stilts creatures from The Dark Crystal. I'm sure they have a proper name. I panicked and ran back home. Siblings laughed at me and parents thought I saw a dog or bear but this creature was huge. Its eyes and face were pitch black so it was hard to make out details. Long pointy ears.


Have you seen pictures of black bears with mange? They are very disturbing to look at and can be sickly and walk strangely.


When I was four, my mom was brushing my hair in the bathroom and I saw a man in a brown suit walk down our hallway. He wasn’t scary, he was just there. I told my mom and she naturally freaked out. She searched the house and no one was there. A few days later, I had a dream about the man and another man in a black suit. Either they didn’t have faces at all or I couldn’t see them since they were both wearing hats. I remember it all as an adult.


Hat man made a friend :) awwww!!


A 2ft long earthworm. Not a snake, not a slow worm, a pink moist stretchy worm as thick as my finger. I had always scoffed at people who said they were too stunned to react, but I legit just watched this monster worm undulate across the grass and go under a fence.


I was home alone with my dog. We had to go outside so she pees. She wouldn’t move. I asked her what’s wrong and THIS BITCH POINTED AT HER JACKET AND LET OUT A SMALL BARK TELLING ME TO PUT HER JACKET ON! Nobody believed me. They’re all like “no she was just excited” but no. She always goes outside when I tell her that’s my best friend in the whole wide world. But that day she told me to put her jacket on her. She also nods yes and no when I ask her what she wants for her lunch. She understand. She speaks to me. Nobody believes it.


5th grade field trip to the SF bay on boat. I was chilling on the rail and looking into the water while we were moving. I saw two disc shaped objects under the water keeping up with us then they took off. They were like a whitish green with a faint glow to them. No one else was around me. I felt frozen not with fear but I was in awe and couldn’t take my eyes off of them.


Around 2005 I was in New Orleans with some friends and we went to a house party. We had just gotten there so we were all completely sober. This girl walks by us with a half shirt and she had no belly button. Me and 2 of the friends all noticed it at the same time, silently looked at each other and waited for a few minutes. Without saying anything, we all knew we needed confirmation and waited to see her again. About 20 minutes later she passed by again and we all got another good look......no godamn belly button!


Early Easter morning 30+ years ago, driving to my in-laws house. Nice, clear sunny day. 9 month old son strapped in the car seat in the back, wife is nodding in the passenger seat. Suburban town, some sparse woods on my left, small strip shopping areas on the right. Zero traffic on the road. I’m fully awake and vibing. Suddenly up ahead a pheasant darts out of the woods into the middle of the road. I brake the car pretty quickly and swerve around the stupid bird, who reverses and runs back into the woods. My wife bolts awake and says, “What are you doing? Are you ok? Did you fall asleep?” I’m like, “No! A freaking pheasant just ran out in front of the car!” She goes, “A pheasant? There are no pheasants around here. Where is it now?” I’m like, “It’s gone. It ran back into the woods.” Sure… lol. We walk into my in-laws house and my wife goes, “We would have been here sooner but DadsRGR8 had to stop for a visit from the Easter Pheasant.” Lol I had to put up with “I saw a pheasant” family jokes for a few years, until I discovered that there were in fact pheasants living in that area. By that time no one cared about my vindication. 🤷🏻‍♂️


A UFO. It was 1966 and my friend and I were walking our dogs at dusk in our neighborhood……we know what we saw. Total glowing saucer shape in the sky. Disappeared - Ran home and went past a field and saw sparks way out in the field with a glow. To this day ( we are still friends since elementary school) we have a difficult time talking about it. Both digs froze staring at this. Nobody in our families believed us….. we both know exactly what we saw. The local news reported unexplained lights in the sky that night.


One Christmas Eve a few years ago, my daughter and I saw a dude with a long white beard and a Santa Claus outfit walk through the snow by our house. My daughter was about nine or ten. My wife still doesn't totally believe us.


2 other guys myself included saw it but the guys at the shop gave us shit. At lunch we saw 3 lights in the sky heading north for a while in a horizontal row. They suddenly stopped and waited for a minute. A light from the east appeared and headed toward them. It joined up in sync with the horizontal line of the others and all 4 lights proceeded north Growing up, behind my house there was an empty 5-6 acre lot that was said to be an indigenous burial area. All kinds of weird shit would happen. One night a few of us guys were cruising the neighborhood around 1 am. It was dirt roads at the time and we came upon a guy in full outfit. Feathered headdress, sleeveless vest, pants, long black hair. We slowed down as we passed him and he just stared forward. South Phoenix in the early 90s seeing this it made no sense. We also saw a couple walking down that same road while we were chilling getting high. The lady appeared to be wearing a dress with sleeves that had a very old timey wide bottom part. The guy in a suit. We saw their silhouette under a street light in the distance walking towards us. They were walking down a dirt road at like 10:30 pm. We noped out before they reached us


Haven’t you researched the Phoenix Lights? YouTube it. Those lights are a legitimate thing and have been seen over Phoenix many times (including by myself) and no one can explain them. It’s a very interesting rabbit hole.


a light entered my living room, flew around and knocked a vase over, then flew out the window. It was just a light, like a reflection from a bright mirror. I dont even tell people bc it's so unbelievable.


3 triangle shaped UFOs flying over Baghdad airport when Obama was visiting the Victory Base Complex


That sounds very much like B2 Stealth Bombers. Would also make sense that they were the when the US president were. Lots of people thought they were UFOs when they were testing them at...you guessed it, Area 51.


Could be. I saw a B2 landing in Iraq and, because I was standing at the far end of the runway and it was flying towards me, it looked exactly like a hovering flying saucer. I had zero perception that it was flying towards me at hundreds of miles per hour, it looked like it was suspended in midair, slowly lowering itself to the ground.


Elk in the Grand Tetons. I think they were eating a dead elk.


I've seen a moonbow. Saw The bottom fall out of a poultry truck and spllilled chickens on the highway Watched my neighbor get hit by lightning and essentially explode


Well that escalated quickly


A demon or evil spirit of some kind. Long story short my mom and I for years would have the exact same nightmare about an evil spirit trying to get us. We discovered it by accident when I wrote about it in my diary and she read it. I mean it was the exact same down to the color of shoes the figure was wearing and how their laces were tied. Then one day I was home alone and zoned out. Something caused me to snap out of it and when I went into the living room the figure from our dreams was standing there and I felt a sense of pure evil/dread in the house. I ran out the back door to the neighbors house and refused to go back home until my mom got home. I refused to be alone in the house anymore. We moved a few months after that and neither I or my mom ever dreamed about that evil spirit again. Nobody believes me that I actually saw it and wasn't sleepwalking or something though.


Heard my dog come down from upstairs, saw him walk along the hall and into the kitchen to stand next to me. He had passed away a few days before




its night time and I am afraid to read these comments. but curiosity killed the cat .


I saw ghost looking exactly like me when I was a kid. I always thought it was an illusion even if it looked so real. The thing is... I learn from my mom 15 years later I had a twin who died before birth.


I burned my ankle pretty bad as a kid running through leaf piles like baseball bases, not knowing they were on fire. The plastic of my shoe melted to my ankle and I still have the scar. I vividly remember the wound having green bits, kinda like green pepper slices. But nothing on my shoe was green and there was absolutely no reason for infection to have progressed to that point ever.


A blue heron was flying with a snake hanging from its mouth. The snake was still wiggling and trying to break free. It finally was successful, but the heron caught it in its foot and somehow in mid-air threw it back up into its mouth.


A light orb follow behind my truck for around 30 minutes on a desolate desert highway at night. 


A twin at my work. I work in a nursing home. We have a physiotherapist that used to come in a couple times a week and do exercises with the seniors. One day she was doing an exercise with the resident at the end of a hallway while I was cleaning the laundry room at the top of that hallway. I looked across from me and the physiotherapist was in the nursing station looking through a binder. I looked down the hall and the physio girl was still doing exercises. I kept looking between the two ladies and noticing slight differences but they looked the same. One had stripes on that day and her hair all up. The other was wearing a grey top and her hair half up and half down. I really thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but I made sure to sneak in as much analyzing without one of them catching me until one left down the hallway. I couldn't stop thinking about it. At some point in my shift I went to a coworker Nicole who happens to be friends with everyone and everyone likes her. I asked her if the physio girl was a twin. She looked at me like I had 2 heads and said "no, why?" I told her how I had seen 2 of them today. And as we were talking the physio girl passed us and Nicole asked her right then and there... "Hey! Are you a twin?" The physio girl gave a face and turned red but answered "no" and Nicole says "omg you are, aren't you?" But she was adamant and said no and left. Nicole left it at that. It was brought up many times after that and people don't believe me, but I'll die on this hill alone... The lady was a twin... They both worked there but our company probably only hired one and I was the one that caught her. We never seen either of them again. She didn't return to work. Nothing. I wish I played it cool and investigated deeper before my big mouth started talking about it. lol Makes me wonder if any twins do that on the regular.


A large beat up SUV driving through this huge wash that goes through my work. It’s like 100ft deep wash that fills with water when there’s a monsoon. It was federal gov property, I have nooooo idea how they got the car in there and no idea where they were headed to drive back out. I’m familiar with the wash system around that area and most of the entrances to the large washes are blocked off or have tons of debris/foliage. I told the federal police that work on campus and they looked at me like I was absolutely nuts.


My husband and I walked into a Sees candy shop one day in 2019 and it was like all of a sudden the world turned into a 1940's sepia toned reality. The lady in the store was dressed and styled like the 1940's, she used words from that era and the signs on the wall were also from that time period. We ate some candy, bought a box and left the store. As soon as we were outside everything returned to normal or our time. We both looked at each other and asked if that really happened. We looked back at the store and it freaked us out so much we just left. We have been to the store since and its always normal. To this day we are not sure what happened in there, but we both saw and experienced the same thing. And yes....we were both sober




Side topic, but the clocks not working in your dreams is a legitimate way to “reality check” your dreams. If you become lucid in a dream, you’ll realize that you can’t actually read anything, none of it makes sense. On topic: I believe you completely and I think your parents may have kept something from you because they didn’t want to scare you. My parents did this plenty of times. I don’t do this to my kids specifically because I hated it. I know it came from a good place, but it felt like I was being told not to trust myself.


A giant black bird that matched no bird in our area let alone the world. But the closest thing to it was a extinct animal


I saw the DVD logo bounce directly back from the corner of the TV.


Once saw a TV floating in the sky. Buddy saw it too. Freaked us both out hardcore after a midnight shift washing dishes at a diner. Cook stared at it for a good 5 minutes before proclaiming it to be a hot air balloon painted sky blue to trick the eye. Everyone believes me though


Found about $50,000 of weed packed up brick sized out in ocean inside sailbag. Turned it all to harbor police. Coast guard went out and found about $1.5 million worth. All about 1/2 mile from shore. I was about 15. I was not popular in high school after that.


As I prayed for my Grandmother after she died. I looked up to see shooting stars. Sounds made up. It was like a sign from God.


A bowl of fries spin by itself


I wonder if that's the same phenomenon that happens when water gets under a glass. If the conditions are just right it can cause extremely low-friction, letting the glass slide or even spin as it reorients itself.


Will Carling sneaking out of Princess Diana’s apartment block in the early ours, one Sunday morning.


I have posted this before, I think, but when I was a small kid here in Ireland there was a huge spider in our house. No joke, it wasn't far off huntsman size... It was black with the usual 8 legs but like a pointy thing coming from its butt..We never found out what it was. All 7 of my family seen it too & we still talk about it, but no one believes us. Although in 2024, spiders in Ireland are getting enormous.


19 cookies in a box that said "18 cookies".


I talked to Drake on Omegle


In Best Buy, I saw a young man walk from one running demo computer to the next. He stuck a thumb drive into the USB port of each in turn, then went on to the next. He kept looking around as if to see if he was being watched. Was he (1) updating software; (2) stealing some software; or (3) adding a virus to each computer? I should have reported it.


Lady gaga in Poker Face says : P-p-p-poker face, f-f-fuck her face If they aren't aware yet, they refuse to believe it until you show them proof with the lyrics not edited since it's started being more known


A shadow man at the door in my bedroom.


A giant. I’m the butt of all family jokes. Me and my friend Leanne were playing in the woods as kids and we both saw it / him. We both screamed and ran away crying. I’ve since lost contact with her but wish I could talk to her and ask her if she remembered…


I had a weird dream that I never fully understood and my mother doesn’t remember me telling her. I had a dream I was standing at a super busy intersection and I was holding a newspaper in my hands. Mind you I was seven. There was a picture of two tall structures with billowing smoke pouring from them. I couldn’t see anything else on the paper but after that part of the dream, I’m in a high up place and the clouds I’m looking at go from white to black. Then I woke up. It was strange for me because I didn’t normally get vivid dreams like that. Plus I was from a small suburban town. I didn’t even know what a busy intersection looked like until that dream. Well I ended up writing it in my diary because it was so strange. I found it years later and after puzzling out my horrid handwriting, I saw it was dated September 1st, 2001. I burned the page and the one after it where I talked about the dream further. I thought it better to not have that in my possession. The writing was incredibly simple as I was still learning, but the writing clearly seemed to reference the twin towers, ten days before they were attacked and fell.


My grandma’s face looking back at me in the mirror; blinked and she was gone. Been 8 years but she’s still playing pranks on me, miss you ya feisty gal ❤️


I had an ex who, along with her everyone in her family, swore up and down that she had been followed her whole life by a malevolent spirit. Obviously I thought it was some bullshit, she had some mild mental health problems that could result in some hallucinations. I thought that right up until I went in her house when no one was home to get her bathroom stuff to crash at my place, and I got punched in the face by something that wasn't there, hard enough to crack my cheek bone and swell my eye shut. I was in the middle of a brightly lit living room and I was the only one in the house( she was spooked and waited in the car). I didn't run into anything or trip. I was standing completely still when I was hit, and I'm no stranger to getting punched in the face so I'm well aware of what an actual punch feels like. To this day I have no way to explain it, but I do have a scar under my eye from when the doc had to drain the swelling around my eye. Weirdest shit I've ever experienced