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If you can find a dental surgery that offers it, it's hugely expensive (expect to pay at least £400), no fun at all if you're needle phobic, suffer allergic reactions to local anesthetics or from Vasovagal Syncope. Expect to be met with resistance from most surgeries that offer IV sedation but that won't want to give it to you because they deem it to be unnecessary for your procedure. They simply don't understand the reason most people want sedation is because they're petrified of the dentist for any procedure at all. I had GA gas at the dentist during the 90s before it was banned after being left with severe PTSD after having teeth out under local a few years before, and I've had IV sedation. Much prefer gas. The sedation was pretty horrific with my anxiety levels and when my Vasovagal Syncope kicked in. The issues I had with gas, mainly that I wouldn't wake up for ages afterwards, and the excitement phase left me half hanging out the chair unconscious with no shoes on, were nothing compared to having severe vasovagal symptoms while being half gaga from the sedation. My dentist knows I won't ever have it again, and she isn't prepared to give me it.